HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 23, 2007 I City o¢~ Minutes / Meeting Summary Sustainable Pickering Committee October 23, 2007 PI rKERIN Main Committee Room 10:00 am Attendees: Councillor Doug Dickerson (Chair) Councillor Jennifer O'Connell (Vice-Chair) Councillor Bill McLean (attended part of the meeting) Tom Melymuk - Director, Office of Sustainability Gil Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Neil Carroll - Director, Planning & Development Shawna Mutton - Coordinator, Community Sustainability Marla Shim - Executive Assistant, Council (Recording Secretary) Jack McGinnis - Durham Sustain Ability Danielle Milley - Durham Sustain Ability Presenters: Doug Sallourn, Green Municipal Corporation (GMC) Todd Wilcox and Laurie Trewartha, Power Application Group Inc. - Absent: Councillor David Pickles Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome Councillor Dickerson thanked everyone for attending and welcomed Doug Salloum of Green Municipal Corporation (GMC). 2. Carbon Offset Credits Doug Salloum showed a slide presentation on carbon offset Shawna to send credits. Several questions were raised and answered during Doug's PowerPoint to the presentation: all who attended • Large emitters will have to start their reductions by the year meeting. 2010 • These reductions could be achieved through internal energy efficiency investments, the purchase of surplus reductions from other regulated emitters, internal credit purchases, contributions to a Technology 'Fund, or the purchase of offset credits from non-regulated emitters • Municipalities are non-regulated emitters and can create offset credits rf Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) • The role of GMC is to manage the-regulatory tasks related to off-set credits, purchase offset credits and offer technical and financial assistance to municipalities. They are interested in entering into agreements with municipalities (offset credit management agreements and/or purchase agreements) to demonstrate a demand for their services Councillor O'Connell advised that Committee members would need to discuss GMC proposal and decide if this is something that they would like to pursue. Doug Salloum left the meeting at 11:10 am. 3. Community Energy Management Plan Todd Wilcox and Laurie Trewartha of Power of Application Group Inc. joined the meeting. They were in attendance to give an update on the work they are doing for the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), and the Association of Muncipalities of Ontario (AMO): • Met with 130 municipalities in the last six to eight weeks to advise them of energy market changes and to develop an overall energy profile of Ontario's municipalties • The energy market is changing - hourly pricing is coming to Ontario in the Spring of 2008 • Municipalities will have three ways to respond (which may be used in combination): pay for energy on the spot market (this will be the default); purchase energy from AMO (through LAS, the Local Authority Services), and/or buy energy from a wholesaler • They are four basic steps in developing an energy management plan • First step is to get an understanding of the energy consumption at all municipal facilities (detailed analysis of baseline) • Second step is to have a metering strategy that would include the installation of interval meters where appropriate (to take advantage of cheaper off-peak energy prices) • Third step is to establish energy efficiency priorities (e.g. identify where opportunities exist to shift load and avoid peak pricing periods, decide which operations / facilities provide the best opportunities for energy savings through upgrades and new technologies, etc.) • The fourth step is finding the right price mix in purchasing electricity (floating vs. fixed rice Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion` & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) • AMO will be offering an on-line energy management software known as EEM to member municipalities to allow them to benchmark and compare facility performance, measure and verify savings and reduce costs • As a follow-up piece of work, IESO might be interested in working with the City to assist in the development of an energy management plan • It was suggested that Veridian also be involved in any follow-up work • A meeting with Veridian and City staff to discuss should be arranged • Todd and Laurie will discuss this with the IESO and formalize by sending us a letter • The pros and cons of various street lighting technologies were also discussed, including LED and induction lighting • It was also noted that when a street light burns out, most municipalities typically replace the entire cobra head and throw out the old head (it goes to landfill). A better approach would be to remove the head and replace the magnetic ballast with an electronic ballast that would allow the streetlight to be dimmed or made brighter as appropriate. This technology is available today, it comes with a five-year warranty, and could result in a 35% energy savings (a four to six-year payback on investment) • Todd and Laurie left the meeting at 12:10 pm Councillor Dickerson advised that he had to attend a 12:30 pm meeting and asked Councillor O'Connell to Chair the remainder of the meeting. 4. Report to Council • Tom Melymuk advised that he and Shawna are working on a report to Council that will summarize what the Sustainable Pickering journey is to date, and what is planned for 2008 • A key aspect of next year's program will be the development and launching of a "Sustainable. Pickering Challenge" which will engage everyone in the municipality, including community groups, schools and businesses 5. Current Work Program Updates • Danielle advised that they are planning to hold education workshops in the new year. The City will host a screening of Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & 'Conclusion Action Items / Status' Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) the documentary "garbage the revolution starts at home" at City Hall in January • Councillor O'Connell would also like to plan other activities such as showing outdoor movies in the Esplanade Park • Durham Sustain Ability will also be hosting a "GO Solar workshop" early in the new year 6. Other Business It was suggested that the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer and Director, Operations & Emergency Services be encouraged to attend future meetings. 7. Next Meeting Tuesday, January 22, 2008 and the third Tuesday of each month for 2008. Meeting Adjourned: 12:45 pm Copy: Members of Council CAO Directors Division Heads Managers Page 4 CORP0228-2/02