HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 11, 2007 Minutes I Meeting Summary City 00 Sustainable Pickering Committee September 11, 2007 P1TCKET~I T G Main Committee Room 111 V 10:00 am Attendees: Councillor Jennifer O'Connell (Vice-Chair) Councillor David Pickles T. Melymuk - Director, Office of Sustainability E. Buntsma, Director, Operations & Emergency Services N. Carroll - Director, Planning & Development S. Mutton - Coordinator, Community Sustainability Chantal Whitaker, Coordinator, Environmental Awareness Issues M. Shim - Recording Secretary J. McGinnis - Durham Sustain Ability Danielle Milley - Durham Sustain Ability Presenters: Ian Cumming, President and CEO, Intelegacy Corp Marshall Postnikoff, Vice President, Intelegacy Corp Absent: Councillor Doug Dickerson (Chair) Item / Details &<Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome Councillor O'Connell welcomed attendees and gave regrets for Councillor Dickerson (Chair), who was unable to attend today's meeting. 2. Intele ac Corp Ian Cumming of Intelegacy Corp (a company that manufactures organic fish and plant based fertilizers), gave a presentation on becoming a carbon neutral city. With the City of Pickering's existing Sustainable Program and as a resident and business owner in Pickering, he feels that it is a unique opportunity and ideal place to start the initiative of working towards becoming a carbon neutral city. What's in it for Pickering? • become the first zero footprint city in Canada • built on existing sustainability initiatives • demonstrate environmental leadership Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status` Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) • reduce water usage What's in it for Intelegacy Corp? • publicity and public awareness • local community initiative • help meet Canada's Kyoto commitments Questions and discussion ensued following the presentation. • Marshall Postnikoff noted that Intelegacy Corp would be willing to put a working group together to answer questions in more detail It was agreed that Jack • A request was made to have further investigation done will contact Intelegacy with regards to carbon credits, and to find out when Corp to request more they will be recognized by Kyoto or the United Nations information and report • Would also like to know if the product has been back to the committee officially designated as organic 3. Smart Commute • A Smart Commute flyer was distributed to members • Pickering staff met with Regional staff to discuss the program • Would like our assistance/partnership in rolling out a Smart Commute Program in Pickering • Initially looking at preparing an internal online survey to find out if staff are willing to participate in such a program (e.g. encourage bicycling or walking to work) • If there is enough interest after the survey, the Region is willing to facilitate luncheon workshops, etc. Shaw and Chantal • The Region will take the lead and we will assist them will work with the with the program Region on this initiative • Carpool Zone was introduced in 2005 and helps to link commuters that are compatible 4. Measuring Sustainabillity • Jack advised that they are getting ready to move on to the next steps. There is good substance to take to the public - an interesting and exciting time, particularly in benchmarking • , Starting to work on initiatives that were suggested by the public • Working groups are being put together to develop indicators under each of the five objectives: o Health Environment - Chantal Whitaker Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items l Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) o Healthy Society - Sharon Milton o Healthy Economy - Ron Taylor o Responsible Development - Catherine Rose o Responsible Consumption - Vera Felgemacher • Continue to keep things simple to allow the public to grasp the concept • Contact was made with U of T Professor, Virginia McLaren, who may be interested in working with the City 5. Alberta Mission - Update • Tom reported that great information was gained from the Alberta visit Reinforces that we can continue to move forward • Invited by FCM to make a presentation at their Ottawa conference next February • Observed that Alberta has wonderful buildings that are very quiet, with clean air, no glare and are LEED certified • Important to have buildings that are LEED certified, rather than with LEED features 6. Other Business The Committee has Councillor Pickles inquired as to what our current position is agreed that it will regarding the pesticide use By-law. support a regulating esticide By-law 7. Next Meeting Marla will speak with To be determined. the Chair regarding scheduling a series of meetings Meeting Adjourned: 12:20 pm Copy: Members of Council CAO Directors Division Heads Managers Page 3 CORP0228-2/02