HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 20, 2007 City o¢~ Minutes / Meeting Summary Sustainable Pickering Committee March 20, 2007 PICKERING Main Committee Room 2:30 pm Attendees: Councillor Doug Dickerson, Councillor Bonnie Littley Councillor O'Connell left the meeting at 4:00 pm N. Carroll - Director, Planning & Development T. Melymuk - Director, Office of Sustainability D. Bentley -City Clerk S. Mutton - Coordinator, Community Sustainability J. McGinnis - Durham Sustain Ability A. Wheeler - Durham Sustain Ability Absent: Mayor Ryan Councillor David Pickles Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/ Status Ref # (summary of discussion) ; (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Appointment of Committee Chair and Vice-Chair The City Clerk called the meeting to order for the purpose of electing a Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee Moved by Councillor O'Connell That Councillor Dickerson be nominated for the position of Chair of the Sustainable Pickering Committee Councillor Dickerson accepted the nomination and the decision was CARRIED Moved by Councillor Dickerson That Councillor O'Connell be nominated for the position of Vice- Chair of the Sustainable Pickering Committee Councillor O'Connell accepted the nomination and the decision was CARRIED The City Clerk then turned over the meeting to Councillor Dickerson, Chair Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 2. Committee Terms of Reference The Committee was provided with a copy of a document entitled 'Sustainable Pickering - 2007 Work Plan', which was prepared on March 1, 2007 J. McGinnis outlined in detail the background and role of the Committee. Councillor Dickerson provided an overview of the past accomplishments and noted that the City was looking through all three lenses of sustainability. The Director,. Office of Sustainability outlined the work plan and indicated that in 2006 a solid foundation was established, and it was evident that people were now starting to understand the issue of sustainability A detailed discussion ensued with respect to the 2007 work plan. The following comments were noted: • All city staff reports now have the sustainable component within the body of the template • Good to see staff involved through initiatives/objectives for sustainability • Staff.are now calling Shawna and being engaged in the sustainability component • City now has the focus with the five objectives • Key is to want to highlight responsive development • Milton was a test area for Mattamy Homes, and now Mattamy is working on the financial argument/justification for purchasers • Anticipated that Duffin Heights will come on stream before Seaton • Planning & Development is trying to get developers involved with Energuide 80, but reluctant until the land is owned • Indopak is a willing participant at this time • Seaton land matters briefly outlined and they will be encouraged to develop as it relates to sustainability • Would like to see Mattamy Home participation as an active home builder of sustainability • Staff will report back as we develop the Sustainable Pickering day further • Benchmarking and sustainability are major initiatives and should be started at the same time • Benchmarking measurement system questioned, specifically where will the starting point be Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) • Starting point is determined to be the current situation • Huge initiative but don't try to do too much too fast as it will have a large impact • Focus on where we can have goals met first • Like to get involvement from area municipalities • Need to determine where we want to focus with our initiatives and once priorities decided, then the focus on area municipal involvement can be pursued • The word is getting out that the City of Pickering is a leader • Need to come up with serious action in this regard • For Planning & Development staff, the crucial aspect is the environment • The food aspect of sustainability has not been touched or discussed • Core function will be sustainable development • Ability to score on achievement index on LEED principles • Could eventually evolve to have the score into policies within the Official Plan, but need incentives • Pesticide ban as part of Sustainable Pickering day is great • City does have a head start on a number of initiatives, most notably community awareness 3. Other Business The Chief Building Official informed the committee about the new Building Code, which introduces higher energy efficiency Director, Planning & standards in three stages. The first stage comes into effect on Development along April 1, 2007; the second stage in January 2009; and the third with the Chief Building stage in January 2012 Official to action. A recommendation was made that Council encourage the Minister to accelerate implementation of the higher standards by bringing forward the 2012 changes to coincide with the 2009 changes. A few other municipalities in the GTA are considering this approach Councillor Dickerson noted that our letter should be submitted to the Minister at the same time as other municipalities. Meeting Adjourned: 4:30 pm. Next meeting date to be determined. Copy: Mayor Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Department Heads Division Heads Page 3 CORP0228-2/02