HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 28, 2009 I City o~ Minutes/Meeting Summary Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee W i i October 28, 2009 PI rKERING 2:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Doug Dickerson, City Councillor, Ward 2 (Chair) Jennifer O'Connell, City Councillor, Ward 1 (Vice-Chair) David Pickles, City Councillor, Ward 3 Tom Melymuk, Director, Office of Sustainability Neil Carroll, Director, Planning & Development Tony Prevedel, Division Head, Facilities Lynn Winterstein, Manager, Marketing & Business Development Chantal Whitaker, Coordinator, Sustainability Jack McGinnis - Durham Sustain Ability Marla Shim, Executive Assistant, Council (Recording Secretary) Guests: Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. - John Tideman, Manager, Business Development - Kathleen Hunt, Portfolio Manager, Market Development, Special Projects - Manny Sousa, Manager, Community and Government Relations Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Ref # (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as a ro nate 1. Welcome & Introductions Councillor Dickerson welcomed everyone to.the meeting and made introductions. 2. Enbrid e's Solar Thermal Hot Water Program Copies of Enbridge's Solar Thermal Water Heating presentation were circulated to attendees. The objective of the presentation is to provide Committee members with an overview of the program, find out what Pickering is doing from a sustainability standpoint, and explore opportunities to work collaboratively to achieve mutual goals. • A program was launched by NRCan for installing solar panels to help reduce C02 emission • It is supported by Bullfrog Power, and EnerWorks • Their goal is to install 1200 units before the program ends in December 2010 I Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 • Councillor Dickerson expressed concern that there could be a conflict with a similar program that Veridian is currently developing • M. Sousa assured members that they would not be a competitor, but more of a partner • Concern was expressed that the grant program being offered by NRCan will be done before Enbridge's program Committee members starts; therefore, the users will not be able to take will have a future advantage of that financial incentive meeting to discuss • The question was raised as to if those residents who have and decide if they already filed for the follow-up energy audit could still take would like to commit advantage of the rebate to the program. • The solar panels have a 10-year warranty and are expected to last for 25 years T. Melymuk will • Looking to partner with 10-15 municipalities follow-up with • The Town of Markham has committed to installing 500 Enbridge to get more details. units • Would like a commitment of a minimum of 50 units from T. Melymuk will Pickering contact the Town of • Pickering could be the first municipality in Durham to install Markham to get more the units information regarding • Various program structures were briefly discussed their involvement and • Committee members will meet to discuss and decide if satisfaction with the they will submit to Council for approval program. • Enbridge will work with T. Melymuk so that additional details can be obtained Enbridge representatives, Neil Carroll and Tony Prevedel left the meeting at 3:20 pm. 3. Idlin B -law C. Whitaker provided answers to previous questions that were raised at the September 16, 2009 Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee meeting. • Some of the municipalities are removing the temperature exemptions and allowing their by-law officers to use their own discretion • No criticism has been received from the pubic for having the Idling By-law; however, in Kingston, taxi cab companies have asked for some leniency when waiting for rides and until they convert over to their hybrid fleet • Does not apply to drive-thrus, which are difficult to enforce due to vehicles constantly moving. Drive-thrus are being regulated by zoning • Of the 31 municipalities that were looked at, 24 had set fines; however, only 7 issue or are proposing to issue Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Part 2 tickets for idling • Our City Solicitor and Manager, By-law Enforcement Services have commented that they have safety concerns regarding enforcement staff approaching vehicles that are idling. They also expressed concern about the ability for a Part 2 idling ticket to stand up in court • Pickering Town Centre is allowed to issue Part 2 tickets • Discussion ensued with regards to holding a kickoff campaign in the new year, when an amended by-law is approved. It was suggested that staff present to Council and then have the launch the following morning. The C.Whitaker to lead launch should engage students the development of a • Education campaign will include posting anti-idling signs in staff team to draft an various locations and providing a warning period idling by-law • Committee members requested to see a template for amendment and signage/brochures, etc. education campaign. • C. Whitaker will lead a staff team to facilitate the process 4. Measuring Ustaflnability Progress Report Copies of the Indicator Selection progress for the Measuring Sustainability Progress Report were distributed to members. • Propose to measure 21 of the current 32 indicators • Expect to have our first sustainable report score card next year • The idea of inviting the original participants involved in the development of the indicators to attend a special event when the scorecard is complete was discussed 5. Sustainable Pickerin' 2010 Event • It was suggested holding one-day seminars with motivational speakers to try and engage more residents, instead of the annual Sustainable Pickering Day event • Other suggestions were: hold the traditional Sustainable Staff will meet to Pickering Day format, but include speakers; hold additional discuss and decide one-day seminars with various topics and speakers over the on the specifics of course of the year the new event. 6. 2010S oirnsorshi Copies of the Sustainable Pickering Sponsorship Initiative Staff will draft a spreadsheet were distributed to members. contribution package for review. • Members need to decide which of the sponsors they would like to approach for 2010 sponsorship • It was suggested having more than one level of sponsorship Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 • Discussion ensued with regards to the sponsors meeting the City's sustainability criteria 7. Other Business • T. Melymuk advised members that the FCM Sustainable Communities Conference is being held February 10 to12, 2010 in Ottawa, and inquired as to if a Committee member might be interested in attending. The theme this year is on 'green jobs, green economy' • Due to the time, C. Whitaker will send an email to Committee member with regards to the toilet rebate issue that has arisen 8. Next Meeting Tuesday, December 1, 2009. Meeting Adjourned: 5:00 pm. Copy: City Clerk Page 4 CORP0228-2/02.