HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 13, 2011 -JCitq o¢~ Minutes/Meeting Summary Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee _ i CAO Boardroom I KERI Wednesday, April 13, 2011 11:30 am Attendees: Mayor Ryan Doug Dickerson, City Councillor, Ward 2 David Pickles, City Councillor, Ward 3 Peter Rodrigues, Regional Councillor, Ward 3 Tom Melymuk, Director, Office of Sustainability Lynn Winterstein, Manager, Marketing & Business Development Chantal Whitaker, Coordinator, Sustainability Renee Michaud, Executive Assistant, Council Office (Recording Secretary) Item/ Details & Discussion &'Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary ' of discussion) (include deadline as a ro riate 1. Committee Appointments Chair & Vice-Chair T. Mel muk Nomination of Chair & Vice-Chair Mayor Ryan nominated Councillor Dickerson for Chair and Councillor Pickles for Vice-Chair. Both Councillors accepted and since there were no other nominations, the appointments were confirmed. It was noted that the appointments are for the 4 year term of Council, ending in 2014. 2. Sustainable Pickering 2011 Work Program T. Mel muk Tom noted that the report on the Sustainable Pickering 2011 work program was received by Council. Work is progressing extremely well on the draft sustainable placemaking guidelines for Seaton. A second draft should be available shortly, following receipt of the comments from the landowners on the first draft. I, It is intended that the guidelines will be endorsed by Council by the end of this month as required by the Seaton minutes of settlement. A Special Meeting of Council has been'scheduled for this purpose on April 26tH Tom mentioned that, at this point the scorecard is still under development but will be based on the achievement of sustainability "enhancements." There are over 100 enhancements in the guidelines and the current thinking is that these will be categorized as low, moderate or high and that this categorization will be used in developing the scorecard. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Incentives will also be developed to encourage higher levels of sustainability. Councillor Dickerson is pleased with these results as it is something they have wanted to implement for a long time. Tom mentioned that this will be a living document which can be amended as required. The scorecard may need to be updated within 6 months as needed. It was noted that there will be a Public Open House for the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Review SNPR) in the lobby at the Civic Complex on Wednesday, April 20t to provide information and obtain comments on recent work that has been prepared through the SNPR. The 2011 FCM Sustainable Communities Mission is being held from August 7 to 12, 2011 in Quebec. A complete itinerary was circulated. Anyone interested to attend should inform Councillor Dickerson b earl May. 3. Debrief Sustainable Pickering's Earth Hour Celebration L. Winterstein C. Whitaker Chantal reported that the March 26 event at the Pickering Town Centre was received very well. The partnership with PTC helped make it an affordable and well attended event. The event was very engaging and fit our messaging very well. Kid's activities (stamping and bag decorating) were especially popular. The bags were provided by PTC. 271 families signed up and 87 household were added to our Sustainable Pickering email distribution list. I It was noted that all Durham municipalities recorded lower earth hour energy savings this year. Chantal indicated that we did put a lot of effort into marketing and joined with the Region on a postcard mail out. We also uploaded our event to social media sites (Facebook and Flickr) during the day. It was agreed that this is not a costly event and that we should continue to participate but also look at other opportunities and activities which could be coordinated as part of Earth Hour. 4. Update 2011 Contribution Program C.Whitaker Chantal indicated that funds are still coming in and to date, we have received $7,500 and have a verbal commitment from Veridian for an additional $2,500. Our target is $10,000 and we are hopeful for a few more contributions in the next few weeks. Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 . J `5. Other Business C. Whitaker - Special Meeting of the GTA Clean Air Council - May 27th T. Mel muk" Chantal mentioned that this year the City of Oshawa will be hosting the GTA Clean Air Council's Special Meeting (formerly known as Smog Summit) on Friday, May 27, 2011 from 10 am to 4 pm, in Oshawa at the McLaughlin Library and Gallery. This is an opportunity for municipal political leaders from across the Region to discuss priorities in the implementation of clean air and climate change actions. Some Councillors have indicated that they are not available to Chantal requested that attend. Chantal to resend the invitation. She indicated that if Renee resend participants can't stay the whole day that the 2:00 pm invitation. Facilitated Visioning Session would be a priority. Tom mentioned that Brian Kelly of the Region of Durham is moving forward with their Community Action Plan to address Greenhouse Gas Emissions. After discussion by the Durham Region Environmental Coordinators Committee it was decided that all the municipalities are at different stages of planning so while they will share information, they will continue to prepare their own Community Action Plans. Mayor Ryan recommended that the City of Pickering get recognition as being a leader in this group. Pickering should be acknowledged for their accomplishments to date. Councillor Rodrigues is the Region's appointed alternate representative on the Roundtable on Climate Change and will Councillor Rodrigues follow up with them to ensure that the City of Pickering is to follow up and inform recognized. committee. Update on electronic waste collection event - Chantal mentioned that Michelle Pearce indicated that the event went very well. They collected over 4 trailers full of electronic waste. Michelle will be issuing a media release with the statistics in the next few weeks. It was noted that 100% of the waste is recycled in North America. This event will now be held every year in all municipalities in the Durham Region. Ongoing discussions to implement the event on a more regular basis, instead of just one day a year. Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 4bv Mayor Ryan indicated that he secured a commitment from the Commissioner of Works to investigate a test pilot project for the red box program (household hazardous waste) and recommended that the Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee get involved in the development of this program at the local level with Miller Waste. He indicated that initial discussions with Miller Waste have been very positive and they feel that is would be easy enough to implement. 6. Next Meeting All The next Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, May 11th at 11:30 am. Meeting Adjourned: 1 pm Copy: Members of Council City Clerk Page 4 RP0228-2/02