HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 23, 2011 Citq Minutes • Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee August 23, 2011 PI KERING 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor Rodrigues Mike Sawchuck, Vice-Chair Tate Besso Gayle Clow Wickham Jamadar Ellen Mason Sally Sheehan Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Dale Quaife, Chair Candace Julien Lars Svekis Denise Rundle Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items I Status of # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome M. Sawchuck welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2.0 Approval of Minutes Moved by T. Besso Seconded by S. Sheehan That the minutes of the May 24 & July 7, 2011 Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be approved. Carried 3.0 New Business 1) Pickering Airport Issue P. Rodrigues provided an update with respect to the Federally owned lands known as Pickering Lands Site, providing an overview of the recommendations contained in Report PD 20- 11, which were approved by Council on July 11, 2011. He provided a summary as follows; • Transport Canada has issued tenders for demolition of heritage properties Page 1 ti Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status of # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) • proposed timeframe for completion of demolition is March, 2012 • Brougham - even if the proposed airport is built, there should be no need for demolition in this area • conducted a tour of the heritage homes with Ajax Pickering MP Chris Alexander • possibility of the City leasing the buildings, no funds exist for a leasing program in the 2011 budget • needs assessment was done, public was not involved, report has just been released in July • not enough time or viable options • both Hamilton and Oshawa hope to increase their airport capacity • City of Pickering has requested more time for documentation and retrieval of items Discussion period ensued with questions regarding funding and the future of the properties in Brougham. It was also questioned how much information we currently have on these properties and what more could be documented. 2) Relocation of Heritage Homes from Federal Lands P. Rodrigues provided an update with respect to the possibility of relocating homes on the Federal lands. He indicated there had been some interest from the public with respect to assuming the relocation, but felt they had drastically underestimated the costs involved with relocation. He also indicated Brougham should be maintained, but was unsure at this point of any future plans. Discussion ensued with respect to pursuing the option of advertising the properties to the public. 3) Roger's Farm M. Sawchuck provided an update with respect to the site visit which had been conducted to Roger's Farm. S. Sheehan provided feedback stating you could see the character of the building although the general condition was poor. She also stated the out buildings are in worse condition. It was noted that salvage would be more achievable at this point. M. Sawchuck stated the real significance of this building is the cluster of buildings, which is quite unique. Discussion ensued with respect to the ability of the public to Page 2 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status ef!# (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) see the real significance of this property, due to the deteriorating condition. E. Mason questioned the heritage hamlet that exists in Markham and how this was established. M. Sawchuck will M. Sawchuck to action follow up with I. James for further information with respect to this. He will also follow up with respect to the salvage and documentation of these structures. 4) Heritage Pickering Website Profile Discussion ensued with respect to the website profile for Heritage Pickering. M. Sawchuck made note that S. Sheehan has been working on drafting a powerpoint presentation for the creation of pdf files for posting. She has researched other municipalities as well as the Ontario Heritage Properties database and PADA. It was noted that this would be an easily achievable item on the work plan, with no funding requirements. The need for more photos and information for the public was discussed. M. Sawchuck will follow up with I. James for clarification M. Sawchuck to action regarding the City's requirements for website postings. 5) Work Plan Action Items Discussion ensued with respect to the items listed on the 2011 work plan. It was decided to eliminate those items which are the sole responsibility of City staff but which members would assist as required. The remaining items were discussed with the following members offering to participate in items listed as follows; Training - E. Mason Property Designations - T. Besso & W. Jamadar Doors Open Committee - I. James, P. Rodrigues, G. Clow, W. Jamadar, S. Sheehan, E. Mason, M. Sawchuck Website Information - S. Sheehan Heritage Register - G. Clow & M. Sawchuk It was suggested a member of the committee could work in conjunction with the consultant in the preparation of a report on the properties for designation. This could potentially help offset costs as well as provide the member with valuable training experience. M. Sawchuck indicated he would pull some examples of M. Sawchuck to action Page 3 r - Item / Details & Discussion &°Conclusion Action Items / Status of # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Heritage Registers from other municipalities. It was noted that more private sites should be added to the register. Members were asked to review the workplan and be prepared to further discuss the items at the next meeting. 4.0 Other Business 1) Heritage Property Tax Relief Program Update, M. Sawchuck noted that in order to maximize a full tax rebate, approval would be required by both the City of Pickering and the Region of Durham. While it may be possible to move forward with only one level of government approval, the.rebate would be proportioned accordingly. He explained the process involved for property owners of designated homes in order to take advantage of such a Heritage Property Tax Relief Program. 2) Doors Open M. Sawchuck provided an update and overview of the program for the Doors Open event; • brochures are being printed • volunteers still needed • 18 sites on Saturday, October 1 • 2 sites on Sunday, October 2 • if participants visit 3 sites they will be eligible for prizes. This will also enable the committee to compile data on attendance, etc. for future planning • possibly alternate this event with the Town of Ajax in the future 3) Member Resignation It was noted that C. Gonsalves has resigned from the Committee. There will be an ad appearing in the next two editions of the News Advertiser seeking applicants to fill the vacancy. They will be considered for appointment at the September 19 h Council meeting. 5.0 Next Meeting/Adjournment Next Meeting: September 27, 2011 Meeting adjourned at 8:45 m Copy: City Clerk Page 4