HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 24, 2011 I City o~ Minutes Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee i , May 24, 2011 I KERING 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor Rodrigues Dale Quaife, Chair - arrived at 8:1.0 pm. Tate Besso Christine Gonsalves Wickham Jamadar Candace Julien Lars Svekis Denise Rundle Sally Sheehan Isa James, Planner II Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Mike Sawchuck, Vice-Chair Gayle Clow Item ! Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status of # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome D. Rundle volunteered to stand in as Chair and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Introductions were made around the table. 2.0 Approval of Minutes Moved by C. Gonsalves Seconded by S. Sheehan That the minutes of the April 26, 2011 Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee be approved as amended. Carried 3.0 New Business 1. James distributed copies of the Doors Open Ontario 2011 brochures for the members. 1) Rogers Farm 1. James provided an update with respect to Roger's Farm. She informed the Committee that a letter had been sent to the Ministry of Transportation requesting the arrange a tour of the Page 1 , • a Item / Details &'Discussion'-& Conclusion Action Items/ Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) complex. She stated they had arranged a tour for staff to look at the structures. She noted that the site is tremendously valuable in terms of the cluster of buildings. The house has undergone extreme modifications which have contributed to its decline. She also noted there are very few original items left in the house. During the site visit, it was determined that the buildings could not be moved due to the poor condition. At this point, all that can be done is to salvage what they can and do a thorough documentation. She also suggested the possibility of doing a video documentation as well to capture the essence of these structures. She encouraged members to try to get out and see this complex. 1. James noted that a Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report (CHER) had been completed on this property. Discussion ensued with respect to the other properties which were slated for demolition. It was questioned whether the Ministry would be open to considering offering these properties for public purchase. I. James noted she would contact K. Pyke I. James to action from the Museum to see if there was any interest on their part with respect to these properties. She also noted she would contact Winston Wong from the Ministry again with regards to salvaging items. Discussion ensued with respect to concentrating on these remaining properties and to locate the information already compiled through CHER's. I. James will I. James to action contact the Ministry again to look into; • the possibility of advertising the properties for sale to the public salvage possibilities • use of structures as gateway features 4.0 Correspondence 1) Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Nominations for Medal for Good Citizenship & 2011 Senior Achievement Award Program Correspondence was received for information with respect to the above noted nominations. L. Roberts to forward information L. Roberts to action electronically to members. 50 Delegation 1. James introduced John Sabean, Past Chair of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee and local historian. Mr. Sabean provided an overview on researching properties. He provided a number of samples which he indicated are available at the Pickering Public Library. He also distributed handouts of his presentation to the members, noting this package contained most of what will be needed for research purposes. Page 2 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) He indicated the need to do a thorough research with both an architect and historian. He led the Committee through the process on historical research, explaining the basic materials needed as well as the information which should be obtained prior to going to the Registry Office which is located in Whitby. He noted there are maps which can be copied at the Library for the. Committee's use. He noted you can obtain a lot of information from the abstract, noting you should pay special attention to mortgages. He explained the process at the Registry office, how to read columns, stating you may need to work backwards most of the time. He indicated that researching can be difficult at times, as the information may be illegible. Mr. Sabean advised the members that he would be available if anyone would like to go to the Registry office. Mr. Sabean noted that the abstract index is the most reliable document, as the census and assessment rolls are only as accurate as the information provided. Mr. Sabean also noted that the Pickering Township Papers can be very useful, stating they are not available at the Registry office, you must go to the Library. He also noted other useful resources; • Minutes from Town Council • Voters Lists • Local histories. Mr. Sabean informed the Committee that it was most important to document everything as you go. 6.0 Other Business 2011 Work Plan Responsibilities D. Quaife took over the Chair. P. Rodrigues and W. Jamadar provided a brief overview of the Doors Open subcommittee. W. Jamadar informed the members they could become involved by volunteering to help out on the day of the event (October 1, 2011) General discussion ensued with respect to the items on the 2011 workplan. It was noted that Item 8 was added to the workplan at the previous meeting. This was to upgrade the information available on the Heritage Pickering website, which is to be a collaboration with the City of Pickering in order to ensure all policy requirements are met. Further discussion ensued with respect to. the followin ; Page 3 Item / Details & Discussion Conclusion` Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) • pursue the three properties noted on the 2010 workplan for proposed designation and work with consultant- W. W. Jamadar to action Jamadar will look into what has been done to date on these properties (CHER) • begin to look at properties for next year • creation of a facebook page as an online resource for the D. Quaife to action Committee members - D. Quaife to further investigate with City staff - I. James to check on City protocol I. James to action • Whitevale plan - look at the Whitevale Guide to possibly adopt this as opposed to the creation of something new • change items 2, 3, and 4 on the workplan to read "review and comment" as opposed to "investigate and prepare" • prioritize - look at the tax relief program first as this was Council directed • 'photograph properties for the Heritage Register Discussion ensued on whether to meet during the summer months. It was noted that a date for July could be set at the next meeting if required. L. Roberts informed the committee that an ad had been placed in the Community Page of the News Advertiser for 3 consecutive weeks to fill the vacancy on the Committee. Any applications received will be forwarded to Council in June for appointment. 7.0 Next Meeting/Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 pm Next Meetin : June 28, 2011 Copy: City Clerk • Page 4