HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 1, 2011 47 Minutes Ctty o~ Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee March 1, 2011 'ICKERING 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor Rodrigues Gayle Clow Christine Gonsalves. Dale Quaife Denise Rundle Mike Sawchuck Sally Sheehan Lars Svekis M. Wouters, Manager, Development Review & Urban Design Isa James, Planner II L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Terence Arvisais Tate Besso Wickham Jamadar Candace Julien m / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status F1. lef # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 0 Welcome Councillor Rodrigues welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were done for the benefit of the delegations present. 2.0 Delegations 1. James introduced Darlene Proudfoot and Winston Wong, representatives from the Ministry of Transportation. Darlene Proudfoot, Senior Environmental Planner, Ministry of Transportation appeared before the Committee and presented an update with respect to the cultural heritage resource strategy associated with the 407 east extension. I Ms. Proudfoot discussed the commitments to heritage resources and the work done to date. She noted the approvals and conditions could be accessed on their website at www.407eastea.com. She explained the Federal EA process, noting that the Final Comprehensive Study Report is expected to be posted for public review b mid March with a decision Page 1 I~ Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) from the Federal Minister of the Environment this Spring. A question and answer period ensued. Winston Wong appeared before the Committee and discussed the cultural heritage aspects and the criteria for determining cultural heritage value or interest and compliance with the Heritage Act. Discussion ensued with respect to retention and relocation of heritage structures as well as possible reuses for these structures along the 407 corridor; • possible public uses • salvage aspects • gateway features • utilizing artifacts at transit stops Discussion ensued with respect to the possible relocation of the heritage structures, the process involved in the case of a private relocation as well as advertising procedures, who would bear the costs and associated timelines. Mr. Wong also noted that structural issues need to be looked at and long term conservation needs to be included. A question and answer period ensued with discussions regarding the possible relocation of Roger's Farm. It was questioned whether this could be relocated onto the existing remnant of land. Rebecca Sciarra, Archaeological Services Inc., appeared before the Committee and provided an overview and methodology on the detailed heritage reports. She referenced the short list of six properties for relocation identified in the handouts provided. She explained the process involved with the evaluation reports, outlining the process for determining the heritage significance of the properties. A question and answer period ensued. D. Quaife questioned how many properties in Pickering were being affected, and Darlene Proudfoot noted she would follow up and provide information on this. Discussion also ensued with respect to timeframes, how the vacant properties are maintained as well as security and vandalism issues. It was noted there is a very short time frame involved with respect to these properties. The delegates all offered to return and meet again with Committee members. The also noted the Page 2 ti Item / Details &'Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Ministry is open to ideas and will continue to provide information and communicate with the Heritage Pickering Committee. 1. James thanked the delegations and introduced George Duncan, Senior Planner with the Town of Markham. Mr. Duncan provided the Committee members with a slide presentation of numerous barns, sharing his extensive understanding of barn styles and construction practices, noting how they have captured the interest of artists over the years. He explained how they are a large part of our rural landscape and provided an overview on the history of construction, noting the use of local materials as well as the reuse of existing materials . He explained how barns are disappearing as a result of the changes in land use due to development. Mr. Duncan noted that material salvage has become a big industry. He also discussed the change in technology with respect to the farming industry and the future of agriculture. He provided the Committee with information on the feasibility of dismantling barns, the decorative aspects as well as superstitions surrounding these elements. The various styles and structures, as well as roof lines of barns were discussed. He noted that horizontal boards on barns are an indication that they date back prior to 1840, which is of particular interest to note when researching barns and also stated, that earlier barns are better for salvaging. Discussion took place with respect to what could be done with old barns as follows; • keep its original use, best way to preserve its heritage • keeping animals in the barn helps to maintain heat throughout the building, helping to maintain its use • conversion to commercial use i.e. markets, antique shops • commercial uses will not preserve barns long term • storage facility for MTO equipment A question and answer period ensued. I James asked Mr. Duncan whether he could provide any suggestions with respect to the barns on Sideline 26 which is slated for demolition and also with respect to property access. It was suggested a letter be forwarded to the Ontario Realty Corporation to request they refrain from demolition in order to allow the City of Pickering I. James to action ample time to formulate a strategy with respect to preserving the barns which are slated for demolition. Page 3 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) .0 Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair Moved by C. Gonsalves Seconded by G. Clow That Dale Quaife be nominated for the position of Chair of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee. Dale Quaife accepted the nomination and the decision was CARRIED T. Besso had indicated by email his intent to have his name brought forward for the position of Vice-Chair as he would be unable to attend the meeting. The nomination did not receive a seconder. Moved by G. Clow Seconded by L. Svekis That Mike Sawchuck be nominated for the position of Vice- Chair of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee. Mike Sawchuck accepted the nomination and the decision was CARRIED. 3.0 New Business Copies of the 2010 workplan were provided to members for review and discussion at the next meeting. 4.0 Other Business - 1. James informed the members of an upcoming workshop to be held in Markham on Thursday, April 7th. This is an all day workshop and members were requested to notify L. Roberts or 1. James of their intent to participate. 5.0 Next Meeting & Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:32 pm Next Meetin : Tuesday, March 29, 2011 ~opy: City Clerk Page 4