HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 13, 2011 Cty o~ Minutes/Meeting Summary Advisory Committee on Diversity i Thursday, October 13, 2011 PICKERIN 7:00 pm Pickering Civic Complex, Meeting Room #4 Attendees: Kirk Mark, Chair Catherine Reidt, Co-Chair Misha Biswas, President, (YOU)nity, Pine Ridge High School Christy Harper, Pickering Public Library Devinder Panesar, Community Appointee Jacob Yacoumidis, Community Appointee Alysha Singh, Secretary of YOU)nity, Pine Ridge High School Jody Morris, City of Pickering L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Kevin Ashe, Councillor, Ward 1 Margaret Lazarus, Valley Farm Public School Carlisle Miller, Community Appointee Neha Mohan, VP, (YOU)nity, Pine Ridge High School Preet Panesar, Dunbarton High School Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Alma Sandoval, Hispanic Canadian Alliance of Ontario Keith Richards, DRPS Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as a ro riate 1.0 Welcome & Introductions Kirk Mark K. Mark welcomed everyone and introductions were made around the table. 2.0 Review and approval of Agenda K. Mark reviewed the business arising from the previous minutes. J. Morris reported that according to the Census there are 7,300 youth between the ages of 15 and 19 residing in Pickering. D. Panesar stated there may be an interest among youth to attend basketball games. She questioned how this involvement could be encouraged, possibly through tours, youth speakers, etc. Discussion ensued with respect to coming up with creative ways to engage students. It was noted that this could fall under "character development" within the school Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 curriculum. K. Mark noted the importance of informing all local MP, MPPs of any events hosted- by the Committee. J. Morris identified all dignitaries which invitations are extended to for events. Moved by J. Yacoumidis Seconded by D. Panesar That the agenda be approved. Carried Moved by C. Harper Seconded by D. Panesar That the Minutes of the September 8, 2011 meeting of the Advisory Committee on Diversity be approved as amended. Carried. That the Agenda be approved as amended. 3.0 Correspondence 3.1) J. Morris advised that correspondence was received from Mayor Ryan advising that the City of Pickering had declared October 26th, 2011 as "Diwali 3.2) J. Morris advised that an invitation had been received to attend a focus group regarding the expansion of the Pickering Library. This will be held on October 27th from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. D. Panesar noted she would be able to attend from 10:00 am to 11:15 am. 5.0. New Business Jody Morris 5.1) NCORE Conference J. Morris provided an update on the NCORE Conference which is being held May 29th - June 2, 2012. She noted the cost would average $3,500 per student and $3,700 per adult. Information on the conference was passed around. Discussion ensued on the validity of this particular conference as it may be more focused on academic and administrative procedures in the U.S. Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 The possibility of attending conferences and conventions locally J. Yacoumidis to action was discussed and J. Yacoumidis noted he could provide J. Morris with information on upcoming conferences within the Province. C. Harper noted there is also a conference taking place in Vancouver called "On Diversity". The costs for this conference would be less as enrollment fees are lower and the length of time for the conference is shorter. K. Mark noted the importance of having professional learning available to Committee members through forums, conferences and conventions. It was suggested that the Committee seek funds in the budget to allow for these expenses to enable one member of the Committee to attend. He noted some forums taking place more locally which were free to attend; • People vs. Harper at Ryerson - October - 5 - 8 pm • University of Toronto - 252 Bloor Street forum - Aboriginal community - Center for Urban Studies - sometime in early November • Church of the Redeemer - 162 Bloor Street West - October 18 - panel discussion on Safe Streets and Communities Act, Bill C10 Moved by C. Reidt Seconded by C. Harper That Councillor Ashe be requested to seek funding in the amount of $4,000.00 for one member of the Advisory J. Morris to action Committee on Diversity to attend conferences in the 2012 budget. Carried 5.2) 2011 Annual Report and 2012 Workplan The 2011 annual report was discussed and the following comments were noted; Item B) - to be added under Student Contest & Diversity Forum; The Pickering Advisory Committee on Diversity, which has a history of promoting inclusive education through curriculum enhancement initiatives, Add an Item G - noting the next steps Discussion ensued with respect to identifying the members of Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 the Diversity Committee on the annual report. It was noted that the Committee members as well as direction to Council would be listed on the accompanying memo for inclusion in the Council agenda. This would be included in January or March of 2012. Dates will be confirmed at the next meeting. Moved by J. Yacoumidis Seconded by C. Reidt That direction to Council be included in the memo along with the 2011 annual report to Council. Carried 2012 Work plan Discussion ensued on the 2012 work plan and J. Morris advised she would follow up on the status of the community survey at the next meeting. Some suggestions were made as follows; • Heritage Day - to be more informative, have more information available on particular groups involved, such as their origins, what they are representing, etc. C. Reidt noted her interest to become more involved with this. • have displays spread out more next time to allow better flow for residents to stop and chat at the booths • very loud, making it difficult to have discussions • Aboriginal groups require more advance notice to attend Discussion ensued with respect to youth involvement in J. Morris to action programs. It was suggested [YOU]nity could possibly prepare a survey to find out what events, activities or programs the youth in Pickering would like to attend. Discussion ensued on whether to do this survey electronically, as a one page hard copy, or other means of communication. M. Biswas noted she would check into this and bring back ideas to the next meeting. 5.3) Event Updates i Coffee House M. Biswas provided an update on the Coffee House which will be held in the Council Chambers at the Civic Complex November 18 from 6 to 8 pm. J. Morris requested information on what is required for the auditions which will take place on October 25th. She noted she would look into an alternate Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 facility if the Library is not available for this. M. Biswas to action Discussion ensued with respect to the where the funds raised would be going. One suggestion was to sponsor a family at Christmas. March Break Camp M. Biswas provided an update on the March Break Camp. This will be held March 13, 14, 2012 at the Library. J. Morris will J. Morris to action take care of the booking. J. Morris requested clarification on duties required from staff to assist in this even. [YOU]nity will provide her with the details. Discussion ensued on other activities the group would like to become involved with, such as homeless shelters. C. Reidt suggested St. Vincent's Kitchen. D. Pariesar suggested the possibility of using City facilities to provide meals during the J. Morris to action holidays. This could possibly be added to the workplan as a community service project. J. Morris advised there would be liability issues with hosting such events at a City facility. She noted that Ontario Power Generation (OPG) provides dinner at Westshore Community Centre at Thanksgiving time and possibly Diversity could J. Morris to action partner with them on this. Discussion also ensued with request to scholarship support opportunities. 7.0 Next Meetiin Kirk Mark The next meeting will be held on November 10, 2011. Meeting Adjourned: 8:45 pm Copy: City Clerk i Page 5 CORP0228-2/02