HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 35-11 City Report To Executive Committee ANOAant*, I KERI Report Number: CS 35-11 Date: October 11, 2011 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Community Services Subject: Tender for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs - Tender T-13-2011 - File: A-1440 Recommendations: 1. That Report CS 35-11 of the Director, Community Services regarding the Tender for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs be received; 2. That Tender T-13-2011 as submitted by Pencon Construction Canada Corp. for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs in the total tendered amount of $293,636.15 (HST included) and a net cost of $264,428.45 be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $311,038 (HST included), including the tender amount and other associated costs and the total net project cost of $280,099 be approved; 4. That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project as follows: a) that the sum of $120,000, as provided for in the 2011 approved Current Budget for Roads - Maintenance Asphalt & Concrete Repair Program, be funded from property taxes; b) that the sum of $20,000, as provided for in the 2011 approved Capital Budget for Sidewalk - Kingston Road at Brock Road, be funded from property taxes; c) that the sum of $20,796, as provided for in approved 2011 Capital Budget for the Sidewalk - Kingston Road at Glendale, be funded from the Federal Gas Tax Grant; d) that the sum of $22,000, as provided for in the Current Budget for Development Control - Road Maintenance Asphalt & Concrete Works, be funded from other revenues collected from fees and charges required and related to building permits and cash-in-lieu; Tort CS 35-11 October 11, 2011 Subject: Tender for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs Tender T-13-2011 Page 2 e) that the sum of $27,411 for the Transit Bus Pads be funded by a recovery from Durham Region Transit; f) that the sum of $13,610 for Sidewalks - Granite Court at Sandstone Manor be funded by a recovery from Purdue Pharma; g) that the over-expenditures in the amount of $35,552 be funded from the 2011 Capital Contingency account and $20,730 be recovered from other revenue and, if necessary, from contingency; and, 5. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take necessary action to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: As part of the 2011 Current Budget and Capital Budget, various municipal maintenance projects were approved in association with the supply and installation of concrete and asphalt products. Tender T-13-2011 was issued on Wednesday, August 17, 2011 and closed on Wednesday, August 31, 2011 with three (3) bidders responding. The total gross project cost is estimated to be $311,038 and an estimated net cost of $280,099 (net of HST rebate). Financial Implications: 1. Tender Amount T-13-2011 $259,855.00 HST (13%) 33,781.15 Sub-Total 293,636.15 HST Rebate (11.24%) (29,207.70) Total $264,428.45 Report CS 35-11 October 11, 2011 Subject: Tender for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs 19 Tender T-13-2011 Page 3 2. Source of Funds Capital and Current Budgets Location Project Code Source of Funds Budget Required Available Roads Repairs & 2320.2408.0002 Property Taxes $120,000 $151,814 Maintenance - Asphalt & Concrete Repair Program Sidewalks - Kingston Rd 2323.5981.0000 Property Taxes 20,000 23,738 at Brock Rd Sidewalks - Kingston Rd 5323.1101.6250 Federal Gas Tax 20,796 20,796 at Glendale Dr Grant Development Control - 2613.2407.0000 Other Revenue 22,000 42,730 Various Asphalt & (fees and charges) $182,796 $239,078 Concrete Works Third Party Recoverable Durham Transit - 3290.0001 Region of Durham 27,411 27,411 Transit Bus Pads Sidewalks - Granite Court 5325.1103.6181 Purdue Pharma 13,610 13,610 at Sandstone Manor $223,817 $280,099 Additional Funding Asphalt & Concrete Repair Contingency 35,552 Program and Sidewalks - Kingston Road at Brock Road Development Control - Other Revenue or 20,730 Various Asphalt and Contingency Concrete Works $280.099 $2$D.,M Total Report CS 35-11 October 11, 2011 20 Subject: Tender for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs Tender T-13-2011 Page 4 3. Estimated Project Costing Summary T-13-2011 - Tender for Asphalt & Concrete Repairs City of Pickering Portion $233,955 Durham Region Transit Portion - Bus Pads 25,900 259,855 Associated Costs Traffic Signal Loop reinstatement (Major Oaks Road) 5,000 Construction Contingency (4%) 10,400 15,400 Total $275,255 HST (13%) 35,783 Total Gross Project Cost $311,038 HST Rebate (11.24%) (30,939) Total Net Project Cost 12001M Under/(Over) Budget $(56,282) The total estimated net project cost has exceeded the approved budget by $56,282, out of which $31,814 relates to Roads - Asphalt & Concrete Repair Program, $3,738 to Sidewalks - Kingston Road at Brock Road, and $20,730 to Development Control - Various Asphalt and Concrete Works. The provision for Roads maintenance projects represents the annual contracted asphalt and concrete repairs on City roads and sidewalks. This year, a larger quantity of curb and sidewalk repairs were identified to be completed than in prior years due to a backlog in general repairs. These two factors contributed to the increased funds required for the maintenance projects. The over expenditures of $35,552 will be funded from the City's Contingency Account. The $20,730 from Development Control - Various Asphalt & Concrete Works is 100% recoverable from revenues collected from services required and related to building permits and cash in lieu. Report CS 35-11 October 11, 2011 Subject: Tender for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs - , Tender T-13-2011 Page 5 Sustainability Implications: This project will allow for the provision of new sidewalk construction along major arterial routes, thus improving pedestrian mobility. A regional request for the installation of concrete transit bus pads will further promote the use of public transit. The roadway and sidewalk improvements will eliminate trip hazards and unsafe walking conditions, encouraging the use of City streets and sidewalks. Background: Annual maintenance programs requiring the supply of materials and labour for the repair of roads, curbs and sidewalks are included in the tender for asphalt and concrete repairs. Similar to last year's program, additional concrete and asphalt projects were incorporated in an effort to retain cost efficiencies. Additions include capital sidewalk installation projects: Kingston Road at Brock Road; Kingston Road at Glendale Drive, Granite Court at Sandstone Manor; and, Durham Transit bus pads at various locations throughout Pickering. This tender also includes two components that will be fully recoverable from Third Parties. These two components are: Sidewalks - Granite Court at Sandstone Manor and Durham Transit Bus Pads, each will be recoverable from Purdue Pharma and Durham Region Transit respectively. As previously indicated, the roads maintenance portion of the tender exceeds the approved budget. Through their annual sidewalk inspection program, Operations staff have identified the need to remove and replace numerous sidewalk locations as a means of reducing the associated potential liability claims from slip, trip and fall accidents. The additional cost will be funded from the City's Contingency account. Tender No. T-13-2011 was issued on Wednesday, August 17, 2011 and closed on Wednesday, August 31, 2011 with three (3) bidders submitting a bid. The low bid was submitted by Pencon Construction Canada Corp. References provided by Pencon Construction Canada Corp. have been checked and are deemed acceptable by the Manager, Municipal Operations & Fleet Services. The Health & Safety Policy, current WSIB Council Amendment to Draft #7 (CAD-7), Certificate of Clearance issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board, proof of compliance with Confined Space Entry Regulations, copies of certified training and procedures, list of employees trained in confined space entry procedures as submitted by Pencon'Construction Canada Corp. have been reviewed by the Coordinator, Health & Safety and deemed acceptable. The Certificate of Insurance has been reviewed by the Manager, Taxation and is deemed acceptable. In conjunction with staff's review of the contractor's previous work experience, check of references submitted and the bonding available on this project, the tender is deemed acceptable. t Report CS 35-11 October 11, 2011 i1 Subject: Tender for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs Tender T-13-2011 Page 6 Upon careful examination of all tenders and relevant documents received, the Community Services Department, the Planning & Development Department and Durham Region Transit recommends the acceptance of the low bid submitted by Pencon Construction Canada Corp. for Tender No. T-13-2011 in the amount of $293,636.15 (HST included) and that the total net project cost of $280,099 be approved. Attachments: 1. Supply & Services Memorandum dated Aug 31, 2011 2. Email dated September 13, 2011 from Durham Region Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: r e rant SAIM Evere ntsma Manager, Municipal Operations Director, Community Services & Fleet S rvices Vera A. Felg acher Gillis A. Paterson CSCMP, CP O, CPPB, C.P.M., CMM III Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Manager, Supply & Services & Lz-%A~ Caryn Kong Senior Financial Analyst Capital and Debt Management M P/nw Co : Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Cit Council Z 7, 2-0 x'" Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Attachment# To Report# 1 "I Hof _ PICKERING Memo 1811 BICENTENNIAL 2011 To: Everett Buntsma August 31, 2011 Director, Community Services From: Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Copy: Manager, Municipal Operations & Fleet Services Coordinator, Roads & Infrastructure Manager, Development Control Supervisor, Engineering & Capital Works Subject: Tender No. T-13-2011 Tender for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs - File: F-5400-001 Tenders have been received for the above project. An advertisement was placed in the Daily Commercial News and on the City's website inviting companies to download the tendering documents for the above mentioned tender. Three (3) bidders submitted a tender for this project. Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 10.03 (r) provides checking tendered unit prices and extensions unit prices shall govern and extensions will be corrected accordingly, which has been done. Copies of the tenders are attached for your review along with the summary of costs. SUMMARY Harmonized Sales Tax Included Bidder Total Tendered Amount After Calculation Check Pencon Construction Canada $293,636.15 $293,636.15 Corp. - Royalcrest Paving & Contracting $348,203.85 $348,203.85 Ltd. Automatic rejection - Bid not completed in ink. Aloia Bros. Concrete Reference: Purchasing By-law No. 5900-01, Procedure Contractors Ltd. No. PUR 010-001, 10.04, Item 7-(3); Information-to Bidders - Pages 3, 4, and 5, Items 14, 25, and 26. Pursuant to Information to Bidders Item 27, the following will be requested of the low bidder for your review during the evaluation stage of this tender call. Please advise if you would like us to proceed with this task. a) A copy of the Health and Safety Policy to be used on this project; b) A copy of the current Workplace Injury Summary Report issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (in lieu of the Workplace Injury Summary Report document, a copy of the current CAD 7, NEER, or MAP reports may be submitted); c) A copy of the current Clearance Certificate issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board; d) Proof of compliance with amended Confined Space Entry Regulations (September 30, 2006). Copies of certified Training and Procedures to be used on this project; e) A list of employees trained in the confined space entry procedure who will be working on this project; and f) The City's certificate of insurance or approved alternative form completed by the bidder's agent, broker or insurer. Please include the following items in your Report to Council: (a) if items (a) through (e) noted above, are acceptable to the Co-ordinator, Health & Safety; (b) if item (f) - Insurance - is acceptable to the Manager, Finance & Taxation; (c) any past work experience with the Pencon Construrction Canada Corp., including work location; (d) without past work experience, if reference information is acceptable; (e) the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; (f) the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; (g) Treasurer's confirmation of funding; (h) related departmental approvals; and (i) related comments specific to the project. Note: Tenders shall be irrevocable for a period of sixty (60) days after the official date of closing. Please do not disclose any information to enquiries except you can direct them to the City's website for the unofficial bid results as read out at the public .tender opening. Bidders will be advised of the outcome in.due course. If yo require further information, please feel free to contact me or a member of Supply & Serv: es. VAF/jg Attachm is August 31, 2011 Page 2 Tender No. T-13-2011 Tender for Asphalt and Concrete Repairs J f- z w O U ~ C .o •a co • U E U Q am N Q N ~ c0 X 03 CL Q 'off a E `m ~J N o _a C 3' vi CL 0 N\ w EA 69 69 69 69 64 69 O Y m U ~ v w u c 2 C r m U o E ~ V N O C Z OQ M = o Z O w lSf 7 d O C \ O Yw Q co `~m \ 2 O a- cri a0 Q Q Q ~ U cn o O~ 01 d ~ Z 4) "a `t k U~ O H m a a o a ai p 4 0 a co 0 c U a~~i ~ . c L a ? o c ~ m ~ ate- N .C CD E cv) W o ~ w Z O 42 N C `p O 0 m co C C E U U F- m N C Z N z O w ti m ~ ~ c 'fw,n C 0 c a a C6 U ~ m o N m c U F-' O'D (D QJaU w ~ U t r) i From: Pelzowski, Mike Sent: September-22-11.8:54 AM To: Webster, Nancy To Report# Cc: Smith, Grant AttaChmerlt# Subject: FW: Results Tender T-13-2011 f Mike Pelzowski, CET Coordinator, Roads & Infrastructure Maintenance Contracts Operations & Facilities Division Community Services Department City of Pickering WCF ,Tr_-:',-,. A~ -.,Oil T. 905.420.4660 ext. 5227 Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 F. 905.683.8288 TTY. 905.420.1739 Cell: 905.767.6154 mpelzowski(cD-cityofpickering. com www. cityofpickerinq. com From: Tony Francis jmailto:Tony.Francis(odurham.cal Sent: September-13-11 3:59 PM To: Pelzowski, Mike Cc: David Gooding; Felgemacher, Vera; Selsky, Darrell; Smith, Grant; Woolley, Don Subject: Re: Results Tender T-13-20:11 Mike, I left you a voice mail earlier but just to verify again, we have reviewed the documentation and accept the unit price of $140/m2 for the bus stop pad construction. Thanks, Tony Tony Francis Transit Contract Administrator Durham Region Transit Bus: (905) 571-5019 ext. 225 Fax: (905) 571-7390 "Pelzowski, Mike" <mpelzowski@cityofpickering.com> 12/09/20114:11 pm Mr. Toni Francis Transit Contract Administrator Durham Region Transit Commission . 1 .