HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 24-11 Report To ' Planning & Development Committee PICKERING Report Number: PD 24-11 24 Date: September 6, 2011 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Proposed Wireless Cell Tower Installation Turris Sites Inc. on behalf of Wind Mobile 3735 Sideline 16 City of Pickering Recommendation: 1. That Turris Sites Inc. be advised that City Council has no objection to the proposed 40 metre high cell tower installation at 3735 Sideline 16 for Wind Mobile, based on the design and other details submitted with this request. Executive Summary: In March 2011, Turris Sites Inc. submitted a proposal to construct a 40 metre high tri-pole lattice cell tower for Wind Mobile at 3735 Sideline 16. The site currently supports a temporary 15 metre high monopole which did not require prior consultation. The temporary installation currently occupies the same general area where the permanent installation is proposed to be placed. Since the submission of the initial proposal, the applicant has completed the public consultation process, in accordance with Industry Canada's requirements. The applicant has advised that one public comment in objection to the proposed installation was received. The applicant has provided a copy of their response and are requesting that City Council provide a statement of concurrence in support of the installation. City staff are supportive of the proposed installation. There do not appear to be acceptable opportunities to co-locate this installation with an existing tower in the immediate area. In view of the public consultation and Council engagement associated with this proposal, and as the proposed installation is not in a residential area, the processing of this application through this report is not considered contrary to Council's recent resolutions respecting cell towers. It is recommended that the applicant be advised that City Council has no objection to the proposed cell tower at 3735 Sideline 16, based on the design and details submitted with this request. Financial Implications: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. Sustainability Implications: Enhancement to the wireless coverage at this location will improve business and community communication capability. Report PD 24-11 September 6, 2011 Subject: Proposed Wireless Cell Tower Installation Page 2 25 1.0 Background: In March 2011, Turris Sites Inc., on behalf of Wind Mobile, submitted a proposal to the City for a 40 metre high tri-pole lattice cell tower on the Dutchmaster Nurseries property, municipally known as 3735 Sideline 16 east of Brougham (see Location Map - Attachment #1). 1.1 The Proposal The proposed installation is a 40 metre high tri-pole lattice communication tower and related ground cabinet. The tower is proposed to be located in the northern field portion of the property, setback approximately 15 metres from Sideline 16. The base of the proposed tower is approximately 1.8 metres wide. The ground cabinet, which houses the radio equipment, is located at the base of the tower. The tower and ground cabinets will be located in a fenced compound measuring approximately 10.0 metres by 10.0 metres: The applicant has indicated that the antennas will be mounted tight to the tower rather than on the more typical 'pin-wheel' mount which can have arms extending upwards of 3 metres from the tower, in order to minimize visual impact (see Applicant's Submitted Plan - Attachments #2 and #3). Access to the tower and compound will be from an existing driveway on Sideline 16. A photo simulation of the proposed installation has been provided to illustrate the design of the tower and its visual impact on the area (see Applicant's Site Selection and Public Consultation Package - Attachment #4). 1.2 Property Description The lands known as 3735 Sideline 16 are designated Agricultural Area and Open Space System - Natural Areas in the City's Official Plan and zoned `A' - Agricultural Zone in By-law 3037. The Dutchmasters Nurseries property consists of large field areas as well as a number of buildings and greenhouses associated with the nursery. A single detached house also occupies the property. Surrounding uses include lands owned by the federal government to the west across Sideline 16, a number of large (10 acre) lots immediately to the north on Sideline 16, Highway 7 to the south and agricultural uses to the east. The applicant has indicated that the closest residential property, also owned by the landlord, is located on the east of Sideline 16 approximately 110 metres to the north of the proposed tower site. Report PD 24-11 September 6, 201.1 2 object: Proposed Wireless Cell Tower Installation Page 3 6 .2.0 Discussion: 2.1 Required Public Notification has been completed Planning & Development staff are currently in the process of developing a protocol respecting the installation of cell towers for City Council's consideration. In the absence of a City protocol, applicants must follow Industry Canada's requirements as outlined in Client Procedures Circular (CPC) 2-0-03 Issue 4, entitled "Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Antenna Systems". Industry Canada requirements for public consultation require the proponent to consult with the land use authority, and the public within a radius of three times the tower height, measured from the tower base or the outside perimeter of the supporting structure. For structures 30 metres or more in height, proponents are required to place a notice in the local community newspaper circulating in the area. Based on the proposed 40 metre tower height, the proposed installation required notification to four adjoining property owners within a 120 metre radius of the base of the tower. The applicant has indicated that they have provided written notification to the four adjoining property owners and placed a notice of the proposed installation in the April 14, 2011 edition of the News Advertiser (see Applicant's Site Selection and Public Consultation Report - Attachment #4). The applicant confirmed that one public comment was received as a result of the public notification process. The residents of 4360 Sideline 12 submitted a letter in objection to the proposed installation. The concerns raised in the letter were specifically related to the number of cell towers in the area, suggesting that this installation be located on one of the existing towers and that no further installations should be supported. The applicant has provided responses to the residents stating that the existing cell towers were not viable alternatives for their required service area, and that the proposed installation would have capacity to accommodate up to three additional carriers (see Applicant's Site Selection and Public Consultation Report.- Attachment #4). 2.2 Co-location opportunities have been examined The installation and creation of separate, stand alone, radio communication towers and broadcasting facilities is discouraged unless all other co-location options have been explored and are considered unfeasible. The applicant has examined.the existing towers in the immediate area and has advised that the existing towers located at Brock Road and Highway 7 and another at North Road and Highway 407 are both outside of the area that Wind Mobile is endeavouring to service. They also advised that the proposed installation is being designed to accommodate additional carriers. Report PD 24-11 September 6, 2011 Subject: Proposed Wireless Cell Tower Installation Page 4 27 2.3 Council Resolutions In May 2011, City Council passed Resolution 102/11 requesting Industry Canada to cease consideration of communication towers in any residential area of Pickering in order to establish criteria for all matters pertaining to land use for the installation of these towers (see Council Resolution 102/11 - Attachment #5). This resolution was a response to a number of cell tower installations that were erected without municipal and\or public consultation, specifically a proposed tower installation under 15 metres at 1820 Whites Road. The Whites Road proposal precipitated an earlier Council Resolution in April 2011 requesting that Industry Canada reverse approval of the tower and amend its policies to require municipal consultation on all installations, regardless of height (see Council Resolution 87/11 - Attachment #5). Currently, municipal and public notification of towers under 15 metres is not required. The applicant has provided confirmation that this proposed installation has been publicly circulated in accordance with Industry Canada requirements, and the proposal is now before Committee and Council for consideration. In view of the public consultation and Council engagement associated with this proposal, and as the proposed installation is not in a residential area, the processing of this application through this report is not considered contrary to Council's Resolutions. 2.4 Proposed Tower Location is acceptable Staff support the proposed location of this cell tower facility. The proposed tower and equipment compound are located in the rural area away from residential areas. The tower is to be set back approximately 15 metres from Sideline 16, and will be screened to some extent by existing trees along Sideline 16. The location of the tower also avoids the natural features in the southern portion of the property. Staff recommend that City Council approve the recommendation in this repor t as the proposed installation has minimal visual impacts to the area, is not located in proximity to incompatible or sensitive land uses and is located with appropriate setbacks from Sideline 16. Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Applicant's Submitted Plan - Site Layout 3. Applicant's Submitted Plan - Tower Elevation 4. Applicant's Site Selection and Public Consultation Report 5. Council Resolutions Report PD 24-11 September 6, 2011 eject: Proposed Wireless Cell Tower Installation Page 5 Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Tyler Barnett Neil Carro , 45;RPP Senior Planner - Site Planning. Director, Planning & Development Marg Wouters, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design TB:Id Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering vity~ ouncil 23, 20 C Tony Preve .Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTAM.77FI T TO r--°vRT # I'D 2 29 w Z J W N APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF CELL TOWER (40.Om HIGH) cv / w z W / W S BJECT i PR PERTY BR G G TUE., r / BRO( GHW . uwnr / / City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Concession 6 Pt Lot 16, RP 40R-5276 Part 1, 07\ OWNER H. Tillaart DATE Aug. 3, 2011 DRAWN BY JB / • FILE No. Proposed Cell Tower - Sideline 16 - Wind Mobile SCALE 1:10,000 CHECKED BY TB a to ouroo• 2003 MPAC a^d„It.l,u ~I n /JI uii hta RN~rvid. Netoa*ryl n of Not Surv~a^ of PN-RUR 1*7 ATTACHMENT#.P-TO REPORT# PI) a :L- 30 INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED PLAN WIND MOBILE INSTALLATION (3735 SIDELINE 16) 1 D N o 0 = ~ I I V O O No Of L b 0% z y4a N7211'50"E 0.00 w 3° z ~ z z W _ g e i ep O~ ~ ~ Oco e ~ j O 00 t~ OO tDif V) 14.8 N72'71'50"E 10.00 3 e ~ O ~ O ~ Cn ~ cam,, v 0 D m 0 O DO 0 3 °>m ~ZZ0 a iV THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN, AUGUST 4, 2011. ATTACHMENT # 3 TO REPORT # PD ZLI -1~~ INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S 31 SUBMITTED PLAN WIND MOBILE INSTALLATION (3735 SIDELINE 16) fr ' 4 ,f 1 i o g~g 1 1 - . f~ ~F••"9 THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, PLANNING INFORMATION SERVICES DIVISION MAPPING AND DESIGN, AUGUST 4, 2011. ATTACHMENT # TO PUORI # PD 2~= I I.___o 70 Todd Road P. +1905 877 8885 URBID Georgetown, Ontario F.+ 877 8835 3 2 T L7G 4R7 CANADA June 17, 2011 ~`),EIV E JUN 2 z 20111 Tyler Barnett CITY OF,ICKFglll0 Senior Planner PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Planning & Development Department DEPARTMENT City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1 V 6K7 Dear Tyler, Re: Proposed Telecommunication Towers - Public. Consultation 347-351 Finch Ave & 3735 Sixteenth Sideline We are pleased to report that the public consultation for these proposals is now complete. The public consultation for both proposals was conducted concurrently. As required by the City's protocol and the addresses provided, we circulated the attached information packages and cover letters to the addresses provided by the City of Pickering. The distribution of the packages was timed to match the publication of the required notice in the local newspaper. Copies of the packages and newspaper notice are included in Appendix A for your reference. Key Dates: • Mailing date of original package: April 14, 2011 • Combined notice in News Advertiser: April 14, 2011 • End of 30 day period: May 15, 2011 We received the following two inquiries (copies included as Appendix B): Resident Initial Initial Response Final Reply Issue Summary Inquiry Reply Rec'd from Sent to Rec'd Sent to Resident Resident Resident Jocelyn Barber May 6 May 16 None. n/a Existing towers, natural areas, 450 Finch Ave proximity to adjacent home, area develo ment Wendy & Gordon April 15 April 25 May 3 via May 16 Lack of high speed Internet Duncan Email No new towers 4360 Sideline 12 Mrs. Barber lives in near the Finch Ave site and her comments were focused on that proposal. The Duncan's live over 3km from the Finch site and significantly further from the Sixteenth Sideline proposal. Turris Sites Inc, www•turris group.com ATTACHMENT # T TO 3 3 REPORT # PD - 9- vdd Road P; +19058778885 Georgetown, Ontario F•• +1905 877 8835 L7G 4R7 CANADA We have not received any final comments from either party within the 21 day period which ended on June 7, 2011 nor since. As such, we believe this completes the submission requirements for this proposal and look forward to receiving the City's concurrence. Should you require any additional information, please contact me at 416-937-3500 or email at david.hahn@turris-group.com Yours truly, David Hahn Municipal Affairs Consultant Attachment. i i Turris Sites Inc, www. turris group•coin 3 4 ATTACHMENT # ? TO REPOR? # PD-2N-~p_.ToddRoad P: +1905 877 8885 Georgetown, Ontario F• +1 905 877 8835 L7G 4R7 CANADA Appendix A Turris Sites Inc. wwmturris group.com ATTACHMENT #L+ • TO REPORT # PQ---- 1 70 Todd Road P; +19058778885 unnio Georgetown, Ontario A +1 9058778$35, L7G 4R7 CANADA iJ J April 14, 2011 Dear Sir / Madam: Re: Consultation on Proposed Telecommunication Tower 3735 16th Sideline, Brougham The use of wireless services in Canada continues to grow. Long gone are the days of the comparatively simple analog cell phones which have been replaced at an increasingly growing rate with advanced digital smart phones such as the Blackberry and iPhone. Meeting the coverage and capacity demands of consumers of these services is a continual challenge faced by the service providers. To provide effective service, the carriers develop extensive networks comprised of antenna sites located on rooftops, other structures, and as a last resort towers. Turris Sites Inc, representing WIND Mobile, has been working with the City of Pickering in regard to the installation of a multi-tenant tripole tower at 3735 16th Sideline. A key component of the process is to solicit comment from adjacent property owners. We have attached a package to this letter providing details about the site selection process, availability of existing telecommunication infrastructure as well as our proposed installation. Should you have any comments or questions about the proposal, please direct them to me on the comment form contained at the end of the attached information package by May 15, 2011 and we will respond promptly. We appreciate your consideration of this information and thank you for your time. Yours truly, I ! _ f David Hahn, P. Eng, Municipal Affairs Consultant Turris Sites Inc. Turris Sites Inc, www, turris group, com 3 6 ATTACHV''ENT TO REF'URT # PD-1---°-° Public Consultation - Wireless. Telecommunications Tower Site 3735 16th Sideline, Brougham April 2011 Tuuu►s Turris Sites Inc. 70 Todd Road Georgetown, ON L7G 4117 ATTACHMENT # ~ TO REPORT # PD LI-11 Z Table of Contents A. Background Information 3 B. Purpose of this Proposal 4 C. Proposed Site Location 8 D. Proposed Tower 9 E. Regulations I. Health Canada's Safety Code 6 Attestation 13 II. Control of Public Access 13 III. Canadian Environmental Assessment Act 13 IV. Description of Proposed System 13 V. -Transport Canada's Aeronautical Obstruction 14 Marking Requirements VI. Engineering Practices 14 VII. Local Land Use Requirements 14 VIII. Industry Canada's Spectrum Management 15 F. Contact Information 16 G. Public Comment Submission 17 2 3 8 ATTAGHIVENT TO REPORT # PD A. Background Information The use of wireless services in Canada continues to grow. Long gone are the days of the comparatively simple analog cell phone which has been replaced at an increasingly growing rate with advanced digital smart phones such as the Blackberry and iPhone. Meeting the coverage and capacity demands of consumers is a continual challenge faced by the service providers. To provide effective service, the carriers develop extensive networks comprised of antenna sites located on rooftops, other existing structures, and as a last resort towers. In 2008, Industry Canada awarded licenses to three new carriers to address the lack of wireless competition in Canada. As a result of lagging competition, Canada ranks last in wireless penetration amongst 22 developed countries. Canada's penetration rate sits at 65 per cent, well below the United States at 90 per cent and many European and Asian countries-at well over 100 per cent. The lack of competition has also resulted in Canadians paying double what Americans pay per minute and using half as many minutes per month (Merrill Lynch). Globalive received one of the new licenses in 2008 and the company is providing voice, text and data services to Canadians under the brand WIND ("Wind") Mobile on a next-generation wireless network and is committed to offering a level of wireless service presently not available in Canada. This location is part of the second phase of the deployment of the state-of-the-art GSM network in southern Ontario. The.operation and development of telecommunication services and antenna sites in Canada are regulated by the federal government through Industry Canada which encourages the site sharing and the construction of multi-tenant facilities. Turris Sites Inc. is an independent manufacturer and developer of telecommunications infrastructure specifically designed to house several radiocommunications providers at each facility. The facility at 3735 16th Sideline, Brougham will initially service WIND but has also been specially designed with additional capacity to support multiple tenants and possibly more in the future and will be actively marketed to other wireless carriers. These carriers include the 3 ATTACHMENT TO REPOR? # PD---y-I 39 incumbent carriers: Bell, TELUS and Rogers and the new entrants: WIND Mobile, Public Mobile and Mobilicity. Turris' accommodation for all the telecommunication carriers in Canada will ultimately reduce the number of required towers. B. Purpose of this Proposal As part of Wind's expansion of their network in Brougham / Pickering, the need for a site in this area was identified. The preferred location of site is determined by several key factors such as: location of the adjacent sites, topography of the area, coverage requirements for highways and arterial roads, and uses (residential or industrial) in the coverage area. A search for a suitable location is then conducted within this defined area for existing towers or other infrastructure to attach the transmission and reception antennas. As mentioned above, it is always preferable to locate on an existing structure. In this particular case, according to the Industry Canada database, no telecom facilities adjacent to the proposed new tower exist. The closest adjacent site is 1.5 km away which, unfortunately, is too far beyond the engineering requirement for this facility, and as such was discounted as a viable alternative. Figure 1.0 shows the relationship between the proposed site and the adjacent sites utilized by Bell and Rogers. 4 40 Figure 1.0: Existing Infrastructure in the Area kt `I' ,s .r yet t , 3 - 's'ue--. - - ~ 14 The yellow circles represent the approximate location of each site. There are two existing telecom facilities adjacent to the proposed site but are not within the search radius as seen above. WIND is required to locate within the radius to provide the appropriate coverage and a contiguous network. 5 4'. 1 i- n Figure 1.1a & Figure 1.1b: Existing Rogers Site (Not within WIND's Search Radius) r 1 WIND has considered this facility and discounted its viability for the following reasons: 1. From an engineering perspective, this tower is located beyond the boundaries of WIND's search parameters. This location on WIND's engineering grid, would greatly compromise their ability to creating and maintaining contiguous network coverage. 2. The aperture required to accommodate WIND's antennas at the height of 40m is presently occupied. It is essential for WIND's antenna to be located at this height; otherwise their network coverage would be severely compromised. 6 - 4 Figure 1.2a & Figure 1.2b: Existing Bell Site (Not within WIND's Search Radius) I w T - .r WIND has considered this facility and discounted its viability for the following reason: 1. From an engineering perspective, this tower is located beyond the boundaries of WIND's search parameters. This location on WIND's engineering grid, would greatly compromise their ability to creating and maintaining contiguous network coverage. Given the lack of existing infrastructure and suitable rooftops in the immediate vicinity of this proposed site is the reason WIND and Turris are proposing the construction of a monopole at this location capable of supporting multiple carriers. 7 J 45 C. Proposed Site Location - 3735 16t° Sideline, Brougham This proposed site is critical to the development of WIND's state-of-the-art wireless communication network. Not only does this facility need to be placed as per the overall grid layout, it is a crucial component to providing consistent coverage to the immediate area and also to Highway 407 / Highway 7 and the major arterial roads- Concession Road 7 and Brock Rd. The proposed facility is located at the western section of a farmland property on the east side of 16th Sideline as seen in Figure 2.0. The geographical coordinates of the proposed site are: 43 deg 55 min 46.1 sec N 79 deg 5 min 54.3 sec W Figure 2.0: Proposed Site Location r r f rr t TVs " '4W No li It- X_~ lit, r~ ~ M . 1T 13 8 ATTACHi~16ENT # TO 44 REPORT # PD? -L --U The property itself is a large farmland surrounded by more rural area. The proposed tower will be tucked in behind the trees minimizing the exposure to the base and the carrier's radio equipment. The nearest residential area is 110m away from the proposed site on the on the east side of 16th Sideline and will not be adversely impacted by the installation of this tower. The sharing of this tower is integral to Turris' business. model and as such, the incumbent and new entrants will be notified of the development. of this tower. Public Mobile, one of the new entrants, has already expressed interest in locating on this tower. D. Proposed Tower - 40m Tripole Through discussion with the City of Pickering, WIND and Turris have agreed to install a tripole. The proposed tower will be 40m tall. Turris has designed this tower to support multiple sets of antennas enabling it to accommodate additional carriers - reducing the number of towers overall - while providing a minimal visual intrusion. Figure 3.0 shows a sample profile of the proposed tower. ~I 9 A I ACK ANT # ~L4 TO 4 5 R.Eroa? # PD_Uy=►.1__ Figure 3.0: Sample Profile of Proposed Tower UESI744 S°ECIFI=ATIOW CS--SJ-:j WINt PRESSURES 45u F. N:.1'ISL I:: E: ANTERNA LOACCIG ARE I✓?MU.N-E FA:TOR SAO r.ECC :TmY - Marv r -av-cvr: - par. -iESVIrEsMLIT° FACTOe' r,?n ,z 1 ,z ?l 2 ,aaa T 2'_La~ 10 II :aDR---X-QD, In I ' 6L - 9V2en to II';X==YX:X: 1_1: 1 a/:'E YU 1 11 71! in z j'. 1 i c un + t u9. rv ] a. _ IL- LE 1L ],f.: II 211 , 14 R.L+ U. _lc. Y9 A 2i IS 4 • H`2 ~SLG "U R-Y 32lt za mz _ :a_> c F9 FF_ 1Gi] Y6 _ N H-11 .TUV E-r.mnR 4. r-f~IIVkE. r-nR6IOSE0 IIRY'LOSf. 'Fna IS::9.P %f I y n N u Rr .w yn 3ARO .'MO:E.T TI1LE ~.b 51-e n ' fnlE Ehf3~E[9 10 46 2.,y - rI The proposed tower has been catered to the surrounding environment as seen in Figure 3.1a and 3.1b below. Figure 3.1a: Context of Photo Simulation 74. JOW IN ~J • 1''t' fir' • ~ y. a Vr The photograph used in the photo simulation was captured on the adjacent road (16`x' Sideline) to the proposed tower and property. 11 70 -1► Figure 3.1b: Photo Simulation V A photo simulation of the proposed tower in the area as seen from the adjacent road, 16"' Sideline. To further accommodate the aesthetics of the city, the antennas will be mount tight to the tower rather than on the more typical "pin-wheel" mount which can have arms extending upwards of 3m from the tower. The small footprint provides space for present and future tenants to accommodate the ancillary radio equipment. The ancillary radio equipment will be placed on concrete pads at the base of the tower eliminating any need to construct large enclosures to further minimize visual intrusions. 12 ATTACH,viENT 4 TO 48 REPORT # PD 21~- I 1 E. Regulations 1. Health Canada's Safety Code 6 Compliance Industry Canada requires that all operators of radio communication systems attest that the radio antenna system described in this notification package will comply with Health Canada's Safety Code 6 limits, as may be amended from time to time, for the protection of the general public including any combined effects of additional carrier collocations and nearby installations within the local radio environment. i Turris will ensure that any carriers operating from the pole will attest to compliance with Safety Code 6 as part of their tenancy agreement. II. Control of Public Access The tower base will be outfitted with security fencing and /or appropriate anti-climb equipment. III. Canadian Environmental Assessment Act The radio antenna system described in this notification package is excluded from assessment under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. IV. Description of Proposed System The tower would initially provide wireless voice and data services for subscribers to the new state-of-the-art HSPA GSM wireless network. 13 4 9 ATTAXV ENT - TO REPORT # PD._ J-Y I 1 V. Transport Canada's Aeronautical Obstruction Marking Requirements Turris attests that the structure described in this notification package will comply with Transport Canada f NAV Canada aeronautical safety requirements. Turris has made all necessary applications to Transport Canada and NAV Canada. At this time, Turris has received an Aeronautical Obstruction Clearance Form from Transport Canada stating that the proposed installation would not require marking as per the CAR 621.19 Standards Obstruction Markings. For additional detailed information, please consult Transport Canada at: (http //www tc gc ca/CivilAviation/Regserv/Affairs/cars/PART6/Standards/Standard6 21.htm) VI. Engineering Practices Turris attests that the radio tower described in this notification package will be constructed in compliance with the National Building Code of Canada and comply with good engineering practices including structural adequacy. VII. Local Land Use Requirements Wireless facilities are exclusively regulated by the Federal Government and as a result are not required to obtain municipal permits of any kind. However, the City of Pickering does have an established protocol for the review of telecommunication tower proposals. Turris has been working through this process with the City and expects to receive approval shortly on its minor site plan application for this site. This public notification is part of the protocol and any comments received will be considered by the City of Pickering prior to issuance of their approval. 14 , I ATTACHMENT # TO 50 REPORT # PD.--J LL- VIII. VIII. Industry Canada's Spectrum Management Please be advised that the approval of this site and its design is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Government of Canada through Industry Canada. Turr•is is participating in this circulation in accordance with Industry Canada's guidelines CPC-2-0-03 and the City of Pickering's protocol. For more information on Industry Canada's public consultation guidelines including CPC-2-0-03 contact at www.ic.gc.ca/antenna or the local Industry Canada office at spectrum toronto@ic.gc.ca. Toronto District Office Room 909, 9th Floor 55 St. Clair Avenue East Toronto, Ont. M4T 1M2 Telephone: 416-973-8215 General information relating to antenna systems is available on Industry Canada's Spectrum Management and Telecommunications website (http://www.ic.gc.ca/epic/site/smt-gst.nsf-/en/home). 15 ATTACWjENT # J TO 51 REPORT # PI) F. Contact Information Turris Sites Inc. is committed to effective public consultation. The public is invited to provide comments to Turris about this proposal by mail, electronic mail, phone or fax. Please send your comments to the address below by the close of business May 15th, 2011: Turris Sites Inc. 70 Todd Road Georgetown, Ontario, L7G 4R7 Attn: David Hahn E-mail: david.hahn@turris-group.com Fax: (905) 877-8835 Phone: (416) 937-3500 Closing Date for Submission of Written Public Comments As per Industry Canada's rules, there are 30 days available to the public to send in comments - which is no later than May 15th, 2011. Industry Canada's process also contains requirements for response to your questions, comments or concerns. We will acknowledge receipt of your comments within 14 days and will provide a formal response to the Municipality and those members of the public who communicated to Turris, within 60 days. The members of the public who communicated with Turris will then have 21days to review and reply to Turris a final response. Contact Information - Land Use Authority Tyler Barnett Senior Planner - Site Planning Planning & Development Department City of Pickering 905-420-4660 ext. 2042 16 ATTACHMENT # 4__T0 5 2 REPORT # Pl) y_ _ G. Public Comment Record Proposed Installation - 3735 16th Sideline, Brougham Turris Sites Inc. Name: Address: Telephone: E-mail: Comments To be considered part of this consultation, comments must be received by close of business May 15th, 2011. Please forward your comments to: Turris Sites Inc. Attention: David Hahn 70 Todd Road, Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4117 Fax: 905-877-8835 Phone: 416-937-3500 E-mail: david.hahn@turris-group.com Continue on reverse if required... * Comments received shall form part of Industry Canada's Public Consultation Process under the Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Client Procedures Circular CPC-2-0-03, Issue 4, and will be made public as part of a report issued to the City of Pickering and Industry Canada. 17 ./0 Todd Road P:.,1 90.5 817 7 8585 p r, +1 905 87'88J5 L CMADA Attachment: Figure 1.0: 347-351 Finch Ave., Search ring/site ~ ~''•c,tiPlltt? r •y_. C - R t I .f2 err . tP L`q. Jr C I A- 4 L* IF . ; e., , •sa 1.b FI ure ;'1~3735 16'°_= id hnc. Search nnglsi.te ~s > s' ti.ltelkl s . • s 4 ~~ti , : k trc • PPP - 7 4 ~,.wc ' ie~ Turns Sites Inc. www.tums group.com 0009106000000 030009106050000 ATTACHMENT MARLIN MICHAEL TILLAART HENRY JOHN TILLAART 3735 RR 1 54 REPORT PD?-_t4, TO SIDELINE 16 BROUGHAM ON LOH 1A0 LOCUST HILL ON LOH 1 JO 030009106100000 0300091.13000000 KLAUS DOOSE PUBLIC WORKS CANADA 3745 SIDELINE 16 C/O MUNICIPAL GRANTS BROUGHAM ON LOH I AO 4900 YONGE ST NORTH YORK ON M2N 6A6 55 'f ATTACHfv,ENT # TO REPORT # PQ1 C G7 C/).~ D rm-- co . ZZm z m ~ rn 0 T D 0 r, . R PUBLIC NOTICE PROPOSED WIND MOBILE 35-METRE •40-METRE 56 STEEL TRI-POLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWERS ATTACHPA, NT q TO PROPOSAL L• REP0R7 # PD Z_!-(-fit I • Wireless steel tri-pole tower, 35 metres tall and will occupy an area of 0.01 hectare. • Location: 347-351 Finch Ave., Pickering at Finch Ave. and Altona Rd. • The geographical coordinates of the proposed site are: 43 deg 50 min 5.7 secN 79 deg 8 min 27.5 sec W SITE LOCATION MAP i -The facility will include i i lattice tri-pole tower g and multiple radio cabinets as well as fencing around the base of the tower. The tower will provide wireless and data services and has been 0 specifically designed to 5 nA•YT, accommodate multiple a antennas from different j " carriers- reducing the number of required .O towers in the future. At present, this tower is + expected to satisfy the needs of up to 3 carriers and potentially more later. PROPOSAL 2: • Wireless steel tri-pole tower, 40 metres tall and will occupy an area of 0.01 hectare. • Location: 3735 16th Sideline, Brougham at Concession Road 7 and 16th Sideline. • The geographical coordinates of the proposed site are: 43 deg 55 min 46.1 sec IN 79 deg 5 min 54.3 sec W SITE LOCATION MAP ( ua^~aa The facility will, include 1 c~ lattice tri-pole tower and multiple radio cabinets as well as fencing around the base of the tower. The I tower will provide wireless and data services and has ¢ been specificallydesigned to accommodate multiple antennas from different carriers- reducing the number of required towers Y in the tuture. At present, this tower is expected to satisfy the needs of up to 3 carriers f and potentially more later. i ANY PERSON may make a written submission to the individuals listed below by May 15, 2011 with respect to this matter. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE as the approval of this site and its design is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Government of Canada through Industry Canada; the City of Pickering has no jurisdiction in this matter other than as a commenting body to Industry Canada and applicant. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed Tower and site is available for review between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday at the City of Pickering municipal offices. Further information may also be obtained through the following contacts: Turris Sites Inc. contact: City of Pickering contact: David Hahn Tyler Barnett Municipal Affairs Consultant Senior Planner Turris Sites Inc. City of Pickering 70 Todd Road, Georgetown One the Esplanade, Ontario, L79 4R7 Pickering, ON, L1V 6K7 Tel: 4116-937-3500 Tel: 905-420-4660 ext. 2042 Email: david.hahn@trris-group.com Email: tbarnettOcityotpickering.com 5 7 ATTACHMENT 4 -TO REPORT # PD Zy;l,l 70•ToddRoad A +19058778885 fig Georgetown, Ontario A +1 905 877 8835 L7G 4R7 CANADA Appendix B Turris Sites Inc, www.turris-group.com CfTc ATTACHMENT TO 58 R.EPORI # PD 2!-I-II . / 4360 Sideline 12 rJ R.R. 5, Claremont, ON, L1Y1A2 , Friday, April 15, 2011 / Turris Sites Inc. / 70 Todd Rd. - _ ' - Georgetown, ON, L7G 4R7 Attn. David Hahn, Municipal Affairs Consultant.. see by the public notice in the Pickering News Advertiser of April 14 that you wish to erect a communications tower at the Seventh Concession 'and Sideroad 16 of Pickering. We already have a communications tower at the Seventh Concession and Brock Road, another in Brougham, and two others, one on Brock Road and one on Concession 7 in Uxbridge. Despite all'these towers around us we, still cannot get high speed internet where we live. We believe that there should be a moratorium in the construction of any more towers and legislation to compel existing towers to share existing faculties. We don't need more towers - use what you've got, and provide service for everyone who wants and needs it. Wendy and Gordon Duncan cc Tyler Barnett Mark Holland MP Industry Canada i 5 9 ATTACHMENT ~ TO REPORT # PO_`2 !q~1I 70 Todd Road P. +19058778885 Georgetown, Ontario F., +1905 877 8835 L7G 4R78 CANADA April 252011 I t Wendy and Gordon Duncan 4360 Sideline 12 R.R. 5, Claremont, ON, L1Y 1A2 Dear Wendy and Gordon Duncan, Re: Public Notice for Telecommunication Towers in Pickering News Advertiser - April 14, 2011 Thank you for your letter of April 15th in regard to the above-noted advertisement expressing your concern about the number of towers in the area. A key step in the development of wireless networks is the review of existing telecommunication infrastructure in the area and assessing their suitability from both a radio frequency and structural engineering perspective. Unfortunately in this instance, the existing sites in the area were not suitable thus creating the need for the new towers. To mitigate the need for future towers, these proposed sites will initially house the radio equipment for two carriers - Wind and Public Mobile, as well as have capacity to support up to two more carriers in the future. I have attached, for your information, a copy of the Public Consultation documents available at the City for these sites that provide additional information on the review of the adjacent sites as well as details on the requirements for each facility. Sincerely, >,2UlL~r_k David Hahn Municipal Affairs Consultant Email: david.hahn@turris-group.com Phone: (416) 937-3500 Attachment Turris Sites Inc www.turris-group.com ATTACH,v i_IVT #.r n _ t0 SU REPORT # PD `L'~-,I I David Hahn - Turris From: Wendy and Gord Duncan <pillowblock@gmail.com> Sent: May-03-11 4:45 PM To: david.hahn@turris-group.com Cc: tbarnett@cityofpickering.com; mjohnston@durhamregion.com; mitch.stjacques@ic.gc.ca Subject: Proposed Turris Tower Sites- City of Pickering Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged I have received your letter April 25/2011. You note that the Bell site and the Rogers site are "not within the search radius" What is the search radius and from where is it measured? Who has established the search radius? Since you propose two new towers about 1/2 km apart, can I assume that they are "not within the" search radius of each other? You state also that Canada ranks last in "wireless penetration" amongst 22 developed counties. My ignorance of things electronic will show when I state that as a neighbour of these new towers, and 40 km from Canada's largest city, I cannot receive high-speed internet, but must depend on expensive, and slow, satellite connection. Outport Newfoundland has better coverage than that. From your information, these new towers are not going to meet my needs, or any of the other residents in the area, just cellphone users on the highways. .I am still totally opposed to the granting of permits for any more towers, and insist that the existing towers be used, or modified so they can be used, for all, not specific purposes. Finally, I would like to ask the City of Pickering if it is planned to add the cost of these towers, should they be built, to the assessment of the properties on which they are located so they can contribute, as we all do, to the municipal tax burden. W. Gordon Duncan RR5 Claremont ON L1Y IA2 i i 61 ATTACHMENT # `T TO REPORT # PD zq,=l David Hahn - Turris From: David Hahn - Turris <David.hahn@turris-group.com> Sent: May-17-11 12:58 PM To: Wendy and Gord Duncan (pillowblock@gmail.com) Cc: Tyler Barnett; Mike.Lang@ic.gc.ca; Mitch.St.Jacques@ic.gc.ca Subject: Proposed Turris Sites - Pickering Attachments: Duncan Reply - Pickering.pdf Hello Mr. Duncan, Please find attached additional information as requested in your email of May 03, 2011. Regards, D David Hahn, P. Eng. Municipal Affairs Consultant TURRIS SITES INC. Direct: 416-937-3500 This message is intented for the addressee named and may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete it and notify the sender immediately. You are hereby notified that any use, review, or disclosure or copying of his information is strictly prohibited. Tracking: 1 L ATTACHMENT #e "'1 TO 6 2 REPORT # PQ`_ Zz..J - 70 Todd Road P• +1,90587-78885 Georgetown, Ontario F• +19058778835 L7G 4R7 CANADA May 16, 2011 Via Email Mr. Gordon Duncan 4360 Sideline 12 R.R. 5 Claremont, ON UY 1A2 Dear Mr. Duncan, Re: Your Email Response of May 03, 2011 in regard to Proposed Telecommunication Sites Thank you for the above noted email. We have categorized our 'interpretation of your concerns and provided information and commentary for each. We trust this is helpful. A. Search Rings / Search Radius / Coverage The design of large scale wireless networks is a complex process that balances factors including radio frequencies (spectrum), population density and distribution, location of major thoroughfares, topography, demography (rural versus dense urban), and built form (dense vegetation versus tall concrete buildings). To complicate matters more, each site must be located to ensure the radio signals broadcast have a minimum overlap with the transmissions from the adjacent sites. This is a critical component to ensure contiguous coverage. Each of these parameters is measured and used by the engineers to determine the prime location for a site. Since.it is usually very difficult to find a suitable location at a specific set of coordinates, the engineers issue a search ring of -•300m radius from the preferred location in which a search is conducted for a potential landlord. As described in the public consultation document, the first order of business when searching for a site is to consider all existing structures (buildings, other towers) and their suitability to fulfill our technical requirements. The'technical requirements include space and structural strength at a required height above the ground, space at ground level to place the associated radio equipment, and access for maintenance crews. We have attached aerial photos that show our proposed locations in relation to the center of the original search rings and the existing infrastructure in the area. It is clear that the existing sites are too far removed from our required locations to be viable alternatives and that our proposed locations are at the outer limits of the original search parameters. We recognize that as an industry we have a duty to mitigate the number of new structures constructed, and to that end, these two sites will be built at the outset with capacity to support two additional carriers (total 3) with the ability to modify the tower to accept more at a later date.' Public Mobile has committed to locate on both these facilities, eliminating their need to construct another facility. Tunis also identifies these locations to all the other carriers to be considered in their network plans. The two sites we are proposing are 1 Okm apart and not within the search ring of each other. Turris Sit Inc. ac v:turris-group,com 6 3 H ._iJT#--~-To 4 PC 70 Todd Road P, +1905 877 8885 RHO Georgetown, Ontario F. +1905 877 8835 L7G 4R7 CANADA You mention that neither of these towers will "meet my needs, any of the other residents in the area, just cell phone users on the highways." Certainly the proposed tower at 16tt' Sideline will provide coverage to Highway 7 and the future Highway 407 but it also provides coverage to the surrounding area. The Finch Ave site will provide robust coverage to the area residents and major thoroughfares. B. Wireless Usage Canada does lag other developed countries in the use of wireless devices. In many countries - and more so every day in Canada - many people are converting to wireless as their only phone and foregoing the traditional landline (home) phone. Industry Canada held an auction for additional spectrum that set aside an allotment of spectrum that only new carriers were able to purchase in order to increase the competitiveness of the industry. Three new carriers were launched in response to the auction - Wind Mobile, Public Mobile and Mobilicity. C. Wireless Service Offerings Your email notes your frustration in not being able to get high speed internet access at home. Each of the wireless carriers currently offers high speed internet over their wireless networks. Wind Mobile, the proponent on these sites, offers very competitive high speed wireless data plans. People who live in the vicinity of these facilities have the opportunity to enjoy reliable high speed wireless services without having to rely on slow land line/satellite services. It appears that you live approximately 3km from the proposed site on Sideline 16 and will likely receive high quality coverage from it. You are too far (-13km) from the proposed Finch site to be in its coverage area. I encourage you to visit the carrier's websites for further information on services available in your area. We trust this information is helpful and satisfies your concerns. Should you require any additional information, please contact the undersigned at 416-937-3500 or email at david.hahn@turris-group.com Yours truly, 064 Ila4 David Hahn Municipal Affairs Consultant .cc. Tyler Barnett - City of Pickering, Mitch St. Jacques - Industry Canada Turris Sites Inc. uarww. turrisgroup. cosy ATTACHMENT To REPORT # PQ~- 64 Excerpt from April 18, 2011 Council Minutes Resolution #87/11 Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Ashe WHEREAS the City of Pickering was recently informed that Industry Canada has approved a cell phone tower at 1820 Whites Road, Amberlea Presbyterian Church without any consultation with the City of Pickering; and WHEREAS the Federal Government through Industry Canada, refuses to recognize the important role that municipalities play in regards to local land use matters and specifically where cell phone towers maybe situated; and WHEREAS local residents residing in the Amberlea/Foxhollow Neighbourhood are outraged, having become aware.through 3rd party information that such an intrusion can be erected in a residential community; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Federal Government through Industry Canada be advised that the City of Pickering objects to the installation of a cell phone tower at 1820 Whites Road and that they reverse its approval and enter into discussions with the City of Pickering in order to find a more appropriate location; AND FURTHER that the Federal Government be required to amend their policies. and procedures for the approval of cell phone and radio towers to allow for local municipalities consultation on all applications and to not approve applications objected to by the local municipality; AND FURTHER that consultation takes place through the Federation of Municipalities on establishing guidelines to assist Industry Canada in setting criteria that can be used by municipalities to assess each application submitted for towers; AND that a copy of this motion be forwarded to FCM to be included for endorsement at its annual meeting AND that copies of this resolution be sent to Dan McTeague, MP for Pickering/Scarborough East, the Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Industry, and the Honourable Gary Goodyear, Minister of State (Science and Technology). Carried Unanimously on a Recorded Vote ATTACHMENT r0 REPORT # PD 2u'll . 6J Excerpt from May 16t", 2011 Council Meeting Minutes Resolution #102/11 Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Ashe WHEREAS On April 18, 2011 the Council for the Corporation of the City of Pickering formally opposed the installation of a communications tower at 1820 Whites Road in the City of Pickering; and WHEREAS hundreds of area residents have signed a petition objecting to the installation of a communications tower at 1820 Whites Road and other City locations; WHEREAS the City of Pickering received a response from Industry Canada in regards to our request to relocate the proposed communications tower at 1820 Whites Road and have ordered all communication tower installations cease on this site until Industry Canada can review this matter; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Council for the Corporation of the City of Pickering requests the Government of Canada cease further consideration of communication towers in any residential area of Pickering in order to commence discussions with the City of Pickering to establish criteria based on mutual respect for all matters pertaining to land use in the City of Pickering for the installation of communication towers throughout our community. AND THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to Durham Regional Council, Corneliu Chisu, MP Elect for Pickering/Scarborough East, Chris Alexander, MP Elect Ajax Pickering, the Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Industry and the Honourable Gary Goodyear, Minister of State (Science and Technology). Carried Unanimously on a Recorded Vote