HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 32-02 013 CiÚf o~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services DATE: June 18,2002 REPORT NUMBER: OES 032-02 SUBJECT: Request for Proposal- Consulting Services - Fire Services Headquarters - RFP-2-2002 - File: COIOOO RECOMMENDATION: 1. That the Report of the Operations & Emergency Services Department No. OES 032-02 be received; and 2. That staff be directed to proceed with the Federal EA and building design for a northern firehall and headquarters; and " -'. Council authorize an expenditure of up to $300,000 for professional services for the Federal EA and building design; and 4. That the proposal submitted by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates be accepted and they be contracted to complete the Federal EA and building design; and - 5. That staff be directed to report back on final project scope, phasing, cost and financing; and 6. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. ORIGIN: Fire Services Strategic Review and Implementation of 10lan zone for Ontario Power Generation AUTHORITY: Municipal Act (City of Pickering Purchasing By-law 5900/1) and Fire Prevention & Protection Act. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: - Up to $300,000 - 2001 Approved Budget amount of $500,000 - Account 2240-6181 - Project # 01-2240-005-08 The Treasurer advised that these costs will be charged to the project and approval to finance through the issuance of debt will be requested at the time Council considers the project. 0.14 Report to Council OES 032-02 Date: June 18, 2002 Subject: Consultant for Northern Firehall - File: CO 1 000 Page 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: -- In 2001 Council approved the budget amount of $500,000 for land acquisition and design for a new firehall in the City of Pickering. City staff have identified 3 possible sites on the north side of Hwy #7 west of the Hamlet of Brougham. As the Government of Canada owns these lands a Federal Environmental Assessment is required to acquire and develop the site. Following site selection the Consultant will design and examine phasing options for the construction of a new Firehall and Headquarters. The Evaluation Committee reviewed submissions individually with established criteria and conducted interviews with 3 selected consultant teams. Following careful review the Evaluation Committee recommends Totten Sims Hubicki Associates be hired to complete the Federal EA and design for the new Firehall and Headquarters as well as comment on the phasing options for construction of the facility. BACKGROUND: A City staff team was assembled in 2001 to review the impact of the implementation of a 10lan zone around the PNGS as well as determine the need for an additional firehall and headquarters facility for Pickering Fire Services (PFS). - In an effort to address the changing needs of the City of Pickering it was determined that the new Firehall and Headquarters should be located outside the 10lan zone of PNGS and within the Federal land holdings on the north side ofHwy. #7. Various sites were examined; response times to key sites calculated and a staffing review undertaken. It was determined that there was a need for a new Firehall and Headquarters outside the 10lan zone which could house the PFS administration, Fire Prevention section, Training Section as well as an operational firehall. A Request for Proposal (RFP) was initiated as directed by the Finance & Operations Committee; proposals were received from seven (7) prequalified consultants. The Evaluation Committee reviewed submissions against established criteria, in accordance with established City Purchasing Policy & Procedures. The Evaluation Committee met on Monday, May 3,2002 to examine submissions and to determine a short list of qualified firms. The three (3) short listed firms made presentation to the Evaluation Committee on Friday, June 7, 2002. The Evaluation Committee reconvened on Monday, June 10th, 2002 to consider the presentations as part of its review and evaluation of the short listed firms for the purpose of selecting a firm to recommend to Council for this project. - At the conclusion of their review, the Evaluation Committee agreed unanimously that Totten Sims Hubicki Associates be recommended to conduct the Federal EA and building design for this project. The total cost for this work will not exceed $300,000 and it is within the approved 2001 Budget Account 2240-6181. Report to Council OES 032-02 Date: June 18, 2002 015 Subject: Consultant for Northern Firehall - File: CO 1 000 Page 3 The City staff team will report back to Council with Phasing Options, Project Cost and Financing prior to commencement of any construction. - A TT A CHMENTS: 1. Summary of Proposals Endorsed/Approved By: Evere ts Director, Operations & Emergency Services ~ '~ /,-~ 1: ú( -'/.. ..ø? ..=" ~ William Douglas ~. - - . Fire Chief ::?;:d~ Manager, Building Services Endorsed/Approved By: ~ç~~ -Gillis Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer - Endorsed/Approved By: Endo:-sed/Approved By: EB:mld Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council .. 11l1S - Hlr _. ) - - - ATTACHMENT#.i TO REPORT # (£5"' OJ;ì-6;;;:¿ -."' -,'----- rll~ CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT ., SUPPLY & SERVICES MEMORANDUM CO"~"T ;. ," ~'í ,¡;;.. lL Date: April 30, 2002 To: Tim Moore Manager, Building Services From: Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services' Request for Proposal- Consulting Services, Fire Services Headquarters No. RFP-2/2002 Subject: Terms of reference for the above request for proposals were provided to nine (9) invited :firms as requested, of which seven (7) have responded by the deadline of 4:30 pm Friday, April 26, 2002. Each firm has provided three (3) copies of their proposal of which two (2) copies are attached for your review. If you wish to utilize the 3rd copy also, please advise. Following is a summary of proposals received as well a preliminary compliance checklist. A. prime consultant profile B. sub-consultant profiles C. project team resumes D. selected recent projects E. client references F. summary of professional services G. schedule. H. fee structures Arcbitectural,Firm Saccocio Weppler Architects Inc RAI Architect Inc Thomas E. Brown Architect Inc Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Gerald Belanger Architect Inc./Trow Consulting En&ineers Ltd. Barry Bryan Associates (1991) Limited Jurecka + Associates Architecture and Design :r oddglen Management Limited A' Jl ,C D 'E F G .. H,'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Unable to submit a proposal at this time ATTACHMENT#LTOREPORT#~ (J3j.-o;;J. tX 1l ;L. O.f7 RFP-2/2002 RFP for Fire Services Headquarters 2- -. To accommodate your request to have submittals available as soon as possible to provide you an optimum amount of time for evaluation, the summary is brief to introduce proposals into the . evaluation phase. A more subjective review is envisioned when evahtation members become involved. Should any information appear missing during the evaluation phase, please contact me as soon as possible. . . Be mindful of the following areas within the purchasing policy relating to the RFP process. If you do not have a copy of the policy or require copies of these pages, let me know. Policy (white pages): Procedure (yellow pages): Item 04.09, Page 6, Page 7 Item 11, Page 35 through to Page 39 If you require further information or assistance, please feel :tree to contact me. , - Vera A. Fe emacher Manager, Supply & Services Copy for: Everett Bunts~ Director, Operations & Emergency Services .-