HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 26-02 CttJ¡ o~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Stephen Reynolds Division Head, Culture & Recreation DATE: May 28,2002 REPORT NUMBER: OES-26-02 - SUBJECT: Tender T-13-2002 - Tender for Family Change Room, Fitness Area & Stair - Pickering Recreation Complex RECOMMENDATION: That Report to Council OES-26-02 regarding the construction of the Family Change Room, Fitness Mea and Stair, at the Pickering Recreation Complex be received, and 1. The Tender No. T-13-2002 submitted by Bemocon Contracting Ltd., for the construction of the Family Change Room, Fitness Mea and Stair (not including Itemized Price C), at the Pickering Recreation Complex, in the amount of $437,628.00 plus G.S.T., be approved; and 2. The total gross project cost of $508,794.63 and a total net project cost of $489,774.27 including the tender amount and other associated costs be approved; and 3. That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project through the issuance of debt through the Region of Durham; and - a) Debt financing in the amount of $489,000.00 for a period not exceeding 10 years, at a . rate to be determined, be approved and the þalance of $774.27 be financed from current funds; b) Financing and repayment charges in the amount of approximately $70,000.00 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2003 and continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid; . c) The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Debt and Financial Obligations approved Annual Repayment Limit for debt and other financial obligations for 2002 as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario; d) The Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and, 4. That the appropriate City of Pickering officials be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect thereto. ORlGIN: Requested by Culture and Recreation Division. - AUTHORlTY: Year 2002 Capital Budget - Account Number 2733-6181. Report to Councll UES-2ó-Ul Date: May 2~, 20U2 Subject: Tender T -13-2002 - Family Change Room, Fitness Area & Stair Page 2 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: 1. Tendered Amount T-13-2002 - Tender for Family Change Room, Fitness Area & Stair $437,628.00 - G.S.T. G.S.T. Rebate Total Amount 30,633.96 ( 17505.12) ~50.756.84 APPROVED SOURCE OF FUNDS: 2. Year 2002 Capital Budget 2733-6181 - Project Code - 02-2733-005-01 Total Approved Funds $400,000.00 ~OO.OOO.OO 3. Estimated Project Costing Summary T -13-2002 - Tender for Family Change Room, Fitness Area to Stair Consulting Fees & Contract Administration Project Contingency (5%) $437,628.00 16,000.00 21.881.00 - Sub Total G.S.T. Total Gross Project Cost G.S.T. Rebate Total Net Project Cost $475509.00 33,285.63 $508,794.63 ( 19,020.36) $489.774.27 4. I Project Cost (over) under Approved Funds ($89,774.27) The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer confirms that the expenditures contained in the recommended approvals can be financed through the issuance of debentures through the Region of Durham, as per the approved 2002 Capital Budget. . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The construction of the family changeroom, fitness area and stair at the Pickering Recreation Complex was approved by Council in the 2002 Capital Budget. Tenders have been received and the total net project cost to construct family changerooms and required fitness renovations is estimated to be $489,774.27. - Supply & Services and Paul Jurecka, Architect have confirmed that the low bidder Bemocon Contracting Ltd. have satisfied their tender requirements and is qualified to undertake this project. BACKGROUND: Bids for T-13-2002 were received on Wednesday, May 15,2002. Six companies were invited to bid on this project and the City received twelve (12) bids at the time of closing. A copy of the Records of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening is attached. The low bidder, Bemocon Contracting Ltd. has not completed similar projects for the City in the past, but a check of their references has been deemed acceptable. . """"'1""1- -'" ,-AJY-UVU ,-"-'-'U-..,,rv.., .LJU_V. J.Y.l.UY "'"U, ","vv"," Subject: Tender T -13-2002 - Family Change Room, Fitness Area & Stair Page 3 The tender specifications developed by Paul Jurecka, Architect are for the construction of Family Changerooms and Recreation Complex Modifications, and included Itemized Price A - Slab and Electrical Services to Lower Exercise Area, Itemized Price B - Second Floor Fitness Renovations, and Itemized PIjce C - Rubber Sports Flooring. Based on the total tendered amount the Rubber Sports Flooring - Itemized Price C has been removed from this project. The Itemized Price C - Rubber Sports Flooring has been removed from all tenders received and Bemocon Contracting Ltd. remains to be the low bidder on this project. - The Health and Safety Policy and the CAD 7 fonn issued by W orkplac~ Safety and Insurance Board as submitted by Bemocon Contracting Ltd., have been reviewed by the Safety & Training Coordinator and are deemed acceptable. This report has been prepared in conjunction with the Manager, Supply & Services who concurs with the recommendations. Upon careful examination of all tenders, and relevant documents received (Health and Safety Policy and the CAD 7 fonn issued by Workplace Safety and Insurance Board), the Director, Operations & Emergency Services and the Division Head, Culture & Recreation recommend the acceptance of the low bid submitted by Bemocon çontracting Ltd. (not including Itemized Price C), in the total tendered amount of $450,756.84 (including net G.S.T.) and a total net Capital project cost of $489,774.27. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Supply & Services memorandum dated May 16, 2002. 2. Record of tenders opened and checked. 3. Recommendation from Paul Jurecka, Architect, Jurecka + Associates. 4. Location Map. - 1:;lÆ,e, ed BY:,~, '¡, ',tI' ~ Len Hunter Supervisor, Facilities Operations '~ . "--. :/ . :0..","" ,-<~ Step~eyfiolds Division Head, Culture & Recreation Everet sma Director, Operations & Emergency Services ~ed: . ?¿~~ Gil Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer SR:lc Attachments (OES-26-02) Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Manager, Supply & Services Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council - il , " .. ,-, II ,.., ~, FT -----1- 1'-' "&..1 '-'1'\1 tt~ ~. V"'- Corporate Services Department Supply & Services Memorandum May 16,2002 To: Stephen Reynolds, Division Head, Culture- & Recreation From: Vera Felgemacher, Manager, Supply & Services - Subject: Tender for Family Change Room, Fitness Area & Stair - PRC Tender No. T - 13 - 2002 . Tenders have been received for the.above project. Six companies were invited to participate. An advertisement for this project appeared in the Daily Commercial News, News Advertiser Community Page and the City's Website which yielded interest from bidders. Twenty three (23) companies picked up tendering documents for a non-refundable fee of $100.00 per set. A total of three (3) addenda were subsequently issued and distributed to all bidders, as well. A copy of the Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening is attached. Tendered unit prices and extensions of the compliant tenders have been checked and corrected accordingly on the attached summary. Reference: Purchasing Policy & Procedure - Procedure No. PUR 010-001.' tendered unit prices and extensions are available for checking; the unit price shall govem and extensions will be corrected accordingly. ,'. Pursuant to Information to Bidders Item 21, the following documents will be requested from the recommended bidder, as advised by the Consultant, for review during the evaluation stage of this tender call: - (a) (b) a copy of the Health and Safety policy to be used on this project; and a copy of the current CAD 7 form or Cost and Frequency Report issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board. a copy of the current certificate of Clearance issued by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board; such further infonnation, as the City may request in writing. (c) (d) Pursuant to Information to Bidders Item 21, documentation has not been requested of a bidder at this point. After you have reviewed the submissions and the Consultant provides you with a recommendation as to which bid is being recommended, please advise and a request for the documentation will be made to the bidder for review. The Health & Safety items will be sent forward to the Co'-ordinator, Safety & Trainingfor review, comments and consideration. Your report to Council should reflect the Co-ordinator's opinion with respect to such documentation. Pursuant to Information to Bidders Item 20, which includes the City reserves the right to accept the tender in whole or in part. Should an itemized pricing area be removed from the project, the item and its pricing is to be removed from each bid equally for review and consideration. - .. ATTACHMENT #-1- TO REPORT#~ - 2{¿;.- 0 ¿L Page 2 Tender No. T-13-2002 Two copy-sets of the 8 bids are enclosed - one set for your review and one set for the Consultant's review. Please remeniber to include responses to the following queries in your Report to Council: - (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) G) if items (a) and. (b) noted above ofthe recommended bidder are acceptable; any past work experience with the recommended bidder including work location; without past work experience, if reference information is acceptable; a work location map; . the appropriate account number(s) to which this work is to be charged; the budget amount(s) -assigned thereto; Treasurer's confinnation of funding; related departmental approvals; any reason( s) why the bid of recommended bidder is not acceptable; and related comments specific to the project. If you require further infonnation, please feel free to contact me. \ ! Vera A. Fe gemacher Manager; Supply & Services /bt Copy for: Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer l:driveffenders/tender summary. doc. - - þ ) þ Descrictlon Bemocon Contractlno Ltd. Land Construction Co. Ltd. Martinwav Contractino Ltd. A-G Reat Construction Ltd. Brown Daniels Ass. Inc. Additions & Modifications $362,000.00 $364,000.00 $410,000.00 $446,000.00 $421,259.00 Itemized Price A Lower Exercise Area 16,450.00 26,000.00 19,900.00 18,000.00 20,281.00 Itemized Price B Stair, Partition, Windows 59,178.00 74,000.00 69,600.00 ~------ 75,187.00 50,000.00 Itemized Price C . Rubber sports flooring 22,575.00. 26,500.00 25,200.00 21,000.00 19,162.00 Sub-total 460,203.00 490,500.00 524,700.00 535,000.00 535,889.00 GST 32.214.21 34.335.00 36.729.00. 37.450.00 âZ.,,512.23 Total Tendered Amount $492,417.21 !524,835.00 $561,429.00 $572,450.00 $573,401.23 Ka~ Consultants-Loc, Peaah Contruction.Ltd. Jeviso Contracina Ltd. $393,000.00 $443,010.15 $446,475.00 37,000.00 43,070.50 28,750.00 B6,000.00 60,700.20 74,750.00 27,000.00 27,500.00 25,000.00 543,000.00 574,280.85 574,975.00 38.010.00 40.199.66 40.248.25 . $581,010.00 $614,480.51 $615,223.25 . Trustco Corporation Tendering Irregularity - subcontractor's list not returned as specified: Reference: Information to Bidder Item No's. 19, 20, 21; Purchasing By-Law No. 5900-01, Procedure No. PUR 010-001,10.04, Item 15. HN Construction PTR Construction Tendering Irregularity - subcontractor's list not returned as specified. Reference: Information to Bidder Item No's. 19, 20, 21; Purchasing By-Law No. 5900-01, Procedure No. PUR 010-001,10.04, Item 15. I. -_I I [ Tendering Irregularity - erasures, overwriting and strikeouts not initialled: revised "form of tender" paGes not used ( bid received on document other than those provided in the request ) ~ Reference: Information to Bidder Item No's 3, 8 ,9, 19, 20, 21: Purchasing By-Law No. 5900-01, Procedure No. PUFrO1o:õõ1,1O:04, Item, 18. Unable to bid Unable to bid I Unable to bid I Unable to bid --- Venture Construction Services M. J. Dixon Construction MRP Builders Verly Construction Ltd.. KemE Construction Ltd. 1-13-2002 . ?::~ :;: n I .--,. -~~ .n 2: ...., :¡~;: ! 1- -I 0 ;;0 m -c 0 ~ =It 1m \ N '<5' \ .0 tJ . CITY OF PICKERING , RECORD OF TENDE. ) OPENED AND CHECKED )....~ ) Tender Description:' Family Change Room, FítnessArea & Stair Tender No,: T-13-2002 Date:' Wednesday, May 15, 2002 Tíme: Approx.2:15pm Pi:'1.;~rin~ R':~'::j-;::ati\)n Comnbx Addcndum Tottll =3 ,. ---,--- -- --,-.." --.. - - ,-, --,---,-"--_..- .----,-.---. - -- -----" -._- ----..---------------,---------- - --- -------.- -----,-------' 1~1'- ,',.., ',,'......, :-_..h..~I_"""~ II¡¡' D~iJ:\:,iL , '"..""..-".-.." ' "'I'-i',,:.!', ...'I't ;--.="'-""""""Ii'-'~":""':\.".' ¡ .i.~;mc.! . ,~..::¡;n:.~\\'i:'.~:!'::d "", "...... ,"" .... ." '~.... '-", ! ~~i~I~~~~,i.~~:'¡:. ;\;¡::',~¡:,:l:)"~ ;:¡ ::~:;.i;!':~;;(;I,!ï: ; U;Dl>EH"S ,:iIC;\ J\i ¡ , Bemocon '2. £ A.G. Reat Construction Co. Ltd. Ð :; Brown Daniels Assoc. HN' Construction if ,. Jeviso Contracting Ltd. 1, Kara Consultants Inc. ; Land Construction Co. Ltd. I 8' Martinway Cont 1 PEGAH . rV PTR COJ;1structÏon C( Trusteo Construction Co. 1. Venture Construction Ltd. vi / V' / vi v" V - / "V" YES C:O:vF'v'i":'\ ¡',') »: YES YES YES YES YES YES 'YES YES YES YES YES (') :I: m Z ~ ~ m ~ =It i I f .:. ..,..-. .. .,.........-' c " --. --. ---- - ATTACHMËNT#_.3.o~TOReÞORT~~S- 2L:, -02- f. ...t J , jurecka + Associates/ art:hiteetufa and design . 83 Harbord St. Toronto, Ontario M5S IG4 ' tel 416/972-9385 fax 416 / 972-6304 þaul@jurecka,tom '. May 22, 2002 - Culture & Recreation Division City of Pickering , 1867 Valley Farm Road South " Pickering, Ontario L1V3Y7 Attn: Len Hunter, $uperintenderii of ,Facilities Re:' Selection of General O~ntra.ctor: Family Change Rooms:and Related Renovations Pickering Recreation Gíomplex Dear Mr. Hunter: - Last Wednesday the tenders clc!!sed on the family change rooms and related additional work in the Pickering RecreatiQf,¡ Complex.. I have subsequently reCèived copies of the tenders and a spread sheet gîvlt)g a çomparìson of the bids. The low bidder on this project is Bemocon Contracting '¡Jd" and their bid remains consistently competitive for all òf the itemIzed prices. The clos!¡ng bìds are sufficiently close to where we have reasonable confidenÅ“that the H.ontractor unden;tood the scope, At your request we have contadiad references provided by the contractor in the "Reference Summary". Of'the S!;x nijmes provided. we were able to $paak to four listed referees. All of them had high p"ahie overall for Bemocan's performance. One of the three felt that the project took 1c;¡1~lger to complete than expected. but this was offset by the others who were Impressed 'by the progress and willingness to promptly correct deficiencies, . Wa recommend that you award 'he contract to Bemocon Contracting Ltd., and await your instructions about the inclusion lilf iterf¡Ì]:ed price itams before contacting him, A - pre--construction meeting shauldl be arranged whan you are satisfied that the other tender requirements have been ~net. Sincerely, ::~,!"gc~.;,-~ .>t. . , .~ - ATTACHMENT#_~.TO REPORT#_Or.;;S - )..(0'-0'2 OPERA TIONS&EMERGENCY SERVICES Attachment For Tender:' T-13-2002 . FAMILY CHANGEROOM, FITNESS AREA & STAIR - )= [!] '-;(I , 0 17 0 - LOCATION MAP - ~ . --t1\~ ~ ~ GETA L CIRCL¿ DREYBEF 'Cr< .:: COURT PORîD. 0' ~ CRT.