HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 16-11 City Report To Executive Committee PICKERING Report Number: CS 16-11 145- Date: April 11, 2011 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Community Services Subject: Boyne Court - Sidewalk Removal & Driveway Restoration File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 16-11 of the Director, Community Services regarding the sidewalk removal and driveway restoration on Boyne Court be received; 2. That Council approve staff's recommendation to arrange for the removal of the existing sidewalk and undertake driveway and boulevard restoration for the residents on Boyne Court, subject to the condition that residents directly benefitting from the alterations incur 100% of the costs; 3. That Council direct staff to respond to the residents indicating the results of Council's decision; and 4. That the appropriate staff of the City of Pickering. be given authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: As a result of concerns from residents on Boyne Court regarding insufficient on-street and off-street parking, Council received a petition to consider and approve the removal of the existing sidewalk on the west side of Boyne Court, thereby, providing additional driveway parking. On January 17, 2011, Connie Brickles, 1504 Boyne Court, addressed City Council recommending that this matter be given due consideration. At that meeting, Council received the petition (Correspondence 04-11) and under Council Resolution #07/11 directed the Director, Community Services to report back to Council on the matter. Based on the lowest quotation received through IFQ-16-2011, the estimated cost of the work is $11,193.60 (including net HST) of which the five benefitting property owners would be, responsible for 100% of the cost.. Staff have contacted the property owners and advised them of the cost for the work. On March 22, 2011, one of the property owners (on behalf of the group) advised the City that they are in favour of the proposal and that they are willing to cover 100% of the costs. Staff recommends this project to move forward on the condition that those residents benefitting from the alterations incur 100% of the costs. Report CS 16-11 April 11, 2011 Subject: Boyne Court - Sidewalk Removal & Driveway Restoration 146 Page 2 Financial Implications: Pricing for Boyne Court - Sidewalk Removal & Driveway Restoration is $11,193.60 (including net HST) based on the lowest quotation received. The cost to be incurred by the benefitting property owners is 100% of the cost. No costs for this project are anticipated to be incurred by the City, other than administration of the contract to undertake the works. Sustainability Implications: The implementation of the recommendation within this report impacts the social lenses of sustainability given it has the potential to impact traffic operations and provide for additional off-street parking. Background: City staff have received written correspondence from property owners on the west side of Boyne Court regarding concerns over the lack of on-street and off-street parking. Correspondence 04-11 was forwarded to the City Council meeting held on January 17, 2011 which resulted in Council Resolution #07/11 referring the item to the Director, Community Services to report. Staff have since investigated their concerns and concurs that due to the geometric design and the number of residential driveways adjacent to the roadway there is very little provision for on-street parking. Boyne Court was constructed in 1987 and is 97.5 metres in length with 17 properties fronting the road. The street has an existing concrete sidewalk located on the west side across five properties, which only leads to the cul-de-sac at the north limit of the street. The residents have requested that the sidewalk be removed and the boulevard restored which would provide longer driveways and more off-street parking spaces. Planning & Development Department staff were consulted and have advised that during the planning stage of a subdivision, sidewalks are considered in order to provide safe pedestrian access to amenities for-the, greater good of the community. In this particular case, if the sidewalk is removed on Boyne Court the only other pedestrian. access would be to use the roadway on Boyne Court. Engineering Services staff reviewed the request and have identified that, although the sidewalk in question fronts five residential properties, only four of the five properties were identified in the correspondence. City staff are not in support of leaving one section of sidewalk fronting 1500 Boyne Court with no appropriate termination point. This information has been presented to the residents and they have responded indicating they are in support of removing the sidewalk across all five affected properties at a total estimated cost of $11,193.60 (including net HST). In order to proceed with this request, the residents would have to provide the City's Corporate Services Department with full payment in the amount of $11,193.60. Once the payment is received, staff will make arrangements to have the works commence shortly thereafter through approval of IFQ-16-2011. Staff recommend this project to move forward on the condition that those residents benefitting from the alterations incur 100% of the costs. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report CS 16-11 April 11, 2011 Subject: Boyne Court - Sidewalk Removal & Driveway Restoration 147 Page 3 Attachments: 1. Location Map Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: cz ✓ ' Darrell 8 elsky Evere , untsma Supervisor, Engineering & C 9tal Works Director, Community Services Rich rd Holbor , P. Eng. Div' ion Head, Engineering Services RH/DS:ds Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering C' Council GLC . Z8, Zo Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer I CORP0227-07/01 revised I ATTACHMENT# 1- 'N O REPORT# CS ~G.-" City 00 L of I ICI I ~ 148 ENGINEERING SERVICES DIVISION Attachment for Report to Executive Committee CS 16-11 Boyne Court Sidewalk Removal and Driveway Restoration AMBERLEA COURT GRACELAND O Q ST. MARY Q DRIFTWOOD ST(i~ cFon, SUBJECT ART AREA CRT. ERAMOSA PARK rn SAUGEEN f rn 38 g z ~c~ ST. MARY z a CATHOLIC . HIGH SCHOOL Un J CRESCENT o w ~~Flq Z Q C p U rn = m LANE STREET 0 ~3: o z ROAD C-) Y SPRINGVIEW DRIVE Um o w O Location Map - Boyne Court Proposed Construction Includes: BOYNE COURT • Removal of existing sidewalk (west side), fronting 5 residential properties • Replace driveways (including new granular base and asphalt) from the area of the former sidewalk to the curb • Replace lawns (including top soil and sod) in the area of the former sidewalk