HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 10-11 (Community Services) cis Report To ' Executive Committee ICKERIN Report Number: CS 10-11 Date: April 11, 2011 134 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Community Services Subject: Municipal Bridge Maximum Gross Vehicle Weight Restrictions - By-law to establish a load limit for certain bridges under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report CS 10-11 of the Director, Community Services regarding the establishment of safe load limits on municipal bridges be received; and 2. That the attached Draft By-law limiting the gross vehicle weight of any vehicle or any class thereof, passing over certain bridges, under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering be enacted. Executive Summary: The Highway Traffic Act and Ontario Regulation 104197 Standards for Bridges require that every bridge and/or structure be kept safe and in good repair through periodic inspections under the direction of a Professional Engineer and in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Structure Inspection Manual, or equivalent. Further, The Highway Traffic Act establishes that municipalities "having jurisdiction over a bridge may by by-law limit the gross vehicle weight of any vehicle or any class thereof passing over the bridge". The City of Pickering retains a qualified bridge inspection firm to perform regular bridge inspections every two years. As a result of flooding that impacted the Hamlet of Whitevale on July 23, 2008, a review and evaluation of the Whitevale Road bridge over West Duffins Creek determined a need to carry out structural improvements and to reduce the maximum weight load to 15 tonnes on that structure (due to non-flood related structural deficiencies). Based on these observations, structural improvements were carried out and the parent by-law (By-law 6753/07) was amended by By-law 6903/08. In 2010, the City of Pickering retained Keystone Bridge Management Corporation to perform the required inspection on the City's 66 bridges and culverts with a span of 3.0 metres or over. As a result of the inspections, four bridge structures that are currently subject to gross vehicle weight limits and two, additional bridge structures require a new load limit by-law. Report CS 10-11 April 11, 2011 Subject: Municipal Bridge Maximum Gross Vehicle Weight Restrictions By-law to establish a load limit for certain bridges under the 135 jurisdiction of the City of Pickering Page 2 Subject to the above, staff hereby present a proposed by-law which identifies the new established maximum weight load limits on certain bridges under the jurisdiction of the City and which repeals the previously established associated by-laws. Financial Implications: The financial implications associated with the works include an additional cost of $5,400.00 for Keystone Bridge Management Inc. to inspect and re- affirm proposed load limits at each location and certify the by-law and $200.00 for the installation of signs on additional structures. This additional cost will be charged to 2320 Roads current account. In order to remove the. bridge load limits, future expenditures will be required to rectify structural deficiencies and to bring the bridges up to current code requirements. Sustainability Implications: The changes proposed by staff are relevant to the social lens of sustainability by addressing municipal compliance with legislative requirements, public safety and traffic operations.and their impact on municipal infrastructure management and preservation. Background: In October of 2008, staff presented report OES 31-08 to the Executive Committee. The report, as adopted by the Committee and approved by Council: • identified the maximum vehicle load limits established on four bridges as a result of the inspections on all bridges currently under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering • presented for Council endorsement, the draft by-law necessary for bridge load designations • established the necessary schedules for signature by two Professional Engineers certifying the safe load limits and the duration for which the limits apply As a result of the recent reinspection of the Whitevale Road bridge in November, 2010 there is a need to reduce the maximum vehicular weight capacity of the structure from 15 tonnes to 10 tonnes and amend the municipal bridge load By-law 6753/07. A further recommendation to temporarily reduce the bridge to one lane of traffic has been implemented through the placement of delineators and appropriate signage. A copy of bridge site location maps, the draft amending bylaw and revised Schedule "A", which identifies all structures to which the by-law applies, are attached. Report CS 10-11 April 11, 2011 Subject: Municipal Bridge Maximum Gross Vehicle Weight Restrictions 136 By-law to establish a load limit for certain bridges under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering Page 3 If passed by Council, a completed applicable Schedule "B" will be signed and sealed by two professional engineers from Keystone Bridge Management Corporation and will form part of the new by-law.. Attachments: 1. Location Maps (5) 2. Draft By-law and Schedules "A" & "B" Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Dhaval Pandya, .Eng.,P.Eng. Everett B sma Coordinator, Transportation Engineering Director, Community Services Ri and W. H Iborn, P.Eng. Di ision Head, Engineering Services DP:ds Recommended for the consideration of Pickering ty Cou it CLC • Z8, Zo i/ Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT#_Le TOREPORT# On s 10-11 137 d ° o m m O z o~ GLADSTONE s STREET Bridge NO. 5001 CHURCHWIN STREET MAXIMUM GROSS wxrltE WHITEVALE VEHICLE WEIGHT J faraaa+ ROAD' = 10 TONNES - WHITEVALE ROAD RO' W O m u< Q O n m m O J U Z 0 Q LL J O O COMMUNITY BRIDGE LOAD LIMITS C¢ ENGINEERING SERVICES DIVISION ATTACHMENT FOR REPORT NUMBER CS 10-11 5 STRUCTURE ID #5001 (WHITEVALE BRIDGE 0 Ma arch23/2011 1"" 1:1000 ATTACHMENT# TO REPORT# C S 10 -11 ui Co 38 N P T GPI Z w N Q 2 F O Z SEVENTH CONCESSION ROAD O N CREEK N a 0 Bndge No. 6003`- MAXIMUM GROSS I Ros VEhICLENWEIGHT 18 TONNESXi w _ Z ~ J W W O Z Z U) J W Ul coPAR SERVICES BRIDGE LOAD LIMITS X00 ENGINEERING SERVICES DIVISION ATTACHMENT FOR REPORT NUMBER CS 10-11 5 March 23 /2011 STRUCTURE ID #6003 WILSON BRIDGE 1 :10 000 ° _PKXEMM ATTACH ME NT #--J- TO REPORT #4-5 of ~1 39 4 1 M 1 ' 1 1 N M 1 Y T O } z w J Z W J ~ W c~ u) '.Bridge No. 8001 MAXIMUM GROSS (0 VEHICLE WEIGHT = 15 TONNES EIGHTH CONCESSION ROAD 1 M Bridge No.~ 7004.x_ _ MAXIMUM GROSS J VEHICLE WEIGHT W D 10TONNES G Z Q J Q Uj O 1 LL 1 0 1 2 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 COMMUNITY SERVICES BRIDGE LOAD LIMITS yo¢ DEPARTMENT ATTACHMENT FOR REPORT NUMBER CS 10-11 ENGINEERING SERVICES DIVISION I I SCALE: OAM STRUCTURE ID #7004 (HOOVER BRIDGE) I 1:10000 March23/2011 STRUCTURE ID #8001 LEHMAN #2 BRIDGE ATTACHMENT #--L- TO REPORT# CS 10-11 TOWNSHIP UXBRIDGE 1 jo O Bridge No. 9006 g MAXIMUM GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT =10 TONNES O~F ~y 'yyo Rpd RAILWAY PACIFIC W Z J W Q N REGIONAL ROAD NO. 5 COMMUNITY DEPARTMENT cES BRIDGE LOAD LIMITS Cr ao 23DIVISION12011 ATTACHMENT FOR REPORT NUMBER CS 10-11 1:10 000 ENGINEERING March SERVICES DIVISION SCALE: STRUCTURE ID #9006 (Lot 4/5, Conc 9 BRIDGE) PICXERING ►o-►► ATTACH MENT#--L- TO REPORT# /7C 1 41 U B I T W HIP OF TOWNLINE Bridge NO. 10002 PICKERING/UXBRIDGE MAXIMUM GROSS VEHICLE WEIGHT = 15 TONNES O N 00 Ip 1[0 / N I W Z WI O w DIY 2 I W ' Z J W rn 0. 5 REGIONAL ROAD COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT BRIDGE LOAD LIMITS cav C¢ ENGINEERING SERVICES DIVISION ATTACHMENT FOR REPORT NUMBER CS 10-11 5`"`E: STRUCTURE ID #10002 ALTONA BRIDGE 1:10 000 March 23 /2011 ATTACH MENT# TO REPORT# CS 1p-1( 1 of 3 142 The Corporation of the City Of Pickering By-law No. /11 Being a by-law to limit the gross vehicle weight of any vehicle or class thereof passing over a bridge under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.H.8, as amended. . Whereas, pursuant to Section 123 (2) of the Highway Traffic Act R.S.O. 1990 c.H.8, as amended, the municipal corporation or other authority having jurisdiction over a bridge may by by-law, limit the gross vehicle weight of any vehicle or class thereof passing over the bridge. Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. In this by-law "gross vehicle weight" means the total weight in tonnes transmitted to the highway by a vehicle or combination of vehicles and load. 2. No vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof, whether empty or loaded, shall be operated over those bridges as set out in Column 1 and Column 2 of Schedule A to this by-law where the gross weight exceeds that set out in Column 3 of Schedule A to this by-law. 3. This by-law shall not become effective until a notice of the maximum limit of gross vehicle weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted in a conspicuous place at each end of the bridge. . 4. Any person violating the provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine as provided in the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, as amended from time to time. 5. That the engineers statement verifying the gross vehicle weight limit specified in Section 2 of this by-law are set out in Schedule B, attached and forms part of this by-law. 6. By-law Number 6753/07 and By-law Number 6903/08 are repealed. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this day of 2011. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk ATTACHMENT # -~L- TCIREPORT# CS (0-11 z of By-law No. Page 2 143 Schedule A Bridge Load Limits Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Bridge No. Bridge Location Maximum Gross Vehicle Weight 5001 Whitevale Road 10 tonnes 330m east of Altona Road 6003 North Road 15 tonnes 0.4km south of Seventh Concession Road 7004 Sideline 34 10 tonnes 0.2km South of Eighth Concession Road 8001 Eighth Concession Road 15 tonnes 0.10km west of Sideline 34 9006 Sideline 4 10 tonnes 1.4kkm north of Regional Road #5 10002 Pickering/Uxbridge Townline 15 tonnes 0.10km east of Sideline 30 - 1 ATTACHMENT # a TtOREPORT# Cs 10- 01 144 Schedule B By-law /11 and , professional engineers of the consulting firm Keystone Bridge Management Corporation, have reviewed the restriction of the gross vehicle weight passing over the bridges as identified in the above noted by-law. Effective as of the date of approval of the bylaw, I agree with the recommended gross vehicle weight limit as set out in By-law /11 for a period of twenty four (24)months.. Signed Signed. Dated