HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 17, 2011citq oo - ii PICKERIN Minutes Waterfront Coordinating Committee February 17, 2011 7:00 pm Tower Room Attendees: Mayor Ryan Councillor O'Connell Councillor Dickerson Jim Berry Kathleen Corcoran Jim Dike Keith Falconer Jean Veronneau Sean Wiley . Arnold Mostert; Coordinator, Landscape & Parks Development Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary, Absent: Maureen Robbins Patricia Short-Galle Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as ` a ro riate 1. Welcome & Introductions Mayor Ryan welcomed all newly appointed members as well as returning members to the Waterfront Coordinating Committee. He provided a brief overview of the goals and objectives of the Waterfront Coordinating Committee. Introductions were made around the table. 2. Discussion of Chair & Vice-Chair Mayor Ryan provided an overview of the position of Chair and Vice- Chair. He explained the role of Councillors as being a liaison between the Committee and Council. He informed the Committee that it was desirable to appoint a Chair and Vice-Chair from the citizen appointments in order to bring forward new ideas to the Committee. A brief discussion period ensued with respect to the appointments and information was provided on the role of Chair and Vice-Chair. Moved by J. Berry Seconded by K. Falconer Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 â–ºtem / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action ltems / Status R@f # (summary of disCUSSion) ' (inclutle deadline as ~ appropriate) That Jim Dike be appointed as Chair to the Waterfront Coordinating Committee. Carried ` Moved by Counciltor Dickerson Seconded by J. Veronneau That Jim Berry be appointed as Vice-Chair to the Waterfront Coordinating Committee. Carried. 3. 2011 Meetin Schedule Discussion ensued with respect to the 2011 Meeting Schedule. L. Roberts to action It was the consensus of the Committee to meet on the third Thursday of each month, with the second month being a tentative booking, if required. 4. Introduction of ongoing and upcoming projects along the waterfront Councillor O'Connell provided a.n update with respect to the First Nations Trail, Western Gateway, noting Ministry approvals have been received. It was suggested A. Mostert provide an A. Mostert to action update at the next meeting. Councillor O'Connell also provided updates with respect to the Eastern Gateway project and the trail realignment. She informed the members that York Region has consented to all requests which had been put forward. A. Mostert provided a brief outline of the future trail works and the addition of public washrooms for the Linton Farmhouse, which is currently in progress. He noted discussions are still taking place with regards to the portion of work being done by the City. J. Dike suggested the members could walk the trail to get a better understanding of the area. It was also suggested this could possibly be done as a group venture sometime during nicer weather. A. Mostert will brin lans forward to the next meetin : A. Mostert to action Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action ltems / Status Ref # (SUmmary of discussion) (include deadiine as aPprapriate) General discussion ensued with respect to the Frenchman's Bay Rotary West Park and the connection of the, east and west spit, as well as being a potential location for the Canoe Club. A brief question and answer period ensued. J. Dike suggested that, an update on the Scudelleri property be A. Mostert to action provided at the April meeting and that this item be placed on the agenda. Discussion ensued with respect to the western spit and the possible funding potential through the WaterFront Regeneration Trust. J. Dike requested an update with respect to the Monarch Trail A. Mostert to action and where we were at with regards to property acquisitions for the April meeting. J. Dike questioned whether there was anything the Committee could embrace as projects to coincide with the Bicentennial. Councillor O'Connell suggested possibly enhancing the Committee's involvement in the Great Waterfront Trail Adventure which is held in July. Other suggestions were made including the possibility of a winter Festival, partnering with PESCA and utilizing the Petticoat Creek Park. 5. Next Meetin The next meeting with be held on Thursday, April 21St Meeting Adjourned: 8:00 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 3 CORP0228-2/02