HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 8, 2011- ii PI KERING Minutes/Meeting Summary Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee Tuesday, February 8, 2011 10 am Pickering City Hall, Main Committee Room One The Esplanade Attendees: - Doug Dickerson, City Councillor, Ward 2 Peter Rodrigues, Regional Councillor, Ward 3 . Tom Melymuk, Director, Office of Sustainability Lynn Winterstein, Manager, Marketing & Business Development Kristy Kilbourne, (Acting) Caordinator, Sustainability Renee Michaud, Executive Assistant, Council (Recording Secretary) Absent: Dave Ryan, Mayor - Regrets David Pickles, City Councillar, Ward 3-Regrets Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (surnmary of discussion) (include deadline as a roriate y 1. Committee A ointments Chair & Vice-Chair T. Mel muk Nomination for Chair and Vice-Chair were discussed. Tom to chair this meeting and Committee Appointments will be selected at the next meeting. 2. Sustainable Pickerin 2011 Fte orts to Council T. Mel muk Tom advised that they are targei:ing the March 7t" Council meeting for a report on the City's Sustainable Pickering program. The 2011 Sustainable Pickering Work Plan includes the following: 1. Completion of the Measuring Sustainability Progress Report 2. Planning and implementation of Sustainable Pickering's Earth Hour Celebration 3. Continued Expansion of Sustainable Pickering Community Engagement Programs 4. Ongoing action and monitoring on the City's current performance with respecfi to corporate and community energy use and greenhoLase gas emissions 5. Participation in various sustainability events and programs 6. Continued work on Sustainable Placemaking 7. Continued promotion and expansion of the Sustainable . Pickering community contribution program Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 General Discussion on 2011 work plan: • Councillor Dickerson stated that work on the Seaton Sustainable Development Guidelines should be the top priority on the work plan for immediate attention • Councillor Rodrigues stated that there should be no reason that developers cannot meet the guidelines • T. Melymuk mentioned that the City's consultants are Schedule a separate drafting the guidelines and suggested that a.meeting can be meeting with arranged for the committee members to review and finalize Councillors to discuss them within the few weeks guidelines only. • K. Kilbourne mentioned that planning is well underway for Sustainable Pickering's E,arth Hour celebration to be held in conjunction with the 2011 Sustainable Pickering Day on Saturday, March 26th. Fiarther details to follow. • L. W'interstein indicated that through a CAO's office initiative, staff have been selected for training on networking tools such as RSS Feed, Twitter, Blog, etc. Both the Coordinator, Sustainability and the Ecanomic Development Officer wifl be trained. • The City of Picketing is participating in the 2011 Town Hall Measuring Sustainability Challenge which is North America wide. Participating Report to be provided to municipalities look at theqr usage for electricity and gas from Councillor Rodrigues for meter readings and compare with other municipalities to fnd his review out how well we are doing in compacison . • L. Winterstein mentioned that this provides excellent ' networking opportunities fior the city to be recognized as a leader as a sustainable community 3. Susfainable Pickering's Eartlh Hour Cetebration L. Winterstein March 26, 2011 ` K. Kilbourne • Scheduled for Saturday;, March 26, 2011 at the Pickering Town Centre • Event was very successful last year • Great opportunity to engage with the public . • The design concept is being finalized. Various displays and the Bicentennial booth will be featured • Marketing promotion on both the City's and the PTC's websites. Signage will be featured in stands and cube display units at all mall entrances immediately following March break • Earth Hour and Sustainable Pickering Day advertising to be included in our Community Page ad and also through a joint marketing venture with the Region and other municipalities which will be promoted across the Region • Encourage community to participate in events by promoting On-line Earth Hour Pledge, family activities, give-aways, and prizes • Cake contest for staff wlio take the Earth Hour Pledge •Councillor Dickerson inclicated a need to measure what Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 residents are doing the other 364 days of the year with a goal being to sustain interest through community engagement processes. , • Possible future engagennent might include a municipal event to be held in the evening for Earth Hour next year to en a e residents. 4. !2011 Contribution Pro ram T. Mef"muk T. Melymuk circulated a list of fihe 2010 contributors and potential contributors. Total collected in 2010 was $10,000. The committee was hoping for greater participation from companies in 2010. T. Melymuk advised that staff will review and amend the listing for 2011 as appropriate. The program will also be promoted more on our website. Councillor Rodrigues advised that it would be beneficial to place additional emphasis on the benefits received by companies that contribute, i.e. logos advertised on our website, increased recognition in the coimmunity. And to look into further benefits such as an annuat plaque in City Hall to display contributors names. 5. ' Sustainable Placemaking T. Melymuk : - Sustainable Cif' Buildin Framework T. Melymuk circulated a copy c►f the Sustainable Placemaking Framework concept. Currently working with IBI + Young & Wright consultant to develop the framework, which 'Nnvolves two parts: "Building a Sustainable City" and "Living and Working in a Sustainable City". The "Building a Sustainable City" part involves an integrated look at six disciplines: , • Land use planning • Transportation planning • Urban design • Infrastructure engineering • Environmental management • Energy management The goal is to develop the framework as a corporate best practice. There will also be opportunities to share our experience and information with other organizations and munici alities. Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 T. Melymuk mentioned that the Planning & Development Department will now be consid(aring this framework when evaluating development proposals, and undertaking new studies (e.g. Downtown Intensification Study). Councillor Rodrigues expressed interest in this concept and noted that the disciplines althotagh integrated with each other are also interdependent. He advocated a need to acknowledge that continued growth is not necessarily sustainable. 6. Other Business All Councillor Dickerson mentioned that the FCM's 2011 T. Melymuk to review Sustainable Communities Mission is being held in Quebec from mission and confirm August 7 to 12, 2011. In the past one elected official and one who is eligible to staff person have been able to attend. (See link attend. http://qmf.fcm.ca/Communitv Enerav Mission Councillor Dickerson mentioned the educational value of this Mission and indicated that we should make every effort to attend. L. Winterstein mentioned that C;hantal Whitaker will be back from Maternity Leave on March 14th and there will be a couple weeks overlap before Kristy's contract ends. 7. Next Meeting All It was suggested to coordinate future meeting dates with the Dates to be provided Site Plan Committee meetings. at next meeting for review and a roval. Meeting Adjourned: 12:15 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 4 CORP0228-2/02