HomeMy WebLinkAboutOS 01-11 City Report To Executive Committee PICKERING Report Number: OS 01-11 Date: March 7, 2011 103 From: Thomas Melymuk Director, Office of Sustainability Subject: Sustainable Pickering - 2010 Update and 2011 Work Program - File: D-1000-003 Recommendation: 1. That Report OS 01-11 providing an update on the 2010 Sustainable Pickering accomplishments and proposed 2011 work plan be received for information. Executive Summary: This Report provides an. update on the work undertaken in 2010 on the City's Sustainable Pickering program and outlines the 2011 work plan for this initiative. An important step in the Sustainable Pickering journey was taken in 2010 with the release of the City's first Measuring Sustainability Report and the completion of a number of other projects and events. The 2011 work plan was developed in discussion with the Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee. An immediate priority is the completion of the Seaton Development Design and Sustainability Guidelines. Also included in the work plan is the production of the second version of the Measuring Sustainability Report, the release and roll-out of the City's Sustainable Placemaking program and a continued expansion of our Sustainable Pickering community engagement program. As in previous years, the City will once again be holding a Sustainable Pickering Day in association with the Pickering Town Centre, and participating in a number of events and programs throughout the year, including the GTA Clean Air Partnership's Smog Summit and Pollution Probe's Clean Air Commute. Financial Implications: Funding approval for the 2011 Sustainable Pickering Program will be established through the 2011 City Budget. The 2011 request remains the same as what has been approved by Council in previous years. Total requested funding is $70,000, which includes $10,000 from our 2011 Sustainable Pickering community contribution program (which money will not be spent unless the contributions are raised), $5,000 from our continued studies reserve fund, and $5,000 from our 2010 community contributions. I Report OS 01-11 March 7, 2011 Subject: Sustainable Pickering 2010 Update and 2011 Work Program Page 2 Sustainability Implications: Sustainable Pickering is the overall corporate program that coordinates, leads and measures the City's sustainability journey. The program involves and affects all municipal departments and engages numerous outside groups, businesses, organizations and individuals. Background: Since its inception in 2005, the City's Sustainable Pickering program has evolved to become one of the leading municipal sustainability programs in Ontario and Canada. With the support and assistance of the Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee, a number of important initiatives were completed in 2010, and significant new strides are planned in 2011 that-will continue the City's progress on our Sustainable Pickering journey. 2010 Accomplishments Below are some of the key 2010 accomplishments of the Sustainable Pickering program. The work could not have been completed without the advice and assistance of the Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee, whose members in 2010 were Councillor Doug Dickerson (chair), Councillor Jennifer O'Connell (Vice-Chair), Councillor David Pickles and Mayor Dave Ryan. • The City's first Measuring Sustainability Report was released in June 2010. It outlines a framework for measuring our progress toward becoming a more sustainable city and provides baseline data for a number of the City's key indicators of sustainability (baseline data for the remaining indicators will be measured in 2011). This Report marked a significant step in our Sustainable Pickering journey and was the result of significant community consultation over the past few years. • Initial work in 2010 was done on developing the City's "Sustainable Placemaking" framework. This initiative represents another important step in the City's Sustainable Pickering journey and is one of the five corporate priorities identified by the City. The framework will be finalized and rolled-out in 2011. • A Report to Council was prepared in 2010 providing an update on the City's progress toward meeting its 2016 corporate greenhouse gas emission targets established by Council through the City's Partners for Climate Protection program. • In response to increasing inquiries by Pickering businesses and residents for information on the Ontario Power Authority's Feed-In Tariff, the Office of Sustainability prepared two online resource guides. One of the guides dealt with the FIT program, targeted at large scale renewable energy installations (10kW or larger), the other with the microFIT program for installations smaller than 5kW. Report OS 01-11 March 7, 2011 Subject: Sustainable Pickering 2010 Update and 2011 Work Program Page 3 • On-going updates and refinements were made to the Sustainable Pickering website throughout the year, including the addition of the Measuring Sustainability Report as well as the FIT and microFIT resource guides, and significant updates to the "My Challenge" section and the Sustainable Pickering calculators (Electricity Use, Water Use, and Vehicle Idling). As well, a mobi domain was added to better serve the growing population of smart phone users accessing the site. The Sustainable Pickering website receives a monthly average of 1600 visitors from within Pickering, Canada and internationally. • On March 27, 2010 (Earth Hour Day), the City hosted the 5t" Annual Sustainable Pickering Day in association with Pickering Town Centre. The event provided an opportunity for the City and its partners to interact with members of the community and promote energy conservation programs. At that event, people were encouraged to "Take the Pledge" and participate in Earth Hour. A total of 422 people registered to do this, and of these, 162 provided their e-mail address and were added to the Sustainable Pickering e-mailing list. On-going progress was also made in 2010 to promote the Sustainable Pickering program through displays, advertisements, email postcard blasts, and articles. Existing partnerships were enhanced and new partnerships fostered. In 2010, the Sustainable Pickering training presentation for new staff was updated to take into consideration feedback from past participants and to add information on the Measuring Sustainability Report. • As in previous years, Sustainable Pickering community contribution packages were distributed to a number of local businesses.' A total of $10,000 in contributions was received in 2010 to help fund existing and future Sustainable Pickering programs and events. • Staff gave presentations on the Sustainable Pickering program and the. Measuring Sustainability Report in a number of forums, including the OCETA 2010 Climate Change Conference the Durham Region Round Table on Climate Change, and the GTA Clean Air Partnership. • In June, the Director, Office of Sustainability agreed to join a national Advisory Committee on Sustainable Cities as part of a strategic review being conducted by the Research Chair in Sustainable Community Development at Royal Roads University in British Columbia. Report OS 01-11 March 7, 2011 Subject: Sustainable Pickering 2010 Update and 2011 Work Program Page 4 • Throughout 2010, staff of the Office of Sustainability participated in a number of community sustainability events, including: o coordinated the City's involvement and community participation in Earth Hour Day (March 27) and offered an "earth hour cake" as an incentive to staff o assisted with and participated in the GTA Smog Summit (June 2) o participated in Pollution Probe's Clean Air Commute (June 14-18) o coordinated staff and community participation in the Ontario Power Authority's Power Pledge Community Challenge Day (August 11); Pickering placed 8th out of 28 participating Ontario municipalities with populations greater than 75,000 based on participation per capita • In 2010, Pickering enrolled in Durham Sustain Ability's Eco-Business Program and became a member of the Global Cities Indicator Facility Project, an initiative of the University of Toronto that provides an established set of city indicators with a globally standardized methodology, allowing for global comparability of city performance and knowledge sharing 2011 Sustainable Pickering Work Plan The proposed 2011 Sustainable Pickering work plan has been designed to take the City to the next level on our Sustainable Pickering journey. The 2011 work plan has been developed in consultation with the Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee, and will focus on the following important initiatives: 1. Prepare Sustainable Development Guidelines for Seaton • the Minutes of Settlement for the Seaton Community call for endorsement by Council of Development Design and Sustainability Guidelines • the Office of Sustainability and the Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee will work closely with the City's planning team on finalizing these Guidelines for recommendation to Council by May 1, 2011 2. Produce a second version of the Measuring Sustainability Report • collect and update baseline indicator data to enhance work done in 2010 • refine and initiate a community sustainability survey • produce and promote version two of the Measuring Sustainability Report 3. Continue work on Sustainable Placemaking • finalize the Sustainable Placemaking framework (both the "Building a Sustainable City" and "Living and Working in a Sustainable City" components) • roll-out the "Building a Sustainable City" component to staff as well as the local building and development community Report OS 01-11 March 7, 2011 Subject: Sustainable Pickering 2010 Update and 2011 Work Program Page 5 4. Enhance and expand the Sustainable Pickering community engagement programs • refine and reorganize information on the Sustainable Pickering website to ensure user-friendliness and compatibility with smart phone and other electronic devices used for web access • enhance promotion of the Sustainable Pickering Challenge • enhance engagement efforts through the use of regular communique correspondence with the Sustainable Pickering e-mail distribution list and other means • expand the Sustainable Pickering Ambassador Program • explore and implement where appropriate, the use of social marketing and networking tools such as RSS Feed, Twitter, Blog, etc. 5. Continue to take. action on corporate and community energy use and greenhouse gas emissions • continue to implement the City's corporate GHG reduction action plan • monitor and report on the City's progress on reducing community GHG emissions and prepare a community GHG reduction action plan • complete Milestones 4 and 5 of FCM's Partners for Climate Protection program 6. Plan and implement Sustainable Pickering's Earth Hour Celebration • Sustainable Pickering Day will again be held in conjunction with Earth Hour Day, on Saturday, March 26, 2011 at the Pickering Town Centre 7. Continue participation in sustainability events and programs and increase opportunities for professional staff development • 2011 events will include: Smart Commute's Carpool Week, GTA Clean Air Partnership's Smog Summit, Pollution Probe's Clean Air Commute, Ontario Power Authority's Energy Conservation Week • 2011 programs will include: Global City Indicators Facility, Town Hall Challenge (TRCA), and continued involvement on the national Advisory Committee on Sustainable Cities • planned professional development activities in 2011 include: 4-day Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Training and Social Media Training • 2011 Sustainable Pickering presentations (to date) will include the OCETA Forum on Growing a Green Durham- Sustainability for Business, Homes, and Schools on March 23, 2011 8. Promote and expand the Sustainable Pickering community contribution program • the 2011 community contribution program is targeted to meet and possibly exceed the $10,000 raised in community contributions in 2010 aaOillO an!leals!ulwpy lalyo 1 6u3.d 'lapan Auol 110 ~ ZZ ~,7 l!o rOAl! u!aa~o!d 10 u01leaaplsuoo aul aol papuawwooa~l sioloajlQ OVO :Adoo aall!wwoO tiOS!npy 6u!J9~01d algeulelsnS Z paeM - aoll!ounoo Aj!o uosjar!Q 6noa W s Al!l!geuielsnS to aoi.40 `aoloaalQ Aj!l!geulelsnS 'joleulpaooo (6ulloy) d.d.2J '.d.'. 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