HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 27, 2011 City o~ Minutes Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee i January 27, 2011 PICKERING 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor Rodrigues Tate Besso Gayle Clow Christine Gonsalves Wickham Jamadar Candace Julien Dale Quaife Denise Rundle Mike Sawchuck Sally Sheehan Lars Svekis Isa James, Planner II L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Terence Arvisais i Item / Details Discussion &'Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) ' (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome Councillor Rodrigues welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the newly elected members for Heritage Pickering. He explained that he would act as Chair for this meeting, as one has yet to be appointed. Introductions were made around the table. 2.0 Discussion of Chair & Vice Chair Discussion took place with respect to the nominations for the position of Chair and Vice-Chair. P. Rodrigues provided an overview of the roles and explained the responsibilities of the positions. It was explained that due to the fact that most of the membership is new this term, we would hold the nominations and elections at the next meeting. P. Rodrigues also explained the role of staff and Council representation on the Committee. Page 1 'Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items'/ Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 3.0 2011 Meeting Schedule Discussion took place with respect to the 2011 meeting schedule. The Committee was undecided on whether to hold the meetings on Tuesdays or Thursdays. Moved by L. Svekis Seconded by S. Sheehan That the next Committee meetings be scheduled for March 1St and March 29th at 7:00 pm at which time the 2011 schedule will be set. Carried 4.0 Terms of Reference & Mandate P. Rodrigues reviewed the terms of reference. He noted the advisory role of the Committee, which is to provide guidance and assist Council on matters relating to the conservation of property of cultural heritage value or interest and heritage conservation districts. He also explained the function of the Committee for reviewing plans. Discussion period ensued with respect to the proposed budget which will be considered by Council in March. 5.0 New Business 1) Proposed Demolition of Barn on Sideline 16 1. James provided an overview of the barn located on Sideline 16 which dates back to the mid to late 19th century, which the Ontario Realty Corporation has advised the City of Pickering is proposed for demolition. She noted that in the past Heritage Pickering has not put a lot of emphasis on the preservation of barns, noting this is something the Committee could consider making a decision on. 1. James indicated that the information with respect to this proposed demolition was just received a few days ago, which I. James to action did not provide an opportunity to do any further research on the property. She noted that the property appears to be occupied and in good condition. She noted that the Ontario Realty Corporation did not provide any reason for the demolition, but that Ellen Kowalchuk, ORC was looking into this and she would follow up. A discussion period ensued and I. James noted at this point, all the Committee could do is to recommend the structure be Page 2 Item Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) included in the Register for listing. Moved by T. Besso Seconded by L. Svekis 1. James to action That a request be forwarded to the Ontario Realty Corporation seeking further information and additional time for further research prior to the Committee making a decision with respect to this property. Carried 1. James provided the Committee with an overview of the process involved when a heritage permit application is received. She explained that due to the timeframes involved, it may sometimes require that information be sent electronically to the members Discussion ensued with respect to the 2010 workplan and the creation of the 2011 workplan. M. Sawchuck, employed by Ontario Heritage Trust, provided a brief overview of the role and work of the Trust. 1. James informed the Committee that a study had been commissioned by the Planning & Development Department which resulted in the completion of a Heritage Policy Review in December 2010, which provides a good overview of what municipalities can achieve. She noted the study contains 27 recommendations and has two copies available if any members would like to come into the office and borrow a copy at any time to review. She noted the two areas that the Committee could consider working on are; • continuation of the work on the Heritage Register • preparation of a delegation by-law and report for Council's review and consideration A question and answer period ensued with respect to designations, what this means to property owners and the criteria for designating properties. 1. James suggested the possibility of a trip to Markham to view the heritage village that was created by moving heritage homes to one area. She noted they also have a number of conservation districts. Page 3 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 6.0 Correspondence a) City of Pickering - Civic Awards Nominations Letter received from the City of Pickering seeking nominations for Civic Awards was received for information. The deadline for submissions is February 10th, 2011. The forms are available on the City's website. b) Ontario Heritage Trust Letter received from Ontario Heritage Trust noting Ontario Heritage Week is being held February 21St to 27th, was received for information,. c) Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Letter received from the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration seeking nominations for the Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers was received for information. d) Ontario Heritage Conference Information was received with respect to the Ontario Heritage Conference being held in Cobourg June 3 - 5, 2011 was received for information. e) CHO News The October 2010 and January 2011 issues of CHO news were received for information. f) Heritage Matters The Heritage Matters publication was received for information. 7.0 Next Meeting & Adjournment Moved by W. Jamadar Seconded by D. Quaife That the meeting be adjourned at 9:15 pm Carried Next Meetin : Tuesday, March 1, 2011 Copy: City Clerk Page 4