HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 010-02 CiÚf o~ 111 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Richard Holborn, P .Eng. Division Head Municipal Property & Engineering DATE: April 12, 2002 - REPORT NUMBER: OES 010-02 SUBJECT: Roads Boundary Road Maintenance Agreements Aj axlUxbridge/T oronto File: RTC 010-02 RECOMMENDATION: By-laws should be enacted to authorize. the execution of Boundary Road Agreements with the Town of Ajax, the Township ofUxbridge and the City of Toronto for the period of January, 2002 to January, 2012 (10 years). ORIGIN: Expiry of previous Boundary Road Maintenance Agreements. AUTHORITY: Municipal Act, RS.O. 1990, c . MA5, section 271. - FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: No financial implications are expected beyond those provided for annually, in road maintenance and repair budgets. Ajax - No invoices are exchanged for standard road maintenance. Agreement provides for cost sharing for reconstruction or significant repair. Uxbridge - No invoices are exchanged for standard road maintenance. Agreement provides for cost sharing for reconstruction or significant repair. Toronto - Pickering invoices Toronto for 50% of any costs incurred for standard road maintenance, reconstruction or significant repair. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: N/A BACKGROUND: - Where roads form the boundaries between municipalities, there is always a question of which municipality is responsible for the maintenance and general upkeep of those roads. Section 271 of the Municipal Act RS.O. 1990, c. MA5 allows adjoining municipalities to provide for such situations by entering into Agreements to share the maintenance and repair cost obligations and to further indemnify and save harmless the other from any loss or damage arising from such an arrangement. Pickering has entered into Boundary Road Maintenance Agreements with each of Ajax, Uxbridge and Toronto (previously Scarborough) since 1979. The most recent versions have now expired and it is recommended that new Agreements be entered into for the next ten year period. 112 Report to Council OES 010-02 Date: April 12, 2002 Subject: Boundary Road Maintenance Agreements Page 2 Council is hereby advised that the Agreements currently being reviewed by the Solicitor for the City between Ajax and Pickering and between Uxbridge and Pickering propose a change to the previous cost-sharing arrangements. - Pickerim!lAiax Under the conditions of the prior agreement, both Pickering and Ajax would invoice each other for 50% of any works performed on boundary roads. Under the proposed Agreement, Pickering and Ajax will each be responsible for, without chargeback, the routine maintenance and repair costs (including winter control) of the various sections of the boundary roads delegated to them. The 50% cost-sharing arrangement between Pickering and Ajax for any reconstruction or significant repairs to the delegated sections of the boundary roads remains unchanged. This modification will eliminate the administrative expenses required to prepare mutual and relatively equal chargebacks for routine maintenance between municipalities and will provide uniformity in road boundary agreements with all area municipalities. Pickerin2lUxbridi!e Under the conditions of the prior agreement both Pickering and Uxbridge were responsible for all expenses associated with the maintenance and repair of their section of the boundary roads delegated to them. Under the conditions of the new agreement, the expenses for the provision of routine maintenance will remain unchanged but provision has been made for each municipality to be responsible for 50% of the costs for any reconstruction or significant repairs. This modification has been proposed to share the cost of major repairs such as culverts and surface repairs and will provide uniformity in road boundary agreements with all area municipalities. - ricker~oronto The Agreement between the City of Pickering and the City of Toronto will remain unchanged as there is no equal delegation of roads between the municipalities. The City of Pickering will continue to invoice the City of Toronto for 50% of the incurred costs to provide standard maintenance, reconstruction and significant repairs to the delegated portion of the boundary road. Upon receiving authorization for the execution of the Agreements ITom Pickering Council, Pickering will forward the relevant agreements to Ajax, Uxbridge and Toronto to finalize and execute. Enactment of the by-laws attached hereto will authorize the execution of a Boundary Road Agreement between the City and Ajax, Uxbridge and Toronto in a form satisfactory to the Solicitor for the City. A separate by-law is required for each Agreement as the terms of the legislation require both the Agreement and the By-law authorizing its execution to be registered in the Land Registry Office. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2. Draft By-laws (3). Location Maps (6). - Report to Council OES 010-02 Subject: Boundary Road Maintenance Agreements Date: April 12, 2002 1.1 3 Page 3 Prepared By: - BK:rwh Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Operations & Emergency Services City Clerk Solicitor for the City Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council c.: - - ", :2 ",..'" , ns and Emergency Services /r . d' ,'- :.' ^""""CHIVlE"'r'~I~ I "I".OREPORJ#CES 616-0'2- 1"\1 I ~ ". 1'Ii. """'~7. I' ~ . --~.,,-, , l1t 4 " TIm CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PIGIŒRING 114 BY-LAW NO. - Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Boundary Road Maintenance Agreement between The Corporation of the City of Pickering and The Corporation of the Town of Ajax (January, 2002 to January, 2012). WHEREAS pursuant to section 271 of the MU1úcipal Act, RS.O. 1990, chapter MAS the corporations of adjoining municipalities may enter into an Agreement for the maintenance and repair of any lúghway forming the boundary between such municipalities; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a Boundary Road Maintenance Agreement, in a form satisfactory to the Solicitor for 'the City, between The Corporation ofthe City of Pickering and The Corporation ofthe Town of Ajax. .-.. BY-LAW read a fIrst, second and tlúrd time and finally passed tlús 6th day of May, 2002. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk - W31S0 'r w 0, (I) ATTACHMENT#--LTO~ öes ðlD-oz.. 2?)t1 ' -1-2 (() TOWN OF AJAX d ..J l_~ . // // // >-' // ' / w // Z / I- // ' ~ / 2 W / / w., . /; ..J 5..." // IX) j ìJr 9 ~ // w '~ ' // z 5 // :J z" // ~'E?r6 w - w 1/ Vb ~ /1 , / fC'-JCESSION¿ß:, Wi ZI ..J W O. (I) , ---':~~l :::.:::::-1. SCHEDULE A PICKERING MAINTAINED LOOSE TOP LENGTH = 1520 m (approx.) (SIDEUNE 16) PICKERING MAINTAINED ASPHALT LENGTH = 5000 m (approx.) (FIFTH CONCESSION ROAD) -- --- -- - ---------~ ----- ~- OPERATIONS &; EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAl PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION SÐ'U: I Plm """" 1:30 000 APRIL 1212ro2 AJAX - PICKERING BOUNDARY ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT ~. L:'MPondE"\Th~m.¡;c U"PJ'Mg\Map..\MPH - Mmin\Bøundory A<p-monfs - ATTACHMENT #--1- TO REPORT#~ 0(0 -0;1... § BAYLY '" .' STREET ~~( J- II I I- w w II: l- ii! ORNE x « ) « SCHEDULE B AJAX MAINTAINED SURFACE TREATMENT LENGTH = 680 m (approx.) - 111::: >-= ~= ~= J= <== !1::~ 0' ~ 0 !1:: - w Õ SILICONE DRIVE ~ ; j II: . bI 11.. 11.' 0' 0' ' , , - r: ..... ~~ 0= 1=:: ~= Z=" I 0 ~ '" m - - - . ROAD ~ , ~~ Ô=" 4:::: Z= 4:::: U- ~ ' - UI - ~ ~ :; ~ g Am"""",."""""""",,", ~ . == McKAY ~ \ -: ROAD .... MONTGOMERY PARK , J Z ¡,\' ::> 111 ~ 0 if ~~J -~ (,. OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPAR1MENT MUNICIPAl PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DlVISIa>I """", 1:12000 I 'APRIL 1212002 L:\MPtmdf\rhEmaflc ~"'pp;ng\U'ops'\AlPM - Amnin\80(lT1tfary M"",""",fs 0 >- <l ei¡ ~ :::;' 0, (:} ~ ~ 0 It: >~ I I I I Ii D, . Q, . ¡§, 0: Q ~ 0 0: SCHEDULE A PICKERING MAINTAINED SURFACE TREATMENT LENGTH = 400 m (approx.) ~ ~ , Cib¡ it/- /1 'r¡'" . =Ñ~ AJAX - PICKERING BOUNDARY ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT -' 1-'\ r\Ci"j¡¡i:!,¡, ;;:--L- IV h¡;FUi\8 ~1'~~,,-, ........... -Vø.. ~4 if .: ~ ("'f? , . I~' . ',.{\'l I . I 117 z 5 0 f- " SCHEDULE B AJAX MAINTAINED ASPHALT LENGTH = 920 m (approx.) --- I- w w 0: Iii KELLINO STREET w :> z w ~ I 0 ~ m STREET 1/1 w 0: :5 0 1/1 I 0 0: :> r u ,UMMER ST. QUARTZ b t- BAYLY STREET 2 I OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERrY & ENGINEERING DIVISION SCAI.E: 1 :12 000 I ÄPRll12/2002 \ I AJAX - PICKERING BOUNDARY ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT .. . ~ r;it~rf(~ ~ l.:\MPandE"\n."matii: .lfappFng\Maps\MP'!-E - Mmin\Brxmck1ry Ag<æmrmts - :~ ,I (.. ';' ... 118 TIlE CORPORATION o~~ìA'Y OF PI~~ 10 ...()À ,'r BY-LAW NO. - Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Boundary Road Maintenance Agreement between The Corporation of the City of Pickering and The Corporation of the Township of Uxbridge (January, 2002 toJanuary, 2012). WHEREAS pursuant to section 271 of the Municipal Act, RS.O. 1990, chapter MA5 the corporations of adjoining municipalities may enter into an Agreement for the maintenance and repair of any highway forming the boundary between such municipalities; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a Boundary Road Maintenance. Agreement, in a form satisfactory to the Solicitor for the City, between The Corporation of the City of Pickering and The Corporation of the Township ofUxbridge. - BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 6th day of May, 2002, Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk ..... W3150 ATTACHi-¡EN¡' ; ~.-i::-T() KEFUit i ~r-o,é;.J (J /0 -0 L ~.."~ J-í~ l-'.~ 119 g; r- UXBRIDGE ~,/ f ..¡ fJ Z a "-' z a (51 w 0:- , 0' I"'} TOWNSHIP Q « 0 n: z 0 iñ 111 W ~ OF 0 0 iÉl f! ~OAD - a I") " w Z' -' W 0 -" (f): < C ( } SCHEDULE A PICKERING MAINTAINED SURFACE TREATMENT . LENGTH = 3,940 m (approx.) )J' OF PICKERI NG ----- " v >t I") w z -' w- 0 (f} L ~ ] W . ~ z. ) W - h 0- -, lfj " j~ y w. Z .J W 0: (f) L . ( l REGIONAL ROAD- 5 -I J a 1")- , PIPELINE 7' , TRANS-CANADA ---------------'-,- .... ro N. ) .~ n 1 w Z -'- W 0; (I) w z -' w 0 (f}, w- z :' -' w 0 (f) ..~ EIGHTH , , . j 0 OPERATIONS' & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPEIUY & ENGINEERING DlVISIaI sou£: I PL<1f "'11': 1:24 000 APRIL 12J2002 UXBRIDGE - PICKERING BOUNDARY ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT Ûtt¡ øI ~ ~JI - .&J!'a. - ~-..--",!.----." -¡(.~:4t¡lrt t..:\MP"ntff\ r""malice Mapping\l.faps\ltfP.t:E - Mmñ1\EJacmdaryr Agreements ,-. 120 ATTACHhê¡\j, ':f_~LT(J i~b 'vi'- ¡ il~":> U I U -U ""- ,. 31~ -J,,: ~) ~ >' .,,~ "í a « 0 0:: Z 0 (f) (f) w. () z 0 () TOWNSHIP 0 f UXBR/DGE o. « a 0:: TOWNSHIP OF UXBRIDGE w. C> 0 a:: w 3::. <.( ..J -.. .1: +' (Ü . PICKERING-UXBRIDGE TOWNUNE ROAD ... -- ----- - .-- "" --..---- - - '-- - SCHEDULE A PICKERING MAINTAINED LOOSE TOP LENGTH = 320 m (approx.) ( J J SCHEDULE A PICKERING MAINTAINED LOOSE TOP LENGTH = 960 m (approx.) TOWNUNE ROAD ~" - -- . >- Q) II I-- :::r: .. :s:: 0 1\ <.( O' "- 0:: 0 w C> " 0 I 0:: < W :'Ie fj :s:: « ..J () . I-- CITY OF PICKERING .-.. -- ---- -- 0 « 0 0:: :2 « (f) ..J « m ' "'/,,: , Ii OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAl PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION sx:.<æ I PLOT ""'" 1:12000 APRIL 1212002 UXBRIDGE - PICKERING BOUNDARY ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT em, øI /j. "~,, "f". ~"'~,,~oì1.liiL,, "",,' , .~ -..:' ~NG L:\MPandE\Themufk: Mappim¡\Maps\MPM - Admin\Boundary Agre"",enfs - ., :.1 ATT~':H¡YiE¡'~': ::.': « .~ ~ Qé'S 010-02.. w z ::¡ w ~~ 0 « 0 It z ~/ J . ,""', z 0 Vi If) w () Z 0 (J 0 « 0 II: Y U 0 It œ I~~' 121 0 ð r n: z 0 ¡¡¡ If) w () Z 0 () .s: iÕ ROAD w z. ::¡ w 0 m \ '-'ON ROAD ;' 'f (\ (\ N w Z' ::¡ W D. UI. 0' N ü' fCES~- w' Z ::¡ W' 0 w~ ~. W 0 SEVENTH CONCESSION iíí >- w Z I- m w 5 ROAD OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT MUNICIPAL PROPERTY & ENGINEERING DIVISION SCAlE I nor !>1m 1:35000 APRll1212002 UXBRIDGE - PICKERING BOUNDARY ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT L:\MPand£\lñe"'uffc lIapp;ng\Mops\AfP&:E - Mmlr>\8cum.f<J?' A¡p-rements - 1?2 ", ,3"""", ~r~'.') ¡..;¡ t::'.Df,,\f'"r,., , ,':!~ , ^",E,-5 ð ( ð -0" , ,¡"j ~Ulic.",¡\" "~J,,,l. it¿2-.. , " ~ THE CÖRPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. - Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a Boundary Road Maintenance Agreement between The Corporation of the City of Pickering and The Corporation of the City of Toronto (January ,2002 to January, 2012). WHEREAS pursuant to section 271 of the Municipal Act, RS.O. 1990, chapter MAS the corporations of adjoining municipalities may enter into an Agreement for the maintenance and repair of any highway forming the boundary between such municipalities; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a Boundary Road Maintenance Agreement, in a form satisfactory to the Solicitor for the City, between The Corporation of the City of Pickering and The Corporation of the City of Toronto. ..",.. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 6th day of May, 2002. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk - RTC 010-02 ATll~CrH\fíEI\~r;'t.3-.. TO REPORT#~$ ð to -o;L }. z.. ~op.v - - - óR'- .- ,. TAUNTON -- CORR\D_.- --' .~:~ -.~.:=.:=--':=::::rf!3 . ----\---:~----. _-~ORO ---=-~ø"" ~ -- - -.-::-- -:tf<ÞJ"S- 0 --- ~-. Ir - - - ---------- ,..-- -..;:::-..;:::::-- . .:::::-.:=::-- \(r ~ - SCHEDULE A PICKERING MAINTAINED SURFACE TREATMENT LENGTH = 2,715m (approx.) (1875m Cone. 2 + 840m Cone. 3) ~~~~ .~~. . "I . ~.. DA\tIDSON HYDRO ..... LL 0 ~ >- ~ l- I) - iï: U I " :> 0 n: 0 m n: 0{ I) .. "- "- ....... ........ , - --- 0{ z a ~ 0{ .. FINCH ~ - I OPERATIONS &; EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPAR1'MENT MUNICIPAl PRQPERIY & ENGINEERING DIVISION ~ I FlID~ 1:13500 APRIL 1212002 ~ '\ TORONTO - PICKERING BOUNDARY ROAD MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 0{ z 0 ~ 0{ .\ / a 0{ 0 0: ROAD § PIPElJNI¡; , , AVENUE /' ì I . .) ~ L:\MPttndC\lhemot;c. Uvpp{ng\M"!'$\MPM - Adm¡"\BotØ'1dø'J' Agreements -