HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 01-11 Cis ~0 Report To _ Executive Committee T P1CKERIlyG Report Number: CAO 01-11 Date: January 10, 2011 01 From: Debbie Shields City Clerk Subject: Ward Boundary Review - 2014 Municipal Election - File: A-2000 Recommendation: 1. That Report CAO 01-11 regarding Resolution #158/10 on the matter of a Ward Boundary Review be received for information; 2. That a Ward Boundary Review and the election of Regional Councillors at large not be undertaken at this time. Executive Summary: This Report is in response to the Notice of Motion presented at the September 13, 2010 Council meeting. The Notice of Motion requested that the City Clerk report back to Council on the process and budget required to review the City of Pickering Ward Boundaries for the 2014 Municipal Election. Financial Implications: Following an initial review of similar-sized Ontario municipalities that have recently completed a Ward Boundary Review, the City Clerk notes that it would cost approximately $30,000 for this project. In order to undertake a review, this amount would have to be added to the proposed 2011 budget, as well as a contingency for an OMB hearing should one be received. Sustainability Implications: There are no sustainability implications. Background: At the September 13, 2010:Council Meeting, Council endorsed Resolution #158/10 whereby it was resolved that the Clerk's Office would investigate the process for reviewing the City of Pickering Ward Boundaries for the 2014 Municipal Election. The City Clerk investigated the process for reviewing the City of Pickering Ward Boundaries and submits the following: Report CAO 01-11 January 10, 2011 Subject: Ward Boundary Review Page 2 02 The Municipal Elections Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, c. 25 establishes the authority for a Municipal Council to review the composition of Council, the means whereby Members of Council are elected and to divide, re-divide or dissolve existing wards. Section 222 of the Act requires that the municipality must provide notice and hold a minimum of at least one public meeting. A Ward Boundary Review can be initiated either by the Council, or by way of a petition to the Council by the electors of the municipality. Given that this is a Council-initiated ward boundary change, no further reference is made in this Report to the requirements governing a petition to Council. The intent of the Ward Boundary Review process that was being proposed is to undertake a completely public process with the process being undertaken by an independent, experienced third party. The Consultant would rely on the assistance of City of Pickering staff, as required. Various public consultations would be conducted and the creation of Terms of Reference to guide the process. After investigation of other municipalities that have conducted Ward Boundary, Reviews of a similar nature, it is estimated that the process would cost approximately $30,000. With the anticipation of varying rates of population growth across the City, it may be necessary to look at longer term growth patterns to arrive at a ward structure which will be sustainable for a number of future Council terms. At this time, a Ward Boundary Review would be premature considering Duffin Heights and Seaton are still in the early planning stages and it might be necessary to review Ward Boundaries again once these areas have been completed. If Council does not believe that a complete Ward Boundary Review is feasible and/or necessary at this time, the City Clerk could continue to investigate the possibility of minor ward boundary changes if directed by Council for the 2014 Election. Attachments: 1. Notice of Motion - City of Pickering Ward Boundary/Governance Model Review for the 2014 Municipal Election. Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: Lisa Harker, MPA Debbie Shields Coordinator, Records & Elections City Clerk CORP0227-07/01 revised i Report CAO 01-11 January 10, 2011 Subject: Ward Boundary Review Page 3 03 DS:lh Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering C' Counci • 65; 20~® Tony Prevedel, P. ng. Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised - i 04 NOTICE OF MOTION CITY OF PICKERING WARD BOUNDARY/GOVERNANCE MODEL REVIEW FOR THE 2014 MUNICIPAL ELECTION Resolution #158/10 Moved by Councillor Johnson. Seconded by Councillor Dickerson WHEREAS the City of Pickering is a rapidly growing community and it is sound municipal management practice to evaluate the implications of such growth on local political representation; WHEREAS the current ward boundaries were determined approximately 35 years ago when Pickering had a population of approximately 24,000; WHEREAS Ward 3 has a population 30% higher than Ward 1 and 2 and 10-15 times land size; WHEREAS as significant future population growth is expected in Ward 3 and continued growth in Ward 1 and 2, Council may find that it is timely to assess the current and emerging population situation to ensure the appropriate representation for Pickering citizens and a balanced workload for Councillors for the 2014 Municipal Election; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Council for the City of Pickering approves the investigation into the process for a ward boundary and governance model review for the 2014 Municipal Election; THAT the City of Pickering include consideration of a ward boundary review in the 2011 Budget discussions for the hiring of an independent consultant to review ward boundaries and to investigate the election of Regional Councillor's being elected at large; and, THAT the City Clerk report back to Council in 2011 on the process of reviewing the City of Pickering Ward Boundaries/Governance Model for the 2014 Municipal Election. CARRIED