HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 06-02 CUll n~ 007 REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: -- Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services DATE: February 20, 2002 Gillis Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer REPORT NUMBER: OES 06-02 SUBJECT: Pickering Fire Services - Communications/Dispatch Technology File: CO 1000 RECOMMENDATION: 1. 2. 3. 4. -- 5. That the joint report of Corporate Services Department and Operations & Emergency Services Department No. OES 06-02 be received; and That Council endorse the concept of an 800 Mhz communication system in conjunction with the City of Oshawa; and That Council give pre-budget approval of the estimated cost of $1.4 million; and That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project through the issuance of debt; and a) Debt financing in the amount of $1,400,000 for a period not exceeding 10 years, at a rate to be determined, be approved; b) Financing and repayment charges in the amount of approximately $190,000 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2002 and continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid; c) The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Debt and Financial Obligations approved Annual Repayment Limit for debt and other financial obligations for 2001 as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario; d) The Treasurer be authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and That the appropriate staff be given the authority to give effect thereto. ORIGIN: - Industry Canada's advisement that the City's existing dispatch equipment will be non-compliant and therefore inoperative effective January 1,2004. AUTHORITY: Municipal Act Section 210 Subsection 31 (a) 008 Report to Council OES 06-02 Date: February 20, 2002 Subject: Pickering Fire Services - Communications/Dispatch Technology Page 2 - File: CO 1000 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Based on a loan term of 10 years, the interest cost would be $484,170, resulting to a total cost of $1,884,170 to the City of Pickering. - The 2002 Capital Budget will be increased by the $1,400,000 cost of this project. Finance will be in the form of debt, most likely issued through the Region of Durham late in 2002 or. early 2003. Debt charges in the amount of approximately $188,417 annual over the next 10 years will be included in the annual Current Budget funded from the tax levy. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Due to the introduction of legislation through Industry Canada the existing Communications/Dispatch equipment being used by Pickering Fire Services will no longer be legally compliant with federal laws. In August 2000 Council authorized staff through approval from the Chief Administrative Officer (copy attached) to proceed to investigate alternative Communications/Dispatch strategies. The result of this investigation is such that staff are recommending that Pickering join with the other lakefront communities of Durham and connect with Oshawa Fire Services Dispatch equipment at an estimated cost of $1.4 million. - BACKGROUND: The City of Pickering as well as other lakefront communities (except Oshawa) all operate through a wide band low :&equency Communications/Dispatch system. Industry Canada has advised that we must convert to a narrow band radio system by January 1, 2004. Our existing system will not be "legally" entitled to operate and should it continue to be operated it will be sharing frequency with non-fire service related companies such as taxis or trucking companies. Needless to say this would not be conducive to the operation of a safe communication system for Fire Service. KV A Consultants have since reviewed various options, as per Council Approval in August 2000, including a Public Communication Network (Telus, Bell Mobility) and separate communications systems. These options were explored through a cooperative RFP process through the City of Oshawa, Town of Whitby, Municipality of CIa ring ton and Town of Ajax. After all of KV A's investigation the consultant has recommended a "trunked-in" system with Oshawa Fire Services 800 Mhz Communication Technology. Alliakefront communities have now committed to this network. - Consistent with this the supplier of the equipment provided a more recent detailed quote and schedule for the replacement of Pickering's Communications equipment through a cooperative quote through the City of Oshawa. The supplier has given the City and other communities a deadline of March 15,2002 to commit to the system or face an increase in costs (approximately $150,000). The estimated cost from the supplier is $1.4 million for Pickering's portion of the new system. Pickering Fire Services staff have reviewed the proposal and recommend proceeding immediately with the acquisition of the new system to ensure installation by January 1,2004. Report to Council OES 06-02 Date: February 20, 2002 Subject: Pickering Fire Services - Communications/Dispatch Technology Page 3 - File: CO 1000 OO~J A TT ACHMENTS: 1. 2. Confidential memo from the Chief Administrative Officer - dated August 1, 2000 Confidential memo from Fire Chief- dated July 27, 2000 - ,/" / ,/ -------.-. Approved / Endorsed By: ~¿~~ -Gnris Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer EB :mld Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer , Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council / - -. .01.0 ATTACHMENT # ~.TO REPORT #()é-S- Ó6 -oÞt OFFICE OF THE CHŒF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM It' /" (. . . . ¡". S )t . ..;t" . 7./ (' . .K- vi August I, 2000 To: Mayor Arthurs Members of Council - From: Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer. Subject: Joint Fire Communications Centre File: CASO32 Please find the attached confidential report from Rick Pearsall dated July 27, 2000. I am in agreement with the Fire Chiefs comments, which have been endorsed by all Fire Chiefs in the Region of Durham. Based on the review by William Lemay, Hicks Morley, the problems of a central fue dispatch are vel)' evident. M a result of the Human Resources issues, a central fire dispatch is not possible at this time. Durham Region Governance must be dealt with before the possibility of one central dispatch centre may once again be explored. . In concurrence with Industry Canada, municipalities within Durham Region must seize the . opportunity to establish the most efficient radio communication system. As you can see, we are only now being infonned of the sigÍúficant costs associated with this new technology. . - Pickering has no recourse but to join the Oshawa Fire Radio System. The anticipated cost of this .. partnership is between .one and a half million dollars and two million dollars ($1,500,000- $2,000,000). The recommendation in this report is that approval be granted to initiate phase 2 of the Joint Fire Communications Centre. The total project cost of $10,914.00 is to be shared equally betw~n Ajax. Clarington, Pickering and Whitby, the cost to each municipality being $2,728.50. The approval of this phase will provide us with more detailed costs and technical inforination that will be extremely advantageous to future considerations regarding a joint communications centre. I am respectfully seeking further approval and direction ftom Council on this matter. TJQ:lr Attachments . - To: ATTACHMENT#' c1 TO REPORTfIl2~~a " , "/P3 I; CAO OPERATIONS & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEtMi ~. l'- -T ' t FILE NO.; r. FIRE SERVICES DMSION ~ AE'.EY. TO: ! '~I"Df""OpVI.....¡-r' _1 '-'-TO I ¡ !",¡\i'tV "","",.tJ.I..Ii:'. :_,./ CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUMiE;;~(¡:;\~ -,,~-C)i.~!9L ~ , "",¡, !;C'VEL I' ;"~I"'" ~ ../ , ","'.."'., , ~,;LE,'\", ...........- ~i~:~'~R.i' EME!3G ¡ ,~F~~£~ ï:)/ July 27; 2000 , C'.',-, I';. Fle-C, --¡-,'r-;~iÚ-MM" BEB, I ' ;.~:,;;,~Ë=-r.~'-n}~¿~~~:'::~-~'.~' ~ . :""".;,,\I..H', ,¡",..,¡"P",<u,J,&põi:"l '~i ~~ :~~~-}!~:~~~..rj HtL, " - Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative Officer From: Patrick Pearsall Fire Chief Subject: Joint Fire Communications Centre - Phase 2 of Joint Fire Communications Project In August 1999, the City of Oshawa approached each ofthe region's fire chiefs regarding the possibility of a joint fire communications centre serving all eight area municipalities in Durham Region using Oshawa's existing radio system. Phase I of the report fÌom KV A, "Proposal for Consulting Services for an AmlÙgamated Dispatch System", has been completed. It is the architectural footprint, which encompasses the idea and feasibility of one common dispatch centre for all the Fire Services within Durham Region. Within the scope of the report, it further identifies the technical and the human resources issues that have a profound impact on the provision of communications within the Fire Services. - HUMAN RESOURCES: As a result of Human ResourcesÏssues the possibility of one central fire dispatch are not possible at this particular time. In the view of Wm~ LeMay of Hicks Morley the Human Resources issue was the most difficult issue in the Joint Communications Centre project. ' "Overcoming the labour relations challenges to operating a single dispatch operation may not be possible at this time. Therefore, the municipalities should consider the possibility of establishing two or three dispatch centres across the region." Once the governance of the municipalities in Durham Region have been detennined through provincial legislation the opportunity to proceed with one dispatch centre may present itself. ' ' - . Ol~~ Subject: ATTACHMENT#- J2. .T9tREIj>RT# 6'6 OG-ô ~ Joint Fire Communications Centrtf - Phase 2 of Joint Fire Communications Project Page 2 As a result of the severe Human Resources issues, I am recommending that Pickering be the other dispatch centre location anchoring the western portion of the Region. . . TECHNOLOGY: - The present radio. spectrum will be compressed by 50% in the year 2004, rendering our present system obsolete, and a further 50% in 2010. Industry Canada will no longer guarantee this operating range as the sole domain of public safety agencies, the resultant interference :ITom other users will impair public and firefighter safety. To compensate for this change in frequency allocation Industry Canada hils designated the frequency range 821 - 824 MHz Band as a Public Safety System, for the use of emergency users (Fire, . Police, and Ambulance). In 1993 when Oshawa Fire were in the same position as our communications system is today, it was suggested they on a trunking system, at that time . Industry Canada put. them on the 800 :MHz band. . Therefore, it is imperative to adopt the current recomniended communication solution to ensure the best possible service to the community. The KVA report recoID.p1ends that the Fire Departments within the Region of Durham move to the 800 :MHz, if a private voice radio communication systc:m is chosen. . 800 MHz provides better building penetration in built-up areas 800 MHz would facilitate improved interoperability among departments within the Region and towards the west (Scarborough Fire operates at 800 MHz and the Fire Departments of York Region are strongly considering a !!love to 800 MHz) there should be sufficient spectrum available' to support the proposed alternatives . 800 MHz radio channels are licensed as repeater pairs with 25 KHz bandwidth remaining at VHF has long-tenD difficulties considering the Redeployment Plan of Industry Canada. ' The system allows for simplex operation, at emergency scenes (talk around). . . . . - . A recent letter from Industry Canada states that there "are a limited number of channels and more demand than availability". All Public safety users therefore must use the most technologically efficient method of dispatch available to stretch the scarce spectrum resources as far as possible. Furthennore, "we (Industry Canada) recommend that Durham Region seize the opportunity to establish the most efficient spectrum configuration at the onset' to avoid disappointment later on as the 800 MHz spectrum resources become fully depleted. We concur that a trunked system will provide greater spectrum efficiency than a conventional system." . - Subject: ,Ji,",':\"',"It,',.;j¡.r"",ll, ....J<,','i '"Î J'\. ~",~;;nVhc;',. ~ ' . F. C' 't' C 1r3f3 Jomt Ire ommumca IOns en e - Phase 2 of Joint Fire Communications Project 6eS ð6 -0;< f)1:i Page 3 The Fire Services recognizes that the present VHF spectrum has been used since the inception of our communications and has served our needs for over 47 years. However, it has outlived its usefulness in comparison to today's current technology. Whereas the VHFsystem used manual systems for operations, the 800 MHZ system embraces digital technology to achieve more efficiency and effectiveness. - The cost of a modern fire radio system is expensive. To best service the needs of our City we have no recourse but to join the Oshawa Fire Radio System, the anticipated cost is between one and a half million dollars and tWo million dollars ($1,500,000- $2,000,000), which does not include a "Computer Aided Dispatch" (CAD) system which will cost a further $423~832,63. It would be prudent for the City of Pickering Fire Services to join the Oshawa Fire Services Communications network and access the 800 1vIHZ trunking technology. ,This response to our technical needs will allow Pickering to potentially supply communications services to other Fire Departments in the Region with the goal of reducing costs to all participants. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That approval be granted to initiate Phase 2 of the Joint Fire Communications Centre, project, at a cost of $10,914, inclusive of all applicable taxes, which includes the development of detailed technical specifications for the expansion of Oshawa's existing 800 MHz voice radio system; and 2. That the costs associated with Phase 2 of this project be shared equally between' Ajax, Clarington, Pickering and Whitby ($2,728.50 each). - Prepared by: ~~ Patrick Pearsall Fire Chief, Approved By: ~/J¿~ In- Everett Buntsma ¡}-' Director, Oper~tions & Emergency Services PP:mld Attachments: KV A Report KV A letter to Industry Canada Industry Canada response to KV A Recommendation fÌom the Regional Fire Chiefs -