HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 05-11 '6 9 Report To Ca, 4 Executive Committee PICKERIN Report Number: OES 05-11 Date: January 10, 2011 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: - Tender No. T-24-2010 Supply & Delivery of Various Fire Equipment - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 05-11 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding Supply & Delivery of Various Fire Equipment and additional Associated Fire Rescue Tools & Equipment be received; 2. That Tender No. T-24-2010 submitted by the bidders identified in Attachment #3, for the supply and delivery of various fire equipment at a total cost of $176,489 (HST included) and a net cost of $158,934 be accepted 3. That the total gross project cost of $384,409 (HST included) including the tender amount (T-24-2010), additional Associated Fire Rescue Tools & Equipment and a contingency amount for a total net project cost of $346,172 be approved; 4. That the Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project as follows: a) that the estimated cost of $345,000 to be financed by an internal loan over a period not to exceed ten (10) years, at a rate to be determined; b) that the sum of $1,172 to be funded from the 2011 Current Budget; c) that depending on the outcome of other remaining quotation calls for the additional fire rescue tools and equipment, the final borrowing cost will be subject to revision; 5. That the annual repayment charges for both the internal loan in the amount of approximately $44,600 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2011, continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid, and any financing cost to be paid out of the Current Budget. 6. The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's debt and financial obligations approved annual repayment limit for debt and other financial obligations for 2010 as approved Report OES 05-11 January 10, 2011 Subject: Tender No. T-24-2010 270 Supply & Delivery of Various Fire Equipment Page 2 by the Province for municipalities in Ontario and therefore, the Ontario Municipal Board approval is not required; 7. The appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. Executive Summary: Report to Council OES 06-10 for the purchase of the two (2) pumper rescue fire vehicles and associated fire rescue tools and equipment was approved by Council Resolution #59/10. The City's purchasing policy requires Council's approval on any expenditure exceeding $81,000. Tender T-24-2010 for the supply and delivery of various fire equipment was issued on November 11, 2010 and closed on Wednesday, December 1, 2010. Ten companies submitted a bid. This tender required bidders to submit pricing on various equipment which had been categorized into thirteen separate sections. The total of the lowest bids submitted is in the amount of $176,489 (HST included). The total net cost is $158,934 (net of HST rebate). There were no acceptable bids received for two of the sections, which included Hurst Rescue Tools. The Hurst Rescue Tools will be sole sourced at an approximate value of $72,000, as there is only one authorized supplier in Ontario. Other associated equipment including mobile radios, power equipment, rescue saws and small tools will be sourced through separate quotes from various suppliers. The individual purchases will be in conformance with purchasing policy and the approved budget, but will not require Council approval. Attachment #3 provides a summaryof the low bids for each Section of the tendering document. Financial` Implications: The total funds for the associated costs (various fire rescue tools and equipment) related to the two Pumper Rescue Vehicles was identified under Council Report OES 06-10 in the amount of $457,920. The total combined costs for all equipment purchased to date is within the approved funding. However, the financing component was not undertaken as we were uncertain of the cost related to the associated tools and fire rescue equipment. In addition to the funds identified under the current tender (T-24-2010), additional funds are still required for expenditures including the remaining fire rescue tools and equipment and a contingency amount for change orders initiated during the construction of the vehicles. Due to the uncertainty of the total cost required and the value of the forthcoming quotation calls, it is best we undertake internal borrowing based on T-24-2010 and estimated costs of the remaining fire rescue tools and equipment and a contingency Report OES 05-11 January 10, 2011 271 Subject: Tender No. T-24-2010 Supply & Delivery of Various Fire Equipment Page 3 allowance for other associated costs. The official internal loan to undertake will be subject to revision based on final costs. All amounts in this report have been rounded to the nearest dollar. 1. TENDER AMOUNT Tender - T-24-2010 Supply & Delivery of Various Fire Equipment $156,185 HST (13%) 20,304 Total Gross Tender Cost $176,489 HST Rebate (11.24%) (17,555) Total Net Tender Cost $158,934 2. SOURCE OF FUNDS Capital Budget - Fire Services Item Project Code Budget Funds & Debt Balance of Approved Undertaken for Funds Vehicles Available 009 Budget Pumper 5340.0913.6158 $850,000 $551,437 $298,563 Vehicle & Associated Tools & Equipment 010 Budget Pumper 5340.1001.6158 $750,000 541,974 $208;026 Vehicle & Associated Tools & Equipment Total $1,600,000 $1,093,411 $506,589 Report OES 05-11 January 10, 2011 Subject: Tender No. T-24-2010 272 Supply & Delivery of Various Fire Equipment Page 4 3. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST SUMMARY Various Fire Equipment T-24-2010 $156,185 Additional Associated Fire Rescue Tools & Equipment including.- - radio equipment - rescue saws/small tools - thermal imaging cameras (estimated value) $154,000 Contingency Amount $30,000 Total $340,185 HST (13%) 44,224 Gross Project Cost $384,409 HST Rebate (11.24%) (38,236) Net Project Cost $346,173 Project over (under) Approved Funds ($160,416) The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has provided the budgetary implications and the financing of the expenditure contained in this report and concurs. Sustainability Implications: This equipment incorporates the latest technology pertaining to recycled and reusable materials, rechargeable batteries and non-corrosive lubricating oils. This equipment may be used in multiple operations and has an expected long service life. Background: The purchase of the fire rescue tools and equipment for these two pumper rescue fire trucks was approved by Council Resolution #59/10. Tender T-24-2010 was prepared to provide a competitive bid for the provision of Various Fire Equipment to equip the two (2) Fire Rescue Pumper Vehicles. Report OES 05-11 January 10, 2011 273 Subject: Tender No. T-24-2010 Supply & Delivery of Various Fire Equipment Page 5 Tender No. T-24-2010 represents a major component of the required equipment, but is only a partial total of the tools and equipment required for these two (2) pumper rescue fire trucks. Upon careful examination it is the recommendation of Pickering Fire Services that the low bid identified in the summary from Supply & Services, Attachment 3, be accepted with a purchase cost of $156,185. Additional equipment and tools in the amount of $154,000 and a contingency of $30,000 (plus net HST cost to the City), resulting in a net total cost of $346,173 to the City also be approved. Attachments: 1. Supply & Services Memorandum dated December 6, 2010 2. Record of Tenders Opened and Checked 3. Summary of Low Bids, Tender No. T-24-2010 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: John H gg 'Ever t Bunts De" Fire Chief Dir, tor, Operations & Emergency Services Caryn Kong, CGA Bill Douglas Senior Financial Analyst-Capital Fire Chief & Debt M gement B 6-K ma, CMP, C.P.M., A.M.C.T. Gillis A. Paterson Senior Purc asing Analyst Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering C Coun it 1 22~ 2o10 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer cay o¢~ ATTACHMENT#~TO REPORT# WL vS-1 i 274 11 11521111 PICKERING MEMO To: Bill Douglas December 6, 2010 Fire Chief From: Vera A. Felgemacher Manager, Supply & Services Copy: Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: Tender for Supply and Delivery of Various Fire Equipment Tender No. T-24-2010 Closing: Wednesday, December 1, 2010, 2:00 PM (local time) File: F-5400-001 Tenders have been received for the above project. Ten (10) companies, were invited to participate. An advertisement was placed on the City's Website. Ten (10) bidders responded and submitted a tender for this project. One (1) addendum was issued on this project. A copy of the Record of Tenders Opened and Checked used at the public tender opening is attached. Tenders shall be irrevocable for 60 days after the official closing date and-time. Purchasing Procedure No. PUR 010-001, Item 10.03 (r) provides checking tendered unit prices and extensions; unit prices shall govern and extensions will be corrected accordingly, which has been done. The following clauses in the tendering instructions were utilized in reviewing the bids. Reference: Information to Bidders Item No. 5: The bidder may bid on any or all sections - Section 1 to Section 13, as stated on Specification pages 14 to 19 - but the Section(s) must be bid completely - or the bid will be rejected. Reference: Information to Bidders Item No. 22: Only products approved as an equivalent brand or model by the City issued in an addendum will be considered. Copies of the tenders are attached for your review along with the summary of costs. i 2 7 5 SUMMARY HST Extra PPE Dependable BIDDER A.J. Stone Solutions Darch Fire Truck & Resqtech Acklands Ltd. Inc. Inc. Tank Systems Inc. Grainger Inc. Section 1 2,229.20 No Bid 2,567.00 1,744.00 2,168.80 No Bid 2 No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid 65,210.04 3 Rejected Rejected 42,606.00 Rejected No Bid 48,329.52 4 Rejected Rejected 6,582.00 4,312.00 No Bid No Bid 5 Rejected No Bid 21,790.00 Rejected No Bid No Bid 6 No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid 7 Rejected No Bid No Bid Rejected No Bid No Bid 8 2,098.00 2,160.00 No Bid No Bid No Bid No Bid 9 Rejected No Bid. 2,570.00 Rejected No Bid No Bid 10 6,780.00 No Bid No Bid 6,308.00 No Bid 6,371.56 11 Rejected No Bid 2,961.00 Rejected No Bid No Bid 12 Rejected No Bid 3,760.00 3,648.00 No Bid No Bid 13 4,468.00 No Bid 4,100.00 Rejected No Bid No Bid Canadian Trevor Code 4 Fire BIDDER M&L Supply Safety Owen & Rescue Equipment Section 1 No Bid No Bid No Bid Bid 2 Rejected No Bid No Bid Rejected 3 No Bid Rejected No Bid 4 3,150.90 Rejected No Bid 5 Rejected Rejected No Bid 6 No Bid . No Bid No Bid 7 No Bid No Bid No Bid 8 No Bid 2,640.00 2,230.00 9 No Bid Rejected . No Bid 10 No Bid No Bid No Bid 11 No Bid Rejected No Bid 12 No Bid 3,761.10 No Bid 13 No Bid Rejected No Bid BIDDER Reference Code 4 Fire & Rescue Automatic rejection - Addenda not acknowledged. Reference: Purchasing By-law No. 5900-01, Procedure No. PUR 010-001, 10.04, Items 7-(12), Information to Bidders - Item 3(b), 15, 161 17, 24, 25, Addendum #1, Advertisement and Website. December 6, 2010 Tender No. T-24-2010 Page 2 Tender for Supply and Delivery of Various Fire Fni iinmPnt Low Bid Summary: 2 7 6 Section #1 -,Dependable Truck & Tank Section # 8 - A.J. Stone Ltd. Section #2 -.Acklands Grainger Inc. Section # 9 - Darch Fire Inc. Section #3 - Darch Fire Inc. Section #10 - Dependable Truck & Tank Section #4 - M&L Supply Section #11 - Darch Fire Inc Section #5 - Darch Fire Inc. Section #12 - Dependable Truck & Tank Section #6 - No Bid Section #13 - Darch Fire Inc Section #7 - No Bid Include the following items in your Report to Council: (a) without past work experience, if reference information is acceptable; (b) the appropriate account number(s) to which the equipment is to be charged; (c) the budget amount(s) assigned thereto; (d) Treasurer's confirmation of funding; (e) related departmental approvals; (f) any reason(s) why the low bids are not acceptable; and (g) related comments specific to the project. Please do not disclose any information to enquiries except you can direct them to the City's website for the unofficial bid results as read out at the Public tender opening. Bidders will be advised of the outcome in due course. If ~ou require further information, please feel free to contact me or a member of Supply & Seirvices. VAF/bK Attachments i December 6, 2010 Tender No. T-24-2010 Page 3 Tender for Supply and Delivery of Various Fire Frn iinmant T#-2 TO REPORT #aL O'-1 o 277 o N Q Q 7 Y X O0 Y O O Q 41 0 0 F- o ~7 O ~ 0 0 N r Z m E E O O N D N c Q T m Q a LLI a w d - ~ O O O O U a U. Z OQ 0 \ M Z Ew o w Z C) M Y w N U 0., d O ~O N Z r u) F- E (D LL w :3 0) Ow o M a o ~~L a I- z Z c U~ a L Q a LL 4 O F- o f-,., w o w a ° O LLI 61 w a ~ a U- O o z w -M > -a -j c 0 l~ f? wr cl 'o Q Q z Q U o o a O a Q U ~ N C • O U N Cl) V Lo CO r' 00 07 C) CN m ~ N (n Cn o ~ 278 Q c o ~ LO o 7 0 Y N Q Q X O - O CL o O P p O p O v _ E r 7~- o J CD U N Z O E O r a~ C O y 0 C -a Y ~ -a U Q Q" o c O o Y'0 a ~ O o ~~n Q _ q a U o o z 06 zo 0 W W Z C) M W N a _U a O ° O N Z N N m N CO -0 LL ~ 7 m OW O o~ a Z c o l(? ~z U Y ~ a T Q Q LL m O ~ o w 0 C f. w ~ O o z E j o J O C ~~1 ` , ` L,.4. W p Y ~ C) Q QU 0 Z Q J 4 .C C N l1 Er E v N ~ O V N M V' U) CO r w m O N. M ~ O r r r r 0 U) z. o ~ 2 7 9 z E Q) E ~r d C O LO ~ Y -C v j cV Q Q X O a a Q r - N I z m ai E a~ c O p a) C '6 Y _0 L) Q Q a) p c w 'a w 2 d U 0 'i LLJ U'Q 2 z p Ew C) O w w O M U a V O O N a 0 LL a OQ Z ~r o Q ca z L Uw a v F- ¢ Q LL O :.1. 1 ° O U w w 0z C ; LLI 0 0 z Q) ~ ui M > r w C C w _0 Y ? p Q Q p F- z z Q. w w a U) S4 D L Y:.. 0 13 'C U N a) o C O C: U r N M V Lo CO r- QO r C14 c') m U) U) ATTACHMENT #-~L-TO REPORT # DJESo-S- 1 . 280 Summary of Low Bids - T-24 -2010 - Supply & Delivery of Various Fire Equipment Section Bidder Amount 1 Dependable Tank & Truck $1,744.00 2 Acklands Grainger Inc. $65,210.04 3 Darch Fire Inc. $42,606.00 4 M&L Supply $3,150.90 5 Darch Fire Inc. $21,790.00 6 No Bid 7 No Bid 8 A.J Stone Ltd. $2,098.00 9 Darch Fire Inc. $21570.00 10 Dependable Tank & Truck 6,308.00 11 Darch Fire Inc. $2,961.00 12 Dependable Tank & Truck $3,648.00 13 Darch Fire Inc. $4,100.00 Sub Total $156,185.04 HST 20,304.06 Total $176,489.10