HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 02-11 Report To Planning & Development Committee PICKERING Report Number: PD 02-11 Date: January 4, 2011 71 From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Subject: Proposed Demolition of Listed Heritage Structures on Federal Lands Recommendation: 1. That Report PD 02-11 of the Director, Planning & Development respecting the proposed demolition by Transport Canada of nine structures listed on the Heritage Register, be received for information; 2. That the Federal Minister of Transportation be advised that the City of Pickering is concerned about the destruction of cultural heritage resources on the Pickering Lands Site; 3. That the Federal Minister of Transportation be requested to refrain from demolishing seven listed structures of heritage value, and particularly the two structures at 635 Uxbridge Pickering Townline Road and 5245 Sideline 28 noted within this report as having a high level of cultural heritage significance, until a decision regarding future plans for the Pickering Lands Site has been made and the potential for preservation of these structures can be fully considered; 4. That the Federal Minister of Transportation be requested to fully reimburse the City for its costs to undertake detailed heritage assessments of the nine buildings which are the subject of this report, and to fund future assessments required for the additional (100) buildings identified on the City of Pickering Heritage Register that are located on the Pickering Lands Site; 5. That Transport Canada be asked to reconvene the Local Heritage Steering Committee to complete its mandate to develop a heritage strategy for buildings deemed locally significant; and 6. Further, that the City Clerk forward a copy of Report PD 02-11 and resolution to the Federal Minister of Transportation, the Regional Director, Programs and Pickering Lands Branch, Transport Canada, the Region of Durham, the Region of York, the Towns of Markham and Uxbridge, MP Mark Holland and MPP Joe Dickson and the MPs and MPPs for Markham and Uxbridge. Executive Summary: In August 2010, Transport Canada informed the City of its intention to demolish 41 structures on the federally owned lands within the Pickering Lands Site (see Attachment #2). Report PD 02-11 January 4, 2011 Subject: Proposed Demolition of Listed Heritage Structures on Federal Lands Page 2 72 Nine of the 41 structures identified for demolition are listed on the City of Pickering Heritage Register as being of cultural heritage value or interest (see Location Map - Attachment #1). At the City's request, Transport Canada agreed to refrain from demolishing the nine historical structures until the end of January, 2011 to allow staff to undertake a detailed assessment of the structures, and to allow City Council the opportunity to review the assessment and provide further direction to staff (see Attachments #3 and #4). Staff appreciate the cooperation of Transport Canada in notifying the City of its demolition plans, and agreeing to delay the demolition of buildings of local heritage interest. In November 2010, the City retained a consulting team consisting of Martindale Planning Services in association with John Sabean and Gordon Zimmerman, to undertake an assessment of the nine heritage structures to identify their structural and historical significance. The assessments concluded that two of the nine buildings listed on the Heritage Register do not warrant preservation, but that seven buildings merit preservation. The original sections of the remaining seven houses are considered sound and could still be restored. Two houses in particular (635 Uxbridge Pickering Townline Road and 5245 Sideline 28) are considered to be of sufficient cultural heritage significance to warrant in-situ preservation. Given the level of cultural heritage. significance of these seven buildings, and particularly the two noted buildings, staff recommend that the Federal Minister of Transportation be advised of Council's concern regarding the destruction of local cultural heritage resources and request that Transport Canada refrain from demolishing the buildings until a decision regarding the future plans for the Pickering Lands Site has been made. In addition to the nine properties considered in this report, there are approximately 100 more structures within the Pickering Lands Site that are listed on the City's Heritage Register as buildings of heritage interest. Staff recommend that the City request that Transport Canada reinstate the Local Heritage Steering Committee or equivalent, and fully fund future assessments necessary to gain a greater understanding of the cultural heritage resources existing on the Pickering Lands Site. In the meantime, it is recommended that Heritage Pickering continue with the ongoing assessment of the heritage buildings on the Pickering Lands Site, as resources permit, so that notification of any future demolitions can be dealt with by Council in a timely manner. Financial Implications: Consultants were retained to undertake a cultural heritage assessment of the nine properties identified for demolition by Transport Canada that are included on the City's Heritage Register. The study was funded from the Planning & Development Department's 2010 general consulting budget as approved by Council, and in accordance with the City's purchasing standards. Staff recommend that Transport Canada fully reimburse the City for the costs it incurred to undertake detailed heritage assessments of these nine buildings. I Report PD 02-11 January 4, 2011 Subject: Proposed Demolition of Listed Heritage Structures on Federal Lands Page 3 73 Additional costs will be incurred by the City should it undertake assessments for an additional 100 identified heritage properties within the Pickering Lands. Staff recommend that Transport Canada be requested to fully fund the City's costs for these assessments. Sustainability Implications: This Report provides information relating to the objective of preserving buildings having cultural heritage value as an integral part of a sustainable City. In addition to the historical physical value of the buildings, the buildings also have a social value in that they form part of the community of northwest Pickering. Preservation and re-use of the buildings would also divert materials from landfill sites. 1.0 Background: 1.1 Nine structures of heritage interest situated on the federally owned Pickering Lands Site property have been identified by Transport Canada for demolition In August 2010, Transport Canada informed the City of Pickering of its intention to demolish 41 structures on the. federally owned lands within the Pickering Lands Site. The Pickering Lands Site consists of lands in north Pickering that are being reserved by the federal government for a possible future airport. It is staff's understanding that this demolition contract is one of a series of demolitions to be undertaken in the future. Nine of the 41 structures identified for demolition are listed on the City of Pickering Heritage Register. Transport Canada's position with respect to the treatment of heritage structures is that they are bound to recognize only buildings having federal historical significance. For buildings with local heritage significance, Transport Canada will allow the documentation of the structures, and the removal of parts or all of the structures for preservation elsewhere (e.g. Pickering Museum), with the understanding that any of these strategies for preservation would be undertaken by municipalities or local interest groups at their cost. Vacant heritage buildings not removed by others are scheduled for demolition even if found to have local heritage value. At the City's request, Transport Canada agreed to refrain from demolishing the nine historical structures until the. end of January, 2011 to allow staff to undertake a detailed assessment of the structures, and to allow City Council the opportunity to review the assessment and provide further direction to staff. Demolition permits were recently issued for the 32 non-heritage structures. Staff appreciate the cooperation of Transport Canada in notifying the City of its demolition plans, and agreeing to delay the demolition of buildings of local heritage interest. I~ Report PD 02-11 January 4, 2011 Subject: Proposed Demolition of Listed Heritage Structures on Federal Lands Page 4 74 The nine heritage structures are located at the following addresses: • 429 Eighth Concession Road _ • 140 Seventh Concession Road • 5165 Sideline 22 • 5050 Sideline 24 • 1095 Uxbridge Pickering Townline Road • 840 Eighth Concession Road • 5245 Sideline 28 • 635 Uxbridge Pickering Townline Road • 5413 Sideline 30 1.2 Heritage assessments have been undertaken In November 2010, the City retained a consulting team consisting of Martindale Planning Services in association with John Sabean and Gordon Zimmerman, to undertake an assessment of the nine heritage structures to identify their structural and historical significance. The consultants were asked to provide the following for each of the properties having heritage interest: • a description of the property • a statement of the Cultural Heritage Attributes of the property including: o Historical and Associative Value o Contextual Value o Physical Value o Significant Architectural Attributes • a map showing the context of the property • photographs of the structure within its setting and • photographs and descriptions of the interior as appropriate Site visits took place during the last week of November, 2010. 2.0 Discussion: 2.1 Two of the nine buildings listed on the Heritage Register do not warrant preservation The buildings identified for demolition at 425-429 Eighth Concession Road and 5413 Sideline 30 do not warrant preservation. Two houses are located on the single property at 425 - 429 Eighth Concession Road. The structure identified for demolition (429 Eighth Concession Road) was found to have no heritage value (see Attachment #5). The house at 425 Eighth Concession Road is the structure identified in the Heritage Registry as being of heritage interest. It is currently tenanted and is not proposed to be demolished at this time. Report PD 02-11 January 4, 2011 Subject: Proposed Demolition of Listed Heritage Structures on Federal Lands Page 5 75 With respect to 5413 Sideline 30, the investigation concluded that significant external and internal renovations and high levels of internal mould and physical damage have made the house unworthy of preservation (see Attachment #6). 2.2 Seven of the nine buildings listed on the Heritage Register merit conservation and potential future designation The remaining seven buildings were found to merit preservation and potential future designation. Two of the seven (635 Uxbridge Pickering Townline Road and 5245 Sideline 28) were found to be of high cultural heritage value. The following are summaries of the assessments for each property. The complete assessment reports are available at the Planning & Development Department. 635 Uxbridge Pickering Townline Road This house is one of a set of six "workers" houses that together form the eastern gateway into the hamlet of Altona. The houses are rumored to have been built for the six sons of the original settler. The set of houses together form a cultural heritage landscape of a type that is very rarely found in rural Ontario and that is identified in architectural heritage resource documents as warranting further research and evaluation. The original part of this house is still sound. The later one-storey addition to the rear is in disrepair and for safety reasons and longer term preservation of the original structure, should be removed. This house is very important as an integral part of this cultural heritage feature (see Attachment #7). 5245 Sideline 28 This house is of plank-on-plank construction, a construction form that was infrequently employed in North America in the mid 19th Century. It is quite large for the style of construction and although all of the cladding has been removed from the exterior, only a small section of the exterior lumber wall is showing signs of rot. Although the front of the house is of a centre hall (three bay) plan, the rear was originally divided into two rooms (two bays). Two doors, possibly original, led to a side veranda. Very early renovation of the main floor resulted in changes to the rear partition wall locations, but the interior finishes and trim are quite unique in design and profile, and remain very largely intact. The uniqueness of the structure, its original high quality construction and current soundness underscore its tremendous value as a permanent structure in the community. This building should be retained and restored (see Attachments #8 and #9). 1095 Uxbridge Pickering Townline Road This small residence may have been the home of the local blacksmith. The original building is still structurally sound. A later back addition is in disrepair and should be removed for long term preservation of the original structure and for safety reasons (see Attachment #10). Report PD 02-11 January 4, 2011 Subject: Proposed Demolition of Listed Heritage Structures on Federal Lands Page 6 76 5050 Sideline 24 A building of very significant heritage value with high quality exterior and interior finishes and few alterations affecting the heritage elements of the structure is located on this property. This building sustained fire damage in recent years. The rear kitchen addition is in extremely poor shape and should be removed and preferably replaced, but areas of the original main house are still sound and the structure could be restored despite the fire damage. Valuable salvageable material may be removed from the structure for use at the Pickering Museum if the building is to be demolished .(see Attachment #11). 5165 Sideline 22 A unique construction technique and floor plan were discovered in the house at this location. The building was originally built as a one-storey plank-on-plank house (see Attachment #9) having two doors located in the centre of the north and south facades each of which were connected to vestibules leading into two large rooms on the east and west sides of the house. The house was subsequently modified with a second storey and back kitchen additions. Due to structural compromises occurring through the renovation process, the exterior walls are considerably bowed. Restoration to the original house would still be possible, however. The Pickering Museum may also find some useful salvageable materials in this structure for display and maintenance purposes (see Attachment #12).. 840 Eighth Concession Road This residence has only recently been vacated. It has floor to ceiling front room windows and a less than common fan light window above the front door. The cellar stairs have been removed and the interior rear of the house has undergone significant renovation, but the house is still considered sound and could be restored with a relatively small.financial investment (see Attachment #13). 140 Seventh Concession Road The house at this location is in good condition with the exception of later front and side deck additions. The interior has undergone some renovation. Attractive, possibly original barge boards and a centre gable finial as well as original interior trim still speak to its former quality. Still structurally sound, this building could be restored (see Attachment #14). Given the level of cultural heritage significance of these seven buildings, and particularly the two buildings at 635 Uxbridge Pickering Townline Road and 5245 Sideline 28, staff recommend that the Federal Minister of Transportation be advised of Councirs concern regarding the destruction of local cultural heritage resources and request that the Transport Canada refrain from demolishing the buildings until a decision regarding the future plans for the Pickering Lands Site has been made. Delaying demolition of heritage structures until the land needs of a future airport are known would prevent the unnecessary destruction of valuable heritage resources if the properties are ultimately returned to private ownership. Report PD 02-11 January 4, 2011 Subject: Proposed Demolition of Listed Heritage Structures on Federal Lands Page 7 77 2.3 Proposed strategy for assessing additional heritage structures on the Pickering Lands Site In addition to the nine properties considered in this report, there are approximately 100 more structures within the Pickering Lands Site that are listed on the City's Heritage Register as buildings of heritage interest. While some are still occupied, a number of the buildings are vacant and boarded and are not being maintained. The City does not currently have a strategy for dealing with these buildings. Although Heritage Pickering is working through the properties listed on the Heritage Register to identify those worthy of designation under the Ontario Heritage Act, funding and resources are limited. In addition, the current Transport Canada position regarding certain demolition of locally significant heritage structures limits the City's strategy to documentation and salvage only, in the absence of funding and alternative sites for relocation of the building. Transport Canada, in response to concerns from local heritage groups and Municipalities in 2005, had indicated a willingness to work with municipalities through the creation of a Local Heritage Steering Committee to develop a strategy for structures determined to have local heritage significance. This action resulted from the proposed demolition of the Tullis Cottage (also known as the Barclay House) in Pickering at the time. The Steering Committee had representation from the City of Pickering and the Towns of Markham and Uxbridge. Transport Canada provided funding at that time to undertake the assessments of some of the identified structures. Although a working sub-committee met on several occasions to prioritize a list of heritage resources and begin to undertake evaluations, the work was never completed, and the Steering Committee has never re-convened. Staff recommend that the City request that Transport Canada reinstate the Local Heritage Steering Committee or equivalent, and fully fund future assessments necessary to gain a greater understanding of the cultural heritage resources existing on the Pickering Lands Site. In the meantime, it is recommended that Heritage Pickering continue with the ongoing assessment of the heritage buildings on the Pickering Lands Site, as resources permit, so that notification of any future demolitions can be dealt with by Council in a timely manner. Report PD 02-11 January 4, 2011 Subject: Proposed Demolition of Listed Heritage Structures on Federal Lands Page 8 Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Letter from Transport Canada advising City of proposed demolitions 3. Staff's request to Transport Canada to defer demolition of structures having heritage interest 4. Transport Canada's agreement to the City's requests 5. 429 Eighth Concession Road - Photo 6. 5413 Sideline 30 Photo 7. 635 Uxbridge Pickering Townline Road - Photo 8. 5245 Sideline 28 - Photo 9. Illustration of plank-on-plank construction technique 10. 1095 Uxbridge Pickering Townline Road Photo 11. 5050 Sideline 24 - Photo 12. 5165 Sideline 22 - Photo 13. 840 Eighth Concession Road - Photo 14. 140 Seventh Concession Road - Photo Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: i Isa Jm~e's, MCIP; RPP Neil Carrol , .C, RPP Planner II Director, Pla Wing & Development Marg.Wouters, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review & Urban Design IJ:Id Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering C' Coun it 2®, 2610 Tony Prevedel, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT # TO REPORT # PD_ da-I 79 r VoWSHMOP of UMMU MIE 1 635 1095 .n 5245 5165 505 a 0 0 a 429 • F- 02 140 Land Use Subject Property Ot of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Various Properties OWNER: Transport Canada FILE No: Heritage Demolitions DATE: Oct. 19,2 010 C ~aa bere~6Rarp .incan 4 eu0arm/U ri~ta Reaenetl.~a~a~a awa,. SCALE: 1:34,639 c3108 hPAC ergi6a erm.All' aResare tl. NOla en ol5we L 80 Transport Canada Transports Canada ITT<tCfitiPt!liT 0 Ontario Region Rogion de I'Ontario PENUE3? # PQ C?o?' Programs and Pickering Lands Programmes et biens-fonds de Pickering Ontario Region Region de ('Ontario 4900 Yonge St., 4`' Floor 4900, rue Yonge. 4ieme etage Toronto, Ontario Toronto. Ontario M2N 6A5 M2N 6A5 August 19, 2010 Debbie Shields City Clerk, Legal & Legislative Services Division City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Dear Ms. Shields: Please be advised that Transport Canada intends to.undertake demolition activity on numerous structures situated on the federally owned Pickering Lands Site property, located within the municipal boundaries of the City of Pickering. The structures in question are all currently vacant, each having access restriction barriers in place to prevent vehicle access, however, each remains accessible by foot. The structures pose obvious hazards to individuals who frequently, whether authorized or illegally, attempt to access the properties or view them from close proximity. Transport. Canada is committed to ensuring that structures on the Pickering Lands Site do not compromise the safety of tenants, members of the general public, Transport Canada's employees or agents. For this reason, I recently had the opportunity to meet with the City's Chief Administrative Officer as well as the City's Director of the Planning & Development Department, to discuss the aforementioned, as well as our intentions of proceeding with this imminent demolition undertaking. It is our understanding that seven (7) locations may be of local interest to the City. As a result we will delay the removal of these structures until the latter stages of the project this fiscal year, thereby allowing the City the opportunity to undertake any internal assessments it deems necessary. Transport Canada continues to support information sharing and working in a collaborative manner with our neighbouring municipal partners such as the City of Pickering. To this end I have enclosed a listing (Annex "A"), outlining each location where structures are scheduled for removal this fiscal year. Should you require any further information. please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours truly, D~ r Perry Papadatos, Regional Manager, Pickering Site Operations c.c. Neil Carroll. Director, Planning & Development Department. City of Pickering EncL Annex "A" na a ~ Transport Canada Transports Canada ATTACHMENT REPORT # PD # TO Oa / $ _ Ontario Region Region de I'Ontario Annex "A" F-7- PIN Municipality Address Roll Number 614247.10 Pickering 13725 Sideline 26 030-003-18500 614272.10 Pickerin '3855 Sideline 32 030-003-15300 1614289.00 _ Pickering 1'3825 York/Durham Line 030-003-15600 _ 11614291 00 Pickering 1845 York/Durham I.ine 030-003-15400 614309.00 Pickering ;1620 Concession 7 030••009-04600 614335.00 ;Pickering _ '1405 Concession 8 030-001-34100 1614337.00 :Pickering _ L375 Concession 8 030-001-34300 ;614351.00 ;Pickering 4120 Sideline 24 030-003-02600 ;614382.00 _ 'Pickering 14300 Sideline 28 030-001-39200 614385D0 Pickering _ 4370 Sideline 28 030-001-38900 _ `614386.00 Pickering _ x'4380 Sideline 28 030-001-38800 X614397 30 Pickering /129 Concession 8 030-001-40600 _ 1614404 00 'Pickering 315 Concession 8 X030-001 41300 1614413.00 iPickering 180 Concession 7 _ 030-003-06410 X614414 10__ _Pickering 140 Concession 7 1030-003-06400 1614424 10 Pickering 4780 Brock Road '030 002 10000 !614450.00 Pickering ;4975 Sideline 24 030-001-18100 1614464.00 Pickering 1,4965 Sideline 28 1030-001-19800 ,_L..__.._...,...._._._ _.1,..k - `614477.00 Pickering 14950 Sideline 28 030-001-20000 _ 1614516.00 Pickering ±4655 York/Durham Line ?030-001-33200 1614517.00 Pickering '4665 York/Durham Line X030-001-33100 1614518.00 Pickering 4675 York/Durham Line ;030-001-33000 _ i614521.00 Pickering ?4705 York/Durha.m Line 1030-001-32700 _ 614531.10 Pickering 195 Concession 9 1,030-001-22200 j614538.10 Pickering !5165 Sideline 22 =030-001-10810 614553.10 Pickering 15050 Sideline 24 ;030-001-11510 , 614560.00 Pickering _ _ 11095 U/P Townline_ _ '030-001-02100 61. 5255 Sideline 26 E1030-001-03300 a566.00 3..._. 614568.00 Pickering 15315 Sideline 26 :030-001-03100 614586.00 Pickering 15115 Sideline 28 030-001-12400 i 614597.00 Pickering _ '5450 Sideline 28 030-001-05100 614599.00 Plckerin~ _ 5480 Sideline 28 1030-001-04900 ! 614610.00 IPickerin :';5255 Sideline 30 '030-001-06700 614616.00 (Pickerin 15455 North Road 1030-001-06200 ;614661.00 ;Pickerin 13505 Brack Road 1030-009-27100 Canaaa 82 ATTACHI ENT # C TO Transport Canada I ransports Canada REPOR 1 # PD Ong J I r' Ontario Region Region de I'Ontario E814695.00 Pickering 368rouham Road 1030-009-18200 _..4-5. :614339 Pickering Barn Only 3030-001-34700 '614458.30 Pickerin 840 Concession 8 :030 001-26700 _.4_._..___......... ;614588 Pickering 5245 Sideline 30 030-001-121.00 ,614598.10 Pickering- _ 635xU/P Townline '030-001-05700 Z1461 1.10 Pickering 15413 Sideline 30 030-001-06400 END. Canad'a" C[t✓1 00 Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade I Pickering, Ontario Canada L1V 6K7 Direct Access 905.420.4660 PTCKERING Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 cityofpickering.com I _ .NNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 8 3 Department 905.420.4617 ATTACHPJiENT # Facsimile 905.420.7648 REPORT ~ PD vol ) ~ Q TTY 905.420.11739 739 plan&devl@cityofpickering.com September 29, 2010 Perry Papadatos Regional Manager, Pickering Site Operations Programs and Pickering Lands Transport Canada, Ontario Region 4900 Yonge Street, 4th Floor Toronto, ON M2N 6A5 Subject: Transport Canada Notification of Intention to Demolish 41 Structures - File: A-3300-005 We have had an opportunity to review your letter of August 19, 2010, advising the City Clerk of Transport Canada's intention to demolish 41 structures situated on the federally owned Pickering Lands Site property. The letter also indicates that the demolition of seven structures identified as being of local interest to the City will be delayed until the latter stages of the demolition project, in order to give the City time to undertake any necessary assessments. Nine of the 41 structures listed in your August 19, 2010 letter are included in the Pickering Heritage Register. These nine properties are identified on the listing attached to this letter. At our meeting on August 12, 2010, Transport Canada advised that it would be applying to the City for demolition permits for all structures, to be demolished, and would follow Provincial legislative protocol with respect to notification prior to demolishing the structures listed on the Heritage Register. The Ontario Heritage Act provides for a 60 day notification period to allow municipalities to review demolition requests. In this case, the 60 day notification period would lapse in mid-October 2010. We respectfully request that Transport Canada refrain from demolishing the nine structures in question until the end of January 2011 in order for City staff to undertake a detailed assessment of the nine structures, and to allow City Council the opportunity to review the assessment and provide further direction.. Due to the upcoming municipal election, City Council will not have the opportunity to formally comment respecting these nine structures until mid-January 2011. Transport Canada's Advisement of Intention to Demolish September 29, 2010 ATTACHAAENIT # TO Page 2 84 REPORT # PD 4a-~ Should retention of the structures in their original state not be a viable option, we further request permission for City staff or its agents to enter onto the lands in order to document the structures and to be granted salvage rights so that significant structural and decorative elements that may be identified be made available to the Pickering Museum. We thank you for your consideration and look forward to your response. Yours truly Neil Carrol , IP, RPP Director, Planning & Development Department IJ:jf J:WAFNamesWentaBeTerty Papadatos Sept 23 Fed demas.doc - - Attachment Copy: Mayor Ryan Members of Council . Chief Administrative Officer Director, Operations & Emergency Services City Clerk Supervisor, Building Permits i ATTACHIPOENT # TO REPORT # PD__ 85 Structures on Heritage Register to be Demolished by Transport Canada PIN Address Roll Number 614397.30 425-429 Eighth Concession Road 030-001-40600 614414.10 140 Seventh Concession Road 030-001-06400 614538.10 5165 Sideline 22 030-001-10810 614553.10 5050 Sideline 24 030-001-11510 614560.00 1095 Uxbridge Pickering Townline Road 030-001-02100 614458.30 871 Eighth Concession Road (840) 030-001-26700 614588.00 5245 Sideline 28 (not Sideline 30) 030-001-12100 614598.10 635 Uxbridge Pickering Townline Road 030-001-05700 614611.10 5413 Sideline 30 030-001-06400 JASTAMjamesW eritageWttachmeet 'A' Transport Canada Transports Canada Ontario Region Region de ('Ontario ATTACH -DENT # 8 REPORT # PD C~a-/I TO Neil Carroll Director' Planning and Development Department a ya3 Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade DinLcrinn nKI L1V 6K7~~y+:,~^;a DEPA',RTM NT October 12, 2010 Dear Mr. Carroll, Thank you for your correspondence of September 29, 2010, regarding Transport Canada's plan to demolish 41 vacant structures situated on the Pickering Lands within the City of Pickering. We are happy to comply with your request to delay the demolition of the nine structures identified in the Pickering Heritage Register until the end of January, 2011. However, as it will not be possible to delay the demolition beyond this point, we' would urge you to move forward with your assessment of the properties well before this time. Demolition or removal of these structures must take place before March 31, 2010, therefore appropriate lead time. must be set aside to complete preparatory work. Transport Canada is certainly amenable to allowing City staff or City agents on to federal property to inspect the structures in order to document and salvage materials if desired. Again, please proceed with any inspections well before January 2011. Please contact Perry Papadatos, Regional Manager, Pickering Site Operations, at 416-952- 4068 for all questions or concerns related to accessing these structures. Yours sincerely, Rob Berge ' Regional or, Programs and Pickering Lands Branch Ontario Region Transport Canada 3 Y e P F - i uTTACHMENT # TO REPUR? # PD Q-2-77 V't 14, 87 11 ~ ~4 q - _ 0 r. t° - 71 W y. t. i _ Fri- Iff a, s ~r > 7 1 1 5 r k, ~ I ' s j .y a 429 Eighth Concession Road 1 .r L,if cilT # 6 TO R T # PCB f s 7 ~ " a I ,t f` Rrn `f t' G ,a i r t ~`i" Sl ~ J~ir f ~ . t ti ~ ~ ~ ~c"`. ti , ~ ^..^.~„rra~.-,. , 11' ~ .~1~~ r t ~ . ~ ` . r ~ • ~ 1 1 _ mac,"" " r° ~ Et , ' , f ~ z _-w 1 a'. i• r------,^...^-, f r 1~ 5 ~~f 1 r W ~1 F3 ~ ~y i ~YA Y •3y r,~` 7 t~'7~',' pity#~S ` ~ _.s, , ~ ,':.~y ' ,".a ~,,,f k ,4rlt( Yi~ ~S:CkfF y4~ ei 1 ptr i ~I R 4hi~ t'r« r y I ii~.. 5413 Sideline 30 1 E Huh # TO T~. /r'~IF H~ ILlt.f p_ s ~POF1 # PD G Jl 89 3 c!t r .t t F t II ju, ALI' c.. y, .yfi 3a of 1 ; \71 A. ; 'Ail 4 Y s. _ T ti~ ~ ak ~w g. l T ~ sJ~'~ 635 Uxbridge Pickering Townline Road /,T1ACHIMENT# TO PEPUR7 t I ~ ~S } T ~ 7 ~ y..~► ~ r~. ;~~t~ ~s 'fl7B'; s ^~l". itr' F ~T~. ~ ; s {s-` zo, ~ -~5 wi ~ ,-~7'~'^' , t sw~ ~ MiL'~~~ ""Y°' f1~~ r'! .4 < ~ ` ,~c~ ~ i r F Y _ ' ~ liS ; ~ < ~3ai►.. tom,, r j~y~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ - ,f4 } F.. I: ♦ 'rat ~ e ~1 0 ,F:~~~~ M k F < I t`' 5 'i T 1 \ N ~ el, " t' l 5245 Sideline 28 ATTACHMENT / TO REPORT # PD 91 knnwitno*+rlurv(:kr 01"m pr-11" who ruffrxr, ra rrc rrdmiqt", ""ifvn of YO& r ir. U+ rasrrf~iel. tm.1.4, si' IeSa' ec9ttrx +scu.a,rr. -J, v3; tj *crrrvv, r: ~ . n 4: r nt r+a Uaroi1'M k`~a»~i~ ~x a,a«3r~, ~ , `•i = Ftwni,,, vr6,, 1?`-A ~,*q to cork da,. i -W, : PUP Y! ~a3 'ter z 5'. 1 a~'t~8'X1~1.~~-0r~Xt. ~it[Cix,I ~Jl~, 4 lit Y~' L~_,{„s ~'+1' 3 gri~bf`~l ii t f.7r! P. i sGs~a~c+rrz;h a ;;r,krr r mr t ~aFr. 1 f ~r .7r-~s a rr,~.k;, LI-vint with Plant Houses tSru lu.r crs: <,r,~.Ril } 1 .3. r~e> rah E .,r w sry a hu or 41T rn O err tier g.~ +~r sap A fiurnrl'r rnJ,r, 1,144,1 t"e n stArI`N Caresi 1; MN 11 ~i .,,"ir -i~r v ' fWI,ell,tw'>z. h4,c~PtYC tr~:rga',ie* Star t3 at2:t. .h' , r~..,._«,u,~.rr.; lxr =.,rt rr I-,,If th".r Fe a:~r ra bu A'A~- rr a i.. ~e iuc IUviva! -:,r ~r 9 alts z r:, 4' arUrsrwstu7 c-04, ipcrofit irvu- aSk.~~ I£Y ~.r^4r:'4f wb'm~~ Seal 0f0jtl! ~~.r. i i* Lai'a, at• ~;.~.t u. - .,~f ,Icnr~l~z.r1!:~rR ~dir•'*tfre f,r~r~ . t 'a bm any. WJ& m ahc * c r , V7 mban t F nv GIs am i cr.-,rear nu w a salra i r l 6.A1T-+•~~ L.I.h N ryx_'! Y. E r << 4AD 77- ITIACHMENT#_ TO 9 REPORT # PD. k ~g. . to f: . e J ~ aA, r x. 1 1095 Uxbridge Pickering Townline Road r w. e V ~ A TI NGHIvIENT # 70 REPURT # PD c -L( r ► - 93 ~ T a I ' ,I VA, ~`11 a • a t . t i T _ c ar. t r r~ ` •s Y Y III ~aT x ~4 `fir 1~t t x `y t: ~y~ 5050 Sideline 24 REPUR i # PD 062"// P ~ 3 k W 1i t r CC ' ~ } Il 1I s r IT J } , 11V { _ t- 1 _ t. E ' 7 r.. ~ + 1 f ~ ~a 1 h .s R max' y '1 4 t t i Y 5165 Sideline 22 AT1 RCCHIMENT # TO REPURI # PD-/ 9 5: . C: n . { i j gg l JT R L w !,t n -A I I { 1 f Pt="` T y y I~ {J` F. 840 Eighth Concession Road ATTACHMENT # f TO 96 REPORT # RCS i r ~ 1 , t If r r~l; s~ v~ , 0-0411 i t s a~ i i :N! G~ ri`M yfJ . 1 3 r~' ,T r, irU ~'Fj t f~' ..'-'~yY~'•r ~~i:~.~...-._;!~'~`~vo~.,' _ ~ I ~ I.c~, ~II +~,!'~~1',t % a P fa` ~ t' ~ rs t T }f 4 140 Seventh Concession Road J~