HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 3, 2010 City 00 Minutes / Meeting Summary Accessibility Advisory Committee i i Wednesday, November 3, 2010 PICKERING 7'00 pm Tower Meeting Room Attendees: Keith Falconer, Chair Stephen Little, Co-Chair Terence Arvisais Aisha Natifa-Heywood Susan Wilkinson Prem Noronha-Waldriff Lisa Harker, Recording Secretary Absent: Councillor Littley Gwelda MacDonald-Tuttle. Marilyn Wallace Stephanie Wilson Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome KF K. Falconer welcomed members to their last meeting of this term. 2.0 Adoption of Minutes - May 26, 2010 & September 22, 2010 All Moved by Terry Arvisais Seconded by Stephen Little That the minutes of the May 26, 2010 meeting be adopted. CARRIED Moved by Stephen Little Seconded by Terry Arvisais That the minutes of the September 22, 2010 meeting be adopted. CARRIED 3.0 2011 Annual Accessibility Plan All Committee members discussed the plan and made a few additions to their comments from the last meeting. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 • . S. Wilkinson questioned why there are no sidewalks on Parkham Road leading to Montgomery Park and if and when the City was planning on adding sidewalks. P. Noronha-Waldriff to contact OES (Scott Booker) to P. Noronha-Waldriff to discuss. action • P. Noronha-Waldriff to follow up with Tyler Barnett from P. Noronha-Waldriff to Building to discuss curb grading and design and whether action or not there are current standards in place. • K. Falconer congratulated staff for all of their hard work on the 2011 Annual Accessibility Plan. Moved by Terry Arvisais Seconded by Stephen Little That the 2011 Annual Accessibility Plan be endorsed. CARRIED 4.0 Accessibility Awareness! Event' P. Noronha-Waldriff provided an overview of her preliminary work on the Accessibility Awareness Event. • The Committee has received approval from the Culture & Recreation Division to proceed with the event and the event will be tied into the Bicentennial lineup. • P. Noronha-Waldriff passed around a "Critical Path" for the event (this event will mirror the Heritage Day Event). • P. Noronha-Waldriff has requested $5,000 in the 2011 budget and will advise Committee members if they are P. Noronha-Waldriff to successful in obtaining this. action • A. Natifa-Heywood to contact a speaker who may be available to speak about injuries on the job. A. Natifa-Heywood to • P. Noronha-Waldriff advised the Committee that she has action been in contact with a number of speakers. • Discussion ensued with respect to sponsorship opportunities (to potentially cover the cost of Justin Hines performing). • The Committee decided to proceed with booking Justin Hines to perform at a cost of $2,000. • P. Noronha-Waldriff to contact David Onley to speak at P. Noronha-Waldriff to the event. action • Members to contact groups, agencies and speakers that they would like to have present at the event and to bring ideas for a tagline to the January meeting. P. Noronha-Waldriff to • P. Noronha-Waldriff to transfer $1,000 from the 2010 action budget to the 2011 budget. Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 • A. Natifa-Heywood to create a list of agencies to contact A. Natifa-Heywood to to attend the event. action 5.0 Other Business and Adjournment All 5.1 L. Harker reminded Committee members that applications are due on Friday, November 5tn 5.2 S. Little provided the Committee with a handout of initiatives for the new Committee. Discussion ensued, with all members supporting the goals and incorporating them into next years' Accessibility Workplan. 5.3 P. Noronha-Waldriff to follow up with Tyler Barnett in P. Noronha-Waldriff to Building to determine the status of the City Standards action Accessibility Plan. 5.4 K. Falconer advised the Committee that he would be K. Falconer to action sending a thank you letter to Councillor Littley for her contributions to the Committee. 5.5 K. Falconer provided an update of the October 27th Regional Accessibility Advisory meeting. 5.6 K. Falconer provided Committee members with the book "What's Stopping You?" by Mark Nagler. This book was distributed at the Accessibility Forum. 6.0 Next Meeting All • January 26, 2011 Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 3 CORP0228-2/02