HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 29, 2010 City oo Minutes/Meeting Summary Sustainable Pickering Advisory Committee i June 29, 2010 PICKERING o am Main Committee ee Room Attendees: Dave Ryan, Mayor Doug Dickerson, City Councillor, Ward 2 (Chair) Jennifer O'Connell, City Councillor, Ward 1 (Vice-Chair) David Pickles, City Councillor, Ward 3 Tom Melymuk, Director, Office of Sustainability Neil Carroll, Director, Planning & Development Lynn Winterstein, Manager, Marketing &'Business Development Catherine Rose, Manager, Policy Kristy Kilbourne, (Acting) Coordinator, Sustainability Marla Shim, Executive Assistant, Council (Recording Secretary) Absent: Jack McGinnis, Durham Sustain Ability Also Present: Dan Leeming, Planning Partnership Terry Green, Durham Sustain Ability Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as a ro riate 1. Sustainable Development Guidelines Councillor Dickerson welcomed everyone to the meeting. T. M.elymuk introduced Dan Leeming of the Planning Partnership and advised the Committee that Mr. Leeming is currently looking at LEED-ND to determine whether or not the approach would be appropriate in the context of the City of Pickering, along with existing Sustainable Development Guidelines. D. Leeming provided a brief background of his credentials: • Founding partner of The Planning Partnership • Over 35 years of experience designing and developing new towns and planned communities in Ontario and the United States • Chair of Smart Growth Committee - transportation, water and ecology, building materials, waste, etc. • Co-Chair of the Canadian LEED-ND Review Committee - main goals are to reduce footprints and green house gas emissions Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 He advised that in order to acquire LEED certification, applicants must meet 12 prerequisites and need approximately 50% of an available 105 credits to achieve the lowest level of certification. There is a 10 to 15 percent increase in building costs to meet LEED gold. D. Leeming advised that the LEED ND program was developed to set precedents, goals and examples and has a good set of metrics. Councillor Pickles voiced concern that if the City of Pickering were to implement a certain standard such as LEED, developers might decide to go elsewhere. Mayor Ryan informed members that Pickering has already developed certain development standards, but it is essential that the Province step up and take a firm position ahead of the municipality in adopting LEED standards. Councillor Dickerson understood that a recommendation was made years ago for Seaton to be used as a pilot project. D. Leeming noted that in order for Seaton to achieve a standard, it is necessary to look at the level of transit service, level of routes, order of transit, park systems, energy and water systems. He recommended that Committee members consider attending one of the tours that is organized by Canada Green Building Council to view some of the green buildings. Discussion ensued with respect to the potential for implementation of LEED ND guidelines and their suitability for the City of Pickering. Councillor Dickerson thanked D. Leeming for attending and providing the Committee with such valuable information. The information helped to convey some feelings of where Pickering stands and what we should be looking at in the future. 2. Partners for Climate Protection Re ort Copies of the Draft Partners for Climate Protection Report to Council were distributed. T. Melymuk advised Committee members that the report is a Committee members draft and he would appreciate comments from the Committee to provide comments before finalizing. b Se tember 1, 2010. Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 A target has been set for 50% corporate reduction by 2016. This includes municipal buildings, street lights, vehicles, etc. The report notes that the City is making progress toward this target, but much work still need to be done. A Corporate Emissions Reduction Strategy is included. Councillors Dickerson and O'Connell asked if the City has any Staff to find out who responsibility for traffic signals or if these are the Region's owns the traffic lights responsibility. and is responsible for the efficiency Councillor Dickerson commented that Veridian and/or Enbridge upgrades. might be interested in studying the feasibility of establishing district heating plants in the hydro corridors in the City of Pickering. 3. Other Business Fact Sheet: FIT/Micro FIT Programs K. Kilbourn to provide - Councillor Dickerson suggested checking with Veridian to a copy of the fact find out if they already have similar information on their sheet to Mark Turney, website. Veridian's Manager of Grid Operations, for .On-going Marketing of the Measuring Sustainability Report his input - USB ports (made from recycled plastic) containing the report were provided to Committee members - The Measuring Sustainability Report link on the Sustainable Pickering website received 772 hits for the month of June and is-one of the top ten visited pages on the website - The report is also in circulation at the libraries Sustainable Pickering Smart Phone Application - Opportunity to do the application as a class project Staff to action. - Councillor O'Connell suggested looking into the cost of paying a student to work on the project and to check with the library regarding a partnership Resident Inquiry regarding Rain Barrels - The Committee agreed that it is not feasible for the City of Staff to action. Pickering to implement a rain barrel program - It was recommended that staff check with the Region to find out if they will be offering a future program Staff Suggestion on Council Newsletters - A suggestion was made by a staff member on the Sustainable Pickering staff ideas bulletin board that Councillors post their newsletters online in order to eliminate the high costs of printing and mailing their newsletters - Councillor Dickerson feels that individual Councillors will Page 3 CORP0228-2102 decide what is appropriate for them with regard to newsletters and that not all residents have access to email. Until we have an alternate form of communication, hardcopy newsletters will have to remain in circulation - Personally, he will seek out e-mail contacts for those of his contacts that have e-mail addresses and will mail out the rest in order to reduce costs and environmental impacts. L. Winterstein advised the Committee that the economic development e-newsletter was being launched today and will be provided to all business partners in the email database. Councillor Dickerson offered to provide his contact list so that it can be added to the list of e-newsletter recipients. 4. Next Meeting To be determined. Meeting Adjourned: 12:05 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 I I