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City o Report To
Executive Committee
I KERI Report Number: CAO-15-10
20 Date: June 14, 2010
From: Jennifer Parent
Division Head, Human Resources
Subject: Respect in the Workplace Policy
File: A-1010
Recommendation: That Council approve amendments to the Harassment Policy (HUR
070) and to change the name of the Policy to Respect in the Workplace in order to
comply with the amendments to the Occupational Health & Safety Act as a result of Bill
168 being passed.
Executive Summary: On June 15, 2010, Bill 168, Occupational Health and Safety
Amendment Act (Violence and Harassment in the Workplace) 2009 takes effect and
requires employers to establish a policy which will put measures in place to eliminate
violence and all forms of harassment, including psychological harassment in the
In response to this legislative change, the City's current Harassment Policy has been
revised to capture the requirements of Bill 168. This includes broadening our current
definition of Workplace Harassment as well as adding two new definitions
(Psychological Harassment and Workplace Violence).
Workplace Harassment now includes engaging in a course of vexatious comment or
conduct against a worker in a workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be known
to be unwelcome. Psychological Harassment is identified as engaging in, behaviour that
is intended to intimidate, offend, degrade or humiliate a particular person or group of
people. Finally, Workplace Violence is defined as:
a) the exercise of physical force by a person against a worker, in a workplace, that
causes or could cause physical injury to the worker
b) an attempt to exercise physical force against a worker, in a workplace, that could
cause physical injury to the worker and
c) a statement or behaviour that it is reasonable for a worker to interpret as a threat
to exercise physical force against the worker, in a workplace, that could cause
physical injury to the worker.
This policy details the processes involved in the reporting and investigation of claims of
harassment/violence. It will apply to all City employees, contractors, visitors, clients,
patrons,, volunteers, elected and appointed officials.
ReportCAO-15-10 June 14, 2010
Subject: Respect in the Workplace Page 2 21
Financial Implications: Approximately $1,500.00 to $2,250.00 for the cost of training.
Sustainability Implications: To preserve the mental and physical health of all our
employees by preventing a hostile work environment. A harassment free workplace will
contribute to a healthy work environment, thereby reducing health related costs such as
absenteeism, turnover, Employee Family Assistance Program costs, workplace
accidents and improved productivity.
Background:. Prior to Bill 168, the organization's only legislated requirement was to
ensure a harassment free workplace based on the protective grounds of the Ontario
Human Rights Code. These grounds include a worker's sex, sexual orientation, race,
ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, age, record of
offences, marital status, family status, being or having been in receipt of public
assistance or mental or physical handicap.
In December 2009, Bill 168 was passed as an amendment to the current Occupational
Health & Safety Act and required employers do the following:
• develop violence and harassment policies and programs (must be implemented by
June 15, 2010);
• train all employees on the policy and enable workers to report incidents of
harassment, violence or threats of violence;
• assess and control the risk of workplace violence;
• have measures in place that allows the City to determine how to investigate and
address the incidents;
• take reasonable precautions to prevent domestic violence from occurring in the
workplace; and
• inform a worker about any risk of violence from a person with a history of violent
behaviour if it is likely they could work directly together.
The new Respect in the Workplace Policy outlines everyone's rights and responsibilities
to work in an environment that is free from violence and harassment and satisfies a
fundamental requirement of Bill 168. In accordance with the Municipal Act, this policy
must be approved by Council.
1. Bill 168
2. Respect in the Workplace Policy
Report CAO-15-10 June 14, 2010
Subject: Respect in the Workplace Page 3
Prepared By:
ivision Head, Human Resources
Recommended for the consideration
of Pickering Cit Council
Tony Preve el, .Eng.
Chief Administrative Officer
58 ELIZABETH 11, 2009 58 ELIZABETH II, 2009
Bill 168 Projet de loi 168
(Chapter 23 (Chapitre 23
Statutes of Ontario, 2009) Lois de 1 'Ontario de 2009)
An Act to amend the Loi modifiant la
Occupational Health and Safety Act Loi sur la sante et la securite au travail
with respect to violence and en ce qui concerne la violence
harassment in the workplace et le harcelement an travail
and other matters et d'autres questions
The Hon. P. Fonseca L'honorable P. Fonseca
Minister of Labour Ministre du Travail
Ist Reading April 20, 2009 1`e lecture 20 avril 2009
2nd Reading October 20, 2009 2e lecture 20 octobre 2009
3rd Reading December 9, 2009 3e lecture 9 d6cembre 2009
Royal Assent December 15, 2009 Sanction royale 15 d6cembre 2009
Printed by the Legislative Assembly Imprimd par I'Assemblde Idgislative
of Ontario de I'Ontario
This Explanatory Note was written as a reader's aid to Bill 168 La note explicative, redigee a titre de service aux lecteurs du
and does not form part of the law. Bill 168 has been enacted as projet de loi 168, ne fait pas partie de la loi. Le projet de loi 168
Chapter 23 of the Statutes of Ontario, 2009. a ete edicte et constitue maintenant le chapitre 23 des Lois de
]'Ontario de 2009.
The Bill adds Part II1.0.1 (Violence and Harassment) to the Le projet de loi ajoute la partie 111.0. 1 (Violence et harc6ement)
Occupational Health and Safety Act. Subsection 1 (1) of the a la Loi sur la sante et la securite au travail. Le paragraphe 1 (1)
Act is amended to include definitions of workplace violence and de la Loi est modifid pour inclure les definitions de oviolence au
workplace harassment. travail) et de oharc6lement au travail).
Section 32.0.1 of the Act requires an employer to prepare poli- L'article 32.0.1 de la Loi exige que 1'employeur formule des
cies with respect to workplace violence and workplace harass- politiques concemant respectivement la violence au travail et le
ment, and to review the policies at least annually. harc6ement au travail et examine celles-ci au mois une fois
Section 32.0.2 of the Act requires an employer to develop a L'article 32.0.2 de la Loi exige que ]'employeur dlabore un
program to implement the workplace violence policy. The pro- programme de mise en oeuvre de la politique concemant la
gram must include measures to control risks of workplace vio- violence au travail. Ce programme doit comprendre les mesures
lence identified in the risk assessment that is required under A prendre pour contr6ler les risques de violence au travail indi-
rection 32.0.3, to summon immediate assistance when work- quds dans ]'evaluation du risque exigde a ]'article 32.0.3 et pour
place violence occurs, and for workers to report incidents of obtenir une aide immediate lorsqu'il se produit de la violence au
workplace violence. The program must also set out how the travail, ainsi que celles quo les travailleurs doivent prendre pour
employer will deal with incidents. and complaints of workplace signaler les incidents de violence au travail. Il doit dgalement
violence. indiquer la mani6re dont ]'employeur compte faire face aux
incidents et aux plaintes de violence au travail.
Section 32.0.3 of the Act requires an employer to assess the L'article 32.0.3 de la Loi exige que ]'employeur dvalue les ris-
risks of workplace violence and to report the results of the as- ques de violence au travail et informe le comitd ou un ddldgud a
sessment to the joint health and safety committee or to a health la santd et A la sdcuritd des rdsultats de I'dvaluation. En
and safety representative. If there is no committee or represen- ]'absence de comitd ou de ddldgud, it faut en informer les tra-
tative, the results must be reported to the workers. The risks vailleurs eux-m8mes. Les risques doivent etre rddvaluds aussi
must be reassessed as often as is necessary to protect workers souvent que cela est ndcessaire pour protdger les travailleurs
from workplace violence. contre la violence au travail.
Under section 32.0.4 of the Act, if an employer is aware or Sclon ]'article 32.0.4 de la Loi, si un employeur a connaissance,
ought to be aware that domestic violence that is likely to expose ou devrait raisonnablement avoir connaissance, du fait qu'il peut
a worker to physical injury may occur in the workplace, the se produire, dans le lieu de travail, de la violence familiale sus-
employer must take every reasonable precaution to protect the ceptible d'exposer un travailleur a un pr6judice corporel, it doit
worker. prendre touter les prdcautions raisonnables pour le protdger.
Section 32.0.5 of the Act clarifies that the employer duties in L'article 32.0.5 de la Loi prdcise que les devoirs de 1'employeur
section 25, the supervisor duties in section 27 and the worker prdvus a I'article 25, ceux du superviseur prdvus 6 ]'article 27 et
duties in section 28 apply, as appropriate, with respect to work- ceux du travailleur prdvus a ]'article 28 s'appliquent, s'il y a
place violence. Section 32.0.5 also requires an employer to lieu, a 1'dgard de la violence au travail. Il exige dgalement que
provide a worker with information and instruction on the con- les employeurs fournissent aux travailleurs des renseignements
tents of the workplace violence policy and program. et des directives sur le contenu de la politique et du programme
concemant la violence au travail.
Section 32.0.6 of the Act requires an employer to develop a L'article 32.0.6 de la Loi exige que 1'employeur dlabore un
program to implement the workplace harassment policy. The programme de mise en oeuvre de la politique concemant le
program must include measures for workers to report incidents harc6lement au travail. Ce programme doit comprendre les me-
of workplace harassment and set out how the employer will deal sures que les travailleurs doivent prendre pour signaler les inci-
with incidents and complaints of workplace harassment. Sec- dents de harcdement an travail et 6noncer la mani6re dont
tion 32.0.7 requires an employer to provide a worker with in- ]'employeur compte faire face aux incidents et aux plaintes de
formation and instruction on the contents of the workplace har- harc0ement au travail. L'article 32.0.7 cxige que 1'employeur
assment policy and program. fournisse aux travailleurs des renseignements et des directives
sur le contenu de la politique et du programme concemant le
harc6lement au travail.
The Bill amends section 43 of the Act, which deals with a Le projet de loi modifie ]'article 43 de la Loi, lequel porte sur le
worker's right to refuse work in various circumstances where droit d'un travailleur de refuser de travailler daps des circons-
health or safety is in danger, to include the right to refuse work tances susceptibles de mettre sa samd ou sa sdcuritd en danger,
if workplace violence is likely to endanger the worker. pour inclure le droit de refuser de travailler si de la violence au
travail est susceptible de le mcttre en danger.
The Bill adds sections 55.1 and 55.2 to the Act, authorizing Le projet de loi ajoute A la Loi les articles 55.1 et 55.2, lesquels
inspectors to make orders requiring policies under section 32.0.1 autorisent les inspecteurs 6 ordonner que les politiques prdvues a
and assessments and reassessments under section 32.0.3 to be in ]'article 32.0.1 et que les dvaluations et reevaluations prdvues A
writing or to be posted in the workplace. ]'article 32.0.3 soient dcrites ou affichdes dans le lieu de travail.
The Bill provides for authority to make regulations, including Le projet de loi prdvoit des pouvoirs reglementaires, notam-
the following: ment
1. Requiring an employer to designate a workplace co- 1. Exiger qu'un employeur designe un coordonnateur du
ordinator with respect to workplace violence and work- lieu de travail a 1'egard de la violence an travail et du
place harassment. harcelement au travail.
2. In the case of workers with a limited right to refuse work 2. Dans le cas des travailleurs qui ont, en vertu Particle 43
under section 43 of the Act, specifying situations in de la Loi, un droit limite de refuser de travailler, prdciser
which a danger to health or safety is inherent in the les cas ou un danger pour la sante on la securite est inhe-
workers' work or a normal condition of employment. rent au. travail d'un travailleur on constitue une condi-
tion normale de son emploi.
3. Varying or supplementing subsections 43 (4) to (13) of 3. Modifier on compl6ter les paragraphes 43 (4) A (13) de
the Act with respect to workers with a limited right to la Loi en fonction des travailleurs qui ont, en vertu de
refuse under section 43 and workers to whom section 43 Particle 43, un droit limite de refuser de travailler et des
applies by reason of a regulation made for the purposes travailleurs auxquels Particle 43 s'applique en raison
of subsection 3 (3) of the Act. d'un reglement pris pour Papplication du paragraphe 3
(3) de la Loi.
4. Governing the application of the duties and rights set out 4. Regir Papplication, d Pindustrie du taxi, des devoirs et
in Part 111. 0. 1 to the taxi industry. des droits prdvus A la partie 111.0. 1.
Bill 168 2009 Projet de loi 168 2009
An Act to amend the Loi modifiant la
Occupational Health and Safety Act Loi Sur la sant6 et la s6curit6 an travail
with respect to violence and en ce qui concerne la violence
harassment in the workplace et le harcelement an travail
and other matters et d'autres questions
Note: This Act amends the Occupational Health and Remarque : La presente loi modifie la Loi sur la sante et
Safety Act. For the legislative history of the Act, see the la securite au travail, dont Phistorique Iegislatif figure a
Table of Consolidated Public Statutes - Detailed Legisla- la page pertinente de PHistorique legislatif detailld des
tive History on www.e-Laws.gov.on.ca. lois d'intdret public codifides sur le site www.lois-en-
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Sa Majesty, sur l'avis et avec le consentement de
Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts I'Assemblde legislative de la province de l'Ontario,
as follows: 6dicte :
1. Subsection 1 (1) of the Occupational Health and 1. Le paragraphe 1 (1) de la Loi sur la sante et la
Safety Act is amended by adding the following defini- securite au travail est modifi6 par adjonction des d6fi-
tions: nitions suivantes :
"workplace harassment" means engaging in a course of «harcelement au travail» Fait pour une personne
vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a d'adopter une ligne de conduite caractdrisde par des
workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be remarques ou des gestes vexatoires contre un travail-
known to be unwelcome; ("harcelement au travail") leur dans un lieu de travail lorsqu'elle sait ou devrait
"workplace violence'.' means, raisonnablement savoir que ces remarques ou ces ges-
tes sont importuns. (uworkplace harassment)
(a) the exercise of physical force by a person against a «violence au travail» Selon le cas
worker, in a workplace, that causes or could cause
physical injury to the worker, a) emploi par une personne contre un travailleur, dans
(b) an attempt to exercise physical force against a un lieu de travail, d'une force physique qui lui
worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical cause ou pourrait lui causer un prdjudice corporel;
injury to the worker, b) tentative d'employer contre un travailleur, dans un
(c) a statement or behaviour that it is reasonable for a lieu de travail, une force physique qui pourrait lui
worker to interpret as a threat to exercise physical causer un prdjudice corporel;
force against the worker, in a workplace, that could c) propos ou comportement qu'un travailleur peut
cause physical injury to the worker. ("violence au raisonnablement interpreter comme une menace
travail") d'employer contre lui, dans un lieu de travail, une
force physique qui pourrait lui causer un prdjudice
corporel. (oworkplace violence)
2. Section 25 of the Act is amended by adding the 2. L'article 25 de la Loi est modifi6 par adjonction
following subsection: du paragraphe suivant
Same Idem
(3.1) Any explanatory material referred to under clause (3.1) Tout document explicatif visa a Palinda (2) i)
(2) (i) may be published as part of the poster required peut faire partie de Faffiche publide en application de
under section 2 of the Employment Standards Act, 2000. I'article 2 de ]a Loi de 2000 sur les normes d'emploi:
3. The Act is amended by adding the following 3. La Loi est modifi6e par adjonction de la partie
Part: suivante :
PART 111.0.1 PARTIE I11.0.1
Policies, violence and harassment Politiques : violence et harcelement
32.0.1 (1) An employer shall, 32.0.1 (1) L'employeur :
(a) prepare a policy with respect to workplace vio- a) formule une politique concernant la violence au
lence; travail;
(b) prepare a policy with respect to workplace harass- b) formule une politique concernant le harcdlement au
ment; and travail;
(c) review the policies as often as is necessary, but at c) examine les politiques aussi souvent que ndces-
least annually. saire, mais au moins une fois par annde.
Written form, posting Formulation par krit, affichage
(2) The policies shall be in written form and shall be (2) Les politiques sont formuldes par dcrit et sont affi-
posted at a conspicuous place in the workplace. chdes dans un endroit bien en vue du lieu de travail.
Exception Exception
(3) Subsection (2) does not apply if the number of em- (3) Le paragraphe (2) ne s'applique pas si le nombre
ployees regularly employed at the workplace is five or de personnel employdes rdgulidrement dans le lieu de
fewer, unless an inspector orders otherwise. travail est dgal ou infdrieur a cinq, sauf ordre contraire
d'un inspecteur.
Program, violence Programme : violence
32.0.2 (1) An employer shall develop and maintain a 32.0.2 (1) L'employeur dlabore et maintient un pro-
program to implement the policy with respect to work- gramme de mise en oeuvre de la politique concernant la
place violence required under clause 32.0.1 (1) (a). violence au travail exigde A 1'alinda 32.0.1 (1) a).
Contents Contenu
(2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), (2) Sans prdjudice de la portde gdndrale du paragraphe
the program shall, (1), le programme :
(a) include measures and procedures to control the a) inclut les mesures A prendre et les mdthodes A sui-
risks identified in the assessment required under vre pour controler les risques indiquds dans 1'dva-
subsection 32.0.3 (1) as likely to expose a worker luation exigde aux termes du paragraphe 32.0.3 (1)
to physical injury; comme dtant susceptibles d'exposer un travailleur
A un prdjudice corporel;
(b) include measures and procedures for summoning b) inclut les mesures A prendre et les mdthodes A sui-
immediate assistance when workplace violence oc- vre pour obtenir une aide immddiate lorsqu'il se
curs or is likely to occur; produit ou qu'il est susceptible de se produire de la
violence au travail;
(c) include measures and procedures for workers to c) inclut les mesures que les travailleurs doivent
report incidents of workplace violence to the em- prendre et les mdthodes qu'ils doivent suivre pour
ployer or supervisor; signaler les incidents de violence au travail A
1'employeur ou au superviseur;
(d) set out how the employer will investigate and deal d) dnonce la maniere dont 1'employeur enquetera sur
with incidents or complaints of workplace . vio- les incidents ou les plaintes de violence au travail
lence; and et dont it compte y faire face;
(e) include any prescribed elements. e) inclut les dldments prescrits.
Assessment of risks of violence tovaluation des risques de violence
32.0.3 (1) An employer shall assess the risks of work- 32.0.3 (1) L'employeur dvalue les risques de violence
place violence that may arise from the nature of the au travail qui peuvent ddcouler de la nature du lieu de
workplace, the type of work or the conditions of work. travail, du genre de travail ou des conditions de travail.
Considerations Facteurs A prendre en consid6ration
(2) The assessment shall take into account, (2) L'dvaluation tient compte des facteurs suivants
(a) circumstances that would be common to similar a) les circonstances qu'auraient en commun des lieux
workplaces; de travail semblables;
(b) circumstances specific to the workplace; and b) les circonstances propres au lieu de travail;
(c) any other prescribed elements. c) les autres dldments prescrits.,
Results Rksultats
(3) An employer shall, (3) L'employeur
(a) advise the committee or a health and safety repre- a) informe le comitd ou un ddldgud A la santd et a la
sentative, if any, of the results of the assessment, sdcuritd, s'il y en a un, des rdsultats de 1'dvaluation
and provide a copy if the assessment is in writing; et lui en remet une copie, dans le cas d'une dvalua-
and tion dcrite;
(b) if there is no committee or health and safety repre- b) informe les travailleurs des resultats de 1'6valua-
sentative, advise the workers of the results of the tion et, dans le cas d'une dvaluation dcrite, leur en
assessment and, if the assessment is in writing, fournit une copie sur demande ou leur indique
provide copies on request or advise the workers comment en obtenir des copies, s'il n'y a ni comite
how to obtain copies. ni ddldgud A la santd et a la sdcuritd.
Reassessment R66valuation
(4) An employer shall reassess the risks of workplace (4) L'employeur rddvalue les risques de violence au
violence as often as is necessary to ensure that the related travail aussi souvent que cela est ndcessaire pour que la
policy under clause 32.0.1 (1) (a) and the related program politique affdrente visde A l'alinda 32.0.1 (1) a) et le gro-
under subsection 32.0.2 (1) continue to protect workers gramme afferent vise au paragraphe 32.0.2 (1) continuent
from workplace violence. de protdger les travailleurs contre la violence au travail.
Same Idem
(5) Subsection (3) also applies with respect to the re- (5) Le paragraphe (3) s'applique dgalement A 1'dgard
sults of the reassessment. des resultats de la rddvaluation.
Domestic violence Violence familiale
32.0.4 If an employer becomes aware, or ought rea- 32.0.4 L'employeur qui prend connaissance, ou devrait
sonably to be aware, that domestic violence that would raisonnablement avoir connaissance, du fait qu'il peut se
likely expose a worker to physical injury may occur in the produire, dans le lieu de travail, de la violence familiale
workplace, the employer shall take every precaution rea- susceptible d'exposer un travailleur A un prdjudice corpo-
sonable in the circumstances for the protection of the rel prend toutes les prdcautions raisonnables dans les cir-
worker. constances pour le protdger.
Duties re violence Devoirs concernant In violence .
32.0.5 (1) For greater certainty, the employer duties 32.0.5 (1) Il est entendu que les devoirs de Fem-
set out in section 25, the supervisor duties set out in sec- ployeur dnoncds A Particle 25, les devoirs du superviseur
tion 27, and the worker duties set out in section 28 apply, dnoncds a Particle 27 et les devoirs du travailleur dnonces
as appropriate, with respect to workplace violence. A Particle 28 s'appliquent, selon le cas, A I'dgard de la
violence au travail.
Information Renseignements
(2) An employer shall provide a worker with, (2) L'employeur fournit ce qui suit au travailleur
(a) information and instruction that is appropriate for a) des renseignements et des directives adaptds au
the worker on the contents of the policy and pro- travailleur sur le contenu de la politique et du pro-
gram with respect to workplace violence; and gramme concernant la violence au travail;
(b) any other prescribed information or instruction. b) les autres renseignements ou directives prescrits.
Provision of information Fourniture de renseignements
(3) An employer's duty to provide information to a (3) Le devoir de Femployeur de fournir des rensei-
worker under clause 25 (2) (a) and a supervisor's duty to gnements au travailleur conformdment A Falinda 25 (2) a)
advise a worker under clause 27 (2) (a) include the duty et le devoir du superviseur d'informer un travailleur
to provide information, including personal information, conformdment a Falinda 27 (2) a) s'entendent notamment
related to a risk of workplace violence from a person with du devoir de fournir des renseignements, y compris des
a history of violent behaviour if, renseignements personnels, relatifs au risque de violence
au travail de la part d'une personne qui a des antdcddents
de comportement violent, si les conditions suivantes sont
rdunies :
(a) the worker can be expected to encounter that per- a) selon toute attente, le travailleur rencontrera cette
son in the course of his or her work; and personne dans le cadre de son travail;
(b) the risk of workplace violence is likely to expose b) le risque de violence au travail est susceptible
the worker to physical injury. d'exposer le travailleur a un prdjudice corporel.
Limit on disclosure Restriction de la divulgation
(4) No employer or supervisor shall disclose more per- (4) Ni l'employeur ni le superviseur ne doit divulguer,
sonal information in the circumstances described in sub- dans les circonstances visdes au paragraphe (3), plus de
section (3) than is reasonably necessary to protect the renseignements personnels que raisonnablement ndces-
worker from physical injury. saire pour protdger le travailleur d'un prejudice corporel.
Program, harassment Programme : harcelement
32.0.6 (1) An employer shall develop and maintain a 32.0.6 (1) L'employeur dlabore et maintient un pro-
program to implement the policy with respect to work- gramme de mise en oeuvre de la politique concernant le
place harassment required under clause 32.0.1 (1) (b). harcelement au travail exigde A l'alinda 32.0.1 (1) b).
Contents Contenu
(2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), (2) Sans prejudice de la portee gdndrale du paragraphe
the program shall, (1), le programme :
(a) include measures and procedures for workers to a) inclut les mesures que les travailleurs doivent
report incidents of workplace harassment to the prendre et les methodes qu'ils doivent suivre pour
employer or supervisor; signaler les incidents de harcelement au travail A
Pemployeur ou au superviseur;
(b) set out how the employer will investigate and deal b) dnonce la maniere dont Pemployeur enquetera sur
with incidents and complaints of workplace har- les incidents et les plaintes de harcelement au tra-
assment; and vail et dont it compte y faire face;
(c) include any prescribed elements. c) inclut les elements prescrits.
Information and instruction, harassment Renseignements et directives : harcelement
32.0.7 An employer shall provide a worker with, 32.0.7 L'employeur fournit ce qui suit au travailleur
(a) information and instruction that is appropriate for a) des renseignements et des directives adaptds au
the worker on the contents of the policy and pro- travailleur sur le contenu de la politique et du pro-
gram with respect to workplace harassment; and gramme concernant le harcelement au travail;
(b) any other prescribed information. b) les autres renseignements prescrits.
4. (1) Clause 43 (1) (a) of the Act is amended by 4. (1) L'alinea 43 (1) a) de la Loi est modifie par
striking out "clause (3) (a), (b) or (c)" and substituting substitution de ol'alinea (3) a), b), b.1) on c)» A
"clause (3) (a), (b), (b.1) or (c)". «1'alin6a (3) a), b) on c)».
(2) Subsection 43 (3) of the Act is amended by strik- (2) Le paragraphe 43 (3) de la Loi est modifie par
ing out "or" at the end of clause (b) and by adding the adjonction de 11alin6a suivant
following clause:
(b.l). workplace violence is likely to endanger himself or b.l) que de la violence au travail est susceptible de le
herself; or mettre en danger;
(3) Subsection 43 (5) of the Act is repealed and the (3) Le paragraphe 43 (5) de la Loi est abroge et
following substituted: remplacd par ce qui suit :
Worker to remain in safe place and available for investigation Obligations du travailleur de demeurer dans un lieu sfir et de rester
disponibie aux fins de l'enquUe
(5) Until the investigation is completed, the worker (5) Tant que 1'enquete n'est pas terminde, le travail-
shall remain, leur
(a) in a safe place that is as near as reasonably possible a) d'une part, demeure dans un lieu sur aussi pres que
to his or her work station; and raisonnablement possible de son poste de travail;
(b) available to the employer or supervisor for the pur- b) d'autre part, reste A la disposition de Pemployeur
poses of the investigation. ou du superviseur aux fins de Penquete.
(4) Subsection 43 (6) of the Act is amended by strik- (4) Le paragraphe 43 (6) de la Loi est modifie par
ing out "or" at the end of clause (b) and by adding the adjonction de Palinda suivant
following clause:
(b.l) workplace violence continues to be likely to en- b.1) que de la violence au travail est toujours suscepti-
danger himself or herself, or ble de le mettre endanger;
(5) Subsection 43 (8) of the Act is repealed and the (5) Le paragraphe 43 (8) de la Loi est abroge et
following substituted: remplace par ce qui suit
Decision of inspector Decision de Finspecteur
(8) The inspector shall, following the investigation (8) A la suite de 1'enquete visde au paragraphe (7),
referred to in subsection (7), decide whether a circum- Pinspecteur decide si une circonstance visde a Palinda (6)
stance described in clause (6) (a), (b), (b.1) or (c) is likely a), b), b.l) ou c) est susceptible de mettre le travailleur ou
to endanger the worker or another person. une autre personne en danger.
(6) Subsection 43 (10) of the Act is repealed and the (6) Le paragraphe 43 (10) de la Loi est abroge et
following substituted: remplace par ce qui suit
Worker to remain in safe place and available for investigation Obligation du travailleur de demeurer dons on lieu sar et de rester
81a disposition de I'enqu&eur
(10) Pending the investigation and decision of the in- (10) Tant que 1'enquete n'a pas eu lieu et tant que
spector, the worker shall remain, during the worker's Pinspecteur n'a pas rendu sa decision, le travailleur de-
normal working hours, in a safe place that is .as near as meure, pendant ses heures normales de travail, dans un
reasonably possible to his or her work station and avail- lieu sur aussi prds que raisonnablement possible de son
able to the inspector for the purposes of the investigation. poste de travail et reste a la disposition de 1'inspecteur
aux fins de 1'enquete.
Exception Exception
(10.1) Subsection (10) does not apply if the employer, (10.1) Le paragraphe (10) ne s'applique pas si 1'em-
subject to the provisions of a collective agreement, if any, ployeur, sous reserve des dispositions de la convention
collective, le cas dchdant :
(a) assigns the worker reasonable alternative work a) donne au travailleur un autre travail raisonnable
during the worker's normal working hours; or pendant ses heures normales de travail;
(b) subject to section 50, where an assignment of rea- b) sous reserve de Particle 50, donne au travailleur
sonable alternative work is not practicable, gives d'autres directives s'il est impossible de lui dormer
other directions to the worker. un autre travail raisonnable.
5. Subsection 52 (1) of the Act is amended by strik- 5. Le paragraphe 52 (1) de la Loi est modifie par
ing out "or fire" in the portion before paragraph l substitution de u, d'un incendie on d'un incident de
and substituting "fire or incident of workplace vio- violence an travaib> a «ou d'un incendie» dans le pas-
lence". sage qui precede la disposition 1.
6. The Act is amended by adding the following sec- 6. La Loi est modifiee par adjonction des articles
tions: suivants
Order for written policies Ordre : politiques Ecrites
55.1 In the case of a workplace at which the number of 55.1 Dans le cas d'un lieu de travail oil le nombre de
employees regularly employed is five or fewer, an inspec- personnes rdguUrement employees est dgal ou infdrieur a
for may in writing order that the policies with respect to cinq, un inspecteur peut ordonner par dcrit que les politi-
workplace violence and workplace harassment required ques concernant la violence au travail et le harcelement
under section 32.0.1 be in written form and posted at a au travail exigdes aux termes de Particle 32.0.1 soient
conspicuous place in the workplace. formuldes par dcrit et affichdes dans un endroit bien en
vue du lieu de travail.
Order for written assessment, etc. Ordre : Evaluation Ecrite
55.2 An inspector may in writing order that the follow- 55.2 Un inspecteur peut ordonner par dcrit que les dva-
ing be in written form: luations suivantes soient dcrites
1. The assessment of the risks of workplace violence 1. L'dvaluation des risques de violence au travail
required under subsection 32.0.3 (1). exigde au paragraphe 32.0.3 (1).
2. A reassessment required under subsection 32.0.3 2. La rddvaluation exigde au paragraphe 32.0.3 (4).
7. Subsection 70 (2) of the Act is amended by add- 7. Le paragraphe 70 (2) de la Loi est modifie par
ing the following paragraphs: adjonction des dispositions suivantes :
15. prescribing elements that any policy required under 15. prescrire les elements que doivent comprendre les
this Act must contain; politiques exigdes par la presente loi;
33. prescribing restrictions, prohibitions or conditions 33. prescrire des restrictions, des interdictions ou des
with respect to workers or workplaces relating to conditions a 1'egard des travailleurs ou des lieux de
the risks of workplace violence; travail relativement aux risques de violence au tra-
50. requiring an employer to designate a person in a 50. exiger qu'un employeur designe une personne dans
workplace to act as a workplace co-ordinator with un lieu de travail pour agir A titre de coordonnateur
respect to workplace violence and workplace har- du lieu de travail A 1'egard de la violence au travail
assment, and prescribing the functions and duties et du harcelement au travail et prescrire les fonc-
of the co-ordinator; tions et les obligations du coordonnateur;
51. in the case of a worker described in subsection 43 51. dans le cas d'un travailleur decrit au paragraphe 43
(2), specifying situations in which a circumstance (2), preciser les cas oil une circonstance visee a
described in clause 43 (3) (a), (b), (b.l) or (c) shall Palinea 43 (3) a), b), b.l) ou c) doit etre conside-
be considered, for the purposes of clause 43 (1) (a), ree, pour l'application de Palinea 43 (1) a), comme
to be inherent in the worker's work or a normal etant inherente au travail d'un travailleur ou
condition of employment; comme une condition normale de son emploi;
52. varying or supplementing subsections 43 (4) to 52. modifier ou completer les paragraphes 43 (4) a
(13) with respect to the following workers, in cir- (13) en fonction des travailleurs suivants, dans les
cumstances when section 43 applies to them: circonstances oit Particle 43 s'applique A ces der-
mers :
i. workers to whom section 43 applies by reason i. les travailleurs auxquels Particle 43 s'appli-
of a regulation made for the purposes of sub- que en raison d'un reglement pris pour 1'ap-
section 3 (3), and plication du paragraphe 3 (3),
ii. workers described in subsection 43 (2). ii. les travailleurs vises au paragraphe 43 (2).
8. The Act is amended by adding the following sec- 8. La Loi est modifiee par adjonction de Particle
tion: suivant
Regulations, taxi industry Rpglements : industrie du taxi
71. (1) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may 71. (1) Le lieutenant-gouverneur en conseil peut, par
make, regulations governing the application of the duties reglement, regir ]'application, A Pindustrie du taxi, des
and rights set out in Part 111.0. 1 to the taxi industry. devoirs et des droits enonces a ]a partie II1.0.L
Same Idem
(2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), (2) Sans prejudice de la portee generale du paragraphe
the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regula- (1), le lieutenant-gouverneur en conseil peut, par regle-
tions, ment :
(a) specifying that all or any of the duties set out in a) preciser que la totalite ou une partie des devoirs
Part 111.0.1 apply for the purposes of the regula- enonces a la partie 111.0.1 s'applique dans le cadre
tions, with such modifications as may be necessary des reglements, avec les adaptations necessaires
in the circumstances; dans les circonstances;
(b) specifying who shall be considered an employer b) preciser les personnel qui sont consid€rees comme
for the purposes of the regulations and requiring etant des employeurs pour ]'application des regle-
that person to carry out the specified duties; ments et exiger que ces personnes s'acquittent des
devoirs precises;
(c) specifying who shall be considered a worker for c) preciser les.personnes qui sont consid6rdes comme
the purposes of the regulations; etant des travailleurs pour ]'application des regle-
(d) specifying what shall be considered a workplace d) preciser ce qui est considers comme etant un lieu
for the purposes of the regulations. de travail pour ]'application des reglements.
Commencement Entr6e en vigueur
9. This Act comes into force six months after the 9. La presente loi entre en vigueur six mois apres le
day it receives Royal Assent. jour oil elle regoit la sanction royale.
Short title Titre abr6gk
10. The short title of this Act is the Occupational 10. Le titre abrege de la presente loi est Loi de 2009
Health and Safety Amendment Act (Violence and Har- modifiant la Loi sur la santd et la sdcuritE au travail
assment in the Workplace), 2009. (violence etharcelement au travail).
C~ City Policy
Policy Title: Respect in the Workplace Policy Number: HUR 070
Reference: Date Originated: Date Revised:
Ontario Human Rights Code, R.S.O. 1990, March, 1993 May 7, 2010
Chapter H. 19, 2009, c. 33, Sched. 2, s. 35.
Occupational Health and Safety Act, R. S. O.
1990, Chapter 0. 1, 2009, c. 33, Sched. 20,
Municipal Freedom of Information and
Protection of Privacy Act, R. S. O. 1990,
Chapter M. 56, 2007, c. 13, s. 45.
Approval: Council Point of Contact: Division Head, Human
Policy Objective
The Corporation of the City of Pickering (the "City") is committed to providing and
maintaining a work environment that is free from violence and harassment and where
the dignity and self-esteem of every employee is respected.
Under the provisions of the Ontario Human Rights Code, every employee has the right
to freedom from harassment in the workplace by the employer, by an agent of the
employer, or by another employee because of sex, sexual orientation, race, ancestry,
place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, age, record of offences, marital
status, family status, being or having been in receipt of public assistance or mental or
physical handicap. Furthermore, in accordance with the Occupational Health and
Safety Act, this policy prohibits all forms of harassment, psychological harassment and
violence that is related or unrelated to any of the prohibited grounds mentioned above.
In keeping with its legal and social responsibilities as an employer and to prevent and
manage workplace harassment and violence, the City will treat any complaint of
workplace harassment as a serious matter which, if proven, constitutes a serious
offence that will not be tolerated or condoned.
The objective of this policy is to:
a) demonstrate the City's commitment to the provision of a working environment
that is free of violence and all forms of harassment;
b) provide all City employees with an opportunity to bring forward and remedy
allegations of workplace violence and harassment in a fair and impartial manner;
c) set out the types of behaviour that may be considered to be offensive;
d) establish a mechanism for receiving complaints of workplace violence and
harassment and to provide a procedure by which the City will deal with these
complaints; and
e) ensure that all complaints are dealt with expeditiously and objectively and that
the rights of all parties are respected.
01 Definitions
02 Responsibilities
03 Procedures
04 Confidentiality
05 Applications
06 Limitations
Appendix 1 Harassment Complaint Form
Appendix 2 Workplace Violence Reporting Form
Appendix 3 Response to Harassment Complaint
01 Definitions
01.01 Formal Complaint is a written statement signed and dated by an
employee containing-full particulars of an allegation of a violation of this
Policy. Such particulars include a factual account of the incident(s),
Policy Title: Respect in the Workplace Page 2 of 14
Policy Number: HUR 070
relevant times, dates, circumstances, the person(s) involved, and the
names of any witnesses.
01.02 Complainant is any person who makes a formal complaint.
01.03 Discrimination is any distinction, exclusion or preference based on a
protected ground in the Ontario Human Rights Code which nullifies or
impairs equal opportunity in employment.
01.04 Retaliation is action taken against an individual in response to having
invoked the Respect in the Workplace Policy on behalf of oneself or
another individual or for having participated or cooperated in any
investigation under this Policy.
01.05 Respondent is the person(s) in which allegations of harassment and/or
violence are taken against.
01.06 Supervisor is the immediate non-union supervisor.
01.07 Workplace is the working or work-related environment including, but not
limited to, the offices, buildings, worksites or any other location where City
business is being conducted and employees have gathered as a result of
employment responsibilities or social gatherings sanctioned by the City.
01.08 Workplace Harassment is engaging in a course of vexatious comment or
conduct against a worker in a workplace that is known or ought reasonably
to be known to be unwelcome which creates an intimidating or hostile work
environment, interferes with an employee's work performance, or
threatens economic livelihood. Harassment which occurs outside of the
workplace but which has repercussions in the work environment,
adversely affecting employee relationships, may also be defined as
workplace harassment. Workplace harassment can involve the following:
a) Harassment is engaging in a course of vexatious comments or
conduct that is known, or ought reasonably to be known, to be
unwelcome or offensive, and includes, for purposes of this policy,
one or a series of unwanted, unsolicited actions, behaviours,
remarks or communications in any form, directed toward an
individual or a group, and which are related to any of the prohibited
grounds of workplace or employment harassment under the Code.
Policy Title: Respect in the Workplace Page 3 of 14
Policy Number: HUR 070
Harassment can include, but is not limited to the following
• racial or ethnic slurs;
• repeatedly asking when they are going to get married or have
• inappropriate comments about specific genders or age
groups; and/or
• unwelcome remarks, jokes, taunts, suggestions about a
person's religion, disability, etc.
b) Psychological Harassment is engaging in behaviour that is
intended to intimidate, offend, degrade or humiliate a particular
person or group of people. Examples of psychological harassment
can include, but are not limited to:
• verbally abusive behaviour such as yelling, insults and name
• persistent, excessive and unjustified criticism and constant
• spreading malicious rumours;
• excluding or ignoring someone;
• sabotaging someone else's work;
• written or verbal abuse or threats;
• making false allegations about someone in memos or other
work related documents; and/or
• actions which create a poisoned work environment which
occurs when an activity or behaviour is not necessarily
directed at anyone in particular but creates a hostile or
offensive workplace for those who are exposed to it.
c) Sexual Harassment is any unwelcome conduct, comment, gesture
or physical contact of a sexual nature directed toward someone of
the same or opposite gender that is known or ought reasonably to
be known to cause offense, embarrassment or humiliation. Sexual
harassment can include, but is not limited to the following
• unwelcome remarks, jokes, taunts, and/or suggestions about
a person's body;
Policy Title: Respect in the Workplace Page 4 of 14
Policy Number: HUR 070
• displays of pornographic, sexist, or other offensive or
derogatory material;
• leering (suggestive staring) or other offensive gestures;
• unnecessary physical contact;
• persistent, unwanted attention after a consensual relationship
ends; and/or
• unwelcome sexual remarks, invitations or requests.
01.09 Workplace Violence is:
a) the exercise of physical force by a person against a worker, in a
workplace, that causes or could cause physical injury to the worker;
b) an attempt to exercise physical force against a worker, in a
workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker;
c) a statement or behaviour that it is reasonable for a worker to
interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against the worker, in
a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker.
Workplace violence can include but is not limited to the following
• physically abusive or threatening behaviour such as pushing,
hitting, finger pointing or standing close to someone in an
aggressive manner; and/or
• using or threatening to use a weapon.
'02 Responsibilities
02.01 Council to:
a) approve the policy and any amendments to it from time to time; and
b) actively support and adhere to the Respect in the Workplace Policy.
02.02 Chief Administrative Officer to:
a) actively support and adhere to the Respect in the Workplace Policy;
b) ensure that all City employees are provided with a work
environment free from any form of harassment or violence; and
Policy Title: Respect in the Workplace Page 5 of 14
Policy Number: HUR 070
c) create an environment that encourages prospective complainants to
report incidents of harassment and violence should they occur.
02.03 Directors and Division. Heads to:
a) actively support and adhere to the Respect in the Workplace Policy;
b) create and maintain a harassment and violence free workplace for
all employees within his/her department/division;
c) prevent and discourage workplace harassment and violence
through action and example by ensuring that their own conduct and
that of their employees is not hurtful, intimidating or embarrassing;
d) ensure that workplace behaviour contrary to this Policy is not
permitted, condoned, or ignored;
e) ensure that all employees within his/her department/division are
conversant with the City's Respect in the Workplace Policy and with
their rights and responsibilities under this Policy;
f) treat all complaints of workplace harassment and violence seriously
and respond in a timely manner to complains in accordance with the
procedures outlined in this Policy;
g) cooperate in any investigation arising from complaints made under
this Policy; and
h) undertake appropriate corrective or disciplinary'action including
making recommendations to terminate employment as required.
02.04 Supervisors to:
a) take reasonable precautions to protect the health and safety of
workers which includes preventing workplace violence by creating
and maintaining a harassment and violence free workplace for all
employees within his/her work unit;
b) prevent and discourage workplace harassment and violence
through action and example by ensuring that their own conduct and
that of their employees is not hurtful, intimidating or embarrassing;
c) offer training and information to workers to ensure that workplace
behaviour contrary to this Policy is not permitted, condoned or
d) treat all complaints of workplace harassment and violence seriously
and respond in a timely manner to complaints in accordance with
the procedures outlined in this Policy;
Policy Title: Respect in the Workplace Page 6 of 14
Policy Number: HUR 070
e) communicate and reinforce the City's Policy and Procedures on
workplace harassment and violence to all employees within his/her
work unit;
f) investigate and take appropriate action in a timely fashion when
he/she has knowledge of workplace harassment or violence
occurring within his/her work unit; and
g) cooperate in any investigation arising from complaints made under
this Policy.
02.05 Human Resources Division to:
a) provide training and education to all employees on the interpretation
and application of this Policy;
b) serve as a resource to management and staff on workplace
harassment, violence and related issues;
c) provide consultation and advice to City management regarding
appropriate corrective or disciplinary action to be undertaken to
resolve a complaint;
d) receive complaints and undertake a prompt and confidential
investigation into all complaints brought forward;
e) maintain a centralized record of all workplace harassment and
violence complaints and related documentation;
f) undertake follow-up interviews with the complainant in accordance
with the procedures outlined in this Policy; and
g) ' initiate and conduct regular reviews of the Respect in the Workplace
Policy and provide a written report and recommendations to the
Chief Administrative Officer;
h) take every reasonable precaution given the circumstances to
protect the worker if made aware or ought reasonably to be aware
that domestic violence would likely expose the worker to physical
injury; and
i) assess the risk of workplace violence that may arise and to report
the results of the assessment to the Joint Health & Safety
Committee or its representative.
j) provide information to worker(s), including personal information,
related to a risk to workplace violence from a person with a history
of violent behaviour if:
i. the worker can be expected to encounter that person in the
course of his or her work; and
Policy Title: Respect in the Workplace Page 7 of 14
Policy Number: HUR 070
ii. the risk of workplace violence is likely to expose the worker to
physical injury.
02.06 Employees to:
a) ensure that their actions and behaviour do not cause
embarrassment or humiliation to co-workers;
b) have the right to refuse to work or do particular work where he or
she has reason to believe that workplace violence is likely to
endanger himself or herself;
c) comply with this Policy and take all steps to maintain a harassment
and violence free workplace;
d) report any incident or observations of inappropriate action or
behaviour to their Supervisor, Division Head, Director or to the
Human Resources Division;
e) notify his/her supervisor and Human Resources if he/she has a
legal court order (eg. restraining order) against another individual if
the employee believes the aggressor may put him/her or other
employees at risk of workplace violence; and
f) cooperate fully in any investigation arising from complaints brought
forward under this Policy.
03 Procedures
03.01 Any employee who considers that he or she has been subjected to
workplace harassment is encouraged to bring the matter to the attention of
the individuals(s) responsible, advising the person that the behaviour is
unwelcome, contrary to the Respect in the Workplace Policy and request
that it be stopped.
03.02 Employees who believe that they are being harassed or who have tried
unsuccessfully to deal directly with the individual(s) responsible for the
behaviour or who feel that such an approach is inappropriate, should
report the incident(s) using the Harassment Complaint Form (Appendix 1)
to their Supervisor, Division Head or Director who will take immediate
steps to resolve the problem. Any Supervisor, Division Head/Director
having received a complaint, should notify the Division Head, Human
Resources immediately upon receipt of the complaint.
Policy Title: Respect in the Workplace Page 8 of 14
Policy Number: HUR 070
03.03 When attempts to resolve the matter through the above methods are
inappropriate or fail, the employee may submit his/her formal complaint
(Appendix 1) to the Human Resources Division within a reasonable time
from when the incident occurred.
03.04 When a complaint has been forwarded directly to Human Resources, the
Division Head, Human Resources or designate shall conduct an
investigation into the complaint. Such investigation shall include
interviews with the complainant(s), the respondent, witnesses to the
incident(s) and any other person who may provide relevant information.
Allegations of workplace violence will be investigated by Human
Resources and if required a Ministry of Labour Inspector.
03.05 The respondent will be given a copy or a synopsis of the complaint as
soon as possible, and will be given an opportunity to respond verbally or in
writing using the Response to Harassment Complaint Form (Appendix 3).
03.06 Once the investigation has been completed, a written report summarizing
investigation findings will be prepared for the appropriate Director with
recommendations for corrective action as appropriate in the
03.07 Where the results of the investigation support a specific complaint of
harassment, appropriate corrective action will be taken. Where the results
of the investigation do not support allegations of harassment, no further
action will be taken and the complainant will be advised as such.
03.08 The test for determining if workplace harassment has occurred may be
met by assessing if:
a) the complainant specifically says the conduct is unwelcome; and/or
b) the complainant conveys through conduct or body language that the
behaviour is unwelcome; and/or
c) a reasonable person would have recognized that the behaviour
would be unwelcome under the circumstances.
03.09 No reprisals. will be taken against any party for having invoked his/her
rights under this Policy. However, where as a result of an investigation it
is determined that a complaint was made maliciously or in bad faith, formal
disciplinary action may be taken against the complainant. Documentation
Policy Title: Respect in the Workplace Page 9 of 14
Policy Number: HUR 070
regarding disciplinary action will be retained in the employee's personnel
03.10 The Human Resources Division will undertake follow-up interviews with
the complainant as required. All follow-up interviews will be documented
and retained in the Human Resources Division.
03.11 For employees covered by a collective agreement, a complaint may be
filed through their union as a grievance, if not satisfied with the
03.12 When a complaint is made against the Chief Administrative Officer, a
Director or a Division Head, or when the Chief Administrative Officer
considers it appropriate, the resolution of a complaint under this Policy
may be referred to an outside consultant who will conduct a prompt and
confidential inquiry into the complaint.
03.13 Acts or threats of violence involving a weapon or incidents where the
violence is extreme must be reported to the police and management
immediately. All instances of workplace violence must be reported using
the Workplace Violence Reporting Form (Appendix 2) and will be
investigated accordingly.
04 Confidentiality
04.01 The City recognizes that allegations of workplace harassment and
violence involves sensitive disclosures and respects icomplainant's
interest in keeping the matter confidential.
04.02 All complaints of workplace harassment (including the identities of the
complainant, the person against whom the complaint is made, and any
witnesses) will therefore be held in confidence and will be disclosed only to
the extent necessary to investigate and resolve the complaint. It is the
City's expectation that the complainant, the person against whom the
complaint is made, and any witnesses to the incident(s) will also maintain
04.03 All records of complaints, including contents of meetings, interviews,
results of investigations, and all other documentation, will be retained by
the Human Resources Division.
Policy Title: Respect in the Workplace Page 10 of 14
Policy Number: HUR 070
04.04 All information pertaining to the results of the risk of workplace violence
that may arise from an assessment will be provided to the Joint Health &
Safety Committee or its representative and will be disclosed only to the
extent necessary to generate statistics.
04.05 All records pertaining to a complaint under this Policy are subject to the
provisions of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of
Privacy Act, the Ontario Human Rights Code or the rules governing Court
05 Application
This Policy is applicable to all City employees, contractors, visitors, clients,
patrons, volunteers, elected and appointed officials. It applies to all matters
identified occurring in the course of any person's employment or contract of
06 Limitations
The City is committed to providing all its employees with a supportive and
satisfying work environment. Every employee has the right to make a complaint or
to enforce his or her rights under this Policy, without retaliation or the threat of
retaliation and in the expectation that complaints of workplace harassment and
violence will be successfully resolved by the City without recourse to other
Notwithstanding the existence of this policy, under the provisions of the Ontario
Human Rights Code all City employees may at any time pursue their rights
independent of this Policy.
Appendix 1 Harassment Complaint Form
Appendix 2 Workplace Violence Reporting Form
Appendix 3 Response to Harassment Complaint
Policy Title: Respect in the Workplace Page 11 of 14
Policy Number: HUR 070
Appendix 1
HarassmentCompWnt Form
JMJL IN! %-7
Appendix 1
All complaints of workplace harassment wilt be he d in confidence and will be disclosed only to the
extent necessaryto investigate and resolve the complaint. It is the City's expectation that the
complainant, the person againstwhomthe complaint is made, and anywitnesses to the incident(s)
will also maintain confidentiality.
Complainant Information (Anonymous complaints will not be investigated)
Last Name FirstName[77, Date°
Position Department D vi-r, i on
Facility Immediate Non-Union Supervisor
Subject of Complaint Information
Nar-eof indivJualyou are complaining about Position
When did the i'ncident(s)occur? Place the i nci dent occurred
Time(s)_ p am pm
Nat, re of the Allegation(s)
1. Des c ribe the sequence of events andfactors leading upto the occurrence.
2. Describe your reaction:
1 List any witness eswhoobservedth econduct, orinrividualswhom ayhaveinformation about the
4. Outl inewhat you have done in response toth is probl emto date, if anything, i n eluding s peakingto the
p a rs on yo u are compla ining a bout or rais ing yo urco ncems with s omeone else.
Page 1 of 2
Policy Title: Respect in the Workplace Page 12 of 14
Policy Number: HUR 070
Appendix 2
Workplace Violence
Reporting Form
Apper`dix. I
This form is to be used in instances where a person has exercisedor attemptedto exercise physical
force against an employee that could cause physical injury. YOU May also use this form when a
person makes a statem.entorexhibits a behaviourth at is reasonable enough fora person to interpret
as a threat to exercise physical fo rce th at co u I d cause physical injury-
Claimant's Information
LastName= First Name Date Department= Divisions
Name ofAggressor(if known) Yourfamiliar6twiththe aggressor
When didthe incidentoccur? Location of incident
Time[__ am E pm
Type of Incident
Mail 10D Email p Voicemail El Telephone
Extension call received atr-.-'' Call display number(if applicable) F--
1. Describe the sequence of events and factors leadinguptothethreattviolence..
2. Whatwasthenature ofthethreatrviolence'?(Whatwassaid anddonespecifically)
3. List anywitneases whoobservedtheconduct, orindividualswhomayhaveinformation about the
4. Provide a physical description if the aggressor's identity is unknown. (height, weight, clothing
hair, ethnicity, etc.)
MRfJ310Fd1fiX12 ReMoRd 050 Page 1 oft
Policy Title: Respect in the Workplace Page 13 of 14
Policy Number: HUR 070
Appendix 3
f Response to HarassmentCompfaint
A,ppemEx 2
Pil Ci
All complaints of workplace harassment wilI be held in confidence and will be disclosed only to the
exte nt n ecessa ry to investigate a n d res olve th a co m piAnt. It is the C ity's expectati o n th at th e
complainant, the person againstwhomthe complaint is made, and any witnesses to the incident(s)
will also maintainconfidentiality.
Respondent's information
LastName FirstNarne~ Dated
Position Department Division
Last Name F First ame
Address the Complaint
Include as much information to the complaint as possible, including dates and times. Please
respondto each allegation contained!in the complaint. (Attach extra pages if required)
List any individuals who may have information a bout th a complaint, or wh o may have observedth e
conduct in question.
Respondent's signature Date
~CRd31C1.OSCI2 Rr+rbed02~i Page 1 of 1
Policy Title: Respect in the Workplace Page 14 of 14
Policy Number: HUR 070