HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 3, 2010 City' ¢O Minutes / Meeting Summary Accessibility Advisory Committee i i Wednesday, March 3, 2010 PI CKERI N 7:00 pm a Main Committee Room Attendees: Keith Falconer, Chair Stephen Little, Co-Chair Councillor Littley Terence Arvisais Aisha Natifa-Heywood Gwelda MacDonald-Tuttle Marilyn Wallace Susan Wilkinson Stephanie Wilson Prem Noronha-Waldriff Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary i Absent: Item 1 Details & Discussion & Conclusion Acton Items / Status Rot # (summary of dscusslora finckda deadline as appropdataj SIL 1. Welcome.;, K. Falconer welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made around the table to welcome our new member Marilyn Wallace. 2. Adoption of Minutes -January 20, 2010 All The agenda action items were reviewed. P. Noronha-Waldriff provided an update on all action items from the previous minutes; • She noted that she had submitted 3 nominations for the Civic Awards on behalf of the Committee • Councillor Littley requested an update with respect to P. Noronha-Waldriff to obtaining a summary report regarding the notice of action motion on accessibility • Request the 2009 annual report and 2010 work plan be placed on the April 19th agenda for Council approval - G. MacDonald-Tuttle will send out the work plan to G. MacDonald-Tuttle members again to action • Decide who will present at Council Moved by S. Wilkinson Seconded b T. Arvisais Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 That the minutes of the January 20, 2010 meeting be adopted. CARRIED 3. Access! bill it in the Workplace Brochure All Discussion ensued with respect to the brochure on Accessibility in the Workplace. The previous brochure was passed around to all members to review. P. Noronha-Waldriff explained that the format would be done according to accessibility standards at the time of printing. Comments noted as follows; • The purpose of the brochure has changed over time with the main purpose now being to help make businesses more accessible • Helpful information for business owners to become more aware of the upcoming legislation • Should be strictly an information brochure, the Province should be responsible for information respecting legislation • Question format for brochure was agreed on P. Noronha-Waldriff/G. • Further comments can be directed to G. MacDonald- MacDonald- Tuttle by March 10th Tuttle/Councillor Littley • Prem will prepare page with standards to action • Councillor Littley will prepare mock up of brochure • Brochure will .be sent out again prior to next meeting • Place this item on the next agenda to finalize 4. Community Agencies • S. Wilkinson provided an update regarding the list of community agencies she had prepared • S. Wilkinson to contact groups by phone and follow up S. Wilkinson to action with a letter from City staff • Presentations should focus on issues relating to their members and be specific to Pickering • Invite all groups to attend the Accessibility Awareness Day in September • Obtain copy of the Regional list P. Noronha-Waldriff to • If groups cannot attend meeting, request they forward action information on their organization • Provide each group with ten minutes at the beginning of the general meetings Any further suggestions can be forwarded to S. Wilkinson 5.0 Other Business Adjournment All Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 I 5.1 Accessibility Awareness Week Discussion ensued with respect to Accessibility Awareness Week as follows; • To be held in September • Check with the Pickering Town Centre for any conflicting P. Noronha-Waldriff to events and choose a date - check all Saturdays in the action month of September • Confirm space availability first • Suggestions were discussed for guest speakers • Suggestions were discussed for organizations to MacDonald- participate in booths: (wheelchair basketball, guide dog Tuttle sports equipment, visual equipment, Tuttle to action representation from special Olympics) (check with Durham Regional Police for a contact), • S. Wilkinson will forward task list out again to members as well as dates for next meeting S. Wilkinson to action • Following members offered to work on sub-committee; G. MacDonald-Tuttle A. Natifa-Heywood S. Wilkinson Councillor Littley T. Arvisais K. Falconer 5.2 Site Plan Review The Committee reviewed a site plan which had been submitted for the Rosebank Sanitary Sewer Pumping Station located at 520 Rodd Avenue. Discussion ensued regarding the site plans. S. Little noted this is an access restricted facility. General comments will be forwarded to the Planning Department. Moved by Councillor Little Seconded by T. Arvisais That the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED 6! 0 Next Meeting All • The next meeting has been scheduled for April 28, 2010 Meeting Adjourned: 8:50 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 3 CORP0228-2/02