HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 9, 2010 City o0 Minutes / Meeting Summary Pickering Blooms Advisory Committee February 9, 2010 PI KERI 2:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Dave Ryan, Mayor - City of Pickering (Co-Chair) Bill McLean, Regional Councillor, Ward 2 - City of Pickering (Co-Chair) Tom Melymuk, Director, Office of Sustainability - City of Pickering John Hannah, Superintendent, Municipal Operations - City of Pickering Rob Gagen, Foreperson, Parks & Property - City of Pickering Tanya Ryce, Marketing, Promotions/Graphic Designer - City of Pickering Kathy McKay - Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Larry Noonan - Altona Forest Stewardship Committee Sigrid Squire - Pickering Horticultural Society Marla Shim, Executive Assistant, Councillors' Office - City of Pickering (Recording Secretary) Absent: Allan Arsenault - Pickering Town Centre Mike Bender - Toronto Region Conservation Authority Chris Braney - Durham District School Board Donald Igbokwe - Multi-Faith Group Gail Lawlor - Durham Sustain Ability Jim McCafferty.- Durham Catholic District School Board Lorna Murphy - Pickering Town Centre Julie Oakes - Bloomers & Britches Heather White - Pineridge Arts Council Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome and Introductions Mayor Ryan'welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked committee members for once again returning to participate in the Pickering Blooms program. Mayor Ryan also acknowledged and thanked staff and volunteers for all of their hard work on the program. He is hopeful that we will eventually be in a position to get into National and International competitions and feels that we are heading in the, right direction. A lot of positive feedback has been received from the community. T. Melymyuk advised that John Hannah will be in charge of the 2010 program. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 J. Hannah commented that Communities in Bloom was a great start, but we have evolved and are now ready to look at making changes for the future. Last year's Pickering Blooms program was very successful and many good suggestions were received. The biggest success was the Garden Showcase. He advised that R. Gagen and T. Ryce will be the major staff representatives on the program and will work in conjunction. with S. Squire and the Pickering Horticultural Society. L. Noonan advised that the best way to engage the R. Gagen to arrange a schools is to contact the superintendents and ask that meeting with staff, L. they pass along the information to the principals Noonan and a school Find a way for the program to be more beneficial to local representative. businesses and allow them to showcase their businesses Mayor Ryan will attend through early bird participation, etc. if available, but • Registrants will be listed under the participants section suggested that the and will be offered a participants web button for posting meeting not be on their website, with a link to the Pickering Blooms page planned around his schedule. Councillor McLean joined the meeting. Mayor Ryan'welcomed Councillor McLean, excused himself to attend another meeting and turned the Chair over to him. 2. ,;Review of 2009 Pro . ram • R. Gagen advised that gateway beautification has been an ongoing project and that they are working with an area resident to refurbish Maple Gate at Finch Avenue • Will use the Sustainable plant list to create a low maintenance garden • R. Gagen informed members that OPG is delaying the expansion of their biodiversity plan due to the construction of the sewer trunk line that will be going through their property in Alex Robertson Park • They are hoping to refurbish the south side of the bay (next to the Sandy Beach bridge) • To be sustainable, will have generic signs that can be used every year • The garden plaques will still be used this year, but will look into having larger signs (with pins) for each year of participation in 2011 • R. Gagen advised that they are looking for a community group to take over the maintenance of the butterfly garden in David Farr Park Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 • Councillor McLean suggested contacting Mary Cook for R. Gagen will contact assistance Mary Cook to find out if • Councillor McLean recommended installing a sign to note she can assist with the that it is a butterfly garden butterfly garden. • J. Hannah advised that they will focus on the youth component this year, but are looking into setting up a growth plan that can expand into the business community in 2011 3. `Pro 6sed"20.10' Pro ram R. Gagen will handle the program components and T. Ryce will deal with promotional opportunities. T. Ryce informed members that the 2010 program is slated for launch in early April, with the erection of street banners, a mail-out registration campaign and posting on the updated website. • A media event will be held in May to officially launch the Garden Showcase and Mentorship program • A separate media event will also be held at one of the local schools • A promotional kit has been developed to reach youth organizations, pre-schools and engage event participants A youth and family category has been added to the Mentorship Program • Councillor McLean offered to assist in encouraging school participation • To increase program enrollment and expand into the business community, a partner and supporter program will be developed • Local garden centers will be invited to become program partners in exchange for an in-kind donation and/or program participant discount • Past participants will be contacted to determine if they are willing to take part in this year's program • Horticultural Society members will canvas with brochures • A media release will be placed in L. Noonan's newsletter Staff will look into the • Promote at the Horticultural Society's May 1St Garden feasibility of tying in Show and Mother's Day event at the Recreation Complex the two events. • Councillor McLean recommended combining the unveiling of the butterfly garden with the Mother's Day event Staff will contact the • Councillor McLean suggested distributing registration Rotary Club regarding forms and displaying the Pickering Blooms banner bug at displaying the banner the Rotary Club's Music Festival. The competition runs bug and registration from February 25th to March 12th forms Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 4 Advisory Committee Involvement It was recommended that more Advisory Committee meetings be held this year Staff will prepare a • Send a letter to members asking for their interest in letter to members various areas of the program They can share their asking for their interest expertise in the fields that they are most qualified in and. in participating in omit the need to attend all committee meetings specific areas. 5:` Next Meetin Date To be determined. Meeting Adjourned: 3:00 pm. Copy: City Clerk Page 4 CORP0228-2/02