HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 19, 2010 ei O0 Council Meeting Agenda PICKERIN Monday, April 19, 2010 Council Chambers 7:30 pm 7:00 PM IN CAMERA MEETING OF COUNCIL 1) INVOCATION Mayor Ryan will call the meeting to order and lead Council in the saying of the Invocation. II) DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST III) ADOPTION OF MINUTES PAGE Council Minutes, March 8, 2010 1-11 Special In Camera Council Minutes, March 8, 2010 Under Separate Cover Special Council Minutes, March 29, 2010 12-27 Planning & Development Committee Minutes, April 6, 2010 28-31 Executive Committee Minutes, April 12, 2010 32-39 IV) PRESENTATIONS V) DELEGATIONS 40 VI) CORRESPONDENCE 41-62 VII) COMMITTEE REPORTS 63-67 a) Report 2010-03 of the Planning & Development Committee b) Report 2010703 of the Executive Committee VIII) REPORTS - NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS IX) MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTIONS 68-69 X) BY-LAWS 70-78 XI) OTHER BUSINESS Accessible ~ For information related to accessibility requirements please contact I ~ ~ C p ~ Linda Roberts p r G P ,N 905:420.4660 extension 2928 TTY: 905.420.1739 Email: Iroberts(cD.citVofr)ickerina.com XII) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW FOR INFORMATION ONLY • Minutes of the (Pickering Blooms Advisory Committee, February 9, 2010 • Minutes of the Committee of Adjustment, February 24 and March 17, 2010 • Minutes of.the Accessibility Advisory Committee, March 3 and 24, 2010 • Minutes of the Waterfront Coordinating Committee, March 18, 2010 • Minutes of the Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee, March 23, 2010 • Minutes of the Taxicab Advisory Committee, March 26, 2010 • Minutes of the Advisory Committee on Race Relations & Equity, April 1, 2010 . City 00 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 8, 2010 PICKERENG 7:30 PM Council Chambers 01 PRESENT: Mayor David Ryan COUNCILLORS: D. Dickerson R. Johnson B. ~ittley B. McLean J. O'Connell D. Pickles ALSO PRESENT: T. Quinn - Chief Administrative Officer E. Buntsma - Director, Operations & Emergency Services N. Carroll - Director, Planning & Development T. Melymuk - Director, Office of Sustainability G. Paterson - Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer D. Shields - City Clerk L. Roberts - Committee Coordinator (1) INVOCATION Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order and led Council in the saying of the Invocation. (II) DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST No disclosures of interest were noted. (III) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Resolution # 39/10 Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Dickerson Council' Minutes, February 16, 2010 Special In Camera Council Minutes, March 1, 2010 Special Council Minutes, March 1, 2010 Planning & Development Committee Minutes, March 1, 2010 CARRIED 1 C"W 00 _ Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 8, 2010 PICX- 7:30 PM Council Chambers .02 (IV) PRESENTATIONS 1. Presentation of Certificates Adopt a Park Helen Dionne - Durham Family Network David Farr Memorial Park South John G. Smith, Chair, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Lynn Heights Park Michelle Pongracz, Coordinator, Environmental Awareness Programs, outlined the Adopt a Park Program and introduced Helen Dionne from Durham Family Network and John G. Smith from the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade. Mayor Ryan, Councillor Dickerson and Councillor McLean presented the groups with certificates for supporting the adopt a park program and adopting David Farr Memorial Park South and Lynn Heights Park. 2. Rick Johnson, Regional Councillor, Ward 3 Re: Herizon House Donation Councillor Johnson presented a donation in the amount of $5,000.00, obtained through fundraising initiatives, to Catherine Carney-White, Executive Director, Herizon House. (V) DELEGATIONS 1. Roger Anderson Regional Chair Re: Annual Address Roger Anderson, Regional Chair appeared before Council to give his annual address to the City of Pickering. Mr. Anderson highlighted the key achievements of 2009 as well as the challenges facing the Region in 2010. He provided an overview of the Durham Region Strategic Plan for 2009 to 2014 with a focus on sustainability. He noted the promotion of a vibrant economy was vital in 2009 as a result of job losses in the auto sector. He indicated the great success of the Durham Tourism e-newsletter, the creation of a Research Innovation Centre, and the unprecedented commitment of federal and provincial funding for infrastructure and stimulus projects. Mr. Anderson noted several projects in the 2010 roads program as well as the expansion of the Puffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant, which includes shares from both York and. Durham Regions as well as funding from the federal and provincial infrastructure programs. He also noted the infrastructure stimulus funds which are helping to 2 Cart oo _ Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 8, 2010 FICXERR~G 7:30 PM Council Chambers 03 improve the efficiency of our water systems and the additional benefits such as job creation and long-term investment in community infrastructure. Mr. Anderson noted the Region is continuing to work with our Conservation Authorities to protect our drinking water sources. He noted that managing waste is another critical component of a sustainable community and improving waste diversion continues to be a top priority, stating the northern townships had achieved an 11 % increase in waste diversion. He noted the detailed planning for a sustainable community at Seaton has begun and indicated the need for an improved transit network in order to build a sustainable Durham. He also noted that a safe and healthy community was a top priority, and made reference to the opening of a new Paramedic Response Station in Pickering as well as 160 new units of affordable rental housing which are being built in Durham to help improve service to the community. He stated the importance of partnerships being vital to the success of the Region, and noted the excellent working relationship they continue to share with numerous organizations in order to meet the needs of the community. A detailed question and answer period ensued. Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson That the rules of procedure be suspended in order to allow for the following delegation. Roger Wade CARRIED Roger Wade appeared before Council on behalf of the residents of 1210 Radom Street. He thanked Council and staff for their quick response to the request for additional parking as a result of the repair work being undertaken to the underground parking area. He commended the City on their quick response in allowing additional on street parking and noted the repairs should be completed in the next 5 or 6 weeks. (VI) CORRESPONDENCE 1. CORR. 17-10 C. ANNE GREENTREE, DEPUTY CLERK MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L1 C 4A6 Resolution # 40/10 3 I cly Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 8, 2010 I - 7:30 PM Council Chambers 04 Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That CORR. 17-10 from Anne Greentree, Deputy Clerk, Municipality of Clarington seeking Council support of a resolution passed on February 8, 2010 with respect to the construction of the 407 East Extension to Highway 35/115 without any staging or phasing be endorsed. CARRIED 2. CORR. 1-8-10 LON HARNISH ROTARY CLUB OF AJAX 314 Harwood Ave. South, Box 21022 Amax, ON L1S 71-12 Resolution # 41/10 Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That CORR. 18-10 from Lon Harnish, Fundraising Chairperson, Rotary Club of Ajax, seeking Council endorsement for the 2010 Pickering Ribfest to be a pet free event, be endorsed. CARRIED 3. CORR. 19-10 MATTHEW MILLIGAN SITE ACQUISITION SPECIALIST ROGERS WIRELESS PARTNERSHIP 8200 Dixie Road Brampton, ON L6T OC1 Resolution # 42/10 Moved by Councillor Pickles Seconded by Councillor O'Connell That CORR. 19-10 from Matthew Milligan, Site Acquisition Specialist, Rogers Wireless Partnership with respect to a proposal by Rogers Wireless to install wireless communications on property municipally known as Concession 9 and 4 i C-tiq 00 _ Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 8, 2010 PICKEWN 7:30 PM . Council Chambers 05 Sideline 6, Part of Lot 7, Concession 9 be referred to the Director, Planning & Development. CARRIED . 4. CORR. 20-10 DR. ERIC HOSKINS, MINISTER MINISTRY OF CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION 6th Floor, 400 University Avenue Toronto, ON M7A 2R9 Resolution # 43/10 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson That CORR. 20-10 from Dr. Eric Hoskins, Minister, Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration with respect to nominations for the Newcomer Champion Awards be received for information. CARRIED 5. CORR. 21-10 DAVID C. ONLEY LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR OF ONTARIO Queen's Park Toronto, ON M7A.1A1 Resolution # 44/10 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson That CORR. 21-10 from David Onley, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, with respect to nominations for the Order of Ontario, be received for information. CARRIED 6. CORR. 22-10 DR. ERIC HOSKINS, MINISTER MINISTRY OF CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION 6th Floor, 400 University Avenue Toronto, ON M7A 2R9 5 Cis Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 8, 2010 7:30 PM Council Chambers 06 Resolution # 45/10 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson That CORR. 22-10 from Dr. Eric Hoskins, Minister, Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration with respect to nominations for the Lincoln M. Alexander Award 2010, be received for information. CARRIED 7. CORR. 23-10 a) ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RACE RELATIONS & EQUITY b) PFLAG CANADA c) TEACHERS OF ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO Resolution # 46/10 Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Johnson That CORR. 23-10 be received for information and the following proclamations be declared: March 21, 2010 - International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination May 17, 2010 - International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia October 24 - 30, 2010 - English as a Second Language Week CARRIED (VII) NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 06-10 Federal Gas Tax Revenues Amendinq Agreement Resolution # 47/10 Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Littley 6 Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 8, 2010 PICKERING 7:30 PM Council Chambers 07 1. That Report CS 06-10 from the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received: 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Amending Municipal Funding Agreement and any subsequent agreements required for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues Under the New Deal for Cities and Communities with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario in order to facilitate the transfer of gas tax revenues from the Government of Canada to the City of Pickering; 3. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to submit any required expenditure or compliance reports, forms, statements, including authorization of other documentation or agreements required of the City; 4. That the attached By-law be read three times and passed; and, 5. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. CARRIED (VIII) MOTIONS & NOTICES OF MOTION a) FUNDRAISING BY MEMBERS OF COUNCIL Resolution # 48/10 Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor O'Connell WHEREAS Members of Council are committed to performing their duties of office and arranging their private affairs in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity of each Member and for Council as a whole; and WHEREAS Members of Council are committed to open and transparent governance; and WHEREAS no Member of Council shall use his or her office or position on Council, for personal benefit, or the personal benefit or advantage of another person; and WHEREAS the City of Pickering Council recognizes that golf tournaments, galas and other forms of fundraising are a beneficial resource in securing funds for under-funded initiatives in our community; and 7 C,tq oo _ Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 8, 2010 P 7:30 PM Council Chambers 08 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that no Member of Council shall use their name and elected position they hold, City resources, including and not limited to, staff time or facilities, the use of the City of Pickering's corporate logo, unless such event or initiative has been endorsed through a resolution of Council; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any committees for Council endorsed events where City resources and or property and like rights are used are deemed and designated as a Committee of Council; and FURTHER that any City supported event or initiative using City resources shall have all financial expenses and contributions provided to the Executive Committee within 60 days of the completion of the event or initiative; and FURTHER that any City supported event which is for the purpose of raising funds for the community shall come before Council for a resolution to transparently disperse of all funds raised; and FURTHER that no donation shall be accepted where it would place any Member of Council in a position of obligation to any person or organization; AND THAT, with the passing of this resolution, that the Clerk be directed to amend the by-law governing the Council Code of Practice to reflect the above resolution no later than the Council meeting of April 2010. MOTION DEFEATED ON A RECORDED VOTE LATER IN THE MEETING (See Following Motion) Resolution # 49/10 Moved by Councillor McLean Seconded by Councillor O'Connell That the main motion be amended by deleting the following paragraphs; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that no Member of Council shall use their name and elected position they hold, City resources, in and not limited to, staff time or facilities, the use of the City of Pickering's corporate logo, unless such event or initiative has been endorsed through a resolution of Council; and 8 Citq oo Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 8, 2010 PI 7:30 PM Council Chambers 09 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any committees for Council endorsed events where City resources and or property and like rights are used are deemed and designated as a Committee of Council; and FURTHER that any City supported event or initiative using City resources shall have all financial expenses and contributions provided to the Executive Committee within 60 days of the completion of the event or initiative; and FURTHER that any City supported event which is for the purpose of raising funds for the community shall come before Council for a resolution to transparently disperse of all funds raised; and MOTION DEFEATED ON A RECORDED VOTE AS FOLLOWS: YES NO Councillor Dickerson Councillor Johnson Councillor McLean Councillor Littley Councillor O'Connell Councillor Pickles Mayor Ryan Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Dickerson The main motion was then DEFEATED ON A RECORDED VOTE AS FOLLOWS: YES NO Councillor McLean Councillor Dickerson Councillor O'Connell Councillor Johnson Councillor Littley Councillor Pickles Mayor Ryan (IX) BY-LAWS 7028/10 Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing parking restrictions on private property. 9 Ctq 00 _ Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 8, 2010 PICKIRENG _ 7:30 PM Council Chambers 10 7029/10 Being a by-law to dedicate those parts of Lots 69 and 70, Plan 418, Pickering, being Parts 6 and 7, Plan 40R-6007, as public highway. 7030/10 Being a by-law to authorize the execution of an Amending Municipal Funding Agreement for the Transfer of Federal Gas Tax Revenues. THIRD READING: Councillor Johnson; seconded by Councillor Littley moved that By-law Numbers 7028/10 to 7030/10, be adopted, and the said by-laws be now read a third time and passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED (X) OTHER BUSINESS The Chief Administrative Officer was requested to action the following. 1. Councillor McLean requested the Chief Administrative Officer to survey the area municipalities with respect to fundraising policies regarding Mayor and Council. (XI) CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS In accordance with Procedural By-law 6746/07 and the provisions of the Municipal Act, an In Camera meeting of Council was held prior to the regularly scheduled meeting. Resolution # 50/10 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson That Council go In Camera in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act for the purpose of dealing with matters relating to personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees. 1. Confidential Verbal Update from the Chief Administrative Officer With Respect to a Personnel Matter Refer to the In Camera minutes for further information. [City Clerk has custody and control of the In Camera minutes.] 10 C""W Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 8, 2010 PICXERING 7:30 PM Council Chambers 11 Resolution # 51/10 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor McLean That the recommendations as contained in the In Camera minutes of March 8, 2010, be adopted. CARRIED IN AN OPEN SESSION OF COUNCIL 1 (XII) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW By-law Number #7031/10 Councillor Dickerson, seconded by Councillor Johnson, moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the City of Pickering to confirm those proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering at its Regular Meeting of March 8, 2010. CARRIED (X111) ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That the meeting be adjourned at 9:18 pm. CARRIED DATED this 8th day of March, 2010 MAYOR DAVID RYAN DEBBIE SHIELDS CITY CLERK 11 1 Cif Special Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 29 2010 FICKE 7:30 PM 2 Council Chambers PRESENT: Mayor David. Ryan COUNCILLORS: D. Dickerson R.Johnson B. Littley B. McLean J. O'Connell D. Pickles ALSO PRESENT: T. Quinn - Chief Administrative Officer E. Buntsma - Director, Operations & Emergency Services N. Carroll - Director, Planning & Development T. Melymuk Director, Office of Sustainability G. Paterson - Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer T. Prevedel - Division Head, Operations & Facilities A. Allison - City Solicitor C. Grant - CEO, Pickering Public Library S. Karwowski - Manager, Finance & Taxation D. Shields - City Clerk L. Roberts - Committee Coordinator (1) INVOCATION Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order and led Council in the saying of the Invocation. (11) DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST Councillor McLean made a declaration of interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act with respect to Item 2 a) of the 2010 Current Budget as his son is employed with the City of Pickering. Councillor McLean did not take part in any discussions regarding 2 a) or vote on the matter. 1 Special Council Meeting Minutes 9~. Monday, March 29 2010 7:30 PM Council Chambers 13 (III) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Resolution #52/10 Moved by'Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Dickerson Executive (Budget) Minutes, March 4, 2010, as amended. CARRIED (IV) DELEGATIONS 1. Peter Rodrigues Re: Report CS 07-10 2010 Current and Capital Budgets Peter Rodrigues, 750 Whitevale Road, appeared before Council in support of the 1 % increase in the budget for litigation purposes regarding the York/Durham sewer system. He felt the consultation and EA process were not properly conducted, and noted many reasons to proceed with the legal action and felt this was money well spent. He thanked Council for their support of this 1 % increase and noted the City needs to remain strong in their legal challenges. A question and answer period ensued. Discussion ensued with respect to the Region sharing the legal costs as well as funding a full peer review. 2. John Murray Re: York/Durham Sewer System John Murray, 1376 Everton Street, Pickering, appeared before Council in support of the 1 % increase in the budget for litigation purposes regarding the York/Durham sewer system. He informed the Committee that he had researched the existing and proposed York Region Trunk Sewer System and outlined the details of his findings. He had prepared a report based on his personal analysis and provided the City Clerk with copies for Council. He noted his deep concerns with the area of Valley Farm and Finch where the pipes converge, the large volume of sewage and the long term ramifications of this. He questioned the ensuing implications in the event of something going wrong. He also noted his concerns with the quality of drinking water as some of the industrial chemicals are not removed in the sewage treatment process. He thanked Council for their support of the increase. A question and answer period ensued. 2 I . Crcq oo Special Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 29 2010 ti PACKERIN 7:30 PM 1 4 Council Chambers (V) CORRESPONDENCE 1. CORR. 24-10 SANDRA KRANC, CITY CLERK CITY OF OSHAWA 50 Centre Street South, Oshawa, ON L1 H 3Z7 Resolution #53/10 Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That CORR. 24-10, being a copy of a letter from Sandra Kranc, City Clerk, City of Oshawa to the Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch of the Ministry of the Environment, requesting the City of Pickering's consideration of a resolution passed by the City of Oshawa at a meeting held March 8, 2010 with respect to the Ministry of the Environment Issuance of the Notice of Completion of the Ministry Review for the Durham and York Residual Waste Study Amended Environmental Assessment be received for information. CARRIED 2. CORR. 25-10 EVELYN SMITH PRESIDENT-PICKERING ROTARY CLUB P.O. Box 7 Pickering, ON L1V 2R2 Resolution #54/10 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson That CORR. 25-10 received from Evelyn Smith, President, Pickering Rotary Club regarding the Ribfest 2010 event on June 4, 5, 6, 2010 at Esplanade Park in Pickering be supported by donating associated costs with respect to City resources. (i.e. park permit fee, City staff support, water, electricity) CARRIED 3 i Crrq oo _ Special Council Meeting Minutes ~a Monday, March 29 2010 PACKEM 7:30 PM Council Chambers 1 3. CORR. 26-10 STEPHEN REYNOLDS DIVISION HEAD, CULTURE & RECREATION CITY OF PICKERING One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 Resolution #55/10 Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor Dickerson That CORR. 26-10 from Stephen Reynolds, Division Head, Culture & Recreation on behalf of the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee, seeking Council endorsement with respect to the de-accessioning of artifacts which no longer fit within the mandate of the Pickering Museum Village be endorsed. CARRIED 4. CORR. 27-10 a) Community Development Council Durham b) Central East Hospice Palliative Care Network c) Coaches Association of Ontario Resolution #56/10 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson That CORR. 27-10 be received for information and the following proclamations be declared: April 8, 2010 - Day of Awareness for a Poverty Free Durham May 2 - 8, 2010 - Hospice Palliative Care Week April 17 - 25, 2010 - Ontario Coaches Week CARRIED 4 Ctrl a0 Special Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 29 2010 7:30 PM Council Chambers 16 (VI) NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 07-10 Re: 2010 Current and Capital Budgets Detailed discussion ensued with respect to the 2010 Current and Capital Budgets. Members posed various questions and requested clarification which was provided by the Director, Corporate Services and Treasurer. Councillor Dickerson suggested that for the 2011 budget, the new CAO as well as Directors meet with Councillors to discuss the budget for their respective wards. Resolution #57/10 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson 1. That Report CS 07-10 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be approved; 2. a) That the 2010 Current Budget expenditure for personnel expenditures, consisting of salaries and wages (Account 1100), overtime (Account 1200) and employer contributions (Account 1400), in the total amount of $42,016,239 be approved; b) That the 2010 Gross Current Budget expenditures for City purposes in the amount of $30,386,433 (that excludes personnel expenditures and includes capital expenditures from current revenues in the amount of $1,822,275); less estimated current operating revenues of $25,716,986 and transfer from the Rate Stabilization Reserve of $2,912,338 and transfer from the Economic Stabilization Reserve of $405,000 be approved; c) That the TOTAL FINAL City levy under a) and b) above plus an additional $420,000 for Legal Challenges associated with York Durham Sanitary Sewer MOU and Judicial Review which results in a TOTAL FINAL levy of $43,788,348 which is approximately a 3.90% increase over 2009 be approved; 3. a)That Council approve the addition of the Brockridge Batting Cage and storage building at an estimated cost of approximately $97,000 to be entirely funded by the bequest from the Micharel R. Carman Memorial Fund to the 2010 capital budget.. (Please refer to details in this report and memo to CAO in this Agenda); 5 Cart _ Special Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 29 2010 7:30 PM Council Chambers. 17 b)That the 2010 Capital Budget for the City of Pickering with a Gross Expenditure of $21,205,145 be adopted as presented and amended (that includes the capital budget changes approved by Council at the Executive Committee meeting of March 4, 2010 and Recommendation 3 a); c)That thefollowing capital financing sources be approved as presented in the amended 2010 Capital Budget that includes Recommendation 3 a): Transfer from Current Fund to Capital $1,822,275 Fund Transfers from Reserves:, - Dunbarton Pool Res (7032) 19,500 - Rec Complex Pool Reserve (70.35) 30,000 - Rec Complex Arena Res(7036) 105,000 - Vehicle Replacement Res (7040) 100,000 - Easement Settlement Res (7041) 131,279 - Move Ontario Reserve (7043) 252,500 - Cap Mtce and Mgmt Systems(7045) 15,000 Transfers from Reserve'Funds - Development Charges 1,881,893 - Parkland Development (7502) 472,000 - Federal Gas Tax Funds (7505) 2,117,500 - City Share Dev. Charges Projects 568,947 (7022) - Third Party Contribution (7501) 200,000 - Community Facilities (7700) 10,000 - Public Works (7702) 200,000 Debt - 5 yr 1,060,000 Debt - 10 yr 850,000 DC Funded Debt -10yr 2,402,400 Federal and Provincial Grants - 8,000,000 Frenchman's Bay Harbour Construction Project 555,000 Provincial Grant - Invest in Ontario Provincial Grant - Ministry of Culture. 1,975 6 1 Citq oo Special Council Meeting Minutes =a# - Monday, March 29 2010 7:30 PM Council Chambers Provincial Grants - Transportation 247,671 Initiatives Donations (1592) 162,205 TOTAL $21,205,145 d) That total external debt financing of $4,312,400 for the projects identified in the 2010 Capital Budget, and as indicated in this report, in the amount of $1,060,000 for a period not to exceed 5 years and $3,252,400 for a period not to exceed 10 years; e) That projects identified in the 2010 Capital Budget as being financed through the issuance of debt be subject to additional, specific approval of the expenditure and the financing by Council; f) That any debt repayment, interest or financing provisions contained in the annual Current Operating Budget not used in the current year's payments requirements may, at the discretion of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, be used to apply towards additional principal repayment, outstanding loan or debt charges or to reduce debt, internal loans or any other amounts to be financed; g) That all Capital expenditures or portions thereof, approved in the 2010 Capital Budgets to be financed through the issuance of debt, may, at the discretion of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, be financed through internal loans, dealer financing, current or capital funds or a combination thereof; h) That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized at his discretion to apply any excess funds raised from completed internal loans projects to first repay the original internal loans, and secondly to reduce or replace budgeted internal loans or debts; i) That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized at his discretion to apply any excess funds through the issuance of debentures as provided for under Section 413 of the Municipal Act, 2001 as amended; 7 Citq oo _ Special Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 29 2010 7:30 PM Council Chambers 19 4. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to transfer: a) Any surplus current operating funds at year-end in excess of approximately $125,000 in.the following ratio: 30% to the Rate Stabilization Reserve and 70% to the City Share DC Projects Reserve; b) Any funds necessary from the Rate Stabilization Reserve in order to ensure that the Current Budget results in a year end surplus of no less than $125,000; c) If Veridian does not increase its dividend by $315,000, the corresponding dollar short fall be offset by an increase in the draws from the Economic Stabilization Reserve. (Please refer to details in this Report, and Report CS 09-10 and memo to CAO in this Agenda) ; 5. a) That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to make any changes or undertake any actions necessary, in order to ensure that the budget plan accommodates any reallocation of 2010 current operating expenditures and revenues resulting from any reorganization and any adjustment in taxes or tax rates due to Provincial and Regional tax policy changes; b) That any new additional Provincial and Federal Government funding announcements for municipalities in the form of grants or new taxing authority/powers be applied to future Current and Capital budgets unless otherwise approved by Council; 6. That any under expenditures from projects funded from Federal or Provincial Grants may be used to fund over expenditures for approved projects funded from the same source(s); 7. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized at his discretion to close any prior year's capital project accounts, and to first apply any excess funding to any over expenditure in other capital accounts and to secondly transfer any remaining excess funding back to the original source of the funds; 8. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to: a) Undertake transactions in the spot or forward (12 months or less) currency markets in order to effect United States dollar denominated expenditures in the Current or Capital Budgets; 8 Special Council Meeting Minutes - Monday, March 29 2010 7:30 PM Council Chambers _ 20 b) Enter into leases or rental agreements for the provision of vehicles or equipment required for temporary use during periods of equipment breakdown or repair or during periods of increased need (eg. Inclement weather); 9. That Council pass the attached General Municipal Fees and Charges By-law which provides for the fees and charges that are incorporated into the 2010 Current Budget; 10. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to adjust, where appropriate, the per kilometre travel expense reimbursement rate during the year in order to maintain a reasonable level of reimbursement with any increase in cost being met from under expenditures in other accounts; 11. That Council adopt the following Budget Guidelines for the development and presentation of the 2011 budget; a) That there be no new full or part-time positions, or increase in part-time hours unless these additional costs are offset by additional program revenues, reduced expenditures or is mandated by Federal or Provincial legislation, or additional staffing is due to health and safety or LTD accommodations; b) That excluding the Bi Centennial Program, there may be no new, enhanced or expanded current or capital budget programs; c) That the Education and Training accounts be adjusted to their 2009 budget levels if sufficient funding exists; d) That the 2011 budget be developed based on a "restricted use of debt;" 12. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to initiate any assessment appeals necessary to protect the assessment base of the City; 13. That the appropriate staff of the City of.Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY ON A RECORDED VOTE 2. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 09-10 Re: Veridian Corporation - Ontario Energy Board (OEB) Rate Submission Resolution #58/10 9 Citq oo~ Special Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 29 2010 7:30 PM Council Chambers 21 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Littley 1. That Report CS 09-10 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the Promissory Note $17,974,000 to Veridian Connections Inc. be amended at face value with the revised terms and conditions including maturity dates, redemption features and with interest at 5.57% respectively from May 1, 2010 onward as indicated on the Note attached hereto; 3. That a By-law in the form attached providing for the approval and execution of a Note Amending Agreement be passed; 4. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Note Amending Agreement on behalf of the City of Pickering substantially in the form attached; 5. That the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be authorized to undertake any actions including execution of agreements, negotiations or amendments to the terms and conditions necessary in order to put the foregoing into effect; and 6. That the appropriate officials at the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. CARRIED 3. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 06-10 Re: Supply & Delivery of (2) Two Fire Pumper Vehicles Resolution #59/10 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Littley 1. That Report OES 06-10 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the supply and delivery of (2) two Fire Pumper Vehicles be received; 2. That the proposal dated 01/30/10 and price negotiated with Smeal Fire Apparatus Co. by the Manager, Supply & Services for the supply and delivery of (1) one Fire Pumper Vehicle at a cost of $541,900 for the gross amount of $612,347.00 (HST included) and a net cost of $551,437 be accepted; 10 Cif o~ Special Council Meeting Minutes £e= Monday, March 29 2010 7:30 PM Council Chambers 22 3. That the proposal dated 01/30/10 and price negotiated with Smeal Fire Apparatus Co. by the Manager, Supply & Services for the supply and delivery of a second Fire Pumper Vehicle at a cost of $541,900 less a credit of ($9,300) for the gross amount of $601,838.00 (HST included) and a net cost of $541,974 be accepted; 4. That the total gross project cost of $1,214,185.00 as negotiated by the Manager, Supply & Services and the total net purchase cost of $1,093,411.20 be approved; 5. That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the supply and delivery of two (2) Fire Pumper Vehicles as follows: a) that the sum of $1,090,000 be financed by the issue of debentures by the Regional Municipality of Durham over a period not to exceed (10) years at a rate to be determined b) that the balance of $3,411.20 be funded from property taxes or other revenues available to the Treasurer c) that the annual repayment charges from the debenture in the amount of $141,160 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2010, continuing thereafter until the debenture is repaid, and any financing cost be paid out of the Current Budget d) that the draft bylaw attached to this report be enacted; and, e) that the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. 6.. The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's debt and financial obligations approved annual repayment limit for debt and other financial obligations for 2010 as approved by the Province for municipalities in Ontario and therefore, the Ontario Municipal Board approval is not required. 7. The appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be given authority to give effect thereto. CARRIED 11 Caq eq Special Council Meeting Minutes 11131 ig-wl t~' a,a Monday, March 29 2010 7:30 PM Council Chambers 23 4. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 07-10 Re: Tender No. T-24-2009 Tender for Don Beer Arena Accessibility Upgrades and Environmental Improvements Resolution #60/10 Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson 1. That Report OES 07-10 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding the Don Beer Arena Accessibility Upgrades and Environmental Improvements be received; 2. That Tender No. T-24-2009 submitted by Deciantis Construction Ltd. for the Don Beer Arena Accessibility Upgrades and Environmental Improvements in the amount of $2,411,850 (PST & GST included) be accepted; 3. That the total gross project cost of $2,838,675 and the net project cost of $2,703,500 including the tender amount and other associated costs be approved; 4. That Council authorize the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer to finance the project as follows: a) The sum of $320,000 as provided for in the 2009 approved Capital Budget to be financed by the issue of debentures through the Regional Municipality of Durham, over a period not exceeding ten (10) years, at a rate to be determined; b) The sum of $1,680,000 as provided for in the'2009 approved Capital Budget, to be funded through Provincial and Federal Recreation Infrastructure Canada (RInC) Program in Ontario Grant Funding; c) The sum of $100,000 as provided for in the 2009 .approved Capital Budget to be funded from the Don Beer Arena Reserve; d) The sum of $420,000 as provided for in the 2009 approved Capital Budget to be funded from the Federal Gas Tax Reserve Fund; e) The additional sum of $183,500 to cover the project over expenditure will be funded as follows: 12 Cirw eq Special Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 29 2010 7:30 PM Council Chambers 24 i) the sum of $91,750 from Federal Gas Tax Reserve Funds; ii) the sum of $90,000 to be financed by the issue of debentures through the Regional Municipality of Durham over a period not exceeding ten (10) years; iii) the sum of $1,750 to be financed from current funds. f) The annual repayment charges in the amount of approximately $53,400 be included in the annual Current Budget for the City of Pickering commencing in 2010, continuing thereafter until the loan is repaid, and any financing cost to be paid out of the Current Budget; g) The Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer has updated the City's 2010 Annual Repayment Limit and certified that this loan and the repayment thereof falls within the City's Annual Repayment Limit for debt and financial obligations, as established by the Province for municipalities in Ontario and would not cause the City to exceed the updated Limit, and therefore, Ontario Municipal Board approval is not required prior to City Council's authorization; h) The Treasurer is authorized to take any actions necessary in order to effect the foregoing; and 5. That the appropriate officials at the City of Pickering be given authority to give, effect thereto. CARRIED Councillor McLean left the meeting at 9:45 pm. (VII) MOTIONS & NOTICES OF MOTION ADMINISTRATION OF THE PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ACT (POA) Resolution #61/10 Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor Dickerson Whereas the Regional Municipality of Durham is responsible for the Intermunicipal Service Agreement (MSA) -and the administration of the Provincial Offences Act (POA); and 13 Cif Special Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 29 2010 7:30 PM Council Chambers 25 i Whereas the revenues from POA's received by the lower tier municipalities have been decreasing; and Whereas revenue sources outside of the property tax base are essential to municipalities to control property tax increases; and Whereas the current weight assessment is 60% revenues distributed to lower tier municipalities and 40% of revenues distributed to Durham Region. However with the declining POA revenues perhaps the weight assessment should be reviewed and an assessment of 70% of revenues to lower tier municipalities and 30% of revenues to Durham Region be established; and Now Therefore be it Resolved the Council for the City of_ Pickering request that the .Region of Durham provide a detailed investigation into the declining POA revenues and provide this report to all Durham Regional municipalities. And That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to all Durham Region municipalities for endorsement and that this be circulated to Durham Regional Council once area municipalities have been able to make formal comments. CARRIED ON A RECORDED VOTE AS FOLLOWS: YES NO Councillor Dickerson Councillor Johnson Councillor Littley Councillor O'Connell Councillor Pickles Mayor Ryan Councillor McLean was absent for the vote. (VIII) BY-LAWS 7032/10 Being a by-law to amend By-law No. 6191/03 to confirm General Municipal Fees 14 i C-aq Special Council Meeting Minutes IM Monday, March 29 2010 7:30 PM Council Chambers 26 7033/10 Being a by-law to (i) approve and authorize the execution of a note amending agreement made as of the 30th day of March, 2010 in respect of fourth amended and restated promissory notes dated March 30th, 2010 issued by Veridian Connections Inc. in favour of The Corporation . of the Town of Ajax, The Corporation of the City of Belleville, The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and The Corporation of the City of Pickering; (ii) to approve the issue of fourth amended and restated promissory notes dated March 30th, 2010; and (iii) to approve and authorize the execution of a second amending agreement to a shareholders' agreement dated September 28, 2001, as amended by a first amending agreement dated September 30, 2003, among The Corporation of the Town of Ajax, The Corporation of the City of Belleville, The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and The Corporation of the City of Pickering, Veridian Corporation, Veridian Connections Inc. and Veridian Energy Inc. 7034/10 Being a by-law to authorize the issuance of debentures in the amount of $410,000 for the Don Beer Arena Accessibility Upgrades and Environmental Improvements in the City of Pickering. 7035/10 Being a by-law to confirm the authorization of the issuance of debentures in the amount of $1,090,000 for the supply and delivery of (2) Two Fire Pumper Vehicles in the City of Pickering. THIRD READING: Councillor Johnson, seconded by Councillor Littley moved that By-law Numbers 7032/10 to 7035/10, be adopted, and the said by-laws be now read a third time and passed and that the Mayor and Clerk sign the same and the seal of the Corporation be affixed thereto. CARRIED (IX) OTHER BUSINESS 1. The Chief Administrative Officer was requested to action the following; a) Councillor Dickerson requested a meeting be arranged with the City's consultant with respect to the public alerting sirens. 2. Councillor O'Connell gave notice that she would be bringing forward a Notice of Motion with respect to a private member's bill introduced by cabinet minister David Caplain to amend the Ontario Municipal Act so that regional chairs across the province would be subject to direct election. 15 Crrr Special Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 29 2010 MCKEWNG 7:30 PM Council Chambers 2 7 3. Councillor McLean gave notice that he would be bringing forward a Notice of Motion with respect to the implications of the HST on electricity bills. (X) CONFIRMATION BY-LAW By-law Number #7036/10 Councillor Johnson, seconded by Councillor Dickerson, moved for leave to introduce a By-law of the City of Pickering to confirm those proceedings of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering at its Special Council Meeting of March 29, 2010. CARRIED (XI) ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by Councillor Johnson That the meeting be adjourned at 10:10 pm. CARRIED DATED this 29th day of March, 2010. MAYOR DAVID RYAN DEBBIE SHIELDS CITY CLERK 16 C_ztqo~ Planning & Development 4 Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, April 6, 2010 2 8 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Pickles PRESENT: Mayor Ryan COUNCILLORS: D. Dickerson R. Johnson 8. Littley B. McLean J. O'Connell D. Pickles ALSO PRESENT: N. Carroll - Director, Planning & Development T. Melymuk - Director, Office of Sustainability C. Rose - Manager, Policy R. Pym - (Acting) Manager, Development Review 1. James - Planner II A. Yearwood - Planner D. Shields - City Clerk (1) DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST No disclosures of interest were noted. (II) PART `A' INFORMATION REPORTS 1. Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2009-15 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 17/09 Ontario Realty Corporation Part Lot 18, Concession 3 City of Pickering A public information meeting was held under the Planning Act, for the purpose of informing the public with respect to the above noted application. Ross Pym, (Acting) Manager, Development Review gave an outline of the requirements for a Statutory Meeting under the Planning Act. He also noted that if a person or public body does not make oral or written submissions to the City before the by-law is passed, that person or public body are not entitled to appeal the decision of City Council to the Ontario Municipal Board, and may not be 1 Crry Planning & Development = Q-1 Committee Meeting Minutes PICKE Tuesday, April 6, 2010 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Pickles 29 entitled to be added as a party to the hearing unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to do so. Ross Pym, (Acting) Manager, Development Review, gave an overview of zoning amendment application A 17/09. No members of the public were in attendance at the public information meeting to speak in support or opposition to the application. 2. Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 03/10 Cosima Daniell 1979 Woodview Avenue North Part of Lot 18, Plan 329 City of Pickering A public information meeting was held under the Planning Act, for the purpose of informing the public with respect to the above noted application. Ross Pym, (Acting) Manager, Development Review gave an outline of the requirements for a Statutory Meeting under the Planning Act. He'also noted that if a person or public body does not make oral or written submissions to the City before the by-law is passed, that person or public body are not entitled to appeal the decision of City Council to the Ontario Municipal Board, and may not be entitled to be added as a party to the hearing unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to do so. Isa James, Planner II, gave an overview of zoning amendment application A 03/10. No members of the public were in attendance at the public information meeting to speak in support or opposition to the application. 3. Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 02/10 City Initiated Application 1167 and 1199 Kingston Road South Part of Lot 24, Concession 1 City of Pickerinq A public information meeting was held under the Planning Act, for the purpose of informing the public with respect to the above noted application. Ross Pym, (Acting) Manager, Development Review gave an outline of the requirements for a Statutory Meeting under the Planning Act. He also noted that if a person or public body does not make oral or written submissions to the City 2 i C-itq oo Planning & Development g Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, April 6, 2010 7:30 pm - Council Chambers 30 Chair: Councillor Pickles before the by-law is passed, that person or public body are not entitled to appeal the decision of City Council to the Ontario Municipal Board, and may not be entitled to be added as a party to the hearing unless, in the opinion of the Board, there are reasonable grounds to do so. Ashley Yearwood, Planner I, gave an overview of zoning amendment application A 02/10. A representative for the owner of the property appeared in support of the application. No members of the public were in attendance at the public information meeting to speak in support or opposition to the application. (III) PART `B' - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REPORTS 1. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 05-10 Mavij Homes Development Inc. Plan of Subdivision 40M-2254 Final Assumption of Plan of Subdivision RECOMMENDATION Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor McLean 1 That Report PD 05-10 of the Director, Planning & Development regarding the final assumption of the works and services within Plan of Subdivision 40M-2254 be received; 2. That the highways being Rougewalk Drive and Mahogany Court within Plan 40M-2254 be assumed for public use; 3. That the works and services required by the Subdivision Agreement within Plan 40M-2254, which are constructed, installed or located on lands dedicated to, or owned by the City, or on lands lying immediately adjacent thereto, including lands that are subject to easements transferred to the City, be accepted and assumed for maintenance, save and except from .Blocks 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 74, 75, 76, 77 and 78; and 3 C-aq Planning & Development Committee Meeting Minutes MCYKEMG Tuesday, April 6, 2010 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Pickles 31 4. That the Subdivision Agreement and any amendments thereto relating to Plan 40M-2254, save and except from Blocks 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 70, 74, 75, 76 and- 77, be released and removed from title. CARRIED 2. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 07-10 Seaton Updates -Neighbourhood Planning Review and Other Implementation Studies Discussion ensued with respect to the Seaton update. RECOMMENDATION Moved by Councillor Littley Seconded by Councillor Johnson That Report PD 07-10 of the Directors, Planning & Development and Office of Sustainability, respecting a status update on the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Review and other implementation studies required under the Central Pickering Development Plan, be received for information. CARRIED (IV) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor McLean advised Council of a diesel spill into Krosno Creek which has flown into Frenchman's-Bay. He noted that clean up has been ongoing since Friday. He requested that an investigation should be conducted to see if the diesel spill is connected to the train derailment and if the diesel spill was caused by the derailment then CN should be paying for the costs of clean up. 2. Councillor Dickerson requested information regarding homes that are being built at the south end of Golden Ridge Road. He noted that the homes looked like they were almost complete and felt the porta potty should be removed from the road. He also stated that the street should be cleaned and questioned what else was proposed in this area. (V) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm. 4 city 00 _ Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 12, 2010 7:30 pm - Council Chambers 32 Chair: Councillor Littley PRESENT: Mayor Ryan COUNCILLORS: R.Johnson B. Littley B. McLean J. O'Connell D. Pickles ABSENT: D. Dickerson ALSO PRESENT: T. Quinn - Chief Administrative Officer N. Carroll - Director, Planning & Development T. Melymuk - Director, Office of Sustainability G. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer R. Holborn - Division Head, Municipal Property & Engineering T. Prevedel - Division Head, Operations & Facilities L. Roberts -Committee Coordinator (1) DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST No disclosures of interest were noted. (II) DELEGATIONS 1. Alan Wells, Chair, Rouge Park Alliance Re: Report CAO 03-10 Rouge Park Governance Review Alan Wells, Chair, Rouge Park Alliance appeared before the Committee and provided an overview of the governance system for Rouge Park through the aid of a power point presentation. He thanked staff for bringing forward a report in a. timely manner. Mr. Wells highlighted what Rouge Park is and outlined the objectives, vision and goals. He noted that the Rouge Park Alliance is strictly an advisory board in nature with no decision making powers and that the main funding comes from the Federal 1 cry a~ _ Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 12, 2010 7:30 pm -Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Littley 3 3 government. He stated that change is required to realize their vision as well as new funding commitments. A question and answer period ensued. Questions arose with concerns regarding the decision making process and the extent of the involvement of the City of Pickering. 2.. Report OES 08/10 Re: No Parking By-law, Sheppard Avenue Amendment to By-law 6604/05 a) Sylvia Spencer, 771 Sheppard Avenue East, appeared before the Committee with respect to on street parking concerns on Sheppard Avenue. She stated her concerns with neighbouring guests parking on curbs and ditches and leaving tire ruts making lawn mowing difficult. She also noted that no parking signs that had been taken out by the snow ploughs had not been replaced yet and felt that heavy metal posts should be used in the erection of future signage. Ms. Spencer stated that she felt Strathmore Crescent did not have adequate parking. b) John Ibbitson, 787 Sheppard Avenue, appeared before the Committee in regards to parking issues on Sheppard Avenue. He indicated that even though there is ample room in driveways to park cars, residents still park on the street. He questioned what the 105 metre area is designated for. He also noted that if the proposed townhouse development goes through, this would create more parking problems. He stated that it is difficult to see when backing out of his driveway and noted neighbours have been involved in minor accidents as a result of this. 3. Report OES 04-10 Re: Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan Final Report David Steele, 966 Timmins Garden, appeared before the Committee with respect to the Stormwater Management Master Plan for Frenchman's Bay. He noted that studies are now complete in this regard and there are no, hotspots of contaminates. He indicated the studies have concluded that the sediment is coming from the transportation corridor and the Pickering Town Centre. In order to preserve Frenchman's Bay, control of the head of the bay must be taken to collect the sediment. A solution must be sought as the condition of the Bay and the wetlands continues to deteriorate. He noted Pickering must be environmental leaders and take control of the head of the Bay. 2 call 00 _ Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 12, 2010 7:30 pm - Council Chambers 34 Chair: Councillor Littley (III) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. Chief Administrative Officer's ReportCAO 03-10 Rouge Park Governance Review -Proposal to Create a Rouge National Park RECOMMENDATION Moved by Councillor Johnson ,Seconded by Councillor McLean 1. That Council receive Report CAO 03-10 regarding the February 2010 Rouge Park Governance Review report prepared by StrategyCorp and Hemson Consulting for the Rouge Park Alliance. 2. That Council advise the Rouge Park Alliance as follows: a) That it supports in principle the creation of a Rouge National Park as outlined in the February 2010 Rouge Park Governance Review report; b) That the City of Pickering will participate in further discussions on the creation of a Rouge National Park and establishment of a Founding Deal through its representatives on the Rouge Park Alliance; and c) That before any final decisions are made on the Rouge National Park and Founding Deal, the matter be brought back to Pickering Council for consideration. 3. That a copy of this Report be forwarded to the Rouge Park Alliance. CARRIED 2. Chief Administrative Officer's Report CAO 04-10 Updated Horse Riding Establishment Licensing By-law RECOMMENDATION Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor McLean 1. That Report CAO 04-10 regarding the licensing of horse riding establishments be received; and 3 City co Executive Committee EIIA Meeting Minutes Monday, April 12, 2010 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Littley 3 5 2. That By-Law No. 5684/00 being the existing Horse Riding Establishment By-law be repealed and a new Horse Riding Establishment By-law, included as Attachment #1, be enacted to reflect updated regulations and housekeeping changes. CARRIED 3. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 05-10 Statement of the Treasurer Respecting 2009 Remuneration and Expenses of Members of Council and Council Appointees to Boards, Agencies and Other Bodies RECOMMENDATION Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor McLean That Report CS 05-10 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer regarding Statement of the Treasurer respecting Remuneration and Expenses of Members of Council and Council Appointees for the year 2009 be received. CARRIED 4. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 10-10 Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act, Adiustment to Taxes RECOMMENDATION Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor McLean 1. That Report CS 10-10 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the write-offs of taxes as provided under Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act, 2001 be approved; and, 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect hereto. CARRIED 4 c~ eq Executive Committee g Meeting Minutes Monday, April 12, 2010 7:30 pm - Council Chambers 36 Chair: Councillor Littley 5. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 04-10 Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan -Final Report RECOMMENDATION Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor McLean 1. That Report OES 04-10 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services concerning the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan be received; 2. That Council endorse the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan (April 2009); and 3. That Staff be authorized to implement the recommendations within the Master Plan subject.to budget and further Council approval for individual projects, and report back to Council on an annual basis to provide a status update on the progress of the implementation and results from monitoring activities. CARRIED 6. Director, Operations & Emergency Services Report OES 08-10 No Parking By-law, Sheppard Avenue Amendment to By-law 6604/05 Discussion ensued with respect to what is being proposed for the 105m section adjacent to the undeveloped property. Councillor Littley questioned whether the condominium board had been contacted with respect to parking issues. Richard Holborn, Division Head, Engineering Services addressed the questions and provided clarification. Councillor Littley advised that she was concerned with the condominium board not being consulted and requested further information prior to the Council meeting. RECOMMENDATION Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor McLean 5 crfy o~ Executive Committee Meeting Minutes PICNIRIN Monday, April 12; 2010 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Littley 3 7 1. That Report OES 08-10 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding a proposed amendment to the municipal traffic by-law 6604/05 be received; and 2. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend Schedule "2" to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of parking on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. CARRIED 7. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 10-10 Pickering Nuclear Generating Station A Power Reactor Operating Licence Renewal -City of Pickering Comments for CNSC May 21, 2010 Day Two Hearin' RECOMMENDATION Moved by Councillor Johnson Seconded by Councillor McLean 1. That Report PD 10-10 of the Directors, Planning & Development and Office of Sustainability, concerning Pickering Nuclear Generating Station A Power Reactor Operating Licence Renewal be received; 2. That Council. inform the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission that it supports the recommendation to renew the five year power reactor operating licence for Pickering Nuclear Generation Station A, provided that Ontario Power Generation: a) continues its regular effort at keeping the City informed of business at its Pickering sites through the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station Community Advisory Council and presentations to City Council; and b) initiate formal discussions with the City at the appropriate time during the next licensing period regarding the impact on the City of the safe shutdown and decommissioning of the Pickering Nuclear Generation Station; and 3. Further, that Report PD 10-10, and Council's resolution be forwarded to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Ontario Power Generation, and the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities. CARRIED 6 I City oo Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 12, 2010 7:30 pm - Council Chambers 38 Chair: Councillor Littley (IV) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Councillor O'Connell updated Council with respect to a request received from Professor Eyles of the University of Toronto in regards to a Federal grant of $500,000 to the University in order to conduct a study of the environmental conditions in Pickering. She apologized for the lack of notice, stating this had just been received and a response was needed by tomorrow. Concerns were raised for the lack of notice on a grant of this nature as well as the lack of information the City had on the grant and the study. Clarity was sought with respect to what exactly the University is asking from the City of Pickering and whether the University would lose out on the grant should the-City not respond by the deadline. Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor McLean ` That the rules of procedure be suspended in order to introduce a motion with respect to a Federal grant to the University of Toronto. CARRIED ON A 2/3 MAJORITY VOTE Moved by Councillor O'Connell Seconded by Councillor McLean 1. That the City of Pickering support in principle the undertakings of the University of Toronto and the proposed study; and 2. That the Chief Administrative Officer investigate the proposed study further and grant permission of the study should he feel it in the best interests of the City of Pickering and report back to Council on April 19th, 2010 CARRIED 2. The Chief Administrative Officer was requested to action the following: a) Councillor Littley requested additional information with respect to the stormwater management master plan. She questioned whether it addressed the Ministry's concerns and requested an outline of the scope of the project. 7 l citq co Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, April 12, 2010 7:30 pm - Council Chambers Chair: Councillor Littley 3 9 3. Mayor Ryan updated Council on his meeting with the Honourable John Baird, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, the Honourable Rob Merrifield, Minister of State (Transport) and Dan McTeague, MP Pickering- Scarborough East, regarding concerns with rail safety in Pickering and other populated areas of the province. He noted that additional meetings with the two Ministries and representatives from CN Rail and CP Rail would take place in June. Mayor Ryan also noted that he would also be discussing graffiti issues along the tracks at that meeting in June. (V) ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:10 pm. 8 J ICI 4 0 PIC E ING April 19, 2010 DELEGATIONS 1. Karina Clendenning PAC4Teens Re: National Youth Week 2. Alan Wells, Chair Rouge Park Alliance Re: Rouge Park Governance Review 3. Terry Dorgan Re: Fair Wage Policy for the City of Pickering [Refer to CORR. No. 29-101 4. Keith Falconer, Chair Accessibility Advisory Committee 2009 Annual Report and 2010 Work Plan [Refer to CORR. No. 32-101 5. a) Peter Rodrigues b) Catherine Beattie c) Mary Delaney, Co-Chair, Land Over Landings Re: Ballot Question Regarding Pickering Airport 6. Ankur Gandhi Re: Report OES 08-10 No Parking By-law, Sheppard Avenue 41 PICKERING April 9, 201 0 CORRESPONDENCE Pages 1. CORR. 28-10 Motion for Direction MARION E. IRWIN 43-44 SECRETARY OF THE BOARD COMMUNITY JUSTICE ALTERNATIVES 700 Finley Ave., Unit 4 Ajax, ON L1 S 3Z2 Letter received from Marion Irwin, Secretary of the Board, Community Justice Alternatives seeking a grant in the amount of $500 to $1,000 in order to expand their services to better serve the community. This organization benefits Pickering residents by providing mediation services when required free of charge to those residents who -might not otherwise be able to afford similar private services. 2. CORR. 29-10 Motion for Direction TERRY DORGAN, BUSINESS AGENT 45 - 45A IBEW LOCAL 894 Letter received from Terry Dorgan, Business Agent and representative for Central Ontario Building Trades requesting the City of Pickering review their Fair Wage Policy By-law in order to update their policy to mirror other municipalities such as Oshawa and Clarington. 3. CORR. 30-10 Motion to Endorse STEPHEN REYNOLDS 46 DIVISION HEAD, CULTURE & RECREATION CITY OF PICKERING One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L1V 61<7 Correspondence received from Stephen Reynolds, Division Head, Culture & Recreation on behalf of the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee, seeking Council endorsement to officially name the newly restored heritage building at the Pickering Museum Village the Brougham Temperance House. 4. CORR. 31-10 Receive for Information KATHY STRANKS 47-51 TORONTO AND REGION CONSERVATION 5 Shoreham Drive Downsview, ON M3N 1S4 Letter received from Kathy Stranks, Manager, Chair and CAO's Office, Toronto and Region Conservation, submitting for Council's information a letter from Jerry 4 2 Ouellette, MPP Oshawa and response from the Chair, Conservation Ontario concerning the legislation, regulations and responsibilities governing conservation authorities. 5. CORR. 32-10 Receive for Information KEITH FALCONER, CHAIR 52-58 ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE i Memo received from Keith Falconer, Chair, Accessibility Advisory Committee, submitting the 2009 Annual Report and the 2010 Work Plan on behalf of the Accessibility Advisory Committee. 6. CORR. 33-10 Motion to Declare a) 'CHILD FIND ONTARIO 59 - 62 b) TRILLIUM GIFT OF LIFE NETWORK c) MARISA CARPINO, SUPERVISOR CULTURE & RECREATION, CITY OF PICKERING d) CANADIAN HEARING SOCIETY Requests have been received from the above organizations for the City of Pickering to make the following proclamations: May 25th, 2010 - National Missing Children's Day May, 2010 Green Ribbon of Hope Month April 18 - 25, 2010 - National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week May, 2010 -Asian Heritage Month May 1 - 7, 2010 - Youth Week May, 2010 -Hearing Awareness Month Community Justice Alternatives of Durham Region 4 3 %.,1' t e Yr. JtB, r r ! {~S pem u;t t it lJ 7/1 Ll. a:.l r G`' r-. J~ ~2.-•~ JI(.~ EJ^~!! I .f lJ '.f Ai7L,3 _ Co Z?- 10 61 Prentice Drive, T O., March 31, 2010 Whitby, Ontario ` L1N 9J8 `L'NG APIR," 2011110 z 1 yThomasQuinn ative Officer, l~t 4ya" , de, io F~~~$►v~~ -Fcr L J Dear Tom, This letter is coming to you by way of follow-up to our phone conversation of Tuesday, March 30th, 2010. Let me first begin by thanking you, once again, for giving me the time you did for that very interesting conversation. It was certainly helpful and enlightening. As you suggested, I shall look further into our applying for United Way funding. Since I'm new to the Community Justice Alternatives (CJA) Board, I'm not completely sure of just what funding has been pursued in the past. I shall also keep in mind your need for projects for your retirement years in the hopes that CJA might have the pleasure of-some of your expertise and time as a Board member!! With regard to seeking funding from the City of Pickering, I do so because one of our programs, the Durham Community Mediation Program (DCMP) is not funded. by the provincial governments as are our other three programs. Rather, the Government of Ontario feels that the DCMP is a community service and should be funded by the community. So, how does CJA assist the community through its DCMP? In response to disputes that occur in various settings, the parties of those disputes are often referred to CJA for mediation purposes. These parties may or may not pursue that referral. If they do, however, the results vary from a simple resolution through phone conversations or home visits to a full mediation process with two trained volunteer mediators. In Durham Region in 2009, CJA responded to 157 inquiries regarding mediation, 54 of which were from Pickering citizens referred through such avenues as Pickering's Bylaw Enforcement Department, schools, churches, police, social workers/counsellors, or even individuals themselves who have heard of CJA's services. The mediation services are provided by CJA free of charge to the parties involved. The costs of the DCMP are kept to a minimum because trained volunteer mediators are used. Costs associated with the program reflect those for at least a part-time Coordinator's salary as well as office space, equipment and supplies, and volunteer mediator training. Currently, CJA is not receiving any funding for DCMP other than the odd donation that may be made without stipulation. We use bits and pieces of time, when available, from other staff positions to direct the program. Now, with three new Board members to provide further expertise to CJA, we are beginning a fundraising program for two purposes: 1. to fund the costs of the DCMP and 2. to build a contingency fund for unexpected and unpredictable costs. To assist with fundraising along with other needed areas such as governance, policy creation and updating, advocacy, and public awareness, we are creating a Friends of CJA group, mostly, at this time, of our currently trained I 44 mediators and facilitators. We have organized and run fundraising events such as product sales, dinners, tournaments, etc. and will continue to do so. However, we are also pursuing other areas of fundraising such as sponsorships, foundation asks, and funding requests to the Durham municipalities for which CIA provides service. Hence, the submission of this letter. Since CJA provides mediation services, when required, free of charge to the citizens of Pickering, thus providing assistance for those who may not be able to afford similar private services, we are asking the City to consider funding assistance for our agency. Nipping disputes in the bud, so to speak, prevents such episodes from escalating to the point where police presence is required and, perhaps, subsequent court costs as well. So, time and money_ are saved by early intervention. An offshoot of the DCMP worthy of note is that, with the use of trained community volunteers to provide mediation services, we are increasing the numbers of citizens who understand the use of mediation as an option to violence and crime. CJA would like to be able to grow the DCMP, program in order to serve greater numbers o urham residents an thereby, contribute to a peaceful Durham society. A fully funded program would allow us do that. We respectful) request that the City of Pickering consider funding Community Justice Alternatives in th amount of $500 to $1000. realize that this submission is coming just after Pickering's budget considerations and a •roval. -I a is late request. Although I was aware of the usual timing for municipal budgets, I did not h necess fi ures available for submission at the appropriate time. Our Executive Director, Suzette Lewis, a passionate advocate for mediation and restorative justice processes, or I would be happy to answer any questions you might have. Suzette can be reached by phone at 905-683-8615 or slewis@cjadurham.com while my contact information is 905-668-2283 or thenern@rogers.corn . As you requested, I will send a copy of this letter to Debbie Shields, your City Clerk. Many thanks to you, Tom, and Debbie, too, for the time you are taking to consider and assist us with this request. Yours truly, Marion E. Irwin Secretary of the Board Community Justice Alternatives (Copy to: Debbie Shields, City Clerk, City of Pickering ~'ll!?,5i;'yifGw... _rl Saf r.a7~ Cofrec.- _4r<3. ~';/8.~., . .u tt+.c', .a.. F. ,.a"f ✓JL,`i~ Request for Delegation 45 Debbie Shields co P- a One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario, Canada L1V 6K7 To whom this may concern, The Central Ontario Building Trades represents 60,000 skilled trades' workers in Central Ontario. Most recently they have been active in promoting the adoption of modern Fair Wage Policies throughout Ontario. This is to coincide with already implemented Fair Wage Policies in municipalities and institutions such as; Oshawa; Thunder Bay, Hamilton, Sudbury, Clarington, Toronto, the University of Ontario Institute of Technology and Durham College. Within the City of Pickering's purchasing Bi-laws a Fair Wage Policy, dated 1995, has been implemented over the past 15 years. The Central Ontario Building Trades view this policy as being out dated and respectfully requests that the City of Pickering update their Fair Wage Policy to mirror other municipalities such as Oshawa and Clarington. Central Ontario Building Trades representative Terry Dorgan, requests to appear as a delegation on April 19th 2010 in respect to modernizing the city's Fair Wage Policy. Best Regards, Terry ~e- v.A- Q) us o c ss Ac 9 X P ffl ,..I.dt.eb I; gg a i f 11 C TAK- ~i ~C?+In~ TQr ~i~C'AIU~~ 4 S A Getting Serious about AdoRting Fair Wages What is a Fair Wage Requires all contractors to pay or provide the same wages, Policy? benefits and hours to all workers. Municipalities pay their construction workers a "fair wage" for the work performed and to ensure that workers are not exploited or discriminated against. j Usually applies to construction (ICI) projects over $100,000. Who has already adopted The Federal government, the provincial governments of Fair Wage? Ontario, Manitoba and British Columbia, the municipalities of Toronto, OshawaJondon, Montreal, Calgary, Edmonton and Greater Vancouver, in addition to numerous agencies, boards, commissions and universities/colleges all have adopted fair wage policies. What are the cost Minimal increases in construction cost (2-4%) implications of Fair Wage Significant cost savings (11-17%) based on higher productivity gains resulting in lower renovation and repair work Policy Adoption to (Source: Ontario Construction Secretariat) projects? What are the financial For small to medium sized Municipalities, it takes 20-40 hours. implications of Fair Wage per year to administer a Fair Wage Policy. to Municipalities? Investigations fees (e.g. $2500 per investigation) would cover administration costs and be an additional revenue source for the Municipality. ! In the City of Toronto, administration revenues from Fair Wage exceeded $27,000 in 2008. What are the other (1) Stable labour relations with minimal disruption. Benefits of Fair Wage (2) A level playing field in competition for City Work. (3) Protection of the Public Policy Adoption? (4) Enhanced reputation of the Municipality for ethical and fair business dealings. i i Ccty 4 E DICKERING l E M O To: Debbie Shields s w April 7, 2010 City Clerk _i- I t ~ From: Stephen Reynolds I Q"- Division Head, Culture & Recreation CTIC Copy: Chief Administrative Officer R M0 toy-, To -E_,,, CV0 r se.> Director, Operations Emergency Service Supervisor, Culture & Recreation Coordinator, Museum Operations Laura Drake., Chair, Pickering Museum Advisory Committee Subject: Request to officially name newly restored heritage building at Pickering Museum Village File: A-1440 The Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee has asked staff to present a motion to Council for endorsement with respect to the official naming of the newly restored Hotel at the Pickering Museum Village. The Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee recommends that this heritage building be officially named the Brougham Temperance House. Research by Andre Scheinman, .Heritage Preservation Consultant, reveals that James Woodruff placed an ad in the Literary Gem on May 27, 1851 that advertises available. accommodations at the Brougham Temperance House at Bentley's Corners in Pickering. The use of the term 'house'.for the hotel, a traditional British synonym for Inn, has its roots in that early inns and taverns were often originally domestic homes that became convenient stopovers for travellers due to their strategic location and were thus occasionally opened to the public. This official name is supported by Katrina Pyke, Coordinator, Museum Operations, as the building has been restored and will be interpreted to this time period of 1851. All research data clearly indicates that the Brougham Central Hotel was a name the hotel operated under in its later years. Therefore, at this time, approval is requested of Council to endorse the official name of Brougham Temperance House for this newly restored heritage building at the Pickering Museum Village. SR:Ig l j TORONTO AND REGION _ onserva ton - . 47 for The Living City March 30, 2010 Sent via email SEE DISTRIBUTION LIST At Authority Meeting #1 /10, of Toronto -and ,Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), held on February 26, 2010 the attached correspondence from Jerry Ouellette, MPP, and response from Dick Hibma, Chair, Conservation Ontario, was received. The Authority directed TRCA staff to forward the correspondence to TRCA's municipal partners for your information and any action deemed necessary. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact the undersigned at 416-661-6600 extension 5264 (kstranks@trca.on.ca). Sincerely 6 ~ Kathy Stranks Manager, Chair and CAO's Office j /Encl. 10 DISTRIBUTION LIST 4s.;< Jeffrey Abrams, City Clerk, City of Vaughan Martin de Rond, Clerk, Town of Ajax t Peter Fay, City Clerk, Clerk's Department, City of Brampton nxo Crystal Greer, Clerk, Clerk's Department, City of Mississauga Barb Kane, Clerk and Deputy Treasurer, Township of Adjala-Tosorontio Denis Kelly, Regional Clerk, Corporate Services, Regional Municipality of York (Sent via mail) Michele Kennedy, Clerk, Town of Wh itch u rch-Stouffvi Ile Kimberley Kitteringham, Town Clerk, Town of Markham Karen Landry, Town Clerk, Administration, Town of Caledon John Leach, Town Clerk, Corporate Services Department, Town of Aurora Debbie Leroux, Clerk, Township of Uxbridge Patricia Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham Donna McLarty, Clerk, Town of Richmond Hill Keith McNenly, Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk-Treasurer, Town of Mono Carol Reid, Regional Clerk and Director of Clerks, Regional Municipality of Peel Debbie Shields, Acting City Clerk, City of Pickering Chris Somerville, Clerk, Township of King Ulli S. Watkiss, City Clerk, City Manager's Office, City of Toronto Member of Conservation Ontario 5 Shoreham Drive, bownsview, Ontario WN iS4 ' (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.on.ca 48 CORRESPONDENCE AUTH6.1 ortw o t GIy1:1T;~ P~SF `4;L'f W. 42 JERRY 1.OUELLET7f, M.P.I? RECEIVED Oum's l'arleOifxe: ConstitueM ce: 15tH. 428 i70 70 A11tOt St E 05113;-"a Legislative Building Oshawa, Ontario Toronto, Ontario M7A 1 AB Ll H 1K1 V. (416) 325-2147 rel. (905) 723-2411 February 8, 2010 FEB. 10 201 Fax (416) 325-2169 W (905) 723-1054 E-mall: )e"..ouellehe@pc.Dla.org Wabsite: www.oshawamppxom CAO'S OFFICE Gerri Lynn O'Connor T R A Chair Toronto and Region Conservation Authority 5 Shoreham Drive 15",nsview ON M3N I S4 Dear Gerri Lynn I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and all the Conservation Authorities in Ontario for your valuable work and dedication to ensuring the successful management of watershed-based ecosystcm resources, services and land-use. I understand the importance of consulting with the public and gathering expertise from various organizations and professionals to achieve a balance of the ecological and social impacts that reflect the concerns of all resource users. As former Minister of Natural Resources, I also recognize the challenges of balancing resource user groups in a fair and transparent manner and utilizing the best available science to develop effective land-use policies. In order to move forward with the most effective land use strategies, we need to ensure that the legislation and regulations governing conservation authorities is the most up-to-date, streamlined .and practical as possible. In addition, there needs to be a clear, transparent and decisive protocol to follow. In an effort to continuously improve and uphold the best practices of our Conservation Authorities, I would appreciate your informed feedback and comments concerning legislation, regulations and the organizational responsibilities of the Conservation Authorities, including the good aspects of the organizations as well as what needs to be changed and how these changes need.to implemented. Thank you in advance for your careful consideration and valuable input Yours Sincerely, miry J. Zy lletf ,PP Oshawa Official Opposition Critic, Natural Resources 21 49 Conservation ONTARIO Febnum 17, 2010 Jerry J. Oullette, MPP Oshawa Official Opposition Critic, Nattual :Resources Room 28, Queen's Park. Legislative Building Toronto. Ontario M7A 1A8 Dear V4r. Ouellette: As you knoll,', Conservation Ontario w-or'ks on behalf of OI tiulo's 36 Conservation Authorities- Our CA members have. shared your recent letter to them with us and we are responding on their behalf; although we note that some inay choose to provide additional conlfnents. NVe lniow. that you have written to municipal officials as well and expect that those who choose to ill respond directly to your inquiry. Let me begin by thanking you for acknowledging the valuable w-ork done by Conservation Authorities u7 ensiuilg the successfid management of watershed-based ecosystem resources. Services acid land-use. Consen ation Authorities play a critical role in developing the science which underpins our understanding of the complex interactions of the physical components of the watershed -the land, the water and the li-. ilzg organisins. Conservation Authorities play a singular role in flood protection and the Province relies heavily on CAs to ensue public safety- it relation to natural hazards, making them a critical part of land use pla-111 ing acid development. Our stud} on the Business Crse,ior Investing i%; Food. Preve;r,'ion wid C'or: r°o shows that through the public investment of S2.7 billion in infrastructure and through ongoing regulation of flood prone and hazardous areas. Conservation Authority flood plain management programs, iicludilg regulation- save the taxpayers in excess of S100 million annually. 0 Bc"K 11. 70, BavoetdF'a{F`vr'a, el:,".15;.9_; 10 IG Fay-,, 81S,~i1J~,Gu.i E171ai!.li't"i%"2:f.i1 {w;i i}l.iCtiC.Ca 22 50 The expertise that CAs bring to the table is a vital component in the development of source protection plans across the Province. Adapts rg ; o Ct?n? aite Charge h; DfFfri?7o, a recent report by the Eapelt Panel on Climate Change. outlines in clear detail the threats to water quality and supply. the potential for mi creased flooding and erosion due to more frequent extreIlle weather events- as well as increased clrotiallt, and degraded biodi ersity_ These find" us make very clear that Cons en ation Authorities are - and Will continue to be essential to the protection of Ontario's water and land resources. As Section 20 of the Co;;sb'?1'^1PCJY : I1+iOJ':t7E?i. C£ STat2s: 4? O~;E?C i Q~.^aFi t111i1'FO?'1*i QF'E? U establish tid itF .^..'E?i'.'f+ f, iFi QF'2t7 Ol?E'?' i'17?Ci7 l has j I reSL2 t Oil Q ro, -ra?F: aesi_g ieC2' ro furt,,er heCoriserva on, restoratiou,, rVilelgp?iienti'na iIiTFFC1gE?FIE?)'ii Of? ^iturai reso o-CE's oiixar iii r, gas, o?1, CC)CIi GFif7 T?i:F"tE'7'AtS. Conservation Authorities take this 1mandate very'.seriously_ Most iinpoitantly_ it allows a Consen-ation Authority to develop a program that responds to the unique conditions and pressures ticitlun a particular watershed- This is critical to the successfial management that you Noted. Consen'anon Authorities use a z iarievv, of tools to meet their n mandate. These include education, stewardship, the provision of science-based a& ice to numicipalities as part of the land use plalming process, and the regulation of flood plains, hazardous areas: rind wetlands that are key to the fiiilctlon of xitershed. hydrology. More than 144.000 hectares of forests. --etiands, flood plains and other ent-.iroinnentally significant lands have been acquired by CAs., proticling protection uid public access for education and recreation- currently serving more than 3 mullion Visitors annually, contributing greatly to Ontariaii,s duality of life and economic well being. As ts-e enter the second decade of this nlillenniuni2 with greater awareness than e er of the Unk-ages between a healthy etiVirounient, a health- economy and a healthy societ} , it is ironic vet not surprising that the art of balancing the public interest with individual interests continues to be a focus of discussion and in some cases. outright conflict.. Hoxv best to manage these apparently conzpetine -interests is a challenge for all of society. There should be no debate about the value of this process to our cltiality of life- But -Aho pays for a healthy elMironinent and how ens irolnmental prograllzs should be funded, remains at issue. There is tension froin user and permit fees. Int-isnicipal le ies, and provincial funding sources. Despite realizing the benefits- no party 11s:ishes to bear more of the costs, paitictllarly in difficult economic times I Your questions are rele,yant and timely concerning legislation, regulations and organizational responsibilities of Conservation Authorities. As you know, the N iinistry of Natural Resources recently posted on the EBR, a draft of the proposed "Policies and Procedures for Conservation Authority Plan Review and Permitting. Activities" (Posted 1'tio 4 25 /09 EBR X010-823). This proposed policy resulted from a two year multi-stakeholder consultation i l olving, representatives of the .Proms dice, Municipalities, the development industry,, ENGOs and Conner; atiou Atithoilties_ The consultation was a response to criticism by the development industry that Consen-ation Authorities were extending their influence beyond their mandate. The 23 51 . expectation of the participants is that this policy- if approvedwill provide neces:saiy guidance, rationale and tnnelunes to improve the parties Iltnderstalldung of roles and the process and prov=ide unproved transparency and accountability. It should be noted that the ENGO conlinninity position in the review Nvas that Conservation Authorities needed a stronger manncl<ate to protect the environment, this was ultull<ately- reflected in. passage of the Lake .Sh mcoe Protec: ora .4cr. Indeed, this position is shared by a number of municipalities- Conservation Authorities are established cinder the Co,?sem-atlo=, lrrtliorrraes- .4ct by a resolution of the major'", of municipalities within a watershed. The Act has been changed only slialntly over its 60 year historn=, and is still considered a 57siolnanr piece of legislation. Consen-ation Ontar o has -identified a Inumber of <amendments to the .4c, v.hic11 wotdd bring - certain aspects into better alignment with-jor example, the Municipal election cycle; the ability- of staff to issue permits; and a consistent limitation for layuig- charges under the Section :28 regulations. As you know, t11e 1°ct was amended in 1996 to elitminate the appointment of Provincial represernt<atives on CA Boards, a move that n-as seen as being consistent with the dilnninished level of Provincial financial support w-hich took place at that tune- As noted above. tensions continue and stakeholder' positions range from wholesale "dissolution-' of Authorities to severely curtailing the role and Inumdate yto broadening their scope and itcrisdiction. I want to be clear that Conservation Authorities are quite open to any dialogue with the Province: IlIUlllcrpallties and other stakeholders which would improve the effectiveness and efficiency of Nvatershed <and natural resources manag-ermente :trndeed, -%ve have coIlsrstelltly pursued :Such discussions over the years. 'ir'e subinllt tlluat Improvements to the current system can, and should be invade in the interest of increasing efficient, effective. transparent and accountable management of our tvater and natural heritage. We would be happy- to speak in snore detail about ally specific issues which you inay wish to discuss. Yours mile, Dick Hibina. Chair- Conservation Ontario 24 52 City L' ~ RR 3a-ice PE KE MEMO To: Debbie Shields and Linda Roberts City Clerk's Department From: Keith Falconer Chair, Accessibility Advisory Committee Copy: Prem Noronha-Waldriff and Lisa Harker: Committee Contacts Stephen Reynolds: Division Head, Culture & Recreation Services- Committee' Members, Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee: Councillor Bonnie Littley Terence John Arvisais Keith Falconer -Chair Aisha Nathifa Heywood Stephen Little - Vice-Chair Gwelda MacDonald-Tuttle Marilyn Wallace Susan Wilkinson Stephanie Wilson Subject: Annual Reports of.the Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee Please find the attached 2010 Annual Work Plan and the 2009 Annual Report as submitted by the Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee. Please include these reports in the agenda of the April 19th Council Meeting. Thank You. Encl. = Ito ktc-C k'.3 C C? F E~ City, 53 PICXE Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee 2009 Annual Report 2009 Annual Report of the Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee to Council Background About 1.85 million people in Ontario have a disability. That's one in seven people. Over the next 20 years as the population ages, the number will rise to one in five, Ontarians. Ontario passed the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) on June 13, 2005, making Ontario the first jurisdiction in Canada to commit to creating comprehensive and mandatory accessibility standards in key areas of everyday life. The goal is to make Ontario accessible by 2025. Through the act, Ontario is developing, implementing and enforcing mandatory accessibility standards in: • Customer Service • Transportation • Information and Communications • Employment • Built Environment The Accessibility Standards for Customer Service Regulation came into effect on January 1, 2008. Public sector organizations had to meet requirements under this standard by January 1, 2010. The private sector and non-profit organizations will follow January 1, 2012. The final proposed standards for Employment Accessibility, Accessible Information and Communications and Transportation have now been submitted to the Minister of Community and Social Services for consideration as law. The proposed Built Environment Standard is being revised, following extensive consultations, to reflect public input. 1 r 5 4 Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee 2009 Annual Report Introduction The Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee (PAAC) was formally established by by-law 6211/03 and held its first meeting, April 2003. Its goal is to create an inclusive community for all citizens of Pickering. The Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee is mandated under the AODA to provide advice to Pickering Council: • Once per year about preparation, implementation and effectiveness of its accessibility plan. • On the accessibility for persons with a disability to a building, structure or premises, or.part of a building, structure or premises, that Council purchases,',constructs, renovates, leases or which is provided to the Municipality as a capital facility; and to • Review site plans and drawings described in Section 41 of the Planning Act. In addition, the PAAC: • Brings leadership and knowledge about barriers to accessibility, issues related to the full range of disabilities. • Undertakes outreach activities to raise awareness and inform the general public about the AODA and accessibility standards; and • Reviews other matters related to the subject matter of the AODA and advises Council accordingly 2 Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee 2009 Annual Report 2009 Highlights • May 2009 met with Deputy Chiefs, Pickering Fire Department to discuss accessibility issues in the City of Pickering Emergency Plan • May, 2009 participated in the Durham Region Employment Network (DREN) Gala and 2009 Employability Awards • June 2009 Launched the Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee information brochure and banner bug at the Special Olympics "Torch Run Event • June 2009 participated in Toronto Regional ACC Forum • Summer 2009, in a joint initiative with Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club (FBYC), provided an opportunity for 8 students with a disability from Pickering schools to take sailing lessons at FBYC • September 2009 participated in a joint meeting of the Durham Region Accessibility Advisory Committees to share Best Practices • October, 2009, presented a written submission to Charles Beer's Independent Review of the AODA and participated in a public forum • Reviewed and provided comments on the proposed Built Environment and Information and Communication Accessibility Standards • . Established an ongoing consultation with Tim Moore, Chief Building Official, City of Pickering Conclusion The Pickering Accessibility Advisory Committee is committed to supporting and strengthening the City's commitments and efforts to enhancing accessibility to its programs, services and facilities. We believe that a strong collaborative effort will lead to the elimination and prevention of barriers and will ensure that accessibility is integrated into the everyday thinking of all citizens of Pickering. 3 i O 5 6 fC' CV cl, o N E. c c ° °u O £ ° o v c L- :3 U 4- V c cc ° V) 0 p O v (o U ~ O ,o o ro cL~. H ro„ `~vacLov CL CM M .1 (U 4-J (U cu1~'~_n+~ Lam° o Q) N U N U co C N La) to U "a M C u' C -C C n C ° C C m bA W u1 cNC°~'NO(oa: C)vc V v a c~ jU - o ° o v N o 1-4 Q i" Q1 v~ -0 L N 44 O C R fl~ U C U a a -j-_ c(vLoc'(n(v 3r F (U 0 Ln Q) Q., ° o u.> aQ o U U ° o > A ° ° CA o N c '0 v/-~ C Q1 q) N ° U N 3 O -a 0 (u E y E L L C L p1 W ,N a ~y (v (0 t0 to cn cn u j,_ G rv o (o 3 a Ew Ear Ear a Eo Ea Eo 3 u u W u 3: c C ro o a v > 'v c U) fu c ro N O a (a rn In (v 0 a~ o a~ a~ 57 u~ p ~ C` O p N a) o,p N r-4o 0 a O O O O ~ N N N c N fu Ct V ~ C m O c n n O a U n H • • • • • • • COD b ~ Y p C a) f a c E c ~ C Q1 .-i t0 tD O C O N (D ~ Q) ~ L Q N a j,-' Q U W C coo U U! 4-J V C O (VO E V E O m U (0 N C O p-0 D U U 0 t0 ~ C T a ~ O W_ ~ 3 (U -0 N ra O v o o a) c C u u ° ° ° o E -o coo cn u u >.c'-' Y U sw E CU V) au vac C Q) c 0 u u 4.j M (n c 0~3. r0 0 my V) o04,EcroNN fu Q fC6 ¢ aNi C O N Z O (O . O p13 ~u aai auifU L. 0) o 7F) C Ca O¢ a¢ o v~vn as CU-D- i W. c V) =3 D v v a) C c c 3 c E a, :2 _0 0 E 0 fa a c c U EM L Lj U Q O p Vl C L W 4-1 01 :2 U fu c: Z fu :3 aE Q c 3 Q CL LO) a w o_ a o EA n a) c vo (L)c T) >a (p -r V) c W c V D D 0, C yL+ r L O O O~ C C Qt . O C O i O cn C -0.0 vas-L c :3 Nav n aouu° sJ E -0 M 0 ra 58 Q ~ c o M Q.. U L N ~O •-i .O ° E' . E N O L c C U Q V Q n cn ZVI ° o N 1-4 '042 w N N C T (o D ~j (n N Q1 C a a E N N (Al 4 O Q C 'O N p Cl (D a.+ . C > O, U U O a' N O O4-j 'r- W \ '0 N 0 E Q1 ~ ~ N bA ~ ~a~~°a)o ~~a~-O (n E E .2 Ln M 4- 4-J V) C O N C 0~ 0 L° v W a s .a) T E CL W' L C :Lj .2 LA i5 4-J -0 u E L CL L- sx a°i E aE E L U D L UJI W • H N n• ° U_ 0.' o: ° 3 y' u a.-r C a) Ln C = E O O C a~ a O d Q)~CL ° ~ ° °vao~ ' ° rJ ~ • w FORF OPY O N T A R. 1 O April, 2010--»~, Mayor David Ryan City of Pickering lqi- E x- A Your Worship, Child Find Ontario is pleased to announce that preparations are underway for the 19th annual national Green Ribbon of Hope TM Campaign in Ontario, -which will take place during the month of May - Green Ribbon of Hope Month, and culminate in a day of hope and awareness on May 25th - National Missing Children's Day. We are once again seeking the support of the City of Pickering in bringing this message to the families in your community. The Green Ribbon of Hope was developed by the students of Holy Cross Secondary School in St. Catharines, Ontario as a result of the April 16th, 1992 abduction, and subsequent murder, of 15-year- old Kristen French. It has become the national symbol of hope for the safe return of all missing children to their families and for the awareness of missing and exploited children in Canada. The RCMP National Missing Children Services reported that 20,526 children went missing in 2008 in Ontario alone. Child Find Ontario is dedicated to reducing the incidence of missing and exploited children through our education, prevention and awareness programs, and is committed to assisting families and law enforcement in the search and recovery of missing children. In honour of the searching parents in your community, we ask that the City of Pickering join communities all across Ontario and Canada. in promoting the safe return of. all missing children by officially proclaiming May 25th as National Missing Children's Day and/or the month of May as Green Ribbon of Hope Month. Please find enclosed a sample proclamation for your consideration and please accept our sincerest appreciation for your contemplation of this most significant and symbolic act. We can provide up to 100 Green Ribbons free of charge, to be worn through the month of May, especially on May 25th. Fliers are also available for display in your buildings and workplaces, and can be requested by faxing or e-mailing the completed order form enclosed. For more information on Child Find Ontario or the Green Ribbon of Hope Campaign please contact me at student2 achildfindontario.ca or 1-866-KID-TIPS (543-8477), or, visit www.ontario.chiidfind.ca. Sincerely and respectfully, Jeremy Trump Green Ribbon of Hope Campaign Assistant Provincial Head Office 440A Britannia Rd. E. Mississauga, Ontario Canada L4Z 1X9 Tel: 905=712-3463 Fax: 905-712-3462 Toll Free: 1-800=KID-TIPS (543-8477) National Toll Free: 1-800-387-7962 • E-mail: mail(a?childfindontario.ca • www.ontario.childfind.ca 60 From: awarenessweek@GiftofLife.on.ca [maiIto: awarenessweek@G iftofLife.on.ca] Sent: March-31-10 11:21 AM Subject: Give_the gift of life in your community / Faites un don de vie dans votre communaute Le message suit en frangais au dessous Hello, . - Imagine the anxious anticipation of the 1,600 Ontarians who are currently on waiting lists for life-saving organ and tissue transplants, who must live with the knowledge that only 17% of Ontarians with health cards are registered donors, despite the fact that more than 80% of the public indicate they support organ and tissue donation. To improve their odds, we're declaring April 18 - 25, 2010 National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week. Your municipality can make a big difference and help just by increasing awareness of the need for registered organ and tissue donors and informing others on how to register consent to donate. By sharing these simple facts, you're increasing the chance of saving the lives of your neighbours, friends and loved ones. Soon, you'll receive a package from us with the Gift of Life flag and a sample letter of proclamation. . What you can do: • Fly the Gift of Life flag during National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week • Issue a public proclamation demonstrating your support • Post a proclamation and a message of support on your website • - Post a registration button on your website that will lead people to the online registration form- (http://tinyurl.com/0ntgift6flife) • Host a registration drive A copy of the proclamation and a sample of the flag are attached. Please respond by Friday, April 9; 2010 to let us know if your council will do their part to assist Ontarians in their struggle for organ and tissue donations. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact us 416-927-7355 or at awarenessweek@giftofiife on.ca. ieeeee-•eeeee■■RUM eea eeeeeee•ee■e■■eeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeveere eeee. eeee•teeeseeeeeeeeeeeees-■s~ . t _ g ~ r. COPS. i ~ TAKE PPRr U~IUa~ U IJe-C- > 6 1 FORIGIN11-- 0. City o0 I' I PI KERING MEMO To: Debbie Shields n -r m Ll tc~ April 14, 2010 City Clerk TAKE A :t C iar: From: Marisa Carpino k~ a ~De-tar Supervisor, Culture & Re ea Ion Copy: Chair, Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations & Equity Chief Administrative Officer Director, Operations & Emergency Services Division Head, Culture & Recreation Members of the Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations & Equity Subject: Proclaim Asian Heritage Month A-1410-001-10 On behalf of the Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations & Equity, please accept this memorandum as a formal request that the City of Pickering proclaim the month of May as Asian Heritage Month. In December 2001, The Honourable Vivienne Poy introduced a motion in the Senate of Canada to designate May as Asian Heritage Month. The Government of Canada officially recognized May as Asian Heritage Month in May, 2002. The resolution at the Senate of Canada appropriately explains its significance: "Be it resolved that May be recognized as Asian Heritage Month, given the important contributions of Asian Canadians to the settlement, growth and development of Canada, the diversity of the Asian Community, and its present significance to this country." The City of Pickering is among the most diverse in the Durham Region and the Asian Community are significant part of our cultural mosaic. As such, the Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations & Equity wishes to recognize their contributions to Pickering's past, present and future through this proclamation. The Pickering Public Library has a display of materials and resources in their lobby during the month of May to commemorate Asian Heritage Month. Moreover, the Pickering Public Library will feature an Author Reading entitled "South Asian Adventures". Celebrate Asian Heritage Month with this presentation by GEM Munro with his new book of true short stories at the Central Library on Wednesday, May 19, 2010 at 7:00 pm. Books are available for purchase, with all profits from the sale going to the Amarok Society. Registration is required. The Durham Tamil Association will be showcasing Tamil Cultural Programming on May 28, 2010 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Pickering Recreation Complex. This event is open'to public at no charge - everyone welcome! We encourage our community to get involved and participate during Asian Heritage Month. Call 0~ 61A PI C KERIN~G Memo To: Debbie Shields April 1, 2010 a _0 City Clerk ,.w_....._... r From: Marisa Carpino ! Supervisor, Culture & Recreation J Copy: Chief Administrative Officer fi Director, Operations & Emergency Services~'~ Division Head, Culture & Recreation _..w...... { ! Y Subject: Proclaim Youth Week - File: S-2000-007-10mv~ 4Z N-C-Izl Please accept this memorandum as a formal request that the City of Pickering proclaim May 1-7, 2010 as Youth Week. Youth Week is held during the first week of May each year and is a fun, interactive celebration of youth, intended to bring together stronger ties between youth and their communities and to showcase the issues, achievements and contributions of Youth. Youth Week began in 1995 with a handful of events throughout Canada and has grown to become an international celebration where communities can learn about and from youth. Youth Week is a call to action for communities to celebrate the involvement of youth in arts, recreation, drama, sport, civic engagement, volunteerism and leadership. The City of Pickering will celebrate Youth Week with a schedule of FREE youth programs which will feature contests, prizes and snacks for participating teens to enjoy. FREE youth programs will include basketball, break dancing, shinny, girls only, guys only and games room (PS2, Wii, XBox, foosball, air hockey, and more!). Full schedule of program times and locations can be found on our website at cityofpickering.com/teen. To commemorate Youth Week, PAC4Teens (Pickering Activity Council for Teens) has prepared a presentation of the City's FREE Teen Programs and Events, profiling the City of Pickering FREE youth programs, youth participants of those programs and PAC4Teens activities. This presentation will provide Council with a great portrait of Pickering youth and their involvement and contribution to our.community. :mc THE CANADIAN HEARING SOCIETY 62 LA SOCIETE CANADIENNE DE LOUIE th ~u ,z e A April 8, 2010 e 1 Debbie Shields City Clerk The Corporation of the City of Pickering One The Esplanade Pickering, ON L 1 V 6K7 Dear Ms. Shields, May is national Hearing Awareness Month, as recognized by Health Canada. This is an occasion to promote public understanding and awareness of the needs of culturally Deaf, oral deaf, deafened and hard of hearing Canadians, and to emphasize the importance of protecting our hearing. At this time every year, national, provincial and regional organizations work to dispel the myths and stereotypes around individuals with hearing loss, and to promote programs and services designed to ensure equal access for all culturally Deaf, oral deaf, deafened and hard of hearing Canadians. The. Canadian Hearing Society's Durham.region office would like to ask that the month of May be proclaimed as Hearing Awareness Month in the City of Pickering. We appreciate the fact that we are one of many organizations requesting recognition, and we hope you will be able to accommodate our request by way of an official proclamation and/or letter from your office that we can display in our office during May Month. A sample letter that you issued last year is attached. We thank you in advance for your time and consideration of this request, and look forward to your reply. C3F if"E 1FL. Sincerely, TO: . Larissa Gabriel Administrative Assistant f ~ The Canadian Hearing Society, Durham Region Office 575 Thornton Road North, Unit 13 1 - -a i Oshawa, ON L1J 8L5 PETERBOROUGH/DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICES CMC) 1 O W--,) +0 (f CA C~- rI-) Serving Peterborough, City of Kawartha Lakes, Durham, Haliburton and Northumberland Charitable Registration No. 10684 6926 RR0001. www.chs.ca CL~ O~ Afi- A pril 19, 2010 PICKERING. 63 COMMITTEE REPORTS a) REPORT PD 2010-03 OF THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE P & D PAGES BLUE 1. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 05-10 36-39 Mavij Homes Development Inc. Plan of Subdivision 40M-2254 Final Assumption of Plan of Subdivision RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report PD 05-10 of the Director, Planning & Development regarding the final assumption of the works and services within Plan of Subdivision 40M-. 2254 be received; 2. That the highways being Rougewalk Drive and Mahogany Court within Plan 40M-2254 be assumed for public use; 3. That the works and services required by the Subdivision Agreement within Plan 40M-2254, which are constructed, installed or located on lands dedicated to, or owned by the City, or on lands lying immediately adjacent thereto, including lands that are subject to easements transferred to the City, be accepted and assumed for maintenance, save and except from Blocks 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 74, 75, 76, 77 and 78; and 4. That the Subdivision Agreement and any amendments thereto relating to Plan 40M-2254, save and except from Blocks 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 70, 74, 75, 76 and 77, be released and removed from title. 2. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 07-10 40-51 Seaton Updates -Neighbourhood Planning Review and Other Implementation Studies RECOMMENDATION That Report PD 07-10 of the Directors, Planning & Development and Office of Sustainability, respecting a status update on the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Review and other implementation studies required under the Central Pickering Development Plan, be received for information. C* o¢~ 6 4 April 19, 2010 PICKERING COMMITTEE REPORTS b) REPORT EC 2010-03 OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE EXECUTIVE PAGES YELLOW 1. Chief Administrative Officer's Report CAO 03-10 1-21 Rouge Park Governance Review -Proposal to Create a Rouge National Park RECOMMENDATION 1. That Council receive Report CAO 03-10 regarding the February 2010 Rouge Park Governance Review report prepared by StrategyCorp and Hemson Consulting for the Rouge Park Alliance. 2. . That Council advise the Rouge Park Alliance as follows: a) That it supports in principle the creation of a Rouge National Park as outlined in the February 2010 Rouge Park Governance Review report; b) That the City of Pickering will participate in further discussions on the creation of a Rouge National Park and establishment of a Founding Deal through its representatives on the Rouge Park Alliance; and c) That before any final decisions are made on the Rouge National Park and Founding Deal, the matter be brought back to Pickering Council for consideration. 3. That a copy of this Report be forwarded to the Rouge Park Alliance. 2. Chief Administrative Officer's Report CAO 04-10 22-35 Updated Horse Riding Establishment Licensing By-law RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report CAO 04-10 regarding the licensing of horse riding establishments be received; and 2. That By-Law No.5684/00 being the existing Horse Riding Establishment By- law be repealed and a new Horse Riding Establishment By-law, included as 6 5 Attachment #1, be enacted to reflect updated regulations and housekeeping changes. 3. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 05-10 36-44 Statement of the Treasurer Respecting 2009 Remuneration and Expenses of Members of Council and Council Appointees to Boards, Agencies and Other Bodies RECOMMENDATION That Report CS 05-10 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer regarding Statement of the Treasurer respecting Remuneration and Expenses of Members of Council and Council Appointees for the year 2009 be received. 4. Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer, Report CS 10-10 45-47 Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act, Adjustment to Taxes RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report CS 10-10 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2. That the write-offs of taxes as provided under Section 357/358 of the Municipal Act, 2001 be approved; and, 3. That the appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary action to give effect hereto. 5. Director, Operations & Emergency Services, Report OES 04-10 48-92 Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan -Final Report RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report OES 04-10 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services concerning the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan be received;, 2. That Council endorse the Frenchman's Bay Stormwater Management Master Plan (April 2009); and 3. That Staff be authorized to implement the recommendations within the Master Plan subject to budget and further Council approval for individual projects, and report back to Council on an annual basis to provide a status update on the progress of the implementation and results from monitoring activities. 66 6. Director, Operations & Emergency Services Report OES 08-10 93-99 No Parking By-law, Sheppard Avenue Amendment to By-law 6604/05 .RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report OES 08-10 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding a proposed amendment to the municipal traffic by-law 6604/05 be received; and 2. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend Schedule "2" to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of parking on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. 7. Director, Planning & Development, Report PD 10-10 100-107 Pickering Nuclear Generating Station A Power Reactor Operating Licence Renewal -City of Pickerinq Comments for CNSC May 21, 2010 Day Two Hearing RECOMMENDATION 1. That Report PD 10-10 of the Directors, Planning & Development and Office of Sustainability, concerning Pickering Nuclear Generating Station A Power Reactor Operating Licence Renewal be received; 2. That Council inform the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission that it supports the recommendation to renew the five year power reactor operating licence for Pickering Nuclear Generation Station A, provided that Ontario Power Generation: a) continues its regular effort at keeping the City informed of business at its Pickering sites through the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station Community Advisory Council and presentations to City Council; and b) initiate formal discussions with the City at the appropriate time during the next licensing period regarding the impact on the City of the safe shutdown and decommissioning of the Pickering Nuclear Generation Station; and 3. Furt her, that Report PD 10-10, and Council's resolution be forwarded to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Ontario Power Generation, and the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities. 67 8. University of Toronto Grant Re: Frenchman's Bay Study RECOMMENDATION 1. That the City of Pickering support in principle the undertakings of the University of Toronto and the proposed study; and 2. That the Chief Administrative Officer investigate the proposed study further and grant permission of the study should he feel it in the best interests of the City of Pickering and report back to Council on April 19th, 2010. I Cif o¢~ 6 8 PICKERING April 19, 2010 NOTICE OF MOTION a) Councillor O'Connell and Councillor Johnson gave notice that they will at this meeting of Council be presenting a motion as follows: APPOINTMENT TO GREATER TORONTO AIRPORT AUTHORITY (GTAA) WHEREAS the Region of Durham appoints a member of the public to the Greater Toronto Airport Authority (GTAA) board at the beginning of every Council term; and WHEREAS the issue involving an airport in Durham Region is of paramount concern to the elected officials of Pickering and Durham Region; and WHEREAS the impact of a new airport is of greater importance to the City of Pickering and our residents because the airport is proposed to be located on the Federal Lands in North Pickering; and .WHEREAS the accountability and the openness of information from the GTAA board to the Councils of Durham Region and the City of Pickering is paramount however the current process has a member of the public appointed to the GTAA board which does not report to Pickering or Durham Regional Council; and WHEREAS currently the minutes of all GTAA board meetings are not made public and therefore lacks accountability and accessibility of information for Pickering and Durham despite having a regionally appointed member who sits on the board. NOW THEREFORE The Council for the City of Pickering request Durham Regional Council to amend the current process for the appointment to the GTAA board to ensure that a Member of Council be appointed and that member of council be a Member of Pickering Council as well. b) Councillor O'Connell and Councillor Dickerson gave notice that they will at this meeting of Council be presenting a motion as follows: ENDORSEMENT OF PRIVATE MEMBERS' BILL 18 (LOCAL DEMOCRACY AND ACCOUNTABLITY) WHEREAS MPP David Caplan has recently introduced, Private Members' Bill 18 to amend the Municipal Act to ensure municipal governments are more democratic and accountable in regards to the position of the Regional Chair; and WHEREAS the Council of the City of Pickering recently passed three separate resolutions in support of the direct election of the Durham Regional Chair; and 69 WHEREAS the Region of Durham Council recently passed a resolution to put a referendum question on the 2010 municipal election ballot asking Durham Region residents if they support the direct election of the Durham Regional Chair; and . , WHEREAS democracy as defined by Webster's is; government by the people; a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections. NOW THEREFORE The Council for the City of Pickering resolves the support and endorsement of Private Members' Bill 18 (Local Democracy and Accountability) introduced on March 29, 2010 by MPP David Caplan. And that a copy of this resolution be sent for endorsement to Durham Regional Council and all municipal Councils within Durham Region. I i CLtq O~ 7 0 PICKERING -April 19, 2010 BY-LAWS 7037/10 Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing parking restrictions on private property. (By- law attached) 7038/10 Being a By-law to amend By-law 6604/05 providing for the regulating of parking, standing and stopping on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. [Refer to Executive Committee pages 98 - 99] 7039/10 Being a by-law to dedicate those parts of Lot 4; Plan 282, Pickering, being Parts 53, 55, 56, 63 and 66, Plan 40R-25121 as public highway (Rockwood Drive). (By-law attached) 7040/10 A by-law to licence horse riding establishments . [Refer to Executive Committee pages 25 - 35] 7041/10 Being a by-law to change the name of Deerhaven Lane, Plan 40M-1875 to Summerpark Crescent in the City of Pickering. (By- law attached) 71 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING 41 > 4 BY-LAW NO. 7037/10 Being a by-law to appoint By-law Enforcement Officers for the Purpose of Enforcing Parking Restrictions on Private Property WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(I) of the Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.15, as amended, a municipal council may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality; and WHEREAS pursuant to section 15(2) of the said Act, municipal by-law enforcement officers are peace officers for the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the following people be hereby appointed as municipal law enforcement officers in and for the City of Pickering in order to ascertain whether the provisions of By-law 2359/87 are obeyed and to enforce or carry into effect the said By-law and are hereby authorized to enter at all reasonable times upon lands municipally known as: a) 1525 & 1535 Diefenbaker Court and 1530 & 1540 Pickering Parkway Royston Drakes Anosh Joseph Nick Koitsopoulos b) 1801 Valley Farm Road Andrew Bailey, Michael Gray 2. The authority granted in section 1 hereto is specifically limited to that set out in .section 1, and shall not be deemed, at any time, to exceed the authority set out in section 1. 3. This appointment shall expire upon the person listed in section 1 a) ceasing to be an employee of Paragon Security or upon Paragon Security ceasing to be agents for 1525 & 1535 Diefenbaker Court and 1530 & 1540 Pickering Parkway, and b) ceasing to be an employee of Chartwell Select Pickering City Centre or upon Chartwell Select Pickering City Centre ceasing to be agents for 1801 Valley Farm Road, whichever shall occur first. 72 By-law No. 7037 /10 Continued Page 2 4. The provisions of this by-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 19th day of April, 2010. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk I~I PICKERI G memo To: Debbie Shields March 24, 2010 City Clerk From: Denise Bye Supervisor, Property & Development Services Copy: Director, Planning & Development Division Head, Engineering Services Manager, Development Control Subject: Request for Road Dedication By-law Owners: Jose & Liliana Ciancio Part Lot 4, Plan 282, Pickering,. being Parts 53, 55, 56, 63 and 66, 40R-25121 (Rockwood Drive) LD 058/09 to LD 061/09 File: Roadded.498 The owners have applied to sever part of Lot 4, Plan 282 to create four new lots through Land Division Applications LD 058/09 to LD 061/09. In order to ensure the orderly development of these lots, a reserve (Parts 53, 55, 56, 63 and 66, Plan 40R-25121) was placed across the severed lots fronting Rockwood Drive:" As the Owner has complied with all of the other conditions of LD 058/09 to LD 061/09, it is now appropriate to lift the reserve, thereby permitting legal access to the severed parcels. Attached are a location map and a draft by-law for the consideration of City Council at its meeting scheduled for April 19, 2010: i DB:bg JADocument3\Prop & DMROADDEMSEC\4 8 RockwoodWemo to Debbie March 2010.Aoc Attachments The Corporation of the City of Pickering 74 By-law No. A"VVI Being a by-law to dedicate those parts of Lot 4, Plan 282, Pickering, being Parts 53, 55, 56, 63 and 66, Plan 40R-25121 as public highway (Rockwood Drive). Whereas The Corporation of the City of Pickering is the owner of certain lands lying within Pickering and wishes to dedicate them as public highway. Now therefore the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. Those parts of Lot 4, Plan 282, Pickering, being Parts 53, 55, 56, 63 and 66, Plan 40R-25121 are hereby dedicated as public highway (Rockwood Drive). By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 19th day of April, 2010. .0".00Sr David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk Roadded.498 7 E PINE- GROVE CRESCENT o PARK L z a 0 ff cc_-~ I I [FITIT T 0 SAND CHERRY PINE GROVE AVENUE z > MOSSBROOk 0 w o o z oo SQUARE c > ~ w Y Q Li U ~ O ~ CKET CRESCENT w D WESTCREEK w > Q Li LEY STREET > WESTCREEE z o PUBLIC SCHO PROHILL ST. U) w o 01 O RD STREET > O Y z STREET o m m z m T CRESCENT p w 0 a z S BJECT w ci) WHITE PINE L 0 ~q C~ Li CRESCENT WEST LANE wo Li ~ OpO o ~ 0 0 cn 0 °o WILCp w Z U OAT d -j 0 > m w COURT STREET Cf) ~oGP~ O cn Q LAWSON STIR SWEETBRIAR CRT. OODVIE OT LOT 77 RIVERS DRIVE TWYN RIVITRI, City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Part of Lot 4, Plan 282, Being Parts, 53, 55, 56, 63 & 66, 40R-25121 001~* OWNER City of Pickering DATE Mar 23, 2010 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. Roadded. 498 SCALE 1:5000 CHECKED BY DB N oTera etroEnterprises Inc. and its suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not o plon of survey. PN-10 2005 MPAC antl i[s suppliers. All rights Reserved. Not o plop of Survey. I City O~ 7 6 PICKERING Memo To: Debbie Shields April 12, 2010 City Clerk From: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Supervisor, Customer Care (Acting) Fire Prevention Officer Subject: Street Name Change Deerhaven Lane, Plan 40M-1875 to Summerpark Crescent File: L4540-002 On December 21, 2009, Council passed Resolution #285/09 authorizing staff to initiate the process of changing the street name of Deerhaven Lane to Summerpark Crescent and to bring forward the required by-law to effect the name change. Correspondence was sent to Fire Services, Durham Regional Police, Ambulance and 911 seeking input with respect to the name change and all emergency responders are in support of the change. The process included sending correspondence to all landowners residing west of Rosebank Road (Woodsmere Crescent, Wildflower Drive, Summerpark Crescent and Garland Crescent) to advise them of the City's intent to change the street name and seeking their comments respecting the renaming. Formal notice of the street name change has been given via the Community Page in the News Advertiser and on the City's website for two consecutive weeks prior to bringing this by- law forward to Council for enactment. No objections and/or comments were received respecting the proposed street name change. It should be noted that `Deerhaven' will remain reserved by the City and at the Region of Durham for use as an available street name that could be used again in another development. It is recommended that the City proceed with the name change and that Council enact the required street name change by-law, which when registered, will formally change the name of Deerhaven Lane to Summerpark Crescent. Attached is a location map and a draft by-law for the consideration of City Council at its meeting scheduled for April 19, 2010. NC:DB:bg JADocuments\Prop & Dev\STREET NAMES OR NAME CHANGE\0601 Deerhaven to SummerparMmemosWemo to Debbie2010torwarding bylaw.doc Attachments 1 77 The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. ! 4PAT Being a by-law to change the name of Deerhaven Lane, Plan 40M-1875 to Summerpark Crescent in the City of Pickering. Whereas, pursuant to section 11(3)1 of the Municipal Act, the Council of a local municipality may pass by-laws respecting matters relating to highways under their jurisdiction. Now therefore, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. Deerhaven Lane, Plan 40M-1875 be renamed to Summerpark Crescent. By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 19th day of April, 2010. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk i 78 FIT] T-1 FINCH AVENUE M = n L Q L) _ Z O ' \~0 C O G SQUARE i AMBERLEA R w 4nTM qTT1 p I DRIFTWOOD CRT. Fps i CV SUBJECT. SAUCEEN STREET a° lu Z Q p Z J Q O O ~ CRESCENT ERHAVE o- A E w w ti/C G ~ tiL/F u - 1 O m U p w uj L p ~ z O z W Q< Y O -J L'i o SPRINGVIEW DRIVE / - U 0:: w - J 1- w p z U U w w c p / >i w u a WOODSMERE CRESCENT CHARNWOOD COURT m WOODSMERE 77z z - n D O C ASHFIELD City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION DEERHAVEN LANE, 40M-1875 OWNER CITY OF PICKERING A `DATE APR. 14, 2009 DRAWN BY JB FILE No. STREET NAME CHANGE (1-4540-002) SCALE 1:5000 CHECKED BY DB N D-5 sp. f el Ent-ar;..e Ina. and ;la aupplera. All ;Ohl, Reaf a -d. Nol~ plan of a. -Y. PN-11 2005 MPAC and A, -ppl;- All lights R,% tl N 1 plan of Sar City o0 Minutes / Meeting Summary Pickering Blooms Advisory Committee February 9, 2010 PI KERI 2:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Dave Ryan, Mayor - City of Pickering (Co-Chair) Bill McLean, Regional Councillor, Ward 2 - City of Pickering (Co-Chair) Tom Melymuk, Director, Office of Sustainability - City of Pickering John Hannah, Superintendent, Municipal Operations - City of Pickering Rob Gagen, Foreperson, Parks & Property - City of Pickering Tanya Ryce, Marketing, Promotions/Graphic Designer - City of Pickering Kathy McKay - Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Larry Noonan - Altona Forest Stewardship Committee Sigrid Squire - Pickering Horticultural Society Marla Shim, Executive Assistant, Councillors' Office - City of Pickering (Recording Secretary) Absent: Allan Arsenault - Pickering Town Centre Mike Bender - Toronto Region Conservation Authority Chris Braney - Durham District School Board Donald Igbokwe - Multi-Faith Group Gail Lawlor - Durham Sustain Ability Jim McCafferty.- Durham Catholic District School Board Lorna Murphy - Pickering Town Centre Julie Oakes - Bloomers & Britches Heather White - Pineridge Arts Council Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome and Introductions Mayor Ryan'welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked committee members for once again returning to participate in the Pickering Blooms program. Mayor Ryan also acknowledged and thanked staff and volunteers for all of their hard work on the program. He is hopeful that we will eventually be in a position to get into National and International competitions and feels that we are heading in the, right direction. A lot of positive feedback has been received from the community. T. Melymyuk advised that John Hannah will be in charge of the 2010 program. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 J. Hannah commented that Communities in Bloom was a great start, but we have evolved and are now ready to look at making changes for the future. Last year's Pickering Blooms program was very successful and many good suggestions were received. The biggest success was the Garden Showcase. He advised that R. Gagen and T. Ryce will be the major staff representatives on the program and will work in conjunction. with S. Squire and the Pickering Horticultural Society. L. Noonan advised that the best way to engage the R. Gagen to arrange a schools is to contact the superintendents and ask that meeting with staff, L. they pass along the information to the principals Noonan and a school Find a way for the program to be more beneficial to local representative. businesses and allow them to showcase their businesses Mayor Ryan will attend through early bird participation, etc. if available, but • Registrants will be listed under the participants section suggested that the and will be offered a participants web button for posting meeting not be on their website, with a link to the Pickering Blooms page planned around his schedule. Councillor McLean joined the meeting. Mayor Ryan'welcomed Councillor McLean, excused himself to attend another meeting and turned the Chair over to him. 2. ,;Review of 2009 Pro . ram • R. Gagen advised that gateway beautification has been an ongoing project and that they are working with an area resident to refurbish Maple Gate at Finch Avenue • Will use the Sustainable plant list to create a low maintenance garden • R. Gagen informed members that OPG is delaying the expansion of their biodiversity plan due to the construction of the sewer trunk line that will be going through their property in Alex Robertson Park • They are hoping to refurbish the south side of the bay (next to the Sandy Beach bridge) • To be sustainable, will have generic signs that can be used every year • The garden plaques will still be used this year, but will look into having larger signs (with pins) for each year of participation in 2011 • R. Gagen advised that they are looking for a community group to take over the maintenance of the butterfly garden in David Farr Park Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 • Councillor McLean suggested contacting Mary Cook for R. Gagen will contact assistance Mary Cook to find out if • Councillor McLean recommended installing a sign to note she can assist with the that it is a butterfly garden butterfly garden. • J. Hannah advised that they will focus on the youth component this year, but are looking into setting up a growth plan that can expand into the business community in 2011 3. `Pro 6sed"20.10' Pro ram R. Gagen will handle the program components and T. Ryce will deal with promotional opportunities. T. Ryce informed members that the 2010 program is slated for launch in early April, with the erection of street banners, a mail-out registration campaign and posting on the updated website. • A media event will be held in May to officially launch the Garden Showcase and Mentorship program • A separate media event will also be held at one of the local schools • A promotional kit has been developed to reach youth organizations, pre-schools and engage event participants A youth and family category has been added to the Mentorship Program • Councillor McLean offered to assist in encouraging school participation • To increase program enrollment and expand into the business community, a partner and supporter program will be developed • Local garden centers will be invited to become program partners in exchange for an in-kind donation and/or program participant discount • Past participants will be contacted to determine if they are willing to take part in this year's program • Horticultural Society members will canvas with brochures • A media release will be placed in L. Noonan's newsletter Staff will look into the • Promote at the Horticultural Society's May 1St Garden feasibility of tying in Show and Mother's Day event at the Recreation Complex the two events. • Councillor McLean recommended combining the unveiling of the butterfly garden with the Mother's Day event Staff will contact the • Councillor McLean suggested distributing registration Rotary Club regarding forms and displaying the Pickering Blooms banner bug at displaying the banner the Rotary Club's Music Festival. The competition runs bug and registration from February 25th to March 12th forms Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 4 Advisory Committee Involvement It was recommended that more Advisory Committee meetings be held this year Staff will prepare a • Send a letter to members asking for their interest in letter to members various areas of the program They can share their asking for their interest expertise in the fields that they are most qualified in and. in participating in omit the need to attend all committee meetings specific areas. 5:` Next Meetin Date To be determined. Meeting Adjourned: 3:00 pm. Copy: City Clerk Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 r Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes f! Wednesday, February 24, 2010 T 7:00 pm 1 Main Committee Room PRESENT: Kevin Ashe David Johnson - Chair Eric Newton - Vice-Chair Keith Wilkinson ALSO PRESENT: Ross Pym, Secretary-Treasurer Lesley Dunne, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer ABSENT: Susan Kular (1) ADOPTION OF AGENDA Moved by Eric Newton Seconded by Keith Wilkinson That the agenda for the Wednesday, February 24, 2010 meeting be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (II) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Eric Newton Seconded by Keith Wilkinson That the minutes of the 2nd meeting of the Committee of Adjustment held Wednesday, February 3, 2010 be adopted as amended. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 1 Ci o¢~ Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 24, 2010 7:00 pm 1 1 Main Committee Room (III) REPORTS 1. (Deferred from the February 3, 2010 meeting) P/CA 03/10 - P. Kamalanathan 550 Finch Avenue (Part 1 to 3, 40R-10641 and Part 2, 40R-11450) City of Pickering The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 6164/03 to permit a rental vehicle establishment as a permitted use, four parking spaces for the storage of rental vehicles as sited on the proposed site plan and forty-one parking spaces for the commercial plaza, whereas the by-law does not permit a rental vehicle establishment, storage of rental vehicles and the by-law requires a minimum of forty-four parking spaces for the subject site. The applicant requests approval of these variances in order to obtain zoning compliance. The Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department recommending approval subject to conditions. Written comments were received from the Toronto Region Conservation Authority expressing no concerns. Written comments were received from Arland & Ann Stave of 592 Amaretto Avenue opposed to the application and noted the following concerns: health issues from the toxic fumes of commercial truck; truck noise from trucks being dropped off at all hours; and owner will not stop at only 4 trucks. Written comments were also received from Cathy Phillips of 594 Amaretto Avenue opposed to the application and noted concerns related to the trucks fumes, drop off of trucks at all hours and the number of trucks that are being parked. At the meeting Cathy Phillips spoke to her written comments and indicated that she has no problem if the trucks were relocated along Finch Avenue. Nada Kamalanathan, owner, was present to represent the application. Ralton Myers of 596 Amaretto Avenue was present in objection to the location of the rental trucks. Cathy Phillips of 594 Amaretto Avenue was present in objection to the application. 2 Cif o¢~ Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 24, 2010 PIE 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Nada Kamalanathan explained the application and submitted a petition with one hundred and ten signatures in support of a U-Haul service on the subject property. In response to a question from a Committee Member, he indicated the size of trucks would range from a cargo van to a 26' truck, has no problem with installing trees to provide a buffer for residents and relocating the rental trucks and providing signage. Ralton Myers indicated he is not fully opposed to the application but has concern with the location of the 4 spots for the rental trucks. He would like to have the spots relocated along Finch Avenue so they are not backing onto his backyard. Moved by Kevin Ashe Seconded by Eric Newton That application P/CA 03/10 by P. Kamalanathan, be Approved on the grounds that a rental vehicle establishment as a permitted use, four parking spaces for the storage of rental vehicles and forty-one parking spaces for the commercial plaza are minor variances that are desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law, subject to the following conditions: 1. That these variances apply only to the subject property, as sited and outlined on the applicant's submitted plans with this application. 2. That vehicles parked and stored on the property for rental vehicles shall not exceed 4 vehicles, the maximum height of 3.0 metres and the maximum length of 6.7 metres. 3. That a "rental vehicle establishment" shall mean an establishment used for the rental of vehicles and which may included an accessory thereto the outdoor display of vehicles for rent but shall not include a vehicle repair shop and any establishment engaged in the retail sale of motor vehicles. 4. That the applicant amends the site plan to the City's satisfaction to include planting of coniferous trees on the eastern boundary of the commercial property, as a buffer and screening to its residential zoned lands to the east by August 23, 2010 or this decision shall become null and void. 5. That the proposed rental vehicle storage parking spaces be relocated to the western side on the parking aisle next to the commercial building and that these spaces be appropriately signed to the City's satisfaction. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3 Committee of Adjustment 41 Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 24, 2010 T> 7:00 pm 1 Main Committee Room 2. P/CA 04/10 - Kingswhite Properties Inc. 778-790 Kingston Road (Part of Lot 28, Range 3, B.F.C:) City of Pickering The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 3036, as amended by By-law 5991/02 to permit a building outside of Building Envelope B with a minimum 13.3 metre east side yard setback and a minimum 10.5 metre setback from Building Envelope A, whereas the by-law requires the buildings and structures shall be located entirely within Building Envelope A and/or Building Envelope B. The applicant requests approval of this variance in order to obtain site plan approval and building permits for a commercial development consisting of three commercial buildings on the subject property. The Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department recommending approval subject to conditions. Written comments were received by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority indicating no objections to the application. Aaron Knight, owner, was present to represent the application. John Ibbetson of 787 Sheppard Avenue and Linda Clarke of 791 Sheppard Avenue were present to seek additional information on the application. Sylvia and Ralph Spencer of 771 Sheppard Avenue were present in objection to the application. Aaron Knight responded to concerns expressed from surrounding residents stating that there will be no outdoor garbage bins as refuse facilities will be enclosed within the buildings, there will be an eight foot cedar fence as well as a cedar hedge, and there will be a buffer surrounding the large tree to protect it during construction. John Ibbetson, indicated he is seeking information on the application and that his house back onto the subject property. He also indicated he would like to be included on the Site Plan process and would like to have an eight foot fence at the rear of the property. He questioned what steps will be taken to protect a large tree on the subject property and if there was any opportunity to acquire any land from the applicant. 4 Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes `Wednesday, February 24, 2010 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Sylvia Spencer expressed concerns with impact on her wood lot, fencing, ponding of water and the potential of West Nile Virus, drainage, shadowing and lack of fresh air. She showed the Committee a coloured map that outlined her property and she provided a history of her property. Linda Clarke indicated she is seeking additional information on the application and would like to see some trees added to the rear of the property to provide a buffer between properties. She also had a concern with the location of the garbage bins and after speaking with City staff learned that the garbage bins will be enclosed within the buildings. Moved by Keith Wilkinson Seconded by Eric Newton That application P/CA 04/10 by Kingswhite Properties Inc., be Approved on the grounds that the proposed establishment of a minimum 13.3 metre east side yard setback to Building Envelope B, and to permit the southerly extension of the proposed building by 3.0 metres, reducing the distance between Building Envelope A and B to 10.5 metres are minor variances that are desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law, subject to the following conditions: 1. That these variances applies only to the proposed commercial development, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant's submitted plans with this application. 2. That the applicant obtains building permits for the proposed construction by February 24, 2012, or this decision shall become null and void. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5 city o Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 24, 2010 PICKE 7:00 pm Main Committee Room (IV) ADJOURNMENT Moved by Keith Wilkinson Seconded by Eric Newton That the 3rd meeting of 2010 the Committee of Adjustment be adjourned at 7:56 pm and the next meeting of the Committee of Adjustment be held on Wednesday, March 17, 2010. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Date Chair Assistant Secretary-Treasurer 6 Citq o0 Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes ° Wednesday, March 17, 2010 7:00 pm Main Committee Room PRESENT: Kevin Ashe David Johnson - Chair Keith Wilkinson ALSO PRESENT: Ross Pym, Secretary-Treasurer Lesley Dunne, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer ABSENT: Eric Newton - Vice-Chair Susan Kular (1) ADOPTION OF AGENDA Moved by Keith Wilkinson Seconded by Kevin Ashe That the agenda for the Wednesday, March 17, 2010 meeting be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (II) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Keith Wilkinson Seconded by Kevin Ashe That the minutes of the 3rd meeting of the Committee of Adjustment held Wednesday, February 24, 2010 be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 1 Committee of Adjustment tq o Meeting Minutes a Wednesday, March 17, 2010 P-1 7:00 pm Main Committee Room (III) REPORTS 1. P/CA 05/10 - C. & M. Boers 806 Douglas Avenue (Lot 11, Plan 404) City of Pickering The applicant requests relief from Zoning By-law 2511, to permit a side yard width of 0.6 metres fora proposed side and rear yard addition that includes an attached garage to the existing dwelling, whereas the by-law requires a minimum side yard width of 1.5 metres. The applicant requests approval of this variance in order to obtain a building permit. The Secretary-Treasurer outlined comments received from the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department recommending approval subject to conditions. Written comments were received from the City's Development Control Manager indicating that any drainage concerns will be addressed at the permit stage. Chris Boers, owner, was present to represent the application. No further representation was present in favour of or in objection to the application. Moved by Kevin Ashe Seconded by Keith Wilkinson That application P/CA 05/10 by C. & M. Boers, be Approved on the grounds that the side yard width of 0.6 metres to a proposed side and rear yard addition that includes an attached garage to the existing dwelling is a minor variance that is desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and in keeping with the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and the Zoning By-law, subject to the following conditions: 1. That this variance applies only to the proposed garage and addition to the existing dwelling, as generally sited and outlined on the applicant's submitted plans with this application. 2. That the applicant obtains a building permit for the proposed construction by March 16, 2012, or this decision shall become null and void. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 2 Committee of Adjustment Meeting Minutes Wednesday, March 17, 2010 P 7:00 pm Main Committee Room (IV) ADJOURNMENT Moved by Keith Wilkinson Seconded by Kevin Ashe That the 4th meeting of 2010 the Committee of Adjustment be adjourned at 7:06 pm and the next meeting of the Committee of Adjustment be held on Wednesday, April 7, 2010. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Date Chair Assistant Secretary-Treasurer 3 City' ¢O Minutes / Meeting Summary Accessibility Advisory Committee i i Wednesday, March 3, 2010 PI CKERI N 7:00 pm a Main Committee Room Attendees: Keith Falconer, Chair Stephen Little, Co-Chair Councillor Littley Terence Arvisais Aisha Natifa-Heywood Gwelda MacDonald-Tuttle Marilyn Wallace Susan Wilkinson Stephanie Wilson Prem Noronha-Waldriff Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary i Absent: Item 1 Details & Discussion & Conclusion Acton Items / Status Rot # (summary of dscusslora finckda deadline as appropdataj SIL 1. Welcome.;, K. Falconer welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made around the table to welcome our new member Marilyn Wallace. 2. Adoption of Minutes -January 20, 2010 All The agenda action items were reviewed. P. Noronha-Waldriff provided an update on all action items from the previous minutes; • She noted that she had submitted 3 nominations for the Civic Awards on behalf of the Committee • Councillor Littley requested an update with respect to P. Noronha-Waldriff to obtaining a summary report regarding the notice of action motion on accessibility • Request the 2009 annual report and 2010 work plan be placed on the April 19th agenda for Council approval - G. MacDonald-Tuttle will send out the work plan to G. MacDonald-Tuttle members again to action • Decide who will present at Council Moved by S. Wilkinson Seconded b T. Arvisais Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 That the minutes of the January 20, 2010 meeting be adopted. CARRIED 3. Access! bill it in the Workplace Brochure All Discussion ensued with respect to the brochure on Accessibility in the Workplace. The previous brochure was passed around to all members to review. P. Noronha-Waldriff explained that the format would be done according to accessibility standards at the time of printing. Comments noted as follows; • The purpose of the brochure has changed over time with the main purpose now being to help make businesses more accessible • Helpful information for business owners to become more aware of the upcoming legislation • Should be strictly an information brochure, the Province should be responsible for information respecting legislation • Question format for brochure was agreed on P. Noronha-Waldriff/G. • Further comments can be directed to G. MacDonald- MacDonald- Tuttle by March 10th Tuttle/Councillor Littley • Prem will prepare page with standards to action • Councillor Littley will prepare mock up of brochure • Brochure will .be sent out again prior to next meeting • Place this item on the next agenda to finalize 4. Community Agencies • S. Wilkinson provided an update regarding the list of community agencies she had prepared • S. Wilkinson to contact groups by phone and follow up S. Wilkinson to action with a letter from City staff • Presentations should focus on issues relating to their members and be specific to Pickering • Invite all groups to attend the Accessibility Awareness Day in September • Obtain copy of the Regional list P. Noronha-Waldriff to • If groups cannot attend meeting, request they forward action information on their organization • Provide each group with ten minutes at the beginning of the general meetings Any further suggestions can be forwarded to S. Wilkinson 5.0 Other Business Adjournment All Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 I 5.1 Accessibility Awareness Week Discussion ensued with respect to Accessibility Awareness Week as follows; • To be held in September • Check with the Pickering Town Centre for any conflicting P. Noronha-Waldriff to events and choose a date - check all Saturdays in the action month of September • Confirm space availability first • Suggestions were discussed for guest speakers • Suggestions were discussed for organizations to MacDonald- participate in booths: (wheelchair basketball, guide dog Tuttle sports equipment, visual equipment, Tuttle to action representation from special Olympics) (check with Durham Regional Police for a contact), • S. Wilkinson will forward task list out again to members as well as dates for next meeting S. Wilkinson to action • Following members offered to work on sub-committee; G. MacDonald-Tuttle A. Natifa-Heywood S. Wilkinson Councillor Littley T. Arvisais K. Falconer 5.2 Site Plan Review The Committee reviewed a site plan which had been submitted for the Rosebank Sanitary Sewer Pumping Station located at 520 Rodd Avenue. Discussion ensued regarding the site plans. S. Little noted this is an access restricted facility. General comments will be forwarded to the Planning Department. Moved by Councillor Little Seconded by T. Arvisais That the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED 6! 0 Next Meeting All • The next meeting has been scheduled for April 28, 2010 Meeting Adjourned: 8:50 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 City o¢~ Minutes / Meeting Summary ~i Accessibility Advisory Committee i Wednesday, March 24, 2010 PI CKERI 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Keith Falconer, Chair Councillor Littley . Terence Arvisais Aisha Natifa-Heywood Marilyn Wallace Susan Wilkinson Stephanie Wilson Prem Noronha-Waldriff Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Stephen Little, Co-Chair Gwelda MacDonald-Tuttle Item Details & Discussion & .Conclusion Action Items /Status Ref # (summary of discussion) flmJude deadline as a0rapdate) 10 Welcome K. Falconer welcomed everyone to the meeting. 20. Adoption of Miinutes - March 3 2010 All The agenda action items were reviewed. P. Noronha-Waldriff provided an update on all action items from the previous minutes. Moved by T. Arvisais Seconded by S. Wilkinson That the minutes of the March 3, 2010 meeting be adopted. CARRIED 3.0 Workplace: Brochure' All K. Falconer provided an update on the workplace, brochure in the absence of G. MacDonald-Tuttle. A 'copy of the proposed brochure was handed out to members. P. Noronha-Waldriff noted the fact that this brochure had been started two years ago, prior to the Ministry producing a brochure in this respect, which is available on the Ministry's website. She noted we may want to revisit the purpose behind this brochure. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 Discussion ensued and it was the consensus of the Committee to table this discussion until the April meeting to decide whether or not to pursue this, due to the duplication aspect as well as the costs involved. 4.0 Presentation to Council K. Falconer provided an update with respect to presenting the Committee's 2009 annual report and 2010 workplan to Council for approval in April. He noted that he had submitted a delegation request for K. Falconer, G. MacDonald-Tuttle and S. Little to appear at the K. Falconer to action April 19th Council meeting to the Clerk's Office. He also noted that he would be forwarding the annual report and workplan for inclusion in the April agenda as well. The use of a power point presentation was also discussed and P..Noronha-Waldriff to P. Noronha-Waldriff volunteered to prepare this for the April action meeting as well K. Falconer encouraged all members to attend this meeting in support of the Committee. 5.0 Regional ' Expo - Update All P. Noronha-Waldriff provided the Committee with an update with respect to the Regional Expo. She referred to emails she had forwarded to members with respect to volunteers for the event which will be held June 16 and 17. She noted the 3 main positions required: registration/greeter, vendor relief and way finding (assisting people from the parking lot). She also provided a draft copy of the event which was passed around for members to view. The following information was provided; • Event to be held at UOIT - Health & Wellness Centre Volunteers would be required for 2 hour shifts All Accessibility Committees are expected to participate • Justine Hines would be attending • Will be a good opportunity to come out and see how these events are run and possibly meet potential speakers for the Committee's own event to be held in October P. Noronha-Waldriff requested members let her know if they would be available for this event. Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 6.0 Accessibilit` Awareness Event All K. Falconer provided an overview of the items which need to be finalized in the near future: Date It was the consensus of the Committee to hold the event on October 2nd in Centre Court at the Pickering Town Centre. P. Noronha-Waldriff to confirm with mall.and set up meeting. P. Noronha-Waldriff to action Vendor/sponsor list It was suggested the expo list be combined with the list S. Wilkinson had prepared for guest speakers/organizations for our general meetings. Keynote speakers Discussion ensued with respect to, key note speakers and the costs involved. Obtaining sponsors was discussed in order to offset these fees. A number of possibilities for speakers as follows: • Justin Hines • Eric Fleming (former track & field paralympian) P. P. Noronha-Waldriff to Noronha-Waldriff to contact action + A. Notifa-Heywood suggested two contacts she would A. Notifa-Heywood to pursue (Anthony Lue as well as a singer) action • Try to obtain at least 5 - 8 speakers/singers/musicians • Keep presentations short (5 -10 minutes) • Check Paralympic website for videos, etc. • Children's games • Banners Volunteers P. Noronha-Waldriff noted 10 youth have signed up to volunteer which will contribute to their community service hours. S. Wilkinson noted she had emailed the list of meeting dates P. Noronha-Waldriff to for the subcommittee to those who had volunteered. P. action Noronha-Waldriff noted she would forward this information again. It was suggested the times for the event would be 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 7.0 Site plan Review P. Noronha-Waldriff advised the Committee that comments had been provided with respect to the Kinsmen Field House to the Planning & Development Department and that there were no further comments or concerns at this time. 8.0 COAAC - Coalition of Accessibilit Advisory Committees K. Falconer advised the Committee he had received emails from the Coalition of Accessibility Advisory Committees and questioned whether this was something the Committee would S. Wilkinson to action like to pursue. S. Wilkinson offered to look into this and find out more on the coalition. 9.0 Human Rights and Persons with Intellectual Disabilities A. Natifa-Heywood informed the Committee she had received an email from Human Rights and Persons with Intellectual Disabilities regarding an upcoming conference. This was received for information. 10.0 Other Business & Adjournment 10.1) S. Wilkinson informed the Committee that Durham Head Injury had been confirmed to attend the May meeting. She also noted the Heart & Stroke Foundation would possibly attend a Fall meeting. 10.2) K. Falconer informed the Committee that the City of Pickering was hosting a Sustainable Pickering Day this Saturday (March 27) at the Pickering Town Centre, Centre Court and encouraged the membership to attend, suggesting this could be another good opportunity to see how an event of this nature is run. 10.3) P. Noronha-Waldriff suggested members contact her if they have any further suggestions for entertainers for the accessibility awareness event. Moved by Councillor Littley Seconded by S. Wilson That the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED 11.0 Next Meeting The next meeting has been scheduled for April 28, 2010. Meeting Adjourned: 8:25 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 Gty o~ Minutes Waterfront Coordinating Committee i i March 18, 2010 PI K ERIN 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor O'Connell, Chair Councillor Dickerson, Vice-Chair Kathleen Corcoran Jim Dike David Steele David Stone Kevin Tower A. Mostert, Coordinator, Landscape & Park Development L. Harker, Recording Secretary Absent: Craig Bamford Christian Medy Also Present: Larry Field, TRCA G. Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Councillor O'Connell welcomed members to the meeting. Moved by Councillor Dickerson Seconded by D. Steele That the minutes of the January 21, 2010 meeting be approved, as amended. CARRIED e e G. Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer appeared before the Committee to respond to questions regarding reserve funds. G. Paterson clarified that there are no reserve funds Page 1 V 1 specifically entitled 'Waterfront" but that there are two funds that may tentatively be used for waterfront purposes. These funds are the Parkland Development and Trails Reserve Fund and the Development Charges Stormwater Management Reserve Fund (subject to approval by Council). G. Paterson clarified that there used to be an unallocated expenditure of $150,000 that was going to a reserve fund but did not grow beyond this amount and was therefore diverted to the development charges reserve fund. The original intention was to build this fund. Councillor Dickerson enquired if the City could implement a development charge for the waterfront trail as a revision to the development charges study. G. Paterson to review the books and confirm with the Committee G. Paterson to if there are any other funds available for the waterfront. action D. Steele also requested that A. Mostert confirm who is responsible for cleaning the public and private stormwater oil and A. Mostert to grit separators and to confirm the location of each unit. action io A. Mostert provided an update to the Westshore and surrounding area land acquisitions. A. Mostert has met with City and TRCA staff to review the options. Discussion ensued with respect to options. It was determined that ultimately the TRCA and the City of Pickering would like to have public ownership all along this portion of the the waterfront. Councillor Dickerson requested clarification about the stabilization of the bank. Larry Field, TRCA, advised the Committee that the TRCA has completed stabilization work along the bank but will continue to monitor its condition. Councillor O'Connell confirmed that'no options are currently ruled out and that this matter will be further reviewed at upcoming Committee meetings. Page 2 * e 5.1) Councillor O'Connell provided an update to the Water Pollution Control Plant and the meeting with the City of Pickering's CAO and Region of York's CAO. The Region of York is making no commitment to the plan as of yet and would like the opportunity to review the package from the City and work to ensure all are satisfied. Once the package has been completed, R. Taylor will advise the. Committee, and the Committee will have the opportunity to review and approve. Councillor O'Connell advised that there is no indication of timelines yet, but they are trying to work quickly. The Committee indicated that they are prepared to hold a special meeting if Councillor required to discuss the plan. Councillor O'Connell will advise the O'Connell to Committee immediately when the plan is complete. action 5.2) D. Steele advised the Committee that there are many professors and experts involved in solving the salt dilemma in Frenchman's Bay and that he would be following up with the Committee as soon as there was anything to report. ex e~' May 20, 2010, Main Committee Room Meeting Adjourned: 8:20 pm Copy: City. Clerk Page 3 I Ctty 00 Minutes, i-I Heritage Pickering Advisory Committee _ i March 23, 2010 PI KERIN 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Rhonda Lawson, Vice Chair Councillor Johnson Terence Arvisais Keith Falconer Joanne Glasser Wickham Jamadar Rey Moreno Peter Rodrigues Lisa Harker, Recording Secretary Absent: Isa James, Planner II Margaret Woods Item Details'&.Discussion & Conclusion Action Items [Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1 p Welcome RL R. Lawson welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the guest speaker, Bert Duclos from the Ministry of Tourism and Culture. 2.0 Approval of Minutes All" Moved by K. Falconer Seconded by T. Arvisais That the minutes of the February 23, 2010 meeting be approved. CARRIED 3.0 New and Unfinished Business ` All Pagel Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) .(include deadline as appropriate) 3.1 Bert Duclos - Ministry of Tourism and Culture B. Duclos provided two power point presentations to help set the stage for the Committee's role. B. Duclos focused on the roles and responsibilities of Heritage Committees and outlined the importance of a "terms of reference" document. B. Duclos also discussed reporting relationships to Council and provided an overview of the values-based approach to heritage conservation, which is an approach that focuses on preserving values and meanings of heritage sites. The values-based approach first identifies the values that make a property significant, and then describes the features of the place. 3.2 2010 Workplan Update R. Lawson provided an overview of the outstanding items on the workplan and noted that the workplan may need to be reviewed due to the recent resignation of 3 Committee members. Discussion ensued with respect to what items were to be kept on the workplan. The Bicentennial events and two designations of heritage properties with a focus on compiling ongoing inventory were considered priorities on the workplan. W. Jamadar, P. Rodrigues and J. Glasser to work on the "Doors All members to action Open" event. T. Arvisais, K. Falconer and R. Moreno to work on the school presentations. 3.3 Update on Seaton/Whitevale - review of meeting with Cary Brey R. Lawson advised the Committee that there was nothing to update on this item. 4.0 Correspondence All 4.1 CHO News - Publications The current issue of CHO News was received for information. 4.2 Pickering Official Plan - Edition 6 The Pickering Official Plan - Edition 6 was received for information. 5.0 Other Business Page 2 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 5.1 Councillor Johnson asked R. Lawson to compose a letter to Pickering churches to get local historians involved in the R. Lawson to action Committee. 5.2 R. Lawson to assemble new member binders. R. Lawson to action 5.3 I. James to review AMANDA system and provide update to I. James to her contact with the Town of Markham representative as per action February minutes. 5.4 L. Harker to provide outline of heritage designation process L. Harker to to R. Lawson. action 6.0 Adjournment/Next Meeting All Moved by K. Falconer Seconded by J. Glasser That the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 9:55 pm Next Meeting: April 20, 2010 - no site visit. Copy: City Clerk i Page 3 City 00 Minutes Taxicab Advisory Committee i i March 26, 2010 PICKER ING 11:00 am Tower Room Present: Ravi Sarda - Durham Rapid Taxi Carleton McKenzie Mohammad Sultan - arrived at 11:10 am Margaret Woods Absent: Councillor McLean, Chair Mohammad Altaf Glen Johnstone Ian Louden - Blue Line Taxi Also Present: Kim Thompson, Manager, By-law Enforcement Services Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary herri✓ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Actiort!lterns/ :Ref # (summary, of discussion) Status (include deadline as a ro riate 1.0 Welcome & Introductions K. Thompson, Manager, By-law Enforcement Services, welcomed everyone to the hearing. She informed the Committee the purpose of the meeting was to conduct an appeal hearing regarding the applicant, Yaw Frimpong-Manso. 2.0 A eal Hearin - Yaw Frim on -Manso The meeting moved In Camera in accordance with the provisions of Procedural By-law 6746/07, as the matter related to personal information about an individual. Refer to the In Camera minutes dated March 26, 2010. [The City Clerk has custody and control of the In Camera minutes]. Further to confidential deliberations, the Committee hereby recommends the following: 1. That Yaw Frimpong-Manso be granted a two-year City of Pickering taxicab licence; and 2. That the Manager, By-law Enforcement Services give K. Thompson to effect to this recommendation. action CARRIED Meeting Adjourned: 11:10 am Copy: City Clerk ci;_,, Minutes Pickering Advisory Committee i i on Race Relations & Equity PI C <ERIl V G April 1' 2010 7:00 pm Pickering Civic Complex, Main Committee Meeting Room Attendees: Councillor David Pickles, Chair Steve Holt, Community Appointee Kirk Mark, Community Appointee Alma Sandoval, Hispanic Canadian Alliance of Ontario Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Tanya Taylor, Pickering Public Library Lisa Harker, Recording Secretary Absent: Jason Amos, Pine Ridge Secondary School, [YOU]nity Chris Gordon, [YOU]nity Devinder Kaur Panesar, Community Appointee Margaret Lazarus, Altona Forest Public School Sethu Madhavan, Community Appointee Constable Keith Richards, Durham Regional Police Raymond George Facey, Community Appointee Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Philip Howard, Durham District School Board Sylvie Morel-Foster, Durham Catholic District School Board 1te/n' / . Deials DiscussionConclusion Action Items % Status "Ref # (sammary of discussion) (include deadline as appmpriat 1.0 Welcome All Councillor Pickles welcomed members to the meeting and introduced Kamini Sahadeo from Mark Holland's office. 2.0 Review and Approval All M. Carpino reviewed the action items and the March 4, 2010 minutes were approved. 3.0 Youth Partnership. Initiative All Kamini Sahadeo from Mark Holland's office appeared before the Committee to provide an overview of the Youth Partnership Initiative. • Program was initiated 2-3 ears ago from the CORP0228-2/02 Page 1 realization of the desire to help youth, especially at- risk youth. • Meetings are held on a monthly basis. • There has been one event to date, which included youth entertainment, speeches, networking opportunities and the participation of 40-50 agencies. • The current focus of the initiative is to determine what programs exist for youth, what the unique needs of the Ajax-Pickering area are, and what the gaps are. • A resource guide is currently being finalized and will then be available as a link on the City's Race Relations Committee website. • [YOU]nity can get involved by helping the initiative with a blog or other promotional pieces. M. Carpino to M. Carpino to action enquire if [YOU]nity is interested. K. Sahadeo invited the Committee to attend the event on M. Carpino will April 29th and the meeting on April 8th. The Committee distribute future event reiterated their support of the initiative and will attend as information to our many events as possible. The Committee also volunteered to distribution list of host a meeting if required. K. Sahadeo will include M. community cultural Carpino on her email listing so the Committee will be advised organizations that work of upcoming meetings and events. with youth 4.0 Update Race Relations Forum M. Carpino provided a status update of the successful event. A. Sandoval suggested videotaping the winners reading their submissions and putting it on the City's website. To be considered by the Committee next year. Discussion ensued with respect to getting the media involved in future Race Relations Forums (i.e. Rogers, documentary, etc.). 5.© Review [YOU]nity's Diversity Camp M. Carpino provided an overview of [YOU]nity's Diversity Camp. Due to low registration the Camp did not run this year. C. Gordon and J. C. Gordon and J. Amos to provide an update at the next Amos to action meeting. 6.0 Other Business Proclamation Calendar CORP0228-2/02 Page 2 I M. Carpino presented two lists of religious and other potential proclamation dates for the Committee to consider. The Committee discussed the various criteria to select dates to proclaim. K. Mark suggested tapping into existing community groups to get their input. M. Carpino to contact community groups to obtain their input as to what dates are most M. Carpino to action significant for the Committee to proclaim. Councillor Pickles to distribute an advisory for a Woman's Councillor Pickles to Multicultural Event. action Councillor Pickles also advised the Committee that they had received a draft policy from the Durham District School Board L. Harker to action on Equity and Inclusive Education. L. Harker to email survey to Committee members for comments and feedback. 7A AdjournmentlNext Meeting All The next meeting will be held April 1, 2010. Meeting. Adjourned: 9:10 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 3 CORP0228-2102