HomeMy WebLinkAboutOES 08-10 City 4 Report To Executive Committee PI CKERING Report Number: OES.08-1.0 Date: April 12, 2Q10 93 From: Everett Buntsma Director, Operations & Emergency Services Subject: No Parking By-law, Sheppard Avenue, - Amendment to By-law 6604/05 - File: A-1440 Recommendation: 1. That Report OES 08-10 of the Director, Operations & Emergency Services regarding a proposed amendment to the municipal traffic by-law 6604/05 be received; and 2. That the attached draft by-law be enacted to amend Schedule "2" to By-law 6604/05 to provide for the regulation of parking on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. Executive Summary: In response to concerns with roadway traffic flow, poor sightlines and driveway access difficulties due to vehicular on street parking on Sheppard Avenue, the City was asked to implement No Parking restrictions in order to ensure a clear travel path and unobstructed visibility. Having completed the review, staff supports the request and have completed several community consultations to identify the specific limits necessary. As the community consultations did not generate clear and unanimous direction, staff hereby propose to amend the existing municipal traffic by-law to establish on-street parking controls which provide limited opportunity for on-street parking and reconfirms the existing no parking zones, to which residents have been notified by recent correspondence. Financial Implications: The acquisition and installation of no parking signs are estimated to cost approximately $2500 and can be accommodated within the Roads current budget account 2320.2409. Sustainability Implications: The concerns as presented to and the recommendations as generated by staff address traffic safety issues within the Corporate Healthy society objectives. Report OES 08-10 April 12, 2010, Subject: No Parking By-law, Sheppard Avenue 94 Amendment to By-law 6604/05 Page 2 Background: In October of 2008, Municipal Property & Engineering Division staff were asked by the City's Customer Care Centre to respond to traffic operational concerns from a resident on Sheppard Avenue. Specifically, staff were requested to investigate and implement No Parking restrictions on Sheppard Avenue (east of Whites Road) as a means of addressing difficulties caused by on-street parking. Vehicular parking in proximity of the intersection (by students from the Dunbarton High School and by users of the Sheppard Avenue medical & dental clinic) is causing vehicles to navigate around parked cars, thereby, impeding the use 'of the westbound left turn lane and impacting intersection operations. Additionally, municipal by-law enforcement staff have indicated increased illegal on- street parking by users of the adjacent townhouse condominium project, east of Whites Road. In conjunction with the review, staff are endeavouring to correct the current discrepancy between the current parking regulations and the existing signs. Although there are numerous signs on both the north and south side of Sheppard Avenue which indicate No Parking anytime, there are currently no restrictions identified in the municipal traffic and parking by-law No. 6604/05. A community consultation notice was issued in December, 2008. The notice proposed No Parking on both sides of Sheppard Avenue between Whites Road and Fairport Road to generally reflect the signs currently in place on Sheppard Avenue. The correspondence generated 10 replies, 6 in support noting concerns with the current traffic operations difficulties and 4 in opposition noting a need to maintain some on- street parking in the area. Subsequently, Report OES-22-09 was presented to Executive Committee on June 8, 2009 recommending an amendment to the Traffic and Parking By-law in support of: • No Parking restrictions on the south side of Sheppard Avenue from Whites Road to Fairport Road, anytime No Parking restrictions on the north side of Sheppard Avenue from Whites Road to 200m east; and from Fairport Road to 250m west, anytime This report was referred back to staff for further community consultation, because staff's recommendation was a variation of what was presented to the community through the consultation notice. On July 23, 2009, City staff reissued a community consultation notice as directed. _ The notice outlined staff's initial proposals to designate both sides of Sheppard Avenue (Whites Road to Fairport Road) as No Parking and a subsequent proposal based on previous community comments to accommodate some on-street parking on the north side in non traffic operations sensitive locations. The correspondence generated 11 replies, 6 in support and 5 in opposition. CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 08-10 April 12, 2010 Subject: No Parking By-law, Sheppard Avenue Amendment to By-law 6604/05 Page 3 9 5 Given that the second community consultation did not generate a clear indication of majority resident support; that Sheppard Avenue is a Type C Arterial roadway with increased traffic volume; and due to the presence of existing No parking control signs, staff recommend that the Municipal Traffic By-law 6604/05 be amended to reflect: • No Parking on the north side of Sheppard Avenue from Whites Road to Fairport Road, anytime And, in recognition of the community request for some on-street parking, staff recommend the following which accommodates on-street parking in a low impact area. • No Parking on the south side of Sheppard Avenue from Whites Road to Fairport Road save and except the small 105m section adjacent to the undeveloped property, anytime The proposed no parking scheme is illustrated on Attachment #1. To reflect the above, the existing signs on Sheppard Avenue will be reviewed for appropriateness and conformity to legislative requirements and some additional traffic signs and/or sign removals will be required. Endeavouring to ensure community involvement and municipal disclosure, staff re-issued correspondence to the community (dated March 10, 2010) which identified the proposed changes to the by-law and which invited them to attend this Executive Committee meeting and voice comments in support and/or opposition to the changes as herby proposed. The corresponding draft By-law amendment is attached. Attachments: 1. Parking scheme diagram 2. Draft By-law Amendment Prepared By: Approved / Endorse By: a e I Selsky ~I Everett Buntsma Supervisor Director Engineering & Capital Works Operations and Emergency Services CORP0227-07/01 revised Report OES 08-10 April 12, 2010 Subject: No Parking By-law, Sheppard Avenue 96 Amendment to By-law 6604/05 Page 4 Ric rd W. H rborn, P. Eng Di sion Head, Engineering Services RH:ds Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Manager, By-law Services Superintendent, Municipal Operations Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City C .o opas I Quin DM , CMM II Chief Administrative Officer CORP0227-07/01 revised l ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT OES 08-10 1 of 1 .t '~avoa tbodaldj~ INN o 04 E th" ~ N t r' r S 4,5 { _ bow a L ATTACHMENT z.- a`CREPORT# oeS 6810 8 of z The Corporation of the City of Pickering By-law No. /10 Being a By-law 'to amend By-law 6604/05 providing for the regulating of parking, standing and stopping on highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the City of Pickering and on private and municipal property. Whereas, By-law 6604/05, as amended, provides for the regulating of traffic and parking on highways, private property and municipal property within the City of Pickering; and Whereas, it is deemed expedient to amend By-law 6604/05 to establish a "No Parking" zone on Sheppard Avenue. Now therefore the Council of the Corporation of the City of Pickering hereby enacts as follows: 1. Schedule 2 to By-law 6604/05, as amended, is hereby further amended thereto by the following: Schedule 2 No parking Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Highway Side Limits (From/To) Prohibited Times or Days Add Sheppard North Whites Road to Anytime Avenue Fairport Road Sheppard South Whites Road to Anytime Avenue 380 metres East; and Fairport Road to 315 metres West ATTACHMENT#?% l-Ca kEP®~T# b~S ~~'t p By-law No. 2 ° z Page 2 99 2. This By-law shall come into force on the date that it is approved by the Council of The City of Pickering and when signs to the effect are erected. By-law read a first, second and third time and finally passed this day of 2010. David Ryan, Mayor Debbie Shields, City Clerk CORP0227-07/01 revised