HomeMy WebLinkAboutL11A/00 as REPORT TU COUNCII. FROM. Jane aufft n DATE: March g, 2000 Crry SolicRor Gillis A Pate Director Corporate SW'Kxs and Try REPORT NUMBER: L t t A/00 rt . r'~+S ~(~rinimarwrr ofPrnvinciat o G 5;~ 8°'PQ1 ffcaces Act (&9108] - P>•o►*mciad Offices Act - Transfer - File: L959502 y RECOMMENDATIONS. That Report L I I AM be recrived and that Coruicil: Endorse the Coma h.*,s McOmmCnIdatiOn ~r . that for the, oouru administration and the Region of Durham be the Ser vi, • prosem6ou of proceedings ptusuant to the Srrernal bzir of Ad-b2iwation of the Pro►fiicial Offence Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c.4 (Bit! 08); k 2. Endcjse the revmw shwmg formula recommended by the seven Area Treasurers those being the Town of Ajax, Township of Brock Mm cipatity of Pkkcnn& Towr>sbrp of SalgM Town of Whitby, °a City rawttsltrp of the Treasurer of the Regional Mrmicipality of Dutham; Uxbridge and the other~~er'eh" and CIA to acetate the Itrtatrtutncipal Service Agre t acid f f naliae the Pro mc" Offence Acr transfer in a and Corpse Strvicrs and Treasurer; 4 Urrect that such of a ioim Board of among odwr matters the K tm.u the an miarrcr¢utp~ d the Region (made up of , the Service ormance and actin of s , ORIGIN: The Mlaisay, of the Attorney G-rA -Pmvmc" Off"mrs Acl Transfer: ALnTIORITY: Sbr~inrur8 of A ,,b,, tBr71ItIBj_ ofProsvrral Offimces Act 1998, S.O. 1998, c.4 it FINANCyA - App-minak Met rt eerie for Drrb Regxou • c:&y of for tlr year 2000 53,828 093 00 h Ping she (bored on Arta Tnnw3n rs' rtTommculKi0g) • 1997/199E Transfer to be iik>r" do die F : oT a 3 rrsth the 2,000,000 00 • 194ar7 199A~2000' ~Attarncy r"~+~1 oaTP rzreare feed {to be si;ocaoed to the K fifer es l,ll~~' i Reptxt ~o~Covnrl L21/a0 " _ ~JQ Bull I The rri!' ofA~a,n March 8, 20W F P~--'~S 'zravon 2 of Prevrncmal Offcncrs~Art ' Page FXECUITIVE SUMMARY: Bill I(0 77w Streamlining of AdrninisJratron Of Prov"*- nl s ° frrcnework for the transfer of Offences Act, 1947, provides the responsibility of the Provincial Offences Act POA") administration r and Pr~u~ matters from the Province to the mrmicipalitiez In hare, 1998, a POA Task Force (the,-Task Force-) was formed with representatives from all municipalities in Durham and one from the Region of Durham_ The purpose of the Task Force was to gather information and to explore the possmbmjity of a coordinated approach among the eight municipalities and the Region " r. The Task Force retaamed PSTG Con- tirmg (the "C-mdtant to the provide a comprehensive review of and 10 nature a ooperations of the POA administration for Durham (the "Os iawa Court Service Area-) Pro regarding the Preferred service delivery option and revenue The Consultant's Final Report (the "Report") was subnmiticd oo January 31, 2000 and recorrmrrermds: • that the Region of Duuharn be the Service Provider for the Oshawa Court Service Ara and I • a formula for revenue sharing- It should be noted that, the City of Oshawa does not concert with th, Consultant's recommendation for the Service Provider. In light of this, the Consultant sets out in the Report: • -if the POA Task Force cannot rich agreement on the preferred POA Service Provider, it is feco- nraded that rvtheir .,m,~oving forward actmorm be to prepare and release an internal tender for the, S tieVCsted potential Service PtOVACrS;to bid An ' would be umdependent objective third party required to manage die process." The Consultant further advises dw if the Municipal and Regional Councils cannot reach a consensus respecting the Service wider, the Ministry may select a Service Provider from a neighbouring site that has already irn~ the transfer (i e_ York Region). The Ministry of the Attorney General (-Ministry-) will accept only one submission from each Court Service Area and intends to complete all POA transfers delivered to the Ministry- at the latest Mph 2001: subrnissiorms should be by September, 2000_ Once a Service Provider is determined every mttrii lidumg the Region of D ( as First Natiorms will be cipality Mc urham, as well as rat arr>oRg other things, to eixer -Eu10 an Irtermnic pal Service Agrec•nert ("ISA")_ This ISA detail the disum mo i of revermre the arrangcmeras regarding facilities andwd-ology and establish a Joint Board of Managecne= (made up of r<?resertativcs from nu rticipalifres and the Region) that will monitor the pe+forrr>ance and activities of the POthe A op-atilorks- BACKGROUND- At the prewar to-, the Ministry adrnizmisrers the P--c-I Oflamas Courts in Ontario and N±. A-xiated revenue from fine retsums s The POA sets out the processes t. be followed for admTm" i - m nri -ting r charges 1aid by police and odwr enforoeumag a>;u~;ties under provincial statutes and m by bws. On June 11. 1998, the Pravmocc of Ondario r p 4 legrs3abon lmmia as the "St--d--g of 4d tare ref Pnrrvrc-,d (Vi!m~ Aa (Br71 IQb~ _Ibis tnamework for a rug to _T!* f-Kies of tfic admirmistra¢ivc 3 selected ' - fimcrions far olfeaues prosecemtorul S by tbe'POA- - t, 4 ? ' _ I Tp z - 7lrDl~ SilOa, £c j x~ `~r,.,~~~d~Iintag of Admu~+suat~c+n Mara' 8,-2000 y .a ~ofPrav~oculOfFrncts pct Pair 3 n There arc three proctdtral under flit POA affected by the Transfer- . Pan i - Manor Rrme~~,~,.y (>fferrces Achminjstr~ offesxks _ we and 001ut support furrcriorss for Part I offences fuel g speeding mmdu the Nghway Trafrc Act), f riatorY ticket Part II - Parking t„rr.. Gom n lniwstrative, prosecutorial and court support functions for the (parking tickets) not currently administer> d ! + of A . if offences by nr kipalities; and fi. Part III -Sum`s Offences (which a court aPaeararrcx is and/ faions for Part III ofier~ces %Vjch I nto~ serious CirCtXnStVrPC-S-1 e aM cow appearance is where no set fine exists for the offencr~L_L~g fiDm and to. which d C°uat It sboum bC r°t£d that certain Pro iacW ministries will Part ffI charges. The 7 raas#u tO Prosecute some Part I does not aflerx and of Picfv*lg't Part n ~Pmii and Pmt [d mumc~ Pr_secu nal furrc&ons, i e. City (b3 ~Q'o °ffences) trmr, x7A Am be affected by, f{ sfer m7 revemw cr,&°. ±rd miff cominue to be retained by the City In M& the Task Force was t -M-M for the Oshawa Count the information provided by the Min" Su►ice Area to review and Pxamux each of tf)e - 'may- ? Task Fome was oornprised of one restive from ght mu -cup njCs and one eve from the R Process, the Task Fore, re u,,cd a Consultant to provide a egiosrPursuant _ to an RFp of the POA adinistration for c-Vrdx ~sive nNkw of the nature and OPerafions Oshawa Coral Service 'Area aM to ►g the Preferred Service delivery option atW met oft venue pg-vide F ; StlTice PrvMW Optipm The Coauuhant rev' uu►rd each rnumicipal's ability Zed fd wmrg willingness to Provide this la =mrnined: aPtions r1em service. The Region of Dtntmn City of Oshawa Cry of Prduu* Region of Durfim together with tither Pkkering or Oshawa Pickering and Oshawa Gokx) Private Sector fare r The Coraa*-t cvalrnted each oppon based on Operational m and resulted w the Region of Durham hey acrd effective p-fon WICe. being Rrgiorr and ,hi,,- the highest score, with the ' of the Task Force, second, Oshawa as third and be the with rite'Weption ofO are in thaicp fourth All er xrnb as Service Ptvvider, that the Regio,i of Durham should Revs Grcss arruual rc%semm estirr ases r a fiat the year 2000 am - Pr,,, a to be appro y 57.645,03200 by o S5'9 083.00. tirvss aryW the Year 2005- ReV~ Amin Optio" r Fire options a re>•emc - 56arinR wae ~a®ed~ - ~;Y Z~ p°PuLatim googcaph~,ic foc>trnp r ~Cd a~R"•y y~` v ~ Fvx is ~ - j" t to Cott®c UJ I/00 ~ , TmT?; $ I March g, 20M Shtsml-3ng of Admmutration of ProR'►nei~ei R`er+ces Act Paged . The,Corisuhant examined various options of revenue sharing with a view that th would receive no more or less than if it was not the Service Provider. Service Provider This would minimizt the h, cornpexibon between the municipalities to be the Service for V Provider. The Service Provider would be "mPensatcd pro iding the service ( E ` distributed based through a management fee) and the balance woid t; be upon the revenue distribution triode uGezvtined in the ISA_ e~ Consultant ~recofft nards a managernent fee of 36% be paid to the Service Provider The Consultant advised that this method from the net transfer sites and given the was used in most of the Not POA tuicertainty of the costs and revenues in the first year of operation. a' ma_,agement fee of 36% should provide the optimal solution The Treasurers involved in considering the revenue sharing models did not disagree with this Position: The Cor>stihannt SNita option). This recr the ' all of tiff m Share" Equal opts for revenue distribution (5th and CL-ingtoo) as weil as the municipalities (Pickering Ajax. Whitby, Oshawa, thw the ban northern, muriic Region of Durham would each receive 15% of the net revenue and the +Paliti- (Uxbridge, Brock, Scugog and First Nations) would share I O'/e. The Task Force presented the five options to the Area Treasurers for their review and consideration_ Seven of the eight Area Tr--rzrs and the Treasurer of the Region concluded that the five options for revenue sharing including the recoinnicrided "Stratified Equal Sham- opoon jxem sot >kr ophoa, r melt' that 00 POA reveaaes after PnY ocosta acceptable the Provider, should be split m% to the aura ~fE~>ci ies' Aare would bed t and 50% to the area meexipaInx , The based Wit. This °iO t the eight lower tier tnnoiapalrties flow back upon to the ta= local kal taxpayers axss option al so allows for the benefits of the Regional share to xpayers of each area iaunicipality oaf upon taxable assessment The Treasuer for the City of Plckeriirg inu dh• a,hwaied the •'Re glottal Tar Leti„ (2nd option) appr -h- e-n though it P•ovided sl8i 13' 50 : 50,4)pdooch was Less reirrruee for Pickering: As a re_swIl. advocatmg the rrLatruel}, aPP+ sirai8~ 4rd as o 4- the -pion that xvuld pror.;.'e the fairest - ~'h~r aLLpmTners _ Note: 77ie City of 00h -a does not endorse alit ►~ec-nrnrendarion made P efimng the Scar field E4rrd Shore option recommended 4 the Area Tres,,. by the Consultant. i In addition to collecting future revenues. each munici revenue for its area held in trust since J Pal Partner will receive the accumulated net time the. Mulsfer anuary 1. 1998- M-nicipalities will receive these funds at the agreement is fmalized_ The accumulated net revenue will be shared anr*xig inunkipalhim, within the Oshawa 'Court Service Aria There am IPPIOXiTn2tely accorling iO alit tem►s set out in the ISA_ 1997/1498 52 000,000.00 in POA revenue bring he {d on account at the R y end and there will be additional POA revarm attributable to the O h cm Service Area for the years ending 1998(1999 and 1999/2000. Costs The Prol~ oFg costs for the year 2000 is salarkwbesuefts, facilities additional approximately 52,162,000-oo_ These costs include esls There will also be trar>sitional courtroom and support; t and provincial c)targeback costs of e y the PO-4 adma-rrs~tiort from the Province to the he Oshawa hawa 5 Coast ina00,000-00 ared in the _ Stn,' ~'DV~ - Such costs tray irxchude space aoyuisiiioo; office ice Area's designated Servix be additional casts for acqring tcdm°iogy for "mobik° A4VIOM etc. There may > Is, data . by this cost is riot ariclJYPw afthe POA Y o (~iiLe d°"nk'°dinK uvccs; it i of the clanaY pnocrss ofd and ~^rrration) 'YPr+csr>as a patrnrral iunprrmnrurnr c It should be cooed;' that the Ctjtsuhaat's R-port states th:d the cstnn3ks is considered ' _rc j to be h*SI. If the number ofchafgcs wereet~y of.thc cast and ievpi~ expairnce; a significas>ity, the net a betR clan c~ cotes acrd dKrea~c. I1p~►Tyer, dnue ; b the u -foFccrive-t plaits die 1~S operatroru a co 'al P404 :rf, n T ReQert Cow LI 1/00 s - - ' 8, 2000 < < QB,~ StreaatTiniag of Adaiuttstrntton Page 5 q 7 y r of Pi vicial offer Act We recommend that Coumcii support the Region of Durham as the Service Provider_ We frier recommend that the revenue shar.ng opb on favoured . by the seven Area Treastuers and the Treasu er for the Region be supported. m~~Y z Once a Sen ice Provider is detamined, every murricipality, including the Region of Dwharn will be 3 ; rNuired to cow into an ISA- This ISA will, among other things, detail the disn"bution of revenue, r the arrangements regarding facilities and technology and establish a Joint Board of Management (made up of rcpresanaUVes from the municipalities and the Region) dial will monitor the performance and activities of the POA operations h should be noted that if Mtmicipal and Regional Councils cannot reach a consensus respecting the ervice Provider, the Ministry may select a Service Provider from a neighbouring site that has ahtady iinplemeate~l the transfer (ie_ York Region) ` PJerue note, all G°c Egroieu! doerone~ation relating to this -afer has been sent to Corntcil under separate c amr for b9bnriation pis w:. ATTACHMENTS: Revenue Sharing Option Chart -as recommended by the Area Treasurers and Regional Trcasurrr_ PrcpQrcd By: Apps- cd ! E„ dorscd By: Janc Burton Gills A. Paterson e' Attadsrrtenis S Copy_ Chief Admi iistrative Officer E: City Cleric D-ctor, Operations and Emergency Services Director Planning and Development Recomnxuded for the rnr~idaaRion of Pickering City C if ~E r~ L i - ATTA~fl~ff #~_TO, _ it£PORT IL t 4a ~s.,, Q mot. a K c 4W IM C 7 vt K $~g 0 10 0 Q w -W 40 '46 40 CD o w iS °r cc 15 4 o N N a► N 7: g: tr -I CL Ct r r 136 ° oa $ QQO°_' b 40 V T $a a a s Es$. L N N w m. & e m 3 n m C •~m°~~oE ~ Ll: ~ ~ N ~ N ~~R=i cm, c- o n°. $ ~s $ ¢ IN ~a ~ site g~ I 1 10 Z ~2' ' $ a log f x Fyn ~u