HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO 01-02 - - - 2 Citq o~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Wayne Arthurs Mayor DATE: March 25,2002 REPORT NUMBER: MO 01-02 SUBJECT: Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities Membership in Association RECOMMENDATION: 1. That City Council receive for information, Report to Council MO 01-02 concerning the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities. 2. That City Council endorse Pickering's membership in the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities, as a Class A voting member, generally as described in the final draft documents submitted by the Municipality of Kincardine and attached as Attachment No.1 to this Report; and that the appropriate City officials be authorized to finalize and execute these documents. . 3. That be appointed as the City's representative on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities, and that be appointed as the City's alternative representative, for a term to coincide with the current term of Council. 4. That a copy of Report to Council MO 01-02 be forwarded to the Municipality of Kincardine, the Municipality of Clarington, the Town of Deep River, Gentilly District (Becancour, PQ), and Point Lepreau (Muscuach Parish, NB). ORIGIN : Final draft documents establishing the "Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities" received from the Municipality of Kincardine. AUTHORITY: The Municipal Act, R.Sa. 1990, sec. 102 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: $500 per year per member municipality for Class A membership EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This Report updates Council on discussions over the past few months between the City, the Municipalities of Kincardine and Clarington, and others concerning the establishment of a Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities (CANHC). As a result of these discussions, the Municipality of Kincardine has forwarded final draft documents for the City's consideration, outlining the objectives and mandate ofthe CANHC (see Attachment No.1). Report to Council MO 01~02 Subject: Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities Date: March 25,2002 Page 2 3 CANHC's primary objectives are to promote the common interests of its members; gather and share information, experiences and perspectives; and enhance the members' influence on nuclear policy in Canada. Two classes of membership are available: Class A (voting), which is open to all municipalities and institutions that host nuclear facilities, and Class B (non-voting), which is open to all others, including industry and other entities. ,- It is beneficial to the City to maintain regular contact with other host nuclear communities in Canada, in order to share information and discuss issues of common interest. To this end, it is recommended that Council endorse the City's membership in CANHC, and appoint a member and alternate to the Board of Directors of the new Association. BACKGROUND: In October 2001, the Mayor of the Municipality of Kincardine and his staff arranged a meeting in Toronto with the Mayors and staff of the City of Pickering and the Municipality of Clarington. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the implications of a federal bill respecting the long- term management of nuclear fuel waste (Bill C-27) and to consider the possible establishment of an Association of Nuclear Host Communities. Following the meeting, a decision was made to contact other nuclear host communities in Canada and continue discussions on the potential establishment of an Association. It was also decided that the Mayors of Kincardine, Clarington and Pickering would make a joint presentation to the Federal Standing Committee considering Bill C-27, to express some concerns with the Bill, and to propose various amendments before it was given third reading. The presentation took place in November 2001, and concerns were expressed about the lack of community representation on the proposed Waste Management Organization, and the failure of the Bill to acknowledge the important role of host municipalities in the decision-making process. - Although the presentation did not result in any significant changes to Bill C-27 (it was given third reading in February 2002 and is now before the Senate), members of the Standing Committee were impressed with the fact that the three municipalities had come together to discuss the issue, and present a unified position. Bill C-27 is but one example of an issue of common interest to nuclear host communities. It nevertheless underscores the benefit of working cooperatively with other municipalities that host nuclear facilities. The Municipalitiy of Kincardine has subsequently prepared final draft documents for the establishment of a Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Commuities, and has circulated these documents to Pickering and Clarington, as well as three other Canadian nuclear host communities that have also been contacted about joining the Association (the Town of Deep River, the Gentilly District in Becancour, PQ, and Point Lepreau in Muscuach Parish, NB). Each community has been asked to review the draft documents and determine whether it wishes to join the Association. The following summarizes the mandate of the Association, as outlined in the final draft documents provided by Kincardine (see Attachment No.1). . The Association's mission is to maintain the best interests of the nuclear host communities in an on-going, proactive relationship with the nuclear industries. The main objectives of the Association are to gather and share information about nuclear issues, increase public awareness, promote the common interests of members, and enhance the Associations influence on nuclear policy in Canada Membership is open to any person or corporation interested in furthering the objectives of the Association. There are two classes of membership: Class A (voting) membership open to host municipalities, and Class B (non-voting) membership open to others. Members shall hold an annual general meeting and special meetings as may be required. - . . . 4 Report to Council MO 01-02 Subject: Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities Date: March 25, 2002 Page 3 It is recommended that Council endorse the City's membership in the Association, and appoint a member and alternate to the Board of Directors. The inaugural meeting of the Association will be held during this year's AMO Conference in Hamilton, which takes place between May 31 st and June 3rd. . - ATTACHMENT: 1. Final draft documents submitted by the Municipality of Kincardine to the City, setting out the mandate and objectives ofthe Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities. Submitted By: ~~-=-- Wayne Arthurs Mayor Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Division Head, Corporate Projects & Policy - - ATTACHMENT#LTO REPORl#.tl1Q.Þ! v C):)" 5 Final DraftANHC Fact Sheet Master Copy Revised February ih, 2002 CANHC The Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities -. THE NEWLY FORMED CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF NUCLEAR HOST COMMUNITIES FACT SHEET The mission of the CANHC The association's mandate is to be supportive of the nuclear industry through ongoing dialogue, mutual cooperation and education. To strengthen community representation with the nuclear industry and politically, through networking with other nuclear host communities. The CANHC has been formed as a result of: . The unique issues associated with the nuclear industry. By way of: . Human factors. . Environmental factors. . Socio-economic factors. - . The need to advocate for the final and permanent safe disposal of nuclear waste. With a view to: . . Assisting in achieving a solution to the disposal of Nuclear Waste. . To provide the nuclear industry with defined community issues surrounding huclear waste. . To effectively represent nuclear host communities in ensuring the issues of safe waste disposal and disposal operations are addressed to the benefit of the nuclear host communities and the surrounding communities. . How to deal with the transition from regulated monopoly entities to competitive energy markets and the increased commercial risks to private generating companies. . The ongoing need to effectively represent nuclear host communities in ensuring continued safe and environmentally acceptable local nuclear generation. . . The value of developing a network of information sharing and support through which nuclear host communities may best promote their communities' concerns and interests to industry and government. -. - - - 6 ATTACHMENT #-1- TO .REPORT # .fJ.1!¿OI ~()d- 2 Final Draft ANHC Fact Sheet Master Copy - Revised February 7,2002 Who should be members of the CANHC? All Communities that are host to nuclear generating stations, nuclear waste management facilities and/or nuclear research facilities. Who are the foundation members of CANHC? The Municipality of Kincardine, the City of Pickering, the Municipality of Clarington, The Town of Deep River, Gentilly District (Becancour, PQ), and Point Lepreau, (Muscuach Parish, NB), each of which presently host nuclear reactors and nuclear waste. . . Benèfits of joining the CANHC . Coordinated lobbying of community interests to the senior levels of government. . Awareness network to advise members of significant developments in the nuclear industry, allowing educated and horizon decisions to be made. . Participants gain knowledge through the exchange of information regardiflg the various experiences of nuclear host communities. . Provide support to elected local officials and staff in their relations with the local nuclear industry. . Conferences and working groups developing policy and programs throughout the year. (Utilizing the Federation of Canadian Municipalities a? an annual meeting venue.) . Internet site for the exchange of information on community, industry and government issues. . Education of local municipalities on the emerging issues surrounding nuclear generation, waste disposal and nuclear research facilities. . Greater overall protection of local community interests. Governance .of the CANHC . One vote per qualified association member (Class "A"). . Elected Board of Directors. ATTACHMENT#' ( TO REPORT #.lJA..L ()/. 0 J 7 '" .3 Final Draft ANHC Fact Sheet Master Copy - Revised February 7,2002 Membership Eligibility . Class A Membership - open to all municipalities and institutions involved in hosting nuclear facilities (voting share and board eligible). . - . Class B Membership - open to all others, including industry and or other entities (non-voting share and non-board eligible). General Notes . Class A members may be elected by their respective Councils. . Each community may select designated alternates to participate in the absence of its member (the alternate may act in all capacities of the member whom he/she replaces). . Only voting members (Class A) shall have' the right to Board of Director membership. . In the event of closed sessions, only Class A members .are entitled to participate. - - '" - - - 8 3. ATTACHMENT# / TO REPORT if fl1.a., 01- o;¡.. Final Draft ANHC Summary - Maste~ Copy Revised February 7,2002 - THE CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF NUCLEAR HOST COMMUNITIES (the "Association") , Summary of Memorandum of Association 1. Name The name of the Association will be the Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities (CANHC). 2. Mission To ensure the Nuclear Host Communities maintain the best interests of their communities in an ongoing proactive relationship with the Nuclear Industries contained therein. Objectives The objectives of the Association are: a) to promote the common interests of the members through collective action; to enhance members' influence on nuclear policy made by governments, regulatory agencies and the nuclear industry in Canada; to gather and share information about nuclear energy matters and increase public awareness of community issues related to the nuclear industry in Canada; , to share the experiences of the member nuclear host communities to further enable the Association to achieve its principal objectives; to gather and share perspectives of members and non-members of the Association regarding nuclear issues. b) c) d) e) The Association is not to be carried on for the purpose of gain for its members. 4. Membership Membership is open to any person or corporation interested in furthering the objectives of the Association. The board of directors may grant or revoke membership in accordance with rules established by the Board from time to time. ' A member may terminate their membership voluntarily or may cease to be a member upon the occurrence of certain prescribed circumstances. Membership dues are: - - - " ATTACHMENT #. , TO REPORT #l~..Q~, 01 ~ 0;)- . 9 2 Final Draft ANHC Summary Master Copy - Revised February ¡th, 2002 . $500 per year per member municipality (Class A ;... voting share and board eligible); . $1,000 per year per associate member (Class B - non~voting share and non-board eligible). Membership fees may be altered by majority vote of the members at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. 5. Meetings of Members Members shall hold an annual general meeting. Special meetings may be called by the board of directors or the Chairperson of the Board or may be requisitioned by 50% of the members. The members have the right to remove the board of directors by a simple majority should a general meeting be called and 75% of members attend. Meetings shall be held at the location determined by the board of directors from time to time. There will be provisions regarding. notice of meetings, telephone participation at meetings or the holding of meetings by other electronic means. The chairperson of the meetings will be the Chairperson of the Board. (The Chairperson of the Board is appointed by a simple majority vote of Board of directors). The quorum required to hold a valid members' meeting is a majority of the members. Members may vote by pre-identified proxy and unless otherwise required in the by-laws, questions requiring member approval shall require majority approval. Written resolutions are permitted where all members sign the resolution. The chairperson of the meeting may have the casting vote in case of an equality of votes. In the case of a tie vote, the question shall be deemed to have been decided in the negative. 6. Directors The members shall determine the number of directors yearly. Directors are responsible for the management of the Association. The Directors shall enact by-laws to manage the affairs of the Association. Decisions of the directors to enact, amend or repeal by-laws require the approval. of a majority of the directors present at the meeting. ~ 10'; -'- - - - 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. ¡ ATTACHMENT # { TO REPORT # fV] Q- {J I " 0;2 3 . Final Draft ANHC Summary Master Copy - Revised February ih, 2002 The initial directors shall be one person from each member municipality (Class A). Each Class A member shall select their own director. Officers The Board of Directors must appoint a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson from amongst its directors. The Board of Directors shall also appoint a Secretary and Treasurer, which will be administrative, non-voting .positions. Committees The directors may constitute committees to assist them in carrying on the affairs of the Association. Submission of Contracts or other Matters to the Members for Approval The board of directors may submit contracts, acts, press releases or other matters to the members for their approval and ratification. All releases shall be done by ratification of the member municipalities. Indemnity of Directors and Officers The association and the members shall purchase liability and indemnity insurance protection. Financial Matters The board of directors is required to make financial arrangements with a financial institution. Unless the by-laws provide otherwise, all cheques or similar instruments require the dual authorization (e-mail okay) of two of the following: chairperson/secretary/treasurer, resulting in one signature being valid for cheques. Amendment of Memorandum The members may amend the Memorandum if the consent of two-thirds of the members present at a meeting of members is obtained. Dissolution of Association The members may dissolve the Association upon the approval of two- thirds of the members present at a meeting of the members.