HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 05-02 ,.. 112'8, REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: John Reble Solicitor for the City DATE: January 23,2002 REPORT NUMBER: L05-02 - SUBJECT: City of Pickering Road Allowances Ownership File: W2300 and REOOOO RECOMMENDATION: A by-law be enacted to authorize the acquisition or disposition of certain road allowances within the City of Pickering in order to accurately reflect ownership at the Land Registry Office. ORIGIN: The Province of Ontario Land Registration Information System "POLARIS". AUTHORITY: Municipal Act, RS.O. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: When Teranet Land Information Services Inc. ("Terent Inc.") automated land registrations within the Region they had difficulties determining the ownership of certain road allowances and consequently have abstracted the ownership of various road allowances incorrectly. To correct the title to these road allowances, Council authorization is required. BACKGROUND: Teranet Land Information Services Inc. ("Terent Inc.") has been automating and enhancing the Province of Ontario's Land Registration System since 1991. During this automation period, Terent has experienced difficulty in determining the ownership of certain road allowances within the Region. The City of Pickering has been affected by this as well, with some City road allowances appearing in the Region's ownership or conversely, certain roads in the Regional road system appear in Pickering's ownership. In order to correct these errors on title, it is necessary for the City to transfer to the Region (or in some instances Ajax, as we share boundary roads with Ajax: that may be incorrectly abstracted at the Registry. Office) the portions of road allowances that actually form part of their road systems and accept conveyances of the road allowances that form part of the City's road system. - It should be noted that these errors on title will only be rectified when they are brought to our attention by the Region, Ajax or through our own searching of title. To undertake a search of all road allowances within Pickering at one time to ensure proper title has been abstracted, would be a very costly and timely process. 'J. O?9 Report to Council L05-02 January 23,2002 Subject: City of Pickering Road Allowances Ownership Page 2 Enactment of the attached by-law will authorize the acquisition or disposition of certain road allowances to accurately reflect proper ownership at the Land Registry Office. - ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft by-law. Prepared By: Approved L ¡CQ .'.¿~~ Denise By Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ... - - -;. °30 >='T""H'M'E"I\lT ", I ¡é\! ,.P,C. I " ,tt .__.,,-,.. '.,r.'p' 0 Rl'.#' Lc6-öd.- I .1: -,---. THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF PICKERING BY-LAW NO. -- Being a by-law to authorize the acquisition or disposition' of certain road allowances to correct Registry Office records. WHEREAS the Municipal Act, RS.O. 1990 provides for the acquisition and disposition of certain lands by a municiþality; and WHEREAS the ownership of certain road allowances within the City of Pickering are not properly reflected ontitIe at the Land Registry Office; AND WHEREAS, it is anticipated that acquisitions or dispositions of lands may be required to correct the records at the Land Registry Office. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORA nON OF THE CITY OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute all Transfers/Deeds of Land, for nominal consideration and in a form satisfactory to the Solicitor for the City, effecting amendments to Land Registry Office records to reflect the proper ownership of certain road allowances within the City of Pickering. . 2. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to accept conveyances, for nominal consideration and in a form satisfactory to the' Solicitor for the City, effecting amendments to Land Registry Office records to reflect the proper ownership of road allowances within the City of Pickering. ~ BY-LAW read a first, second and third time and finally passed this 18th day of February, 2002. Wayne Arthurs, Mayor Bruce Taylor, Clerk - W2300/REOOOO