HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 21, 2010 City o~ Minutes Waterfront Coordinating Committee i i January 21, 2010 PI KERIN 7:00. pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor O'Connell, Chair Craig Bamford Kathleen Corcoran Jim Dike Christian Medy David Steele A. Mostert, Coordinator, Landscape & Park Development L. Harker, Recording Secretary Absent: Mayor Ryan Councillor Dickerson, Vice-Chair David Stone Kevin Tower Councillor, O'Connell welcomed members to the meeting and introduced the guest speakers. Moved by J. Dike Seconded by D. Steele That the minutes of the December 3, 2009 meeting be approved. CARRIED L. Field from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority outlined the current land ownerships across the waterfront and discussed options for the Committee with respect to the completion of the waterfront trail in this section. L. Field provided three options for the Committee to consider; 1. Acquire 501 Westshore, ac uire art of 520 Westshore Pagel and reconfigure the lot for a new building. 2. Acquire 501 Westshore, transfer some of the TRCA lands to 520 Westshore. 3. Purchase 524 Westshore and reconfigure the trail around it (this option will provide full access to the trail). L. Field noted that if the Committee wanted this portion of the trail. completed quickly, this would require quick action on behalf of the City. At this point, there is uncertainty about whether or not residents are even willing to sell or swap their homes or land. D. Steele suggested conducting an•onsite visit to decide on alternatives. A question and answer period ensued. A. Mostert to review costs and make connections with landowners to establish various options and to report back to the A. Mostert to Committee. The Committee will then proceed to Council with action these options. A. Mostert provided the Committee with estimated costs and associated research information on pontoon boat services for Frenchman's Bay. Councillor O'Connell advised the Committee that Council had approved acquisition but not the funding in 2003. The Waterfront Committee was responsible for acquiring sources of funding and associated information. Councillor O'Connell will work with Councillor Dickerson and Councillor associated staff on obtaining external funding and other pertinent O'Connell to information, including the exploration of obtaining partnerships. action Councillor O'Connell advised the Committee that the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer (G. Paterson) was unable to attend the meeting this evening but will be attending a future meeting. An email was,received from G. Paterson confirming that there was no Waterfront Reserve Fund but that there was a Page 2 development reserve fund. G. Paterson to provide clarification at an upcoming meeting. Councillor O'Connell advised the Committee that there was nothing new to report regarding the eastern enhancement and WPCP. R. Taylor has been working with the CAO to draft a final letter to York Region reconfirming that there will be no memorandum of understanding and that the City would like York Region to provide them with the monetary value of the City's roads that they are currently occupying (worth approximately $1.3 million) The City has asked fora response from York Region by the end of February. A. Mostert to provide the Committee with updates with regards to A. Mostert to the plant and R. Taylor to advise if the Committee requires an action update in March. 7.1) A. Mostert provided an overview of the response from the Ministry of Natural Resources with respect to the stormwater management plan. 7.2) C. Bamford advised the Committee that the Fairport Beach Community Association is interested in supporting a project with the Committee and suggested perhaps installing benches and a cover along the trail. Councillor O'Connell would like a representative to attend a Committee meeting to work on a partnership agreement prior to accepting any funds from the Association. 7.3) C. Bamford advised the Committee that the area between the west spit and Westshore Boulevard is experiencing severe soil erosion and suggested that the Committee may want to examine how this bank could be stabilized. L. Field advised that he would be willing to work on this project with the Committee. March 18, 2010, Main Committee Room Meeting Adjourned: 8:50 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 3