HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 3, 2009 Caq o~ - Minutes i i Waterfront Coordinating Committee i December 3, 2009 PI r <ERE\ 7:00 pm Main Committee Room Attendees: Mayor Ryan Councillor O'Connell, Chair Councillor Dickerson, Vice-Chair Craig Bamford Kathleen Corcoran Jim Dike David Steele A. Mostert, Coordinator, Landscape & Park Development L. Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Christian Medy David Stone Kevin Tower Item / Details & ,Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Ref # (summaty of discussion) Status (include deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome & Introductions Councillor O'Connell welcomed everyone to the meeting. She informed the Committee that Zoia Horne had submitted her letter of resignation from the Committee. All members expressed their disappointment but respect her choices and wished her well in all her future endeavours. 2.0 Action Items/Approval of Minutes Councillor O'Connell reviewed the action items from the previous meeting. Discussion ensued with respect to 532 Westshore and the possibility of acquiring the vacant lot in order to complete the trail on the west side. It was decided to place this item on the January agenda for further discussion. Councillor O'Connell requested A. Mostert to contact TRCA with A. Mostert to respect to attending the January meeting and to also look into a action possible agreement which may exist on this matter. She also Page 1 Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Ref # (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as`a . ro riate requested A. Mostert to bring an aerial map to the next meeting. Moved by J. Dike Seconded by D. Steele That the minutes of the October 15, 2009 meeting, as amended be approved. CARRIED 3.0 Forum on Accessibility on the Waterfront Trail Discussion ensued with respect to the possibility of holding a forum on accessibility; • Invite various levels of government, associations, charities, etc. • There are varying opinions on the meaning of accessibility • Accessibility encompasses more than just mobility issues • Hoping to invite David Crombie as a guest speaker • Need to educate ourselves more • Best to have accessibility in place before as opposed to after the fact • Some concerns were noted with respect to the Committee hosting a forum on accessibility - possibly look into other forums focusing on the waterfront to promote public awareness • Suggest Accessibility Advisory Committee host the forum, possibly a joint one with the Waterfront Coordinating Committee • Currently all areas of the waterfront trail are accessible • Suggestion to showcase the waterfront by putting out a newsletter explaining what currently exists and what is being proposed • Need to get the public's attention - have the community become more involved • Currently there are no recommendations before Council that are specific to accessibility legislation. • Public awareness should be foremost • Make this an agenda item for January for further discussion Mayor Ryan noted the City of Pickering are leaders in addressing accessibility issues, as there are already various accessibility aids in place within the City. He noted that it would be appropriate for the committee to refer projects to the Accessibility Advisory Committee. A. Mostert informed the Committee there is an instrument Page 2 Item/ Details Discussion & Conclusion Action Items ! Ref # (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as appropriate) available that will gauge the slopes, etc. which would make it easier to appraise the trails. He also noted the membership has not received the Accessibility training which is mandatory for all committee members. It was recommended we place this on our A. Mostert to January agenda and A. Mostert will contact the Accessibility action Committee in order to provide the training at that time. 4.o 'Crossing th&--Spit Councillor O'Connell provided an update on the status of the issue regarding crossing the spit. She passed around a drawing of the proposed pontoon boat route which had been produced years ago. The following comments were made; • Pontoon boat would be the most cost effective solution and would also address the accessibility aspect A. Mostert to • Check on the requirements for Captains - is certification a action requirement Cost out the boats and docks • Check on price difference of electric boats • Summer employment for students • Winter storage was questioned • Be aware of any possible security issues • Possibility of grants • HR Development Canada - could have a subsidized program available if you include maintenance aspect • Trillium funding could be another possibility to qualify for Councillor O'Connell noted that once the information is compiled, the Committee would then forward a recommendation to Council for endorsement, at which time the possibility of grants could be pursued. A. Mostert will inform Councillor O'Connell once the information A. Mostert to has been compiled, then it will be placed on the agenda. action 50 Great Waterfront Trail Adventure 2010 Councillor O'Connell provided an update with respect to the 2010 Waterfront Trail Adventure. She noted that the Committee has been approached to assist the event again by being an overnight host. The event will be held J61 y4 and 5, 2010. Page 3 i =item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Ref # (summary of discussion) Status (include deadline as appropriate) Discussion ensued with respect to a location for hosting.. Councillor O'Connell noted that although it would be preferable to host the event at. the waterfront, there was a certain level of service required in order to be an overnight host, therefore the best location would be the Esplanade in order to have use of the facilities in order to meet these requirements. Moved by J. Dick Seconded by K. Corcoran That the Waterfront Coordinating Committee endorse the City of Pickering being an overnight host for the 2010 Waterfront Trail Adventure. CARRIED 6.0 - Verbal Update on Water Pollution Control Plant Expansion Councillor O'Connell provided an update on the Water Pollution Control Plant Expansion. She provided the Committee with excerpts of minutes dating back to October, 2006. She explained the process to date and informed the Committee that the Chief Administrative Officer would be forwarding a memo to Council with the Committee's recommendations with respect to the land and road issues surrounding the Duffin Creek Water Pollution Control Plant expansion. 7.0 Other Business 7.1) C. Bamford requested an update on the status of the M.. Shim to Reserve Fund for Stormwater Management. Councillor action O'Connell asked M. Shim to request an update prior to the January meeting. 7.2) A. Mostert provided photos of the work completed to date on the Western Gateway. He noted it would be open to the public again by next week. 8.0 Next Meeting January 21, 2010, Main Committee Room Meeting Adjourned: 8:50 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 4