HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 36-09 City REPORT TO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PICKERING Report Number: CS 36-09 Date: October 13,.2009 35 From: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer Subject: Clerks Division Revenue Controls Review File: F-6010 Recommendation: That Report CS 36-09 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer regarding the results of the Clerks Division Revenue Controls Review be received for information. Executive Summary: The 2006-2008 Internal Audit Work Plan included a review of the Clerks Division's revenue controls. Attached is a copy of Internal Audit's final report, including an Executive Summary, which provides the results of the review. Clerks Division management's response, in the form of an action plan, together with the report recommendations, can be found in Appendix 1 of Internal Audit's report. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications associated with this report. Sustainability Implications: There are no sustainability implications associated with this report. Background: On May 11, 2009, the Executive Committee received the 2009 - 2011 Internal Audit Work Plan for information. The plan provided a summary and brief description of the audits to be undertaken for the next three years. An update on Internal Audit's activities was also provided at the May 11, 2009 Executive Committee meeting. The 2006-2008 Internal Audit Work Plan included a review of the Clerks Division's revenue controls. This review has been completed and the final report is attached for your information. Clerks Division management is in general agreement with Internal Audit's observations and recommendations. Their response, in the form of an action plan, together with the report recommendations, can be found in Appendix 1 of the report. Report CS 36-09 October 13, 2009 Subject: Clerks Division Revenue Controls Review Page 2 In accordance with the 2009 - 2011 Internal Audit Work Plan, Internal Audit is currently performing a review of the Operations Centre, the results of which will be reported to senior management and the Executive Committee once the review is completed. Attachments: 1. Clerks Division Revenue Controls Review Prepared By: Approved/Endorsed By: James Halsall Gillis A. Paterson Manager, Internal Audit & Control Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer JH:jh Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Co cil Tho as . Quinn, RD CM C ief Administrative O ~1, cer ATTACHMENT#TO REPORT #.LS 34-01 CITY OF PICKERING 37 Clerks Division Revenue Controls Review Final Report Internal Audit Corporate Services Department August 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS 38 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..........................................................................................4 INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 7 SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................8 REVIEW RESULTS .................................................................................................9 1.0 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ......................................................................9 1.1 Clerks Division Standard Operating Procedures 9 1.2 Document Retention By-law ...........................................................9 1.3 Controls over Cheques Received in the Mail ................................10 2.0 PROTECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION ......................................11 2.1 User Access to City's IT Network ..............................................11 2.2 Physical Security over Clerks Division's Records .........................11 3.0 PROCESSING OF PARKING TICKETS ...................................................12 3.1 User Access to Parking Ticket Databases ....................................13 3.2 Manual Ticket Books Inventory ....................................................14 3.3 Ticket Processor Data-entry Controls ...........................................14 . 3.4 Parking Ticket Cancellations ........................................................15 3.5 Parkin Ticket Collections 16 I 4.0 FIRST ATTENDANCE PARKING TAG REVIEWS ....................................17 4.1 Management Oversight ................................................................17 5.0 LICENCE AND PERMIT REVENUES .......................................................18 5.1 Budget Monitoring and General Ledger Reconciliations ..............19 5.2 Recording and Tracking of Licences Issued .................................19 5.3 Licence and Permit Payments ......................................................20 6.0 LOTTERY LICENCES ...............................................................................21 6.1 Lottery Licence Forms Inventory 21 6.2 Lottery Licences Database ...........................................................21 7.0 TAXICAB PLATE OWNER LICENCES AND TRANSFERS ........................22 7.1 Physical Security over Taxicab Plate Inventory 22 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 9 8.0 TAXICAB DRIVER LICENCES ...................................................................22 8.1 User Access to EPI Suite Database 23 9.0 MARRIAGE LICENCES AND BURIAL PERMITS .....................................23 9.1 Burial Permits Invoicing 24 10.0 CLOSING COMMENTS ............................................................................24 TABLE 1 CANCELLED PARKING TICKETS BY REASON 2004 - 2008.... 25 APPENDIX 1 INTERNAL AUDIT RECOMMENDATIONS AND MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN APPENDIX 2 DELOITTE & TOUCHE PRIOR AUDIT REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS FOLLOW-UP RESULTS 3 O EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 'The Clerks Division is responsible for the statutory duties of the City Clerk and provides a variety of services to Council, constituents, and staff. The services provided by the Clerks Division include; by-law enforcement, parking control, issuance of licences, animal control, and vital statistics maintenance. In 2008, the Clerks Division collected over $1 million in revenues. The focus of Internal Audit's review was to assess the adequacy of the Clerks Division's procedures and controls over the collection of revenues and issuance of licences. The review also examined the Division's controls to safeguard personal information from unauthorized access or misuse. The Clerks Division uses a number of software applications and databases in support of its parking control, licensing, and vital statistics maintenance activities. Internal Audit recommended that Clerks Division management periodically review user access permissions to these applications and databases. A small number of user accounts in the Ticket Processor database were assigned to individuals who were no longer City employees. In addition, several employees who had access to the Ticket Processor database did not require such access to perform their duties. Clerks Division management has since disabled these user accounts. Internal Audit concluded that controls need to be strengthened over the manual ticket book inventory. Clerks Division management should ensure that the ticket books are issued in numerical sequence to make tracking of the books easier. Staff should also periodically conduct a physical count of the ticket books on hand and compare the count results to the inventory records. This procedure will help ensure that the inventory records are accurate and will detect whether any ticket books are missing. A ticket book that cannot be found increases the risk of misappropriation of City funds in the event the book is misused. Clerks Division management has agreed to strengthen the controls in this area. In 2008, annual revenues from parking ticket fines were over $650,000. The Clerks Division uses the Ticket Processor database to administer parking tickets issued. Internal Audit made a number of recommendations to improve the Ticket Processor data-entry controls. These recommendations included reconciling the payments entered into the Ticket Processor database to the revenues recorded in the City's accounting records. Performing these reconciliations will provide management greater assurance as to the validity of the data-entry and accuracy of the revenues recorded. The Manager, By-law Enforcement Services has agreed to perform these reconciliations under the guidance of the City Clerk. Internal Audit reviewed the City's parking ticket collection rate from 2003 to 2008 to assess the effectiveness of the Clerks Division's collection activities. The City's collection rate was very high (approximately 95%) once all collection actions had taken full effect. That said, Internal Audit recommended that Clerks Division regularly assess the effectiveness of its collection activities. The Division has agreed to perform this assessment on an annual basis. 4 Approval from the City Clerk, Deputy Clerk or Manager, By-law Enforcement 41 Services is necessary before cancelling a parking ticket, except in a limited number of situations. That said, Internal Audit recommended that the process for cancelling parking tickets be formalized in writing. Specifically, procedures should be written that include; the criteria or circumstances in which parking tickets may be cancelled, the necessary supporting documentation, and the required management approvals. Any situations where ticket cancellations do not require the approval of the Clerk, Deputy Clerk or Manager, By-law Enforcement Services should be clearly identified in the written procedures. In 2006, the Clerks Division implemented the AMANDA business licensing software and database. With some exceptions, this database is used to record and issue all licences and permits issued by the Division. Internal Audit recommended that Division management record the remaining business and permit types in the AMANDA database. Adding these licences and permits to the database will provide stronger control than the. current manual processes used to is-sue and track these licences. Clerks Division management has agreed to have all licences in the database by year-end, subject to the availability of IT resources. Last year, the Clerks Division implemented a formal process to monitor its budget and activities. In addition to monitoring the budget, it is a good practice to have a system in place to reconcile revenues received with the corresponding services provided. Internal Audit recommended that the number of licences and permits issued by Clerks Division be reconciled monthly to the revenues recorded in the City's accounting records. These reconciliations will provide Clerks Division management greater assurance that revenues were received for all licences and permits issued. The Deputy Clerk and Manager, By-law Enforcement Services have agreed to perform these reconciliations under the guidance of the City Clerk. In 2008, the Clerks Division collected $120,167 from the issuance of lottery licences. Internal Audit recommended that the inventory of lottery licence forms (blank) be periodically counted, and the inventory changes be reconciled to the licences issued and the licence stock purchased. These procedures will help Clerks Division management detect whether any lottery licence forms are unaccounted for. A missing lottery licence form increases the risk that a licence was issued, but the fee was not collected or received by the central cashiers. Clerks Division management has agreed to implement the recommended procedures. Internal Audit recommended that Clerks Division management, in consultation with the Director, Corporate Services and Treasurer, consider centralizing the mail opening process at the Civic Center. Currently, each department is responsible for opening its own mail. This increases the risk that cheques may not be forwarded to the central cashiers on a timely basis and may result in lost or stale-dated cheques. Management is currently finalizing mail procedures and, if approved, Internal Audit's understanding is that these procedures will result in all mail being opened in the mailroom with all cheques being forwarded to the cashiers for deposit. 5 42 The Clerks Division's central files were locked after business hours to reduce the risk of unauthorized access; however, a number of filing cabinets that contained personal information (names, addresses, copies of photo ID, health certificates, etc.) were not secured after business hours. One set of cabinets was used to file, among other things, the prior year's licences and vital statistics files. The files from these cabinets have since been relocated to locked cabinets. In 2004, the City's external auditors, Deloitte & Touche, performed a process and controls review of the Clerks Division's revenue cycle. The scope of Internal Audit's review included assessing the extent to which Deloitte & Touche's recommendations were implemented. Internal Audit concluded that, for the most part, management had either fully or partially implemented the recommendations made by Deloitte and Touche (see Appendix 1). Clerks Division management is in general agreement with Internal Audit's observations and recommendations. The Division's response, in the form of an action plan, together with the report recommendations, can be found in Appendix 2 of the report. I would like to thank Clerks Division management and staff for their cooperation .during this review. 'Tam-es Halsall Manager, Internal Audit & Control 6 43 INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND _ The 2006 - 2008 Internal Audit Work Plan included a review of the Clerks Division's revenue processes and related internal controls. The Work Plan was approved by the Audit Committee, the City's Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), and the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer. This report provides the results of Internal Audit's review of the Clerks Division's revenue processes and controls. The Clerks Division is responsible for the statutory duties of the municipal Clerk, as defined in the following legislation: - Municipal Act - Vital Statistics Act - Marriage Act - Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act - Municipal Elections Act The Clerks Division also issues bingo and lottery licences, manages the City's records, and prepares Council and Committee agenda and minutes. Along with its statutory responsibilities, the Division is responsible for animal services control and municipal law enforcement. The Clerks Division's revenues, which annually exceed one million dollars, come from a variety of sources. In 2008, the Division collected the following revenues: - Fines $671,096 - Business licences and permits $173,240 - Lottery licences $120,167 - Animal licences and fines $ 78,920 - Sale of services $ 68,050 - Taxi licences and fees $ 31,954 - Marriage licences $ 16,960 By the direction of the CAO and the endorsement of Council, the Clerks Division was transferred to the Corporate Services Department in May 2004. At that time, it was thought necessary and beneficial to undertake a process and controls review of the Clerks Division's revenue cycle. The City's external auditors, Deloitte and Touche, were engaged to perform this review. Deloitte & Touche completed its review in June 2004 and followed-up on the status of management's actions in August 2005. Several of the recommendations made by Deloitte & Touche were dependent on the Clerks Division implementing the Application Management and Data Automation (AMANDA) business licensing software. This software was implemented by early 2007. The scope of Internal Audit's review included, but was not limited to, assessing the extent to which Deloitte and Touche's recommendations were implemented. 7 4 4 SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES The objectives of Internal Audit's review were to determine whether controls were adequate to provide reasonable assurance that - fees from licences, permits, and other services were properly charged and collected - parking tickets and related payments were properly recorded, ticket cancellations were authorized, and any unpaid tickets were collected - revenues recorded in the City's general ledger accounts were accurate and complete - taxicab plates, permits, and licences inventory (blank stock) were adequately safeguarded against loss or theft - personal information collected was protected from unauthorized access or misuse The Animal Services Section was excluded from the scope of Internal Audit's- review as this section had been previously reviewed by Internal Audit. The results of the Animal Services Section review were reported to senior management and the Executive Committee in 2008. A risk based approach was used to perform Internal Audit's review and the methodology included interviews with relevant staff, reviews of documents and reports, performing walkthroughs, evaluation of management control practices, and any other procedures deemed appropriate. The scope of Internal Audit's review was limited to evaluating the adequacy of the design of internal controls established by Clerks Division management. Detailed testing of the effectiveness of the controls was not performed as this level of assurance was not deemed necessary by the City's senior management. Internal Audit review examined the internal controls that operated during the period January 2008 to July 2008. Internal Audit completed.its review in the fall of 2008 and issued its draft report in January 2009. The Clerks Division's action plan was finalized in July 2009. i 8 i REVIEW RESULTS 45 1.0 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS 1.1 Clerks Division Standard Operating Procedures Clerks Division management and staff are in the process of writing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for their Division. Procedures for the Animal Services Section were completed in 2008. SOPs are important for providing direction to staff and for ensuring that new and backup staff is adequately trained. Internal Audit recommended that Clerks Division management and staff continue to develop and document SOPs for their Division. Management also needs to effectively communicate the procedures and monitor their staff for compliance. 1.2 Document Retention By-law The City's Document Retention By-law requires that cancelled, withdrawn, and dismissed parking tickets be retained for only six months. This retention period provides the external and internal auditors a limited time period, which may not be sufficient, to verify the authorization and validity of cancelled, withdrawn, and dismissed parking tickets before the records are destroyed. j In addition, the Document Retention By-law requires that taxicab plate ownership records be retained until the documents have been superseded (replaced with a current record). In practice, By-law staff has been keeping these documents for a longer period. It is critical that adequate records be maintained on the history of each taxicab plate's ownership to ensure that any transfers in ownership are legitimate. Internal Audit recommended that Clerks Division management amend the Document Retention By-law, with Council's approval, to include the following requirements: - Cancelled, withdrawn, and dismissed parking tickets be retained for a period longer than six months (e.g. two years); and - Taxicab plate ownership information, such as licence applications, contracts of sale and Taxicab Plate Ownership Transfer forms be retained permanently. Clerks Division management is reviewing the Document Retention By-law and will be submitting their report to Council later in the year. Recommended amendments to the by-law will be included in the Division's report to Council. 9 46 1.3 Controls over Cheques Received in the Mail The Clerks Division is responsible for the Civic Centre's mailroom where all incoming mail for the City is received. Currently, mailroom clerks do not open the mail, but instead sort the mail and forward it unopened to the appropriate departments. Each department opens its own mail and forwards any cheques received to the central cashiers, who then restrictively endorse the cheques upon receipt. This mail opening process provides poor control over the handling of cheques. A strong system of control ensures that all cheques received are immediately recorded and then forwarded by the most direct path to the central cashiers and deposited in the bank. The responsibility for receiving cheques should also be restricted to one or two individuals who are in charge of endorsing the cheques, so that cheques are less likely to be mishandled or misappropriated. Internal Audit recommended that Clerks Division management, in consultation with the Director, Corporate Services and Treasurer, consider centralizing the Civic Centre's mail opening process. That is, having mailroom clerks open all incoming mail and requiring any cheques received to be directly forwarded to the central cashiers and deposited. Copies or other receipt documentation should then be provided to the departments, if required. Internal Audit also recommended that general mail opening procedures include the following controls: - Logging all cheques received where practical; - Restrictively endorsing cheques at the time the mail is opened; and - Forwarding all cheques received to the central cashiers on the same business day. According to Clerks Division management, the task of centralizing the mail opening process and writing mail opening procedures has been assigned by the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) to the Deputy Fire Chief further to the anthrax scare. No further actions are to be taken until the mail procedures are finalized. The' Deputy Clerk is now reviewing the final draft and it will be presented to the CAO for approval. The emergency mail procedures are linked to the general mail handling procedures. If approved, Internal Audit's understanding is that these procedures will result in all mail being opened in the mailroom with all cheques being' forwarded to the cashiers for deposit. 10 2.0 PROTECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION 47 Background The Clerks Division is located on the second floor of the Civic Centre. Physical access to the Clerks Division area is restricted and security cameras are installed in the front counter area. To a certain extent, these measures mitigate the risk of unauthorized access to the Clerks Division's records. The Clerks Division's records consist of electronic records, which are kept on the City's Information Technology (IT) network, and physical files. For the most part, the Division's physical files for the current year were locked after business. hours to reduce the risk of unauthorized access. Also, the filing cabinet containing taxicab plate ownership information was locked at the end of the day. 2.1 User Access to City's IT Network In general, Clerks Division staff had full access to the Division's file folders and files kept on the City's IT network. In many cases, staff had the ability to change or delete these folders and files. Network access permissions need to be sufficiently restricted, as information technology makes it easier to disclose and disseminate personal information or to view confidential information. Clerks Division management is in the process of reviewing their staff network access permissions. Internal Audit recommended that Division management, as part of their review, ensure that individuals' access permissions are restricted where appropriate (to protect. personal information, etc.). 2.2 Physical Security over Clerks Division's Records A number of the Clerks Division's cabinets which contained personal information were not locked after business hours. One set of cabinets was used to file, among other things, the prior year's licences and vital statistics files. These files contained the following personal information: - Names - Addresses - Phone numbers - Copies of photo ID - Health certificates - Credit card information Another unlocked cabinet was used to file the lottery licence applications, copies of lottery licences, and Charitable Gaming Reports. This documentation included charitable organizations' banking information. Also, the filing cabinets that contained the paid, unpaid, and cancelled parking tickets were not locked after business hours. 11 48 According to staff, these cabinets did not always lock properly. Nonetheless, Clerks Division management needs to ensure that all filing cabinets, and in particular those containing personal information, are locked after business hours. Internal Audit recommended that management either repair or replace these filing cabinets. The Clerks Division's filing cabinets have since been repaired to the extent possible and critical personal information files have been relocated to locked cabinets. Three additional cabinets will also be purchased in 2009. Lastly, Clerks Division staff kept their working files, such as licence applications, Vital Statistic forms, Chartable Gaming Reports, etc. at their desks until their work was completed and filed. These files contained personal information and were not secured (e.g. locked) after business hours. Internal Audit also recommended that Clerks Division management ensure that these working files are secured after business hours. Clerks Division management has since directed staff to lock their working files in an available manager's office at the end of the day. 3.0 PROCESSING OF PARKING TICKETS Background Parking ticket revenue is the most significant source of revenue for the Clerks Division. In 2008, over $650,000 was collected in parking fines and 18,849 parking tickets were issued. Administrative clerks use the Ticket Processor database to administer the issued parking tickets. There are two methods for entering issued parking tickets into the Ticket Processor database. The hand-written tickets, which are primarily'issued by private security companies on private property, are manually entered into the database. To reduce the risk of keying errors, data-entry fields have drop-down lists for administrative clerks to choose from (date, plate month, violation, vehicle type, etc.). The Ticket Processor database also checks to ensure that the ticket number entered is within the sequence of assigned ticket books recorded in the database. The database will also indicate if a duplicate ticket number was entered. Regarding handheld issued tickets, at the end of each day, the units are placed in a docking station and the ticket information is downloaded into the Mobile Enforcement System (MES) host application. The ticket information is then exported from MES and saved in a file on the City's IT network. The file is imported into the Ticket Processer database, and a log indicates the number of tickets successfully imported. With respect to the hand-written tickets, Clerks Division management has established a number of controls over the inventory of manual ticket books. A Municipal Law Enforcement Officer (MLEO) maintains a spreadsheet to record the ticket books (blank stock) purchased, issued, and unassigned. The inventory is kept in a locked closet, and the ticket books are either distributed by administrative clerks or signed out by MLEOs. 12 To obtain a ticket book, a form is completed which identifies the ticket number 49 sequence of the book(s) issued. The recipient of the book(s) must sign the form and a copy of his or hers identification is attached'to the form. Once a ticket book(s) has been issued, an administrative clerk enters the ticket number sequence of the book(s) into the Ticket Processor database. Once entered, the status of the corresponding tickets (issued, paid, or not paid) is then tracked by the database. Parking tickets can be paid in person at the Civic Centre or by mail, drop-box, or online. Clerks Division staff do not handle payments made at the Civic Centre. Instead, administrative clerks prepare a three part receipt form and direct the individual to pay at the central cashier. The payment is processed and a copy of the receipt is returned to the Clerks Division to enter the payment into the Ticket Processor database. Parking ticket fines vary depending upon the infraction and timeliness of the payment. If a ticket is unpaid, the fine amount increases and a number of scheduled collection processes occur. The first step in the collection process is to issue a Notice of Impending Conviction (NIC) letter to the registered owner of the vehicle. If the parking ticket remains unpaid, the Clerks Division registers a conviction against the vehicle owner without further notice. Upon conviction, the vehicle owner is required to pay a fine and a conviction fee. Failure to pay the fine will result in a Request for Plate Denial submission to the Ministry of Transportation (MOT). The renewal of the registered owner's vehicle permit will be denied until all outstanding parking fines are paid. 3.1 User Access to Parking Ticket Databases A small number of user accounts in the Ticket Processor database were assigned to individuals who were no longer City employees. In addition, several employees who had access to the database did not require such access to perform their duties. Clerks Division management has since deleted or deactivated these individuals' user accounts in the database. Several users were also assigned the access permission "Create/Edit Other User' which enabled them to add a new user and edit user access permissions in the Ticket Processor database. The "Create/Edit Other User" access permission should be restricted to one or two individuals to ensure that new user accounts and any access changes are authorized by management. Clerks Division management has since reduced the number of staff with this access permission. Three individuals, which included the Coordinator, Records and Elections, had the "Administrator' rights assigned to them in the MES Host application. This is the highest security level and should be restricted to one or two individuals. A user with "Administrator' rights can create and delete user accounts, void tickets, and create and export files from the database. Clerks Division management has since changed the Coordinator, Records and Elections' access to a lower security level. 13 i Int oal Audit recommended that written procedures require Clerks Division management to periodically review user access permissions to their software applications and databases. Individuals' access permissions should be consistent with their current work responsibilities and provide an adequate segregation of duties. Clerks Division management has agreed to review user access rights on a quarterly basis. Several other observations were made regarding the appropriateness of certain individuals' access permissions. Where Clerks Division management was in agreement, the access permissions for these individuals were either removed or limited. 3.2 Manual Ticket Books Inventory Internal Audit counted the manual ticket book inventory at the end of May 2007 and noted gaps in the sequence of ticket books on hand. These gaps were due to. the ticket books being issued out of sequence. This practice makes it more difficult to track the ticket books and increases the risk that the books may be misused. Internal Audit recommended that all ticket books be signed out in sequence, and that a log be maintained in the storage closet to record the last ticket number removed from inventory. Clerks Division staff also did not periodically conduct a physical. count of ticket books on hand and compare the count results to the inventory records. Having an independent party physically count the inventory will ensure that the inventory records are accurate, and will detect whether.any ticket books are missing. A ticket book that cannot be found increases the risk of misappropriation of City funds in the event the book is misused. Internal Audit also recommended that the ticket book inventory records be regularly reconciled to the current book assignments recorded in the Ticket Processor database. These reconciliations will help staff detect and correct any errors in the inventory records or the current book assignments recorded in the database. Clerks Division management has agreed to implement the recommendations made by Internal Audit. 3.3 Ticket Processor Data-entry Controls Data-entry of Parking Tickets Issued Controls over the data-entry of issued parking tickets into the Ticket Processor database were satisfactory with one exception. The file containing issued parking tickets downloaded from the handheld units includes a control total; however, the administrative clerks do not use this control total to verify the completeness of the tickets imported into the database. Clerks Division management has agreed to include this procedure as part of their SOP work plan. 14 Data-entry of Payments 51 Internal Audit made two recommendations to improve controls over the data-entry of payments into the Ticket Processor database. Firstly, the administrative clerks should check the accuracy of their own data-entry. This can be done by printing reports from the database of payments entered and verifying the payments to the .source documents (manual receipts, daily PayTicket reports, etc.). Secondly, parking ticket payments entered into the Ticket Processor database should be reconciled to the revenues recorded in the City's general ledger (G/L). Implementing these two recommendations will provide greater assurance as to the validity of the data-entry and accuracy of the revenues recorded in the City's accounting records. The Manager, By-law Enforcement Services has agreed to perform these reconciliations under, the guidance of the City Clerk. However, additional resources would be necessary for staff to verify their own data-entry of payments into the Ticket Processor database, according to Clerks Division management. 3.4 Parking Ticket Cancellations In 2008, the Clerks Division cancelled a total of 2,364 parking tickets, which represented 12.5% of the total tickets issued. Internal Audit reviewed the parking ticket cancellations for the month of April 2008 and noted that the City Clerk, Deputy Clerk or Manager, By-law Enforcement Services had approved all the ticket cancellations, except in the following situations: Ticket cancellations that resulted from First Attendance Parking Tag Review decisions; Vehicle information (vehicle make, licence expiry date, etc.) received from the Ministry of Transportation was inconsistent with what was recorded on the parking ticket; or The car owner information could not be found. - i In the first situation, documentation, which was signed by the First Attendant Facilitator and the defendant, was on file to support the parking ticket cancellations. In the second and third situations, reports from the Ticket Processor database were kept on file to support the ticket cancellations. Cancelled parking tickets due to officer error, void at point of issue, and public relations were approved by Clerks Division management; however, a small number of exceptions were noted. Internal Audit recommended that written procedures be developed for the cancellation of parking tickets that cover the following areas: - Criteria or circumstances in which parking tickets may be cancelled; - Necessary supporting documentation; and - Required management approvals. 15 i 57 Any situations where parking ticket cancellations do not require the Clerk's, Deputy Clerk's or Manager, By-law Enforcement Services' approval should be clearly identified in the written procedures. Internal Audit also recommended that the Manager, By-law Enforcement Services periodically sample parking ticket cancellations to ensure compliance staff with the procedures. The Manager, By-law Enforcement Services has agreed to perform this review on a quarterly basis. Internal Audit also reviewed parking ticket cancellations from 2004 to 2007. The number of parking tickets cancelled as a percentage of the total issued has' steadily declined from 19% to 10%. The percentage did increase to 12% in 2008. Table 1 (pg. 25) outlines the various reasons why these tickets were cancelled, several of which are outside of management's control. Although Clerks Division management approves individual parking ticket cancellations in most situations, Internal Audit recommended that management regularly review and report on the following items: The number and value of parking tickets cancelled and voided (by user and overall); and The percentage of parking tickets cancelled and voided, and the reasons. Each parking ticket cancellation is unique; however, the above information will help Clerks Division management detect and correct any future unexpected trends regarding parking ticket cancellations. Any unexpected trends may not be self- evident when approving individual parking ticket cancellations. Clerks Division management has agreed to annually compile and report on the above information. 3.5 Parking Ticket Collections As of July 8, 2009, there was a total of $489,738 in unpaid parking tickets. Eighty- nine percent of these tickets have gone to plate denial which is the final stage of collection. Internal Audit reviewed the City's parking ticket collection rate from 2003 to 2008 to assess the effectiveness of its collection actions. The City's collection rate was very high (95%) once all collection actions had taken full effect. That said, Internal Audit recommended that Clerks Division management monitor its collection rate by periodically reviewing and reporting on the following items: The number, amount, and age of unpaid parking tickets and the tickets collection status (e.g. in plate denial stage); and The percentage of parking tickets collected (City's collection rate). The above -information will provide Clerks Division management with ongoing assurance that scheduled collection processes are occurring as expected. Management will also be made aware of the amount of unpaid parking fines and the City's performance regarding the collection of unpaid fines. Clerks Division management has agreed to compile and report the above items on an annual basis. 16 J 4.0 FIRST ATTENDANCE PARKING TAG REVIEWS 53 Background The purpose of First Attendance Parking Tag Reviews is to give the offender the opportunity to be heard and dispute their guilt for the parking offence rather than attending court. These reviews also provide an increased level of customer service, and take into consideration the limited court resources available for parking offences. First Attendance Reviews are scheduled at the Civic Centre every Tuesday and Thursday. A First Attendance Facilitator, who is a part-time City employee, conducts the reviews and records his decision on the Request For Parking Tag Review Form, which is signed by the offender. If the First Attendance Facilitator believes that a reasonable explanation for the violation has been provided, he may reduce or cancel the fine entirely. Cancellation of parking tickets is to be done in extenuating circumstances only, according to the First Appearance Parking By-Laws draft procedures and earlier issued guidelines. 4.1 Management Oversight Because every situation is different, the First Attendance Facilitator is required to exercise his discretion in reducing or cancelling a ticket. Nonetheless, Clerks Division management has a responsibility to oversee the performance of First Attendance Parking Reviews and provide support and advice to staff as required. As noted earlier, Internal Audit reviewed the parking ticket cancellations from 2003 to 2008. The number of tickets cancelled during this period because of First Attendance Parking Tag Review decisions were less than 5% of the total tickets issued. However, this percentage has been increasing since 2004 (from 1.84% to 4.76%). See Table 1 (pg. 25) for Internal Audit's analysis of parking ticket cancellations. Internal Audit recommended that Clerks Division management periodically review and report on the percentage of tickets cancelled because of First Attendance Parking Tag Review decisions. This information will help management detect and correct any future unexpected trends with respect to First Attendance Parking Tag Review decisions. Clerks Division management has agreed to compile and report this information on an annual basis. Internal Audit also reviewed the First Attendance Parking Tag Review decisions for the month of April 2008. A summary of the decisions is provided below. - Parking ticket fine reduced (58%) - Parking ticket cancelled (39%) Parking ticket fine was upheld (3%) 17 54 The cancelled parking tickets had $4,618 in fines due. As noted earlier, tickets are to be cancelled in extenuating circumstances only, according to the First Appearance Parking By-Laws draft procedures. Internal Audit recommended that the Manager, By-law Enforcement Services periodically review a sample of individual Request For Parking Tag Review Forms. The circumstances for cancelling or reducing the parking ticket fines should be assessed for reasonability. The Manager, By-law Enforcement Services has agreed to perform this review on a quarterly basis. Lastly, the First Attendance Parking Tag Reviews are conducted in a partitioned area for privacy reasons; however, the Civic Centre's security cameras do not have a direct sight line to view this area. As a result, the activities of the First Attendance Facilitator cannot be monitored and employee safety may be at risk. Clerks Division management has agreed to review this issue with Facilities staff. 5.0. LICENCE AND PERMIT REVENUES Background In 2008, the Clerks Division collected over $400,000 in licence and permit fees, of which $104,000 was received from the Pickering Markets. The following types of licences and permits are issued by the Clerks Division: - Business licences - Cat and dog licences - Signs permits - Taxicab licences - Lottery licences - Marriage licences The application process and associated fees vary depending on the type of licence or permit required. The licence and permit fees are approved by Council, and the fees are available on the City's website for the public to view. The licence and permit application forms also include the applicable fees. In most cases, applicants must visit the Civic Centre in person to submit their licence or permit application and pay their fee. Clerks Division staff do not handle payments made at the Civic Centre. Instead, administrative clerks or MLEOs prepare a three part receipt form, record the receipt number on the application, and direct the individual to pay at the central cashier,. The payment is processed and a copy of the receipt is returned to the Clerks Division. The receipt copies are then filed centrally by an administrative clerk, who ensures that all receipt forms are accounted for. 18 55 5.1 Budget Monitoring and General Ledger Reconciliations In 2007, Clerks Division management implemented a formal process to monitor their budget and activities. Each month, management reviews the expenditures and revenues in, their respective areas, and any significant variances from budget must be explained to the City Clerk. These reviews are signed off and any management comments are documented. To a certain extent, these high level reviews provide Clerks Division management with assurance that revenues and expenditures are recorded correctly in the City's G/L. In addition to monitoring the budget, it is a good practice to have a system in place to reconcile revenues received with the corresponding services provided. Specifically, Internal Audit recommended that Clerks Division staff reconcile the number of licences and permits issued each month to the revenues recorded in the City's G/L. These reconciliations will provide Clerks Division management with greater assurance that payments are received for all licences and permits issued. Ideally, the individual performing the G/L reconciliations should be independent of handling the cash receipts and issuing the licences and permits. The Deputy Clerk and Manager, By-law Enforcement Services have agreed to perform these G/L reconciliations under the guidance of the City Clerk. Internal Audit also recommended that Clerks Division management, in cooperation . with Accounting Services staff, establish additional revenue accounts (or sub- accounts) in the City's G/L. There are only two G/L accounts (#1512 and 1411) to capture and record revenues for the various types of business licences and administrative services provided. Creating additional G/L accounts (or sub- accounts) will make it easier for Clerks Division staff to perform the above recommended G/L reconciliations. Discussions are currently underway between Accounting Services Section and the Clerks Division to set up additional revenue accounts (or sub-accounts) in the City's G/L. 5.2 Recording and Tracking of Licences Issued In 2006, Clerks Division management implemented the AMANDA business licensing software and database. The Division uses this database to record most of the licences and permits issued in the year; however, Clerks Division staff does not use this database for the following licence and permit types: - Markets business licences - Automobile wrecking yard business licences Public Halls business licences Hawker/peddler licences Refreshment vehicle licences Permanent sign permits 19 56 Instead, the above licences and permits are prepared manually, and spreadsheets are used to track the licences and permits issued. According to Clerks Division management, they originally intended to use the AMANDA database to record all of the Division's licences and permits. Adding the above licences and permits to the database will provide stronger control than the current manual processes used to issue and track these licences. For example, only approved licences and permits can be issued from the AMANDA database. Also, licence and permit numbers are provided by the database to avoid any manipulation in the issuance of the licences and permits. Once a licence or permit is issued, the ability to make changes (update and delete records) in the database is restricted. Lastly, the database makes it easier to track licence and permit expiry dates for renewal purposes. Clerks Division management has agreed to have all licences recorded in the AMANDA database by year-end, subject to the availability of IT resources. 5.3 Licence and Permit Payments Having a centralized cashier function at the Civic Centre provides strong control over cash receipts; however, there is a risk that Clerks Division staff may issue or renew a licence without the payment being collected or received by the central cashiers. To reduce the above risk, Internal Audit recommended that Accounting Services staff centrally file the "yellow" copies of the three-part manual receipt forms. Clerks Division staff could then file their "pink" copies of the receipt forms in the individual licence and permit physical files. This change in procedure will provide By-law management and staff greater assurance when reviewing licence and permit applications that all fees have been paid and received by the central cashiers. Corporate Services Department is in the process of phasing out the three-part manual receipt forms and replacing it with a Cash Receipts Voucher Form, specific to each area. Once implemented, staff will complete the Cash Receipts Voucher Form with the same information that is currently provided on the three-part manual receipt forms. The voucher will be forwarded along with the customer's payment to the cashier for processing. Once processed, the cashier's slip printer receipt will be given to the customer and the processed voucher will be returned to the originating areas for their records. 20 57 6.0 LOTTERY LICENCES Background The Clerks Division issues lottery licences to non-profit organizations for charitable gaming events (bingos, raffles and beak-open tickets). The lottery licence forms, which are provided by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO), are pre-printed and sequentially numbered for control purposes. Clerks Division staff issue the licences in numerical sequence, and the inventory of licence forms (blank) is secured after business hours. Every quarter, the Division is required to report to the AGCO on the total number of licences issued and the fees collected. In 2008, the Clerks Division collected over $120,000 in lottery licence fees. 6.1 Lottery Licence Forms Inventory Internal Audit recommended that the inventory of lottery* licence forms (blank) be periodically counted, and the inventory changes be reconciled to the licences issued and the licence stock ordered. These procedures will help Clerks Division management detect whether any lottery licence forms are unaccounted for. A missing or lost lottery licence form increases the risk that a licence was issued,. but the fee was not collected or received by the central cashiers. Internal audit also recommended that the number of lottery licences issued and corresponding fees collected each month be reconciled to the revenue recorded in the City's G/L. These reconciliations will provide Clerks Division management with greater assurance that payments are received for all lottery licences issued. Clerks Division management has agreed to implement both of Internal Audit's recommendations. 6.2 Lottery Licences Database Clerks Division staff did maintain a database to prepare and record all lottery licences issued; however, staff stopped using this database in 2008 because it did not allow for different time slots to be recorded on the same bingo licence. A new licence had to be prepared for each time slot assigned to a licensee. As a result, staff had to prepare several licences for the same licensee. Administrative staff now uses Microsoft Word software to prepare and print the lottery licences on the AGCO licence forms. Internal Audit recommended that a database be re-established or a spreadsheet be maintained of all lottery licences issued. This database or spreadsheet will help -Clerks Division staff reconcile inventory changes of licence forms (blank) to the licences issued, as recommended by Internal Audit in 6.1. This database or spreadsheet will also be helpful for compiling statistics for AGCO reporting purposes. Clerks Division management has agreed to maintain a spreadsheet of lottery licences issued. 21 7.0 TAXICAB PLATE OWNER LICENCES AND TRANSFERS Background Clerks Division management has implemented a number of controls over the issue and transfer of taxicab plate owner licences. Owners must annually renew their licences in person at the Civic Centre, and new taxicab plates are issued to the owners each year. Taxicab plates are only printed for current plate owners, with the exception of 10 temporary plates. If a taxicab plate is lost or stolen, the plate owner is given a temporary plate, which is valid until the end.of the current year. The taxicab plate owner licences, renewals, and plate transfers are recorded in the AMANDA database. In the event of a transfer in ownership, the current and new plate owners must attend in person at the Civic Centre and complete a Taxicab Plate Ownership Transfer Form. They both must provide picture ID to confirm their identities and a photo of the new owner is taken. Also, the fully executed contract of sale for the taxicab plate must be provided and a copy is retained in the physical taxicab plate files. Lastly, the Manager, By-law Enforcement Services approves and witnesses the taxicab plate owner transfer. An MLEO also witnesses the transfer. 7.1 Physical Security over Taxicab Plate Inventory The taxicab plate inventory (unissued) was kept in a filing cabinet in the Manager, By-law Enforcement Services' office; however, the cabinet was not locked during or after business hours. Due to the fair market value (>$75,000 each) of the taxicab plates, Internal Audit recommended that the taxicab plates inventory be kept locked at all times. The Manager, By-law Enforcement Services did not have a key to the cabinet where the inventory was kept, but she did lock her office after business hours. The cabinet has since been rekeyed with a new lock. 8.0 TAXCAB DRIVERS LICENCES Background In 2006, Clerks Division management implemented the EPI (Electronic Photo Identification) Suite application to issue card licences to taxicab drivers and body- rub owners, operators, and attendants. This software has improved the control over the issuance of these card licences and reduced the risk that these licences may be falsified or duplicated. Before issuing a card licence, The Manager, By-law Enforcement Services must first approve the licence in the AMANDA database. The cardholder and licence information is then imported into the EPI Suite application from the AMANDA database, and a picture is taken of the cardholder. 22 I 5 9 .8.1 User Access to EPI Suite Database Two MLEOs were assigned the "Clerk" security level in the EPI Suite application. Internal Audit recommended that these individuals' access security levels be changed to "Viewer". This change provides a greater segregation of duties between the review, approval, and printing of card licences. Segregation of duties helps ensure that any errors or irregularities are prevented or detected on a timely basis. Clerks Division management has since removed these individuals' access to the EPI Suite application. In addition, Clerks Division administrative staff was assigned the "Clerk" access security level in the EPI Suite application. This security level is necessary for administrative staff to take the individual's picture and print his or her card licence. However, users with the "Clerk" access security level can issue a card licence without importing the cardholder and licence information from the AMANDA database. This possibility increases the risk that a card licence may be issued but was not approved by the Manager, By-law Enforcement Services. One way to detect whether an unauthorized card licence was issued is to review the licence numbers assigned to the cards issued. The EPI Suite application automatically assigns a number to the card licence which is the file folder's RSN number in the AMANDA database. An unauthorized card licence would have a number that was not valid or consistent with the file folder RSN numbers assigned by the database. Internal Audit recommended that the Manager, By-law Enforcement Services regularly review the card licences issued from the EPI Suite application to ensure that the licence numbers assigned to the cards are valid. Clerks Division management has not implemented this recommendation as they view the risk to be minimal. 9.0 MARRIAGE LICENCES AND BURIAL PERMITS Background Clerks Division controls are satisfactory regarding the issuance of marriage licences and over the inventory of licence forms (blank). The forms, which are provided by the Office of the Registrar, are pre-printed and sequentially numbered for control purposes. Upon receipt of marriage licence forms (blank), the licence numbers are entered into the Vital Statistics database maintained by the Clerks Division. When preparing a marriage licence, the Vital Statistics database assigns the next sequential number available to the licence, and an administrative clerk matches the number to the number on the physical licence. The inventory of licence forms (blank) is counted every six months, and the inventory changes are reconciled to the marriage licences issued and the revenue recorded in the City's G/L. The inventory of licence forms is also secured after business hours. 23 60 Regarding burial permits, funeral homes are required to get a burial permit from the City before a body can be cremated or interred. The City invoices the individual funeral homes each month for the burial permit fees owing. The invoices are printed from the Vital Statistics database of registered deaths maintained by Clerks Division staff. 9.1 Burial Permits Invoicing Internal Audit reviewed a sample of the funeral home invoices printed from the Vital Statistics database and noted that the burial permit fees billed were incorrect. These invoice errors resulted in a small loss of revenue to the City. Clerks Division management has since directed their administrative staff to prepare the funeral home invoices in the second week of each month. This change in procedure will provide staff with more time to ensure that all registered deaths from the prior month have been entered into the Vital Statistics database before issuing the invoices. 10.0 CLOSING COMMENTS In closing, Clerks Division management is in general agreement with Internal Audit's observations and recommendations. Their response, in the form of an action plan, together with the report recommendations, can be found in Appendix 1 of the report. 24 61 Table 1 Cancelled Parking Tickets by Reason 2004 - 2008. % of % of % of % of % of Total Total Total Total Total Tickets Tickets Tickets Tickets Tickets Reason Ticket Cancelled 2008 Issued 2007 Issued 2006 Issued 2005 Issued 2004 Issued First Attendance Review 902 4.76% 593 3.15% 408 2.63% 397 2.26% 224 1.84% Public relations 135 0.71% 149 0.79% 106 0.68% 139 0.79% 58 0.48% Officer Error 291 1.54% 226 1.200/6 201 1.30% 159 0.90% 396 3.25% Void at point of issue 123 0.65% 122 0.65% 276 1.78% 856 4.87% 86 0.71% Incomplete or illegible ticket 72 0.38% 58 0.31% 198 1.28% 95 0.54% 477 3.91% Ticket entered incorrect) 5 0.03% 9 0.05% 74 0.486/6 1 0.01% 6 0.05% Incorrect owner detail 444 2.34% 476 2.53% 390 2.52% 406 2.31% 292 2.40% Plate not found 166 0.88% 141 0.75% 93 0.60% 145 0.82% 119 0.98% Stolen vehicle/ plates 40 0.21% 54 0.29% 44 0.28% 55 0.31% 172 1.41% Unplated vehicle 28 0.15% 35 0.19% 21. 0.14% 130 0.74% 227 1.86% Out of province 42 0.22% 14 0.07% 35 0.23% 155 0.88% 126 1.03% Handicap parking permit provided .37 0.20% 58 0.31% 54 0.35% 58 0.33% 77 0.63% Other 79 0.42% 21 0.11% 41 0.26% 60 0.34% 39 0.32% Total tickets cancelled 2,364 12.48% 1,956 10.38% 1,941 12.52% 2,656 15.11% 2,299 18.86% Total tickets issued 18,935 18,836 15,504 17,576 12,192 i 25 62 CITY OF PICKERING Clerks Division Revenue Controls Review APPENDIX 1 INTERNAL AUDIT RECOMMENDATIONS AND MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN Internal Audit Corporate Services Department August 2009 53 O L L L L E O O O E O N a) O d +r N a) C) N O N Q U N, Q. 0 w 4) CD c) (5 a) H U) m U) m ~ M O (a "0 V co U) CY) m a) 0-0 _O a) c=a •N ~E Q`L~CU U U EL 0) c-) CD c - co n0-o D 0- 0 cu UQU C: ~ 0 Q I C o o C ~ c O ° m-0 0 -0 E ca O-0N a) 4-C) CD a) " co C >,"O U) +4) C L 3 O O co 0) -.M a c' OC3L cEE cr X 000) .--o ~0,- ~U) c~~ c Oc -°ccn0- >E (D CL N~ ~o op L- a) c o Q R c-o~_cn (D ~0 c a)U a~ p E a) c o=c c~ ~ca Q=3>, c0-0 -a - a) C: U) 0 0 4) =3 _a cD Q_ (D CL 0 C: -0 Q d d M O O_ C c a) -0 cv (u vi t 1 c d Q n Q a, o O -0 -0 0 o c cu a _ O O c0.) 0 U)) cu m ca co 0 a) Q o v0) cn _ c co > Q O a) O O c O c a~ Q c m C O c -0 C: Q 3: E Q O O 0 c a) ca L _ O L O d ~ _ Q a) Co C L- 0 0-- a) ad+ C 0- D C O •(0 O C O 0 c p O a) a O CD 3 U a) 32 E E E o -0 E a, 0 t- a) a) 4 0 m = U W 0) a' Co -04-- CU L) M C: o a) E a~ w c o a) 3 c c L o 0) .r- . a_ c E ~ (D ca ca a) 0- 0 E co tt7 cu o ~ T- cu -0 YLy' v) c: E Q~ -Se L L aD -0 Q C: ,O fn L O a) Q C 0 L CD a) L- a) 0 o) -M) CU _ v a) 0 O .L O co X L i Yd U-0~Y~-.E E Uc~ co ar-) Cc: = O L (D -0 0 CD C L- O L a) C~ V a H m d U N c6 m H of o co -0 O r N r r r 64 co CD CD CD H Q N O ' I-- a O Y L c~a .N U a Q c Q o a~ a C o -0 cm E a) ~ a) a) c: 0) c 0) cu c: m e c (D U) co -0 0 'CO > FL co U) .2! 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O Q osCD Q-4- ca o .Z3 C p vii c_La o CO m cu t L J H I-- V o m M 7 9 ca O Q1 Q , ca H Z O H .0 O C C 'N a Q c Q O ~ Z . C O Y L~ E > 3V as C U (D • (D co _ (a tr- O U •L O a) CU v p r- CL d U 'L CL 0 (n NNE ~Y F--~'~I->~~ x •~Oca aca c20v-a c a L o= C) O C C C ip U U O Q N O _O m ca 4- N Q J4C)+.E O C~r_~ c~ ~0EcafU 0 r_ o > >E v;ca0 ~O Z_0Um 6- o d ~ U N O U Q = N Co C/) p N ca fn E cam i 0- 0 U L N Q d 3 C w W E+ .Y U L co CU -U CU = C_ L f- N C CL 0) U) E co O ~O N N N- U E C 4- a) L _ QUt co ~ d O U 4- Co N 'p Y fl-O- OIL p N G1 U~~ N E p - 4) L i V C ca N "O 0 ca O C 5 U (D ca _U > m CD Q . O U C C v0 Lca~oCU ~QU JU HE_a.E~ca~ . 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LL ~ Uo co c EL Q n. E O_ ~ r + c0 L C d O C C a) C O-p C E p c O a) Q p Mn (L) Oa) ~ > a) C: Cl) Cl) (j) a) c cf) Q Ca :t.! -r 'p U c "p C N C> 0) c~P a) 5 cL n E U co d C C f6 0 lp :3 t6 Ln Q) E O cn -a N a) c t~° 'L Ecu LOcuE_r_-0.->CQ-COC CU C L- (D 0-0 C to Q- a) C ca -p U ca -0 cn r- r oa cn CD :3 CD a) °-0 0) 0) ~cc o > o QE w 0) a) cu C --6 0 U d y c ° > c o c o c o- c~ co 0 0- 0 m 0co ca~cv-0 LLca.cv~cn°E> 85 E E O U E m tm cM Q N Z O O - N N O ca ~ O I c 4-- Cn U- E cn E a) c o m - ~ cn co E U- co o C) U) a O a M" 0 N U o Q) r Cn C: 4- N E .0-0 ~ -0 1C N Q > C = E O N ~ p i 0) - O N O U Q O Q U U Q. N _ Q =N U.~~ o +0 4- to U C :3 o a) O N O Q (a . O 4= E o N O N= C O o a)a c O O O O c L p U cn co U r C i Q L O A N cu E a) 0 0 0 0 cn 4-. 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