HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 10-02 04~J CitI¡ {1~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Jon G. Storms Manager, Information Technology DATE: May 21, 2002 REPORT NUMBER: CS 10-02 - SUBJECT: Supply & Installation of Servers Supply & Delivery of Personal Computers Quotation No. Q-21-2002 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Report CS 10-02 of the Manager, Information Technology be received by Council and that: 1. Council approve the quotation submitted by Metacomm for the provision of specific computer hardware as stated in Quotation No. Q-21-2002, in the amount of $116,184,00 (P.S.T. and G.S.T. extra); and 2. The appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto. ORIGIN: - 2002 Capital Budget AUTHORITY: Report CS 35-01 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer By-Law 5900-/01 Purchasing Policy & Procedures Capital Project Codes 02-2190-003-02, 02-2190-003-26, 02-2190-003-70, 02-2190-003-71 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Quotations have been received for the supply and installation of servers and related equipment, and personal computers. Given the estimated budget figure, the quotation process provided a process by which the subjective evaluation of the commodity grouping and the invited vendor listing requirements by Information Technology to be accomplished in an expeditious and procedural manner up to $100,000. However, Purchasing Policy Item 04.05 states that an award exceeding $75,000 is subject to Council approval. 1. - Quotation Amount: Q-21-2002 - Purchase of Database servers and related equipment, along with twenty personal computers. $116,184.00 9,294.72 8,132.88 $133,611.60 (3,485.52) 1130.126.08 P.S,T. G.S.T, Sub Total G.S.T. Rebate Total Amount n..5f) Report to Council CS 10-02 Date: May 21, 2002 Subject: Page 2 2. Approved Source of Funds: - 2002 Capital Budget - Account Number 2190-6176 Project Codes 02-2190-003-02, 02-2190-003-26, 02-2190-003-70, 02-2190-003-71 $210,507.00 3, Estimated Project Costing Summary: Twenty Personal Computers Two Database Servers Data Backup Unit Cable Management System Sub Total P.S.T. G.S.T, G.S.T. Rebate $32,660.00 55,703.00 20,713.00 7,108.00 $116,184.00 9,294.72 8,132.88 (3,485.52) Total Project Cost $130,126,08 4. Project Cost (over) under Approved Funds $80,380.92 - Additional project costs to follow; however, total project costs will remain within approved funds. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Chief Administrative Officer appointed an external consultant in December 2001 to review the operations of the Information Technology (IT) Section. One recommendation put forth by the consultant was the Oracle database server currently being used by the City for all of its database applications was too old and slow to perform the function adequately. The consultant further reported to the Information Technology Steering Committee (ITSC) that the replacement server(s) should be purchased in 2002. BACKGROUND: In December 2001, the services of an external consultant were secured by the Chief Administrative Officer to review the operations of IT. The study was to look at a number of issues, one being the state of the City's computer equipment. Some of the recommendations put forth by the consultant are discussed below, - The City has one Oracle database server that is used to host all of the City's database applications. The server was identified as being five-years old and deemed too slow to perform its function adequately. It was recommended by the consultant that it be replaced in 2002 rather than later as was planned. Furthermore, during a review of the computer room, the consultant put forth recommendations for the implementation of a cable management system and an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) capable of supporting the entire computer room. The recommended UPS would replace the number of smaller UPS units currently in place. The ITSC agreed with all three recommendations, and directed that the database server(s), cable management system, and the UPS be purchased immediately. Following the presentation and acceptance of IT's business plan, Request for Quotation Q-21-2002 was issue. As per Purchasing's new Policy & Procedures, final authorization to proceed with the purchase requires Council's approval. Report to Council CS 10-02 Date: May 21,2002 n51 Subject: Page 3 ATTACHMENTS: 1. N.A. - Pre ared BY}' - .' l ¡------- /r~,- ;~iV'--_' . n G. Storms, )Manager, Information Technology '/ <.- Approved I Endorsed By: ¿7 ..'¿--'-~~ /C; ~ -~ Gillis A. Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP:vw Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council /.7 .1 ..--'>---- - Tomas J. Quinn, - -