HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS 09-02 040 Ciú/ (J~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A. Paterson Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer DATE: May 14, 2002 - REPORT NUMBER: CS 09-02 SUBJECT: Section 442/443 ofthe Municipal Act - Adjustment to Taxes RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Report CS 09-02 of the Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer be received; 2, The write-offs of taxes due to change in assessment as provided under section 442 of the Municipal Act, RS.O 1990 as amended, be approved; and, 3. The appropriate officials of the City of Pickering be authorized to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto, ORIGIN : Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer - AUTHORITY: The Municipal Act, RS.O. 1990, as amended, Section 442 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: If approved, the write-off of taxes as contained in this report represents a gross cost of $143,277.35 with a net cost to the City of approximately $23,121.35, the balance being charged back to the Region of Durham and the School Boards, Pickering's share of the cost will be charged to the 2002 Current Budget allocation under General Government-Provision for Uncollectable Taxes. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not Applicable BACKGROUND: -. The reduction of taxes due to fire, demolition, exemption, assessment change or error is provided for under Section 442 of the Municipal Act. Write-offs of this nature are considered normal in the conduct of business. The 2001 tax write-offs are mainly due to demolition, fire or assessment error. As you review the attachment, you'll notice that there some properties with significant property tax reductions. The first major reduction is for the Pickering Pentecostal Church. This property was taxable part way through 2001; however, when the church purchased the property it became exempt as per the Assessment Act. For the North Park Nursing Home, the assessment Report to Council CS 09-02 Date: May 14, 2002 041 Subject: Section 442/443 ofthe Municipal Act - Adjustment to Taxes Page 2 department made a clerical error by over estimating the value of the property, This error was corrected for the 2002 taxation year. For Emix Limited, the roll number should have been deleted by MP AC for 2001 because this property was consolidated under their other roll number. Therefore, this property was being assessed twice. Weall & Cullen Incorporated purchased this property around June of last year. They changed the use of this building that translated into an assessment class change (industrial to commercial.) The industrial class is taxed at a higher rate and therefore, the class change will translate into a property tax reduction. - ATTACHMENTS: 1. Section 442 Adjustment to Taxes dated May, 2002 Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: ,-\ /). / .. I ) l / / I l/{ ¿ usan Aitkenbea , Coordinator, Taxation Services /Î )/ filA.. \, ~ AI..- ~-../ ß~~ c......--- Gillis A. Paterson, Director, Corporate Services & Treasurer GAP :vw Attachment -- Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council ..\ .... - 042 A1TACHMENT #...L. TO REPORT #~r~. 0 J.. CI'l"Y 0:1' PICKERING SECTION 442 ADJUSTMENTS TO TAXES May, 2002 May, 2002 APP# NAME REASON FOR ADJUSTMENT YEAR CODE ROLL NUMBER CITY REGION EDUCATION TOTAL 81/01 Morris, Grant demolition 2001 010-039-00200 31.66 64.38 34.05 130.09 86/01 Polera, D & Montisano G. demolition 2001 010-018.09200 52.87 107.52 56.86 217.25 97/01 Popovskl, Robert & Ellz. Assmt. Dept. clerical error 2001 010-040.15806 516.26 1,049.77 555.18 2,121.21 89/01 Hydro One Networks class change 2001 010-018.04100 0.00 9~ Hydro One Networks class change 2001 020..022-06805 0.00 9 Hydro One Networks class change 2001 020.022-06803 0.00 92/01 Hydro One Networks class change 2001 010-019-37201 0.00 93/01 Hydro One Networks class change 2001 010.019.12701 0.00 94/01 City of Pickering class change 2001 030-011.16110 0.00 95/01 Ontario Hydro Networks class change 2001 010-018-00100 0.00 85/01 Patricia Anne Mertz repalrs/renov preventing normal use 2001 010.019-18709 196.14 398.83 210.92 805.89 84/01 Patricia Anne Mertz Assmt. Dept. clerical error 2000 010.019.18709 50.27 104.79 58.77 213.83 82/01 Ian F. Weber demolition 2000 010-019.30810 34.97 72.89 40.88 148.74 83/01 Ian F. Weber demolition 2001 010.019-30810 83.25 169.27 89.52 342.04 64/01 Pickering Pentecostal Ch part exempt 2001 020.022.01150 2,489.78 5,062.73 9,706.79 17,259.30 96/01 Franca Naccarato Assmt. Dept. clerical error 2001 010.040.15805 23.52 47.83 25.29 96.64 60/01 Reesor, Dale Assmt. Dept. clerical error 2001 010-019.37100 561.91 1,142.58 604.26 2,308.75 88101 Lorraine Bell Assmt. Dept. clerical error 2000 010-021.02701 233.97 487.70 273.53 995.20 101/01 Shronevlew Holdings Assmt. Dept. clerical error 2001 020-016.24635 221.99 451.39 238.72 912.10 05/02 Bennet, Donald in trust Assmt. Dept. clerical error 2000 030..002-14210 55.91 116.53 65.35 237.79 06/02 Bennet, Donald In trust Assmt. Dept. clerical error 2001 030-002-14210 142.21 289.17 152.93 584.31 22/02 North Park Nursing Home Assmt. Dept. clerical error 2001 010.041.03700 2,355.15 4,788.97 2,532.67 9,676.79 02102 Tobin, Deborah Fire 2001 010-019-43994 31.52 64.10 33.90 129.52 24/02 Garthwood Homes Became exempt 2001 010-018.08900 755.67 1,536.59 812.63 3,104.89 32/02 Kublcz, Waldemar demolition 2001 010..021-14310 13.00 26.44 13.98 53.42 33/02 BureauiZappacosta demolition 2001 010..040-02000 84.84 172.52 91.24 348.60 100/01 Halloway Holdings Assmt. Dept. clerical error 2001 010-019-40200 980.77 1,994.31 3,823.69 6,798.77 28/02 ThevenlnlGlllesple class change. No longer commercial 2001 020-016.24779 52.58 106.92 513.03 672.53 01/02 Emlx Limited Assmt. Dept. clerical error 2001 010.018.21216 9,437.13 19,189.50 36,792.08 65,418.71 87/01 Weall & Cullen Realco Inc. class change 2001 020.022.08503 1,680.28 3,901.51 5,171.56 10,753.35 10/02 Diamond Swan Ventures class change 2001 020-022-05779 149.48 347.07 460.04 956.59 11/02 Diamond Swan Ventures class change 2001 020-022-05778 148.08 343.85 455.78 947.71 72/01 334979 Ontario Ltd. fire/demolition 2001 020.017.27100 976.74 1,986.10 3,807.95 6,770.79 09/02 Diamond Swan Ventures class change 2001 020-022-05790 43.96 102.08 135.32 281.36 14102 Krlnk Corporation class change 2001 020-022-06065 1,717.44 3,987.79 5,285.95 10,991.18 23,121.35 48,113.13 72,042.87 143,277.35 -- -