HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 25, 2009 City o~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Accessibility Advisory Committee Wednesday, March 25, 2009 P <ERI 7:00 pm CAO's Boardroom Attendees: Kelly Collins, Chair Stephen Little, Co-Chair Terence Arvisais Zoia Horne Patricia Dawn Korol Keith Falconer Sharon Farrell Councillor Littley Jacques Tardif Gwelda MacDonald-Tuttle Prem Noronha-Waldriff Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Alton Atkinson Aisha Heywood Kathi Joy Mayer Item / Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items / Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome KC S. Little welcomed everyone and introductions were made around the table. 2 Adoption of Minutes- February 25, 2008 All Moved by Councillor Littley Seconded by Zoia Horne That the Minutes of the February 25, 2009 meeting be adopted. CARRIED 3. _Sailing Program S. Little introduced Jim Dike from the Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club. J. Dike provided the Committee with information relating to the program they hope to run this summer involving youth with disabilities. He noted that funds were Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 available through the Trillium Fund to provide for instructors. An overview of the program was provided as follows: • To provide an introduction to sailing for youth with disabilities • Participants must have someone attend with them and be able to take instructions • No cost to participate • Focus on age group 13-18 years • Deadline for obtaining participants would be mid-June • Will be sailing in Frenchman's Bay, with some classroom instruction as well • Instructors are certified through the Canadian Yachting Association • Plan to start the first week in July • Goal is to have one person per week attend for a total of 8 weeks • Will run Monday - Friday from 9:00 am - 4:30 pm • Sources for obtaining participants: Individual referrals, 3 high schools, City's summer camp programs • Hold a contest to choose participants -i.e. art, written work • Media coverage will be provided Z. Horne, G. MacDonald-Tuttle and P. Noronha-Waldriff volunteered to work on this project. 4. Brochure Launch ' All Copies of the brochure were passed around to the members. Discussion ensued with respect to any further changes or additions. P. Noronha-Waldriff noted this has been revised over a period of time and the sample provided tonight was done in house, and has not yet been sent to print. Z. Horne recommended the following revisions: • The website and email address should stand out more and be clearly defined- possibly with a colour differentiation such as in the Emergency Preparedness Guide issued by the Province • Under the "Useful Information & Contacts" section remove CNIB Toronto to make additional space to provide for Emergency Information and also add a toll free number Discussion ensued with respect to the launch of the brochure, noting the following; • Media release with photographer • Invite Provincial representative • Check with City resources to make contacts for media, Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 speakers, etc. • Discussed possible venues for launch - shopping malls, Artfest, Ribfest • Banners - check on City resources for what can be done Z. Horne noted she had attended a home show and spoke with builders of accessible homes who had shown a great interest in being involved with the launch of the Committee's brochure. It was suggested that the final revisions be made to the brochure and that the committee come back at the next meeting with comments for the launch. 6. Community Page PNW Discussion ensued with respect to the promotion of accessibility in the News Advertiser as well as Snap Pickering. It was suggested to run ads three or four times per year, possibly make it seasonal to raise awareness of accessibility issues and to raise the Committee's profile in the community. The following recommendations were made: • Reinforce the positive • Collect messages and include as space is available • Accessible thought of the month and add our logo • Keep it simple - a single line 6. Other Business & Adjournment All • S. Little questioned whether other municipalities were putting the breaks on the AODA's time frames for complying with the accessibility standards. P. Noronha- Waldriff noted that Pickering is far ahead of other municipalities as far as complying with the accessibility standards. It was suggested the Committee invite a speaker out to provide a Provincial overview regarding the AODA implementations. This item to be placed on the next agenda. • Z. Horne referred to the accessible business brochure and questioned whether the Committee could review this again in order to complete. It was suggested that a copy of the accessible business brochure be forwarded to the members to review and make recommendations at a future meeting. Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 • Z. Horne questioned the time frame for having a booth as she would like to contact the builders who were very enthusiastic about being included to come out and participate. • P. Koral noted she could look into the Committee having P. Koral to action a booth at Ribfest, as she is involved with the Rotary Prem to action Club. She will forward the information to Councillor Littley. P. Noronha-Waldriff noted she would look into getting a list of City events. • Z. Horne made note of special open house events the builders are putting on the weekend of April 3 - 5 in various locations if anyone would like to attend with her. • It was suggested the Committee invite Ron Taylor, as a guest speaker at a future meeting Prem to action 7. Next Meeting All • The next meeting has been scheduled for April 22, 2009. Meeting Adjourned: 8:55 pm Copy: City Clerk Page 4 CORP0228-2/02