HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 5, 2009 City "o Minutes Pickering Advisory Committee On Race Relations & Equity PI p_xA,, February 5, 2009 7:00 PM Main Committee Room Attendees: Councillor David Pickles, Chair Raymond George Facey, Community Appointee Devinder Kaur Panesar, Community Appointee Tiera Dookhie, J. Clarke Richardson School Becky George, Pickering Public Library Chris Gordon - Pine Ridge Secondary School Margaret Lazarus, Valley Farm Public School Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Marisa Carpino, City of Pickering Linda Roberts, Recording Secretary Absent: Steve Holt, Community Appointee Sethu Madhavan, Community Appointee Kirk Mark, Community Appointee . Emily Honsberger, Dunbarton High School Brandyn Mascall, St. Mary Catholic School Sylvie Morel-Foster, Durham Catholic District School Board Philip Howard, Durham District School Board Item Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items I / (summary of discussion) Status Ref (include # deadline as appropriate) 1.0 Welcome All Councillor Pickles welcomed everyone to the meeting, and introductions were made around the table. He informed the Committee that he had invited the Tamil Association to attend as well. 2.0 Review & Approval of Agenda & Minutes All Marisa reviewed the action items from the January 8th meeting minutes and provided an update. The agenda and minutes were approved by the Committee. 3.0 Updates Heritage Day Celebration Marisa provided an update for the Committee with respect to Heritage Day. She informed everyone that there is a strop line u of performers for this event, and circulated a listing of the performers to the members. The performances will take place from 11:15 through to 4:00 pm. Councillor Pickles will make welcoming remarks at 1:30 pm and introduce any other dignitaries present at that time. Space will be tight this year as the stage takes up a lot of space, with less seating as well. Councillor Pickles suggested we forward letters to all groups and Marisa to organizations normally invited to attend this event in -the past, to inform them action of the change in venue this year due to our lack of space. Marisa asked for the assistance of Committee members to help out on the day of the event and noted that we will need to man the booths until at least 4 or 4:30 pm. The following members were confirmed for the following times: Raymond - 11 -12 Kirk-12-1 Devinder - could fill in as needed, she pointed out she will be there all day as she is also assisting with the Heritage Pickering display. [YOUlnity's Diversity Leadership Camp - March 2009 Tiera provided an update on [YOU]nity's Diversity Leadership Camp; • Circulated a copy of the flyer they have designed • Suggestion was made to add -'space is limited, sign up today' on the Tiera to flyer - Tiera will make changes and forward final version to Marisa action • Registration forms will be available at the Library • Will take place on Monday and Tuesday of March break (16th and 17t")from 9am-3 pm • Students from grades 6 through 8 will participate • Proposing a budget of $150.00 • 25 participants last year - hope to have 50 registrations for this year • Keep registrations to a maximum of 50 • Provide participants with a certificate of participation at the conclusion of the camp - have Councillor Pickles sign certificates • OPG will sponsor T-shirts for the camp counsellors • Confirmation of guest speaker -Itah Sadu - will update at next meeting • Ensure parents arrive with the participants as well as rides at the end of the day • Marisa requested the guidelines be passed onto her to review, as we must ensure safety • Pre-registration is required It was suggested Tiera work with Marisa on the budget, as additional funds could be provided. It was noted we could do the certificates in the City's print shop. Discussion ensued with respect to guest speakers and 2 honorariums. Contributions to charities is not allowed. It was suggested they try to have more local speakers from within the community involved as well. Marisa suggested asking Keith Richards from the Durham Regional Police Service. Councillor Pickles suggested that the flyer be sent to everyone on our regular distribution list of cultural organizations as well. Margaret noted this Marisa to could be distributed to all the schools through inclusion in their newsletters. action Marisa will, provide a copy of our press release to Margaret. Fred Gibson offered to distribute flyers as well. Marisa noted she will need a formal budget from [YOU]nity Race Relations Forum Marisa provided the Committee with an update on the Race Relations Forum which will take place on Wednesday, March 25th at 7 pm in the Council Chambers; • Winners have been confirmed' • Letters have been approved and have been sent out to the schools, judges and cultural organizations as well as Committee members • Alvin Curling has been confirmed as guest speaker • Promotional Campaign has been launched - website, press release, etc. • Display will be in lobby at the Civic Complex the month of March • Encourage other organizations to attend as well Discussion ensued with respect to the Creative Arts entries and how best to recognize them. It was suggested when they are invited up, their entries could be displayed on the screen behind them, and they could be asked to provide an explanation on their piece. They should be asked to prepare this ahead of time. Email membership a copy of the press release. All Committee members were encouraged to attend. 4.0 2009 Annual Work Plan Councillor Pickles advised the Committee we need to think about presenting our annual report to Council. Discussion ensued with respect to having the presentation in April, along with a delegation as was done last year, with one Committee member and one youth. Margaret Lazarus volunteered for the presentation. Marisa will prepare the report for review at the next meeting. Marisa to 3 Marisa reviewed the suggestions for the work plan from the January meeting action and discussion ensued; • Prepare a banner to recognize events for display at the Civic Complex and Recreation Complex in order to refer residents to the Library displays • Marisa advised there may still be time to do up something for Asian Month, but not Black History Month, due to time restraints • Get input on the banners from the different organizations • Devinder inquired about the Committee's participation in the bicentennial activities in 2011 • Outreach - ongoing item • Cultural holidays - expand website calendar • Town hall symposium - may be easier to hold events at locations such as the mall, due to concerns with attendance. • Name tags have been ordered - should be in next week • Continued recruitment - it was noted Emily and Tiera will be graduating this year It was suggested the Committee follow up with Kirk and Steve with respect to a Town hall symposium, as they may have experience in this area they could share regarding the format for such an event. This could possibly be considered for a future item. It was suggested we decide on a topic. Committee members were asked to give this some thought. Marisa will contact principals to encourage more students to come out. Marisa to Community survey - Marisa will forward survey template to members to get action comments, and also will send out the draft letter. It was suggested we send out a general invitation to organizations to attend and speak for the first 10 to 15 minutes at each of our meetings. Committee was in agreement. Tiera suggested Devi Mander youth group and Chris suggested the Muslim student Youth group from Pine Ridge Secondary School - Chris will get contacts for them. It was suggested any possibilities be directed to either Marisa or Councillor Pickles. 5.0 Colleges & Universities Recruitment of students for membership Raymond made the following points: • UOIT and employment agencies could be invited to our meetings to speak or have representatives attend on a regular basis • Invite representatives from other colleges and universities as well • This could be the focus of a symposium on such topics as resume 4 development and how to enhance employment opportunities • Suggestions to contact at UOIT: Louise Farr, Diana Hills-Milligan - Marisa will contact them to discuss recruitment of students • Councillor Pickles will speak with them regarding the possibility of a symposium in the future. 6.0 Other Business 6.1) Black History Month Fred Gibson noted the Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association will be holding a dance on February 28 at the Complex this year. Advertising will be on our website and at the Library Marisa noted she had submitted a request to Council for a proclamation for Black History Month. Becky updated the Committee with respect to the events happening through the Library and will continue to provide updates with respect to any events on Asian Heritage Month. 6.2) Correspondence received from the Ministry of Culture & Immigration regarding nominations for Newcomer Champion Awards for Ontarians who have facilitated cultural understanding and diversity or helped newcomers to successfully settle and integrate. Deadline for nominations is March 15, 2009. 6.3) Correspondence received from the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, David C. Onley, with respect to nominations for the Order of Ontario, which recognizes anyone for extraordinary achievements or contributions which have had an impact on their local community, province, country or beyond. Deadline for nominations is March 16, 2009. Committee members were asked to submit any suggestions to Marisa, in order to nominate as a Committee. 7.0 Next Meeting Next Meetin : March 5, 2009 at 7 pm in the Main Committee Room Meeting Adjourned: 8:53 pm Copy: City Clerk 5