HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 9, 2008 Uhf o~ Minutes I Meeting Summary Seaton Advisory Committee Tuesday, December 9, 2008 10 am Main Committee Room Pickering Civic Complex Attendees: Rick Johnson, Regional Councillor, Chair Bonnie Littley, Regional Councillor, Vice-Chair Doug Dickerson, City Councillor Neil Carroll, Director, Planning & Development Tom Melymuk, Director, Office of Sustainability Cathy Grant, Director of Public Services, Library Catherine Rose, Manager, Policy, Planning & Development Steve Gaunt, Principal Planner, Policy Rik Ganderton, RVHS John Connolly, Transport Canada Dorothy Skinner, Region of Durham Steve Heuchert, TRCA Carolyn Woodland, TRCA Lloyd Cherniak, Lebovic Enterprises Bruce Fischer, Metrus Development Rodger Miller, Mattamy Homes Aaron Wesson, Mattamy Homes Chris Matson, Brookfield Homes Steve Goldhar, Sundial Homes James McCafferty, Durham District Catholic School Board Louise Farr Chambers, UOIT Joan Wideman, Ajax Pickering Board of Trade Kathy McKay, Ajax Pickering Board of Trade Peter Rodrigues, Resident of Seaton Absent: Tom Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer Gil Paterson, Director, Corporate Services Everett Buntsma, Director, Operations & Emergency Services Reg Webster, Sernas Associates Graham Martin, ORC 1. Introduction & Welcome Councillor Johnson thanked everyone for attending this meeting. Page 1 CORP0228-2/02 M SPU date Cathy Rose gave an overview of the update provided by Reg Webster. The MESP is being undertaken to assist in the development and approval of the neighbourhood plans. The Seaton Master Environmental Servicing Plan (MESP) Existing Conditions Report was circulated to the City of Pickering, Region of Durham and Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) in August 2008. This Report summarizes existing conditions data, field inventories and analyses of aquatic communities, fluvial geomorphology of streams, terrestrial communities at existing and proposed road crossings of the Natural Heritage System, geology, hydrogeology, hydrology, floodplain mapping, existing municipal services and road systems within Seaton. The Report findings were presented to the Seaton MESP Oversight Committee in August 2008. Based on Report findings and discussions with the City and TRCA, a system of field monitoring stations has been established to obtain further field data on surface water flows in streams, water levels in wetlands, groundwater contributions to wetlands and site geology. Ongoing monitoring of these systems will provide additional data on the natural features and functions in Seaton. This data will be used as input to the ongoing development impact analyses. The data helps identify where sensitivities exist so that impacts can be eliminated through neighbourhood or construction design. Where impacts are unavoidable, the data and analysis will assist in the formulation of mitigative measures to be incorporated in development design. Technical meetings are on-going with TRCA. ' Meetings have been held with GO Transit and the CPR on the potential for expansion of GO rail on the CPR land on the south boundary of Seaton. Traffic analysis and determination of lane and signalization needs for the non-Regional roads within Seaton is being delayed until the overall system analysis is done for Seaton that will be undertaken early in the Regional Infrastructure EA. Page 2 CORP0228-2/02 There have been a number of meetings with municipal and agency representatives dealing with the identification and potential location of major community facilities. Draft information compiled by Sernas was released for comment in late August 2008. The City of Pickering is still reviewing this information. The First Nations consultation will be initiated in January now that comments on the Existing Conditions Report have been provided. The first draft of the Energy Management Strategy for Seaton is nearing completion. It is anticipated that a separate presentation meeting will be held with all stakeholders in January 2009. It is anticipated that another Oversight Committee meeting will be held in February or March with the final MESP Report expected to be completed in the fall of 2009. Dorothy Skinner advised that the RFP for the Regional Infrastructure EA references the significant amount of work completed or expected to be completed, through the MESP pertaining to regional roads. Lloyd Cherniak expressed frustration with the length of time it is taking the City to provide information on its major community facilities needs and preferred locations. He noted the first meeting to discuss this information was held in December 2007. Tom Melymuk advised that a definitive position on community facilities would not be possible until the Neighbourhood Planning Program has been completed. It is the City's view that the final size and locations should be an outcome of that program. Neil Carroll commented that the Neighbourhood Planning Program has a specific component preparing a community services and facilities plan that will help inform where facilities should be located and what size they should be. The City anticipated the Neighbourhood Planning Program would be more advanced by now so that it could inform the MESP. Page 3 CORP0228-2/02 Jim McCafferty mentioned that he is not aware of any requests for school locations in the Seaton area. He noted the sites are usually determined once the neighbourhood plan and designs are completed. Catherine Rose noted the Board planners have attended the meetings on community facilities. Councillor Johnson stated that he understands the developers' frustrations and they will attempt to provide the requested information as soon as possible. Dorothy mentioned that the Region provided considerable input on facility needs. She advised that the draft minutes were released by Sernas, but final meeting notes were not yet prepared, and that she had suggested several changes to the draft. Bruce Fischer stated that the list of facilities is needed for them to move forward and mentioned that Sernas has completed a drawing where the facilities were identified. Dorothy confirmed that the drawing Bruce is referring to is the one discussed at the August meeting. Lloyd mentioned that the population will determine the number of facilities required and that they are also waiting for the Fiscal Impact Studies to be completed. Councillor Littley reiterated Tom Melymuk's comment that it would be appropriate that the neighbourhood plans are completed before the information on the community facilities is made available. Councillor Dickerson mentioned that Seaton is a large area, with up to 15 neighbourhoods, and it he understands that it would be helpful for the developers to know where the parks will generally be located. He does not feel that the developers' request for general information on community facilities is unreasonable. Rodger Miller stated that there are always some refinements needed once the plans are in place. Lloyd Cherniak noted that the Central Pickering Development Plan requires identification of major community facilities as part of the MESP. Page 4 CORP0228-2/02 Catherine Rose noted that City staff did provide input on community facilities at the December 2007 and August 2008 meetings. However, the City staff needed additional time to meet and review the information provided by Sernas in August. Councillor McLean joined the meeting in progress. Councillor Johnson thanked the developers for raising the issue and advised that staff will endeavour to provide the information requested within the next month. City to provide comments on major community facilities needs Neil Carroll advised that Planning & Development will coordinate the list of facilities with the Culture and Recreation Department. Bruce Fischer suggested that some of the major facilities be located on non-developable land. Catherine Rose requested clarification as all of the community facilities must be located on developable land. Bruce clarified that he meant the facilities could be placed on some of the remnant parcels that were not part of the land exchange. Discussion ensued on whether the facilities could be combined in central locations, such as EMS, Fire, Operations and Transit. Councillor McLean mentioned that there have been discussions at both the Regional Finance and Works committee about combining these facilities as it would reduce costs. He further stated that EMS stations should be in a central downtown area rather than in a remote location. Councillor Littley indicated that she visited a combined facility in Calgary a few years ago and the shared services are a great advantage for the municipalities. Page 5 CORP0228-2/02 3. Natural Heritage System (NHS) ManaementPlan & Master Trails Plan The Final Seaton NHS Management Plan and Master Trails Plan Report was released in October 2008. The document is over 500 pages long. The study was commissioned by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and prepared by a team on consultants headed by Schollen & Company Inc. The Report is considered "advice to the Province" and will not be formally adopted by the Province, similar to the study completed by Hemson for the employment lands in Seaton. The Final Report considered extensive comments by City, MMAH, MNR, TRCA and Region of Durham staffs and other stakeholders on the Draft Report released in March 2008. The Appendices to the Final Report include technical information and detailed responses to the comments received during the Study. The NHS Management Plan is a guide to manage the NHS to ensure natural heritage values are protected in the long term. One component, the Cultural Heritage and Archaeological Resources Management Plan, provides a guide for the management of cultural heritage features and landscapes including a strategy for an interpretive plan. The Master Trails Plan proposes a trail system to link neighbourhoods and the larger regional trail and open space networks. The Final Report provides a budget only for capital costs. Estimated amounts are $95 to $110 millions for NHS Restoration and approximately $38 million for the Master Trails Plan. The Report suggests the roles and responsibilities for the partner agencies: - The Province to coordinate financial resources; The Region to complete official plan amendment; The City has a more extensive list which includes: . policies, zoning, neighbourhood planning and multiple partnerships; . trails enforcement, education, safety, monitoring and maintenance; CORP0228-2/02 Steve .Gaunt City staff will review and prepare comments on the Final Report for the consideration of Council early in 2009. Page 6 - The TRCA to provide staff resources and expertise and secure funding for management of NHS. The Report states that the trails should be constructed prior to build out of adjacent neighbourhoods, and the alignment of trails outside of the NHS is to be determined through the neighbourhood planning program with input form other studies, such as the Regional EA and MESP. Councillor Dickerson indicated that the best approach would be to have all the trails built up front. Bruce Fischer noted that the location of the storm ponds should be identified before trail heads are located. Carolyn Woodland from TRCA indicated that the roles and responsibilities need to be clearly defined. Acquiring the land is great, but managing the lands is a long term commitment that requires extensive funding. There should be a greater commitment from the Province. TRCA is disappointed that there was not more dialogue with municipalities and agencies for this process. Councillor Mclean left the meeting. Neil Carroll advised that the Province should retain ownership of lands and TRCA could monitor them. Tom Melymuk advised that the report is available for viewing at the Planning & Development Department and that copies may be made available at a later time. Catherine Rose suggested that the consultant (Mark Schollen) be invited to the next Seaton Advisory Committee meeting to provide a more detailed overview of the report. Peter Rodrigues noted that some members of the public objected to the recommendation that primary trails be paved. CORP0228-2/02 Steve Gaunt to contact Mark Schollen inviting him to the next Seaton Advisory Committee meeting to provide a more detailed overview of the Final Report. Page 7 elghbourhood Planning Process U date In mid November, a consolidated version of the Council adopted Terms of Reference for the Seaton Neighbourhood Planning Process was sent to Members of Council and Sernas (on behalf of the Developers Group), Provincial and Regional representatives, and senior City staff. As part of Council's approval of the Terms of Reference, a Management Agreement is required to be entered into between the City and the Developers Group. The City Solicitor is currently drafting the Agreement, and has had a discussion about the contents of the Agreement with the solicitor for the Developers Group. The Solicitor's draft of the Agreement should be ready for discussion with City staff in early January 2009. Lloyd Cherniak informed the committee that the Developers Group would not be proceeding based on the current Terms of Reference as they are concerned with amendments made to the Terms of Reference, and stated that they would like to propose some further amendments. Catherine Rose reminded the Developers Group that the amendments to the draft Terms of Reference were proposed by Planning & Development Committee (not staff) and approved at Council. Copies of the Minutes from September 2, 2008 Planning & Development Committee detailing the amendments are available if anyone would like to obtain a copy. Tom Melymuk clarified that the opportunity to propose amendments for the Terms of Reference was at the Council meeting when any interested parties could appear as a delegation. Councillor Johnson stated that under the Municipal Act, amendments must be dealt with at Council in a public meeting. Jim McCafferty advised that he has seen the original Terms of Reference, but would like to see the revised one. It was noted that the revised Terms of Reference are a public document. CORP0228-2/02 C. Rose to send out a copy of the Council adopted Terms of Reference and Minutes of Council meeting to those who did not yet received a copy. Page 8 Lloyd Cherniak mentioned that their main concern is with the interpretation of employment lands and whether residential development can occur prior to jobs. He understands how critical jobs are to Pickering and the Region, but the development charges are over $700 million. Lloyd Cherniak stated further that the province should fund the servicing of these lands. Councillor Dickerson confirmed that the City and the Region have adopted a job first policy for Seaton development. The Developers Group asked if the City could support them to pressure the province to speed up the process. The Developers Group advised they have received a commitment from the Minister of Municipal Affairs, and they would like to start working together. Councillor Dickerson stated that the possibility of jobs being created in this current economic crisis should be a positive sign and the Province should proceed with building the infrastructure for the employment lands. It was suggested that Council pass a motion at Council requesting that the Province commit to the funding for the infrastructure and a start date. Councillor Johnson mentioned that other new employment lands developments in the area have been cancelled or postponed and we want to avoid this from happening in Seaton. Lloyd Cherniak stated that the Province and land developers are taking a big risk investing in Pickering, but the Region wants to encourage investment in this area. Councillor Johnson advised that there are many local businesses in our community looking to expand their business and want to stay in the area. The Seaton employment lands would accommodate their needs. Lloyd Cherniak advised that the Minister's commitment was to have an MOU regarding funding drafted by March 2009. Catherine Rose mentioned that this timing is consistent with the timing anticipated for the selection of a consultant for the Neighbourhood Planning Program (assuming the Management Agreement is entered into and the RFP for the Neighbourhood Planning Program is issued by late January). Peter Rodri ues mentioned that after hearin the comments Page 9 CORP0228-2/02 from Mr. Cherniak, he may not necessarily agree with all of them. One thing which is not clear is whether homes would be built before there is employment in the area. 5. Other Stucli$s Dorothy Skinner advised that the RFP for the Regional EA is closing on January 29, 2009. Regional Council is anticipated to select the successful consultant by March 2009. All 6. A draft version of the Fiscal Impact Study of Seaton on the Region should be available for review soon. This Study is bein undertaken b 181 for the Develo ers Grou . NextM$eting The next meeting to be scheduled for the third week of January 2009. All Other Business All Meeting Adjourned: 12:10 pm Page 10 CORP0228-2/02