HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/17/1990 3/90 4 ~ PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES THURSDAY, MAY 17. 1990 - 7:30 P.M. PRESENT: COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner - Chairman D. Dickerson R. Johnson B. Morgan K. Van Kempen ALSO PRESENT: "" K. McKay T. Magi N. Carroll T. Me 1 ymuk ABSENT: - Deputy Cl erk - Director of Planning - Manager - Current Operations Division - Manager - Policy and Information Division Mayor Arthurs and Counci 11 or Mi tche 11 - rt1uni ci pa 1 Busi ness) (I) ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular ~1eeting of April 19, 1990. (II) MATTERS FOR CONSIDERATION 1. OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING APPLICATION A 40/89 SUBMITTED BY FRED CAMPITELLI IN TRUST ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PICKERING PARKWAY AND VALLEY FARM ROAD FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 40/89 - ... In Planning Recommendation Report 11/90, it is recommended that the Official Plan Amendment and rezoning application submi tted by Fred Campi tell i In Trust to permi t an office bui 1 di ng on the southeast corner of Pi ckeri ng Parkway and Valley Farm Road be approved. Approved as amended in Section 2(a)(11) to include "office support" retail uses See Recommendations #1,#2, and #3 Mary Papp, 1634 Dreyber Court, representing the Village East Communi ty Associ ati on, spoke in opposi ti on and stated her concerns with respect to parking, traffic control, the restaurant component and the compatibility of the application in this residential area. She stated a 12 storey office building is too close to the apartment buildings, the restaurant would be open until 1 :00 a.m., that lane markings should be painted and that signal lights at Valley Farm Road should be installed. --. 2. '-'" 'W' -- 3. ~ 3/90 5 REZONING APPLICATION A 49/8 SUBMITTED BY N. PHILLIPS ON THE NORTH SIDE OF DUNBARTON ROAD FILE NUMBER B 2310 - A 49/89 In Planning Recommendation Report A 10/90, it is recommended that the application for rezoning submitted by N. Phillips to permit a private school on the north side of Dunbarton Road be approved. Approved as amended in Section 2(b) to include 55 chil dren II at anyone tlme" See Recommendation #4 Ron Paterson, 1006 Dunbarton Road, spoke in opposition to the applicant's request for 90 children. He stated that the applicant is planning to build an extension and to destroy trees and shrubs that buffer his property from hers. He felt a public school is a commercial business and not compatible in a resi denti a 1 area and that a future request for an increase in the number of chi 1 dren coul d be requested. He also objected to the parking provision in the front yard and asked if area residents can review the site plan. Andy Emmi nk, 938 Dunbarton Road, requested that the conditions of approval include a provision to require the owner to consult with abutting owners on buffering and to be able to provide input at the site plan stage. Bryan Lupson, 1008 Dunbarton Road, asked if the application is approved, what structural changes are permitted. He stated his concern with traffic on Dunbarton Road if 90 chi 1 dren are permitted to attend and asked about signage and buffering. Mari e Szi 1 agyi, 629 Aspen Road, spoke in support of the Montessori school system and stated the application is not an institutional-type building. Nicola Phillips, applicant, stated she will meet with owners of neighbouring properties to address their concerns. She stated tra ffi c shoul d not be a concern because the parents car pool the chi 1 dren to school and the school cl asses are staggered. She stated she is hiring a landscape architect and will be constructing a parking lot. She requested that her application for 90 children be approved. DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-89054 AND REZONING APPLICATION A 25/89 BY M.E.A. ANNAN AT THE WEST END OF BAYLAWN DRIVE FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 25/89 In Pl anni ng Recommendati on Report 9/90, it is recommended that the draft pl an of subdi vi si on and rezoning application submitted by M.E.A. Annan to permit the development of a residential subdivision at the west end of Baylawn Drive be approved. Approved See Recommendations #5 & #6 3/90 6 ....... Ted Cicieura, Design Plan Services Inc., on behalf of the appl icant, spoke in support of the Staff Recommended Plan. 4. ZONING AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 45/89 BY BARONIA HOLDINGS LTD. ON THE EAST SIDE OF BROCK ROAD, SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 401 FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 45/89 In Planning Recommendation Report 12/90, it is recommended that the application for rezoning submitted by Baronia Holdings Ltd. to permit a future expansion to a funeral home operation on the east side of Brock Road, south of Highway 401, be approved. Approved See Recommendation #7 ,-",. (III) ADJOURNMENT The Meeting adjourned at the hour of 9:50 p.m. I Dated -- "-' TOWN OF PICKERING ...... That the Planning Committee of the Town of Pickering having met on May 17, 1990, presents its third report to Council and recommends: 1. OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING APPLICATION A 40/89 SUBMITTED BY FRED CAMPITELLI IN TRUST ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PICKERING PARKWAY AND VALLEY FARM ROAD FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 40/89 That Town Council recommends to Regional Council that Official Plan Amendment Application 89-l0l/P, submitted by Fred Campitelli In Trust, on lands being Part of Lot 20, Concession 1, Town of Pickering, to permit a l2-storey office building with restaurant and retail uses on the first two floors be APPROVED within the context of an amendment to the Pickering District Plan (Town Centre Community Plan) that would permit "0ffice Commercial II development on all lands within the Main Central Area situated south of Pickering Parkway, as set out in Appendix No. I to Recommendation Report No.ll/90. "" 2. OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING APPLICATION A 40/89 SUBMITTED BY FRED CAMPITELLI IN TRUST ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PICKERING PARKWAY AND VALLEY FARM ROAD FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 40/89 That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 40/89, submitted by Fred Campitelli In Trust, on lands being Part of Lot 20, Concession 1, Town of Pickering, to permit a l2-storey offi ce bui 1 di ng wi th restaurant and retai 1 uses on the first two floors be APPROVED, subject to the following conditions: 1. That prior to the forwarding of an implementing zoning by-law to Council: ~ (a) Official Plan Amendment Application 89-l0l/P be approved by Regional Council. (b) The owner obtain approval in principle from the Town of a site plan and elevation drawings, which site plan shall establish (among other things) adequate off-street vehicular loading and parking facilities. (c) The owner enter into an appropriate site/development agreement with and to the satisfaction of the Town which agreement shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following requirements: (i) submission and approval of a site plan and elevation drawings; (i i) the approved si te pl an and drawi ngs are to be regi stered with the si te plan agreement; and '-" 3/90 2 ,-". (iii) the provlslon of appropriate boulevard treatment along Pickering Parkway to the satisfaction of the Town. 2. That the implementing zoning by-law establish various zoning provisions including: (a) a maximum building floor area generally as follows: (i) 16,060 square metres offices uses; (ii) 1,475 square metres office support retail uses; and (iii) 500 square metres restaurant uses. (b) a maximum building height of 12 storeys. '-' 3. OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING APPLICATION A 40/89 SUBMITTED BY FRED CAMPITELLI IN TRUST ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PICKERING PARKWAY AND VALLEY FARM ROAD FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 40/89 That in the event the t~inistry of Municipal Affairs approves an amendment to the Town Centre Community Plan that would permit "0ffice Commercial II development on all lands within the Main Central Area situated south of Pickering Parkway, Town Council directs staff to prepare appropriate technical amendments to the Town Centre Community: Main Central Area South Development Plan. 4. REZONING APPLICATION A 49/8 SUBMITTED BY N. PHILLIPS ON THE NORTH SIDE OF DUNBARTON ROAD FILE NUMBER B 2310 - A 49/89 w That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 49/89 submitted by Nicola Phillips to change the zoning on 1 ands bei ng Part of Lot 26, Concessi on 1, Town of Pickering, from IR3"_ One Family Detached Dwelling - Third Density Zone to an appropriate zone designation to permit a private school to be established in the existing building be APPROVED subject to the following conditions: 1. That pri or to the forwardi ng of an impl ementi ng zoning by-law to Town Council, the owner (a) enter into an appropriate site/development agreement wi th and to the sati sfacti on of the Town of Pickering which shall include, but not necessari ly be 1 imi ted to the following requirements: ...... 3/90 3 (i) submission and approval of a site plan and elevation drawings, such plan and drawings to address driveway access, parki ng area 1 ocati on and capacity, landscaping and buffering of abutting properties; "-' (i i) registration of approved site and drawi ngs wi th the site agreement; plan plan '-' (iii) (in accordance with Council policy), the provision of full municipal improvements including curbs, sidewalks, landscaped boulevards, street lighting and storm drainage across the frontage of the subject property adj acent to Dunba rton Road, to the sati sfacti on of the Di rector of Public Works; (iv) the satisfaction of the Regional Department of Health Services respecting provision of adequate septic system capacity for the facility with an enrollment of 55 children. 2. That the implementing zoning by-law: (a) allow either a day nursery or pri vate school facility to operate from the property; (b) establish a maximum enrollment for either children at anyone time; (c) restrict the private school facility to the teachi ng of preschool, primary, and elementary grades only; permi tted facil i ty tota 1 of 55 '-" (d) establish specific parking requirements and yard setbacks to be determi ned through the site plan approval process; (e) establ ish a maximum gross floor area for all buildings on the lot which generally reflects the area of the existing facility. 5. DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION l8T-89054 AND REZONING APPLICATION A 25/89 BY M.E.A. ANNAN AT THE WEST END OF BAYLAWN DRIVE FILE NUNBER - B 2310 - A 25/89 That Town Council recommend to Regional Council that Draft Plan of Subdivision l8T-89054, submitted by Design Plan Services Inc., on behalf of the applicant, Cougs Investments Ltd., and the owner, M.E.A. Annan, on 1 ands bei ng Part of Lot 27, Concessi on 2, Town of Pickering, be APPROVED subject to the following conditions: "-' 3/90 4 '-' 1. That this recommendation apply to the plan prepared by Design Plan Services Inc. dated fv1ay 8, 1989, as revised in red, and bearing the Town's recommendation stamp. 2. That prior to final registration of this plan, the owner enter into an agreement with and to the satisfaction of the Town respecting the dedication of lands south of the draft plan for a walkway/parkland connection from Fairport Road in the east to Baylawn Drive in the west in lieu of a parkland dedication from within the draft plan. 3. That the owner enter into a subdivision agreement with and to the satisfaction of the Town. 4. That the owner make satisfactory arrangements regarding the provision of all services required by the Town. ..." 5. That the owner agree to dedicate all road allowances with proper corner roundings and sight triangles to the Town. 6. That the owner agree to convey to the Town: (a) the 0.3 metre reserve shown as Block 33 on the Council Recommended Plan; (b) any other easements as required. 7. That the owner make satisfactory arrangements with the appropriate authorities regarding the provision of underground wiring, street lighting, cable television and other similar services. 8. That the streets within the draft plan be named to the satisfaction of the Town. - 9. That the owner submi t for approval by the Town, site plans and streetscape elevations showing the location and relationship of all buildings prior to the issuance of any building permits. 10. That prior to final registration of this plan, and pri or to any constructi on or tree removal taki ng pl ace on the property, the owner submi t a detailed tree inventory, preservation, and transplanting programme to the satisfaction of the Town and agree that no trees be removed until such time as thi s programme has been approved by the Town except as authori zed by the Di rector of Community Services and Facilities. 11. That prior to final registration of this plan, the owner; (a) satisfy the Town respecting stormwater management and drainage measures; (b) submit a Ora ft 4m1-Pl an to be approved by the Town Planning Department. '-"'" 3/90 5 -- 12. That the owner make satisfactory arrangements with the Town regarding the removal, demolition and/or retention of all structures on the subject property. 13. That the owner construct a temporary turning ci rc1 e at the western termi nus of Bay1 awn Dri ve to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 14. That Blocks 29, 30, 31, and 32 be developed for residential purposes in conjunction with abutti ng-easterly 1 ands and that these B10ds be mai ntai ned to the sati sfacti on of the Town unti 1 such time as they are developed. 6. DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-89054 AND REZONING APPLICATION A 25/89 BY M.E.A. ANNAN AT THE WEST END OF BAYLAWN DRIVE FILE NUNBER - B 2310 - A 25/89 '-' That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 25/89 submitted by Design Plan Services Inc., on behalf of the applicant, Cougs Investments Ltd., and the owner, M. LA. Annan, on 1 ands bei ng Part of Lot 27, Concession 2, Town of Pickering, be APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE to implement development as proposed by Draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-89054. 7. ZONING AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 45/89 BY BARONIA HOLDINGS LTD. ON THE EAST SIDE OF BROCK ROAD, SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 401 FILE NUMBER - B 2310 - A 45/89 '-" That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 45/89, submitted by Baronia Holdings Ltd., on lands being Part of Lot 18, Concession 1, Town of Pickering, to permit a future expansion to a funeral home operation to be estab1 i shed on abutti ng 1 ands to the south be APPROVED, subject to the condition that the imp1 ementi ng zoni ng by-1 aw not be forwarded to Counci 1 unti 1 : (a) the abutti ng 1 ands to the south have been zoned for funeral home purposes in accordance wi th the Ontario Municipal Board's decision of September 6th, 1989 (O.M.B. files: 0 880186, 0 880187, and Z 880233); and (b) the owner has entered into an appropri ate si te/deve1 opment agreement with and to the satisfaction of the Town for the subject property, or the site/development agreement for the abutti ng 1 ands to the south has been revi sed to include the subject property. '-'