HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/22/1991 STATUTORY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES .... A Statutory Public Meeting was held by the Pickering Town Council on Monday, April 22, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson R. Johnson B. Mitchell K. Van Kempen ALSO PRESENT: ~ K. McKay N. Carroll 1. Melymuk C. Rose V. ROdrigues - Deputy Cl erk - Director of Planning - Deputy Director of Planning - Manager, Policy Division - Senior Planner ABSENT: Councillor Morgan - (ill) (I) OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 90-96/P AND REZONING APPLICATION A5/90 SUBMITTED BY E. BEHRENDS ON THE NORTH SIDE OF TOYNEVALE ROAD, EAST OF ROUGEMOUNT DRIVE 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report 11/91, was given by Valerie Rodrigues. ....... 2. Peter Rankus, Architects Circle Ltd., stated that although the application is at a preliminary stage, the site has potential for development of a senior citizens facility. The number of units, height and style of building is under study and will be incorporated into the community appropriately. The infrastructure will be upgraded and they will work with area residents to fulfill the need for a senior citizens facility. 3. The resi dent of 416 Wooc'grange Avenue spoke in opposi ti on to the proposal. She stated the density is too high and incompatible with the community, that the infrastructure will be adversely affected and, traffic and noise will increase. She requested that approval not be granted as this would set a dangerous precedent in the community. ~ 2 4. Gary Hummel, 627 Cowan Circle, stated that a proposal such as this should not be allowed in an established community as the density is too high and the infrastructure is inadequate to handle the high density proposal. He added that the Rosebank Ratepayers Associ ati on and several commenting agencies do not support the proposal, that it is not suitable in this area and that the previous proposal would be considered. W' 5. Hugh Fulton, 1085 Moorelands Crescent, in opposition to the proposal, asked who the owner, developer and operator of the lands are, what kind of structure is proposed, how parki ng, emergency access and pressures on the infrastructure wi 11 be addressed and wanted a guarantee that the building will house senior citizens. '-' 6. Rolf Steinbach, 707 Houston Court, stated that a petition requesti ng support for a one-storey seni or ci ti zens building mislead area residents and for that reason is opposed to the proposal. He added that the proximity to Highway 401 is inappropriate. Dan Coghlan, 433 Toynevale Road, spoke in opposition to the proposal. He stated that density will decrease the value of his property, that the number of parking spaces is undetermined, that the facility will cause light pollution, and expressed his concern for the safety of pedestrians. 7. 8. Ms. Pat Milana, 555 Rosebank Road, who works in Metro Toronto at a seni ors faci 1 i ty ~ stated that the number of units is excessive, that traffic will increase and amenities should be accessible. 9. Bruce Templeton, 651 Rougemount Drive, stated that the area now has 1,200 cars per hour through the intersection and that the proposed high density zoning is inappropriate in this location, and will increase traffic congestion. 10. Doug Martin, 539 Oakwood Drive, was told that the development was under the auspices of the Lutheran Church and asked if the Montessori school si te woul d be developed. He stated the area is unique and that the application is incompatible. ...... Mr. Elio Violo, 470 Toynevale Road, spoke in opposition to the densi ty and hei ght of the appl i cati on. He stated the hei ght wi 11 shadow hi s property, he wi 11 lose pri vacy and that a seni or citi zens faci 1 i ty shoul d be close to amenities. He also stated that the site could become a low rental building. 12. Peter White stated he was told the seniors building would be operated by the Lutheran Church. He opposed the appl i cati on because of inadequate parki ng and densi ty and stated there are no faci 1 iti es for seni ors and that the application could become a low rental project. 11. 13. The applicant responded that the vacant land must be developed, that the previous proposal was not viable and that information and clarification is available to the public. The proposal is for a seniors condominium residence and not a rental property or a nursing home. The Lutheran Church has expressed interest in the project and the funding is private and not geared to income. Traffic, access and the retenti on of the small town atmosphere wi 11 be. addressed and the applicant has no interest in the property across the street. -- ( II ) 3 OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 88-062/P(R) AND REZONING APPLICATION A39/88(R) SUBMITTED BY ROCKPORT HOLDINGS LTD. ON THE EAST SIDE OF PICKERING PARKWAY, NORTH OF HIGHWAY 401 ..... 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report 12/91, was given by Lisa Goodman. 2. Jack Winberg, applicant, presented the front elevations from Brock Road and from Pickering Parkway. He stated there is no negative impact on the community and that shopping, transit and recreational facilities for senior citizens are convenient. 3. There were no comments in favour of or opposed to the application. 'W' (III) ADJOURNMENT OF STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING The Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Dated May 13th 1991 <~,~~ M yor L~ Cl erk ........ ,...