HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/29/1990 ~ STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTES A Statutory Public Information Meeting was held by the Pickering Town Council on Monday, January 29, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson R. Johnson B. Mitchell B. Morgan K. Van Kempen ALSO PRESENT: -""" N.C. Marshall - Town Manager B. Taylor - Town Clerk K. McKay Deputy Clerk T. Magi - Director of Planning N. Carroll - Manager - Current Operations Division T. Melymuk - Manager - Policy and Information Division Jeffrey Cole - Planner Catherine Rose- Planner Lynda Taylor - Planner (I) OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT, DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-88104 AND REZONING APPLICATION A47/88 SUBMITTED BY CALORA INV. LTD. ON THE EAST SIDE OF BROCK ROAD, NORTH OF FINCH AVENUE 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report No. 4/90, was given by Catherine Rose, Pl anner. 2. Klaus Lehmann, MM Dillon, on behalf of the applicant, stated that the Offici a 1 Pl an encourages a mi xture of residential uses and that the four buildings each six storeys hi gh wi 11 address the need for thi s type of accommodation. Although a traffic study is needed for the Duffi n Nei ghbourhood Study, the shadowi ng affect and privacy from area residences have been done. Cash in lieu of parkland will be provided as a local park is in the immediate area. ~ 3. Ron Starr, on behalf of the owner of property south of the application, stated it is premature to consider this application until the Duffin Neighbourhood Study is complete. He requested that no rezoning be permitted until comprehensive planning of the area has been completed and the matter of the right-of-way settled. '"'-'" 2/90 2 (II) REZONING APPLICATION A57/89 SUBMITTED BY TRILLIUM FUNERAL SERVICE CORP. ON THE EAST SIDE OF BROCK ROAD, NORTH OF FINCH AVENUE ~ 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report No. 5/90, was given by Catherine Rose, Pl anner. 2. John Doney, President, outlined statistics to prove that projected population increases require a funeral service for the community. He added that funeral processi ons do not take pl ace duri ng rush hours so will not affect traffic. 3. Ron Starr, on behalf of the owner of property south of the application, stated it is premature to consider this application until the Duffin Neighbourhood Study is complete. '-" (III) DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION l8T-89052(R) AND REZONING APPLICATION A22/89(R) SUBMITTED BY COUGS INVESTMENTS LTD. ON THE NORTH SIDE OF FINCH AVENUE, WEST OF FAIRPORT ROAD 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report No. 2/90, was given by Lynda Taylor, Planner. 2. Murray Stroud, on behalf of the applicant, stated that if the watertable is affected, the applicant will financially assist those owners of land with a well to hook into the Regional system. He stated that the application complies with the Official Plan, is opposed to providing a walkway between Darwin Drive and Baylawn Drive and will provide a privacy fence. 3. Jeff Broughton, 872 Fi nch Avenue, stated he is not opposed to the app 1 i ca ti on but ha s severa 1 concerns which should be addressed. His concerns related to reduction of well water, drainage problems, tree preservation, privacy fencing, blowing dirt and garbage and the provision of a parking lot for the sales trailer. ~ 4. Mr. Stroud stated that drainage problems will be investigated by engineers, snow fencing erected and parking will be on the applicant's property. 5. Mrs. Taylor, stated that cash-in-lieu of parkland will be requested since there is no suitable land for a park on the site. (IV) DRAFT PLAN OF CONDOMINIUM l8CDM-89027 SUBMITTED BY NORTHCASTLE INVESTMENTS INC. ON THE EAST SIDE OF BROCK ROAD, NORTH OF HIGHWAY 401 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report No. 1/90, was given by Jeffrey Cole, Planner. '-' 2. There were no comments in favour of or opposed to the application. 2/90 3 ~ (V) DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION l8T-89054 AND REZONING APPLICATION A25/89 SUBMITTED BY M.E.A. ANNAN AT THE WESTERN TERMINUS OF BAYLAWN DRIVE 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report No. 3/90, was given by Jeffrey Cole, Planner. 2. Ted Cicieura, Design Plan Services, on behalf of the owner, stated he has met wi th staff to di scuss issues and concerns of agenci es and wi 11 work to resol ve these concerns. 3. There were no comments in favour of or opposed to the application. ',-, (II) ADJOURNMENT OF STATUTORY PUBLIC MEETING The Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Dated February 6th 1990 ';; /~// ",y.,//~ .' /_/" ./ ",::" / ;~~~ /;) cl erk ~/ '7 '-----" ~ "-'"