HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/15/1990 STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTES ~ A Statutory Public Information Meeting was held by the Pickering Town Council on Thursday, February 15, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: ~1ayor W. Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson R. Johnson B. Morgan K. Van Kempen ALSO PRESENT: ....... K. McKay N. Carroll T. Melymuk Kevin Heritage Catherine Rose Lynda Taylor - Deputy Clerk - Manager - Current Operations Division - Manager - Policy and Information Division - Planner - Planner - Planner ABSENT: Councillor Mitchell - (ill) (I) OFFICIAL PLAN AMENm1ENT AND REZONING APPLICATION A14/89 SUBMITTED BY 618857 ONTARIO INC. ON THE NORTH SIDE OF KINGSTON ROAD, WEST OF ROUGEMOUNT DRIVE 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report No. 13/90, was given by Kevin Heritage, Planner. '-' 2. Mrs. Bronk, Dalewood Drive, asked why an increase in the floor space index is requested by the applicant. She also asked if any future development will be permitted higher than three storeys. 3. Mr. Roy Smee, representing residents of Dalewood Drive, spoke in opposition to the height of the application and added that the bedrooms in the homes on Dalewood Drive will be affected by the lights from the building. He also asked if an overall plan for the north side of Kingston Road from Rougemount Drive to Altona Road has been done. "-" 4. A resident of Dalewood Drive spoke in opposition to the height of the application because it will interfere with residents' pri vacy in bedrooms and backyards. He asked if future development on Ki ngston Road wi 11 be as hi gh or hi gher as thi s appl i cati on and added that the ~1i ni stry of Transportation has not approved access to the site. He stated that the property owner is advertising the rental of the building and asked if his taxes will be reduced if the proposal is approved. A resident of Dalewood Drive spoke in opposition to the proposal for increased floor space and stated the proposal should comply with the Official Plan. He agreed with the statement in the Information Report indicating that the development take into account the need to protect the nearby residential area. 5. -2- 6. The applicant stated that the increase in the floor space index is insignificant and that the height of the building conforms wi th the zoni ng by-l aw. He stated that the bui 1 di ng wi 11 be sited at the front of the property which will create a deep rear lot and a landscaped greenbelt will act as a buffer from the residences on Dalewood Drive. He added that the building will help to reduce noise from Highway 401, that most parking will be underground and that a medical building is needed in the area. ....... (II) REZONING APPLICATION A36/89 SUBMITTED BY CANUCK GREEN HOLDINGS L TO. AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BAYLY STREET AND WEST SHORE BOULEVARD 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report No. 8/90, was given by Lynda Taylor, Planner. 2. ~ Martin Mendelow, Canuck Green Holdings, stated the condominium townhouse project contains a play area which divides the project with 28 units using Bayly Street for access and 15 units using West Shore Boul evard for access. He stated the proposal 1 s a downzoning from a previous commercial application and that he is confident that staff and agency concerns will be addressed. 3. Bruce Casselman, 900 Vistula Drive, spoke in opposition to the proposal. He stated that access on West Shore Boulevard will cause further traffic congestion, that the units are too small and that the watercourse and ravine will be affected. 4. Roy Slater on behalf of Ontario Condominium #2, 925 Bayly Street, asked how many parking spaces per unit would be provided. He stated his concerns with respect to traffic congestion and the play area being close to Bayly Street. 5. Todd Wilson, 888 West Shore Boulevard asked where the guest parking spaces are located and expressed his concern about increased traffic. 6. Victor Duncan, 925 Bayly Street, stated his concern with respect to increased traffic and requested that a lighted crosswalk be installed on Bayly Street. 7. Marl ene Royal, Board of Di rectors of 925 Bayl y Street, asked about the shadowing effect on their site and stated that traffic on Bayly Street is already very heavy. '-" 8. Martin ~1endelow explained traffic access, parking, the shadow effect study and stated that underground servicing is being relocated. (I II) OFFIC IAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONI NG APPLICATI ON A12/89 SUBMITTED BY E. AND J. ALBERT IN CLAREMONT 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report No. 12/90, was given by Catherine Rose, Planner. 2. Mr. Albert, applicant, explained why he is requesting the rezoning and submitted a supportive petition from the area residents. 3. There were no comments in favour of or opposed to the proposal. '-" -3- (IV) REZONING APPLICATION A46/89 SUBMITTED BY 776079 ONTARIO INC. ON THE NORTH SIDE OF KINGSTON ROAD, EAST OF ROSEBANK ROAD ~. 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report No. 7/90, was given by Lynda Taylor, Planner. 2. The architect on behalf of the applicant stated the applicants are denture therapists which will address a need in the community. 3. There were no comments in favour of or opposed to the proposal. (V) OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING APPLICATION A40/89 SUBMITTED BY FRED CAMPITELLI IN TRUST AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF PICKERING PARKWAY AND VALLEY FARM ROAD 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report No. 11/90, was given by Kevin Heritage, Planner. 2. ~1ike Rice, applicant, state the concerns in Information Report No. 11/90 will be resolved and added that the hydro lines will be relocated. '-' 3. ~1ary Papp, on behalf of the Village East Residents Association, asked if parking would be free, what the height restrictions are, how far back from the road the building will be from Pickering Parkway, if it was known that the proposal is on a bus route and if the appearance of the bui 1 di ng from Hi ghway 401 has been considered. She commented generally on development in the Main Central Area and hoped the proposal if approved will be compatible. (VI) ADJOURNMENT OF STATUTORY PUBLIC MEETING The Meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M. ...... Da ted March 5 th 1990 ~.4L Mayor ,:;':-j ~7 ,/../ // / Clerk <'." ~. '..,.