HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/15/1990 STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING A Statutory Public Meeting was held by the Pickering Town Council on Thursday, March 15, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. ~ PRESENT: r.1. Brenner D. Dickerson R. Johnson R. Mitchell - Chairman ABSENT: Mayor W. Arthurs (vacation) B. Morgan (family business) K. Van Kempen (vacation) ALSO PRESENT: B. Taylor T. r~agi N. Carroll T. r~e 1 ymu k L. Taylor J. Cole K. Heritage '-" - Town Clerk - Director of Planning - Manager, Current Operations Division - Manager, Policy & Information Division - Planner - Planner - Planner (I) OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 88-115/P, DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-89077 AND REZONING APPLICATION A67/88 SUBMITTED BY GOSSAMER HILLS INC. ON THE EAST SIDE OF DIXIE ROAD, SOUTH OF THE ONTARIO HYDRO CORRIDOR 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report No. 24/90, was given by Kevin Heritage, Planner. 2. ........ '-" Mr. Marvi n Gei st, representi ng the appl i cant, stated that the majority of the property is flat with a ravine and woods on the south and east sides. The r'.1arshall Farms Community Associ ati on objected to thei r fi rst proposal for 193 townhouses and because of thi s, the present revi sed plan was submitted and includes single family dwellings on lots rangi ng from 40-70 feet. Lots 1 to 11 on the dra ft pl an abut lots on Meadowl ane Crescent and are 1 arger in size. These lots will have a private screen of trees at the rear and he recommended that rear yard setbacks be extensi ve to provi de conti nual pri vacy for the homeowners on Meadowl ane Crescent. A covenant woul d be put in the deeds for the lots in the draft plan that would protect the trees. This development \'/ill yield nine units to the acre and woul d be no di fferent than other townhouse or medi urn density developments in the Liverpool Community that abut the hydro corridor. This draft plan would be a logical extension of the existing residential neighbourhood, servi ci ng can be easi ly extended to the development and amenities such as schools, libraries, shopping are close by. This draft plan meets the goals of the Liverpool Community Plan and all required studies have been submi tted. Vari ous government agenci es have responded to the circulation and no agency has voiced an objection. His client met the r1arshall Farms Community Association and as a result of this meeting, the buffer zone at the south end of the plan was put in. They met again in November, 1989 but were asked to 1 eave the meeti ng because the res i dents di d not want any development. The Town may have assured people in 1982 that there would be no development north of the Marshall Farms subdivision but planning and development is not a static matter. ~ 3. "" - - 2 - - Ontario Hydro now has a policy of selling its lands in the private market and that is how his client obtained the lands. ~1r. Geist noted that there is a large commercial plaza at the corner of Dixie Road and Finch Avenue which is close to this development. Ri chard ~1aj, 1128 Meadowl ane Crescent, stated that Ontari 0 Hydro had the property designated residential and not the Region of Durham in order to sell the land. This is not a logical extension of the existing residential neighbourhood because the trees provide a distinct barrier. The statement in the 1 etters from the government agencies that they have no objection to the draft plan should not be construed as support for the pl an. The meeti ng wi th the Community Association in April, 1989 was only to provide information and the developer was asked to leave the meeti ng hel din November, 1989 because the resi dents had strong negati ve feel i ngs about the development. He noted that Ontario Hydro has always sold surplus properties. The applicant will benefit financially from this development but the existing neighbourhood will be adversely affected because of increased traffic and noise, pressure put on the ravine and a loss of privacy. 4. Richard Senechal, 1132 Meadowlane Crescent, stated that this draft plan is not a logical extension of the existing residential development because there is no infrastructure to service this plan. This development will be totally i sol ated from the exi sti ng communi ty and the future homeowners woul d not develop a sense of communi ty as is presently found in the r~arshall Farms subdivision. r~any trees wi 11 di sappear even though on the conceptual plan it appears that many will be saved. The wildlife report that was submitted by the applicant states that species such as the white tailed deer will be wiped out by this proposal. The closest park is about one kilometre from the draft plan and the Maple Ridge School has five portables and is already over crowded. He stated that there seems to be a sense of inevitability to this development because of the money that has already been spent by the developer. Ronal d t~ortson, 1124 Meadowl ane Crescent, stated that the Cherrywood Transformer Stati on is across the road from the draft plan and is presently buffered by the applicants lands. By approving the development, it will delete a buffer, be a danger to children and provide increased noise from the Station. Until there is a concl usi ve study that electro-magnetic fields do not cause cancer, the draft plan shoul d not be approved. At 1 east 70% of the trees on the subject lands will be destroyed and there is no realistic method of stopping future homeowners from putting in pools or accessory bui 1 di ngs thus destroyi ng more trees. Di xi e Road will need extensive upgrading if this development is approved. 5. '-" 6. Brian Moss, 1192 t~aple Gate Road, stated that if this development is approved, Counci 1 shoul d re-exami ne it economic development strategy because the existing nei ghbourhood provi des executi ve homes for future busi ness owners. Tree preservati on much be carefully exami ned and if the development is approved, parkland should be requested and not cash-in-lieu. '-" 7. - - 3 - - Robert Stephens, 1114 Timber Court, stated that Ontario Hydro's comments should be discounted because they sold the land to the developer. The Maple Ridge School has indicated that they are currently experiencing traffic problems and if this plan is approved, it will only make the traffic at the school worse. If the development is approved, wildlife such as deer will disappear and the ravine will dry up. There is no advantage to the Town in approving this draft plan. 8. John t1archand, 1138 ~1eadowl ane Crescent, stated that he opposes the proposed development. If this draft plan is approved, it coul d set a precedent for all owi ng development on other Ontari 0 Hydro surpl us 1 and and across from the Cherrywood Substati on. Many trees wi 11 be destroyed and the developer coul d easi ly remove exi sti ng trees that are pl anned to be saved as was done by another developer. ,-,. 9. "" Michelle Senechal, 1132 Meadowlane Crescent, stated that over the years traffic and noise from Dixie Road has increased and by removing any trees on the subject lands, the noi se from Di xi e Road as well as from the Brock West Landfi 11 Site and the Cherrywood Transformer Station woul d be increased. 10. Marvin Geist, representing the applicant, responded by stati ng that hi s cl i ent is prepared to meet most of the objecti ons of the ratepayers and is prepared to speak to each ratepayer individually. He noted that the people who wrote the reports submitted with the application are professionals. (II) REZONING APPLICATION A49/89 SUBMITTED BY N. PHILLIPS ON THE NORTH SIDE OF DUNBARTON ROAD, EAST OF APPLEVIEW ROAD 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report No. 21/90, was given by Jeffrey Cole, Planner. 2. '-' 3. ........ Nicola Phillips, the applicant, stated that the present Montessori School on Toynevale Road was opened in 1984 to meet a need in Pi ckeri ng and are currently teachi ng up to 140 children up to age 12. The present school has 4,300 square feet and can permit 150 children and the proposed school woul d have 4,000 square feet to serve 90 chil dren. The change from a day care centre to a pri vate school is not significant and the pool at the rear of the property will be removed and a larger septic tank installed thus increasing the amount of land for outdoor activities. There wi 11 be a dri ve-through for those parents 1 etti ng their children off at the school plus parking in the front yard for 11 vehicles. Any noise from the children would not be great because they are 1 et outdoors in staggered groups. The present day care centre has been in existence for 25 years and she intends to improve its appearance. Most of the neighbours in the area of the Toynevale school have signed a statement that it has not been a problem. Traffic at the proposed school would be less than the day care centre because the cars would be coming in over staggered hours. Donna Kelly, 660 Cowan Circle, stated that she supports the application because they provide day care for children above six years of age in addition to providing a quality education. 4. '-" 'W' - - 4 - - Andy Emink, 938 Dunbarton Road, stated that he lives immediately west of the subject property and stated that the issue is if there is adequate reason to depart from the exi sti ng zoni ng. The 1 ack of day care centres or the use of the subject property as a t~ontessori School is not a zoning issue. The age of the children attending the proposed school is not of concern to him but the increase in their numbers is. The present use of the lands as a day care centre is not consistent with the zoning of the property even though it is a legal non-conforming use. The neighbours moved into the area based on the present size of the day care centre. Traffic will be a problem even with a parking lot and a drive-through and noise from the cars will be aggravating. Although the applicant has guaranteed that the privacy of the neighbours will be maintained, what will happen if she sells the property. The letters of support for the ~1ontessori are not relevant because the people who wrote them do not 1 ive in the area. Staggered traffi c at the school wi 11 only increase the exposure of traffic in the neighbourhood. The present day care centre is a nuisance because the parents park at the bottom of his driveway when they are delivering their children to the centre and his garbage cans have been hit by cars. 5. Brian Lupson, 1008 Dunbarton Road, stated that the proposed Montessori School is a full-fledged commercial facility. Traffic, sewage and noise problems will occur if the School is allowed. A parking lot in the front yard and any additional structure would not be compatible with the surrounding houses. Dunbarton Road is an important link with much pedestrian traffic that would be in danger because there are no sidewalks. The present zoning was imposed for the purpose of protecti ng the exi sti ng residential neighbourhood. 6. Nicola Phillips, the applicant, responded that there is no existing private school zoning in place in the Town and that since the day care centre is already in operation, it was felt that this use would not be a problem. She stated that she had spoken with the neighbours and they felt that the drive-through would be better than parking on the street. "'-" (III) DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-89028 AND REZONING APPLICATION A23/89 SUBMITTED BY NORTH PIER ESTATES LTD. (FORMERLY CROCKET POINT ESTATES LTD. IN TRUST) ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF FINCH AVENUE, EAST OF ROSEBANK ROAD DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-89029 AND REZONING APPLICATION A31/89 SUBMITTED BY 769393 ONTARIO INC. ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF FINCH AVENUE, EAST OF ROSEBANK ROAD DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-89069 AND REZONING APPLICATION A33/89 SUBMITTED BY KELECK INV. ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF FINCH AVENUE, EAST OF ROSEBANK ROAD OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 88-109P, DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-89071 AND REZONING APPLICATION A34/89 SUBMITTED BY 666178 ONTARIO LTD. ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF FINCH AVENUE, WEST OF WH ITES ROAD 1. An expl anation of the appl i cati on, as outl i ned in Information Report Nos. 17/90, 19/90, 20/90 and 18/90, was given by Linda Taylor, Planner. ""-' - - 5 - - 2. ~ Hel en Lepek, representi ng North Pi er Estates Ltd., 769393 Ontario Inc. and 666178 Ontario Ltd., stated that this Information Meeting is a good way to make the applicant and residents more aware of proposed developments and concerns. Although she had a numbers of concerns about the information provided by staff, she will be meeting with them to review these concerns. With respect to the application submitted by 666178 Ontario Ltd., she stated that a commercial study has been undertaken and that the road patterns will be discussed with the staff. The applicant may alter the draft plan to delete the townhouses and replace them with 30 foot singles. 3. Richard Ward, R. R. # 2, Blackstock, stated that he objects to Napanee Drive entering onto Finch Avenue because it will provide a need for a traffic light in the future. If this proposal proceeds, he would like notification of when the draft plan of subdivision will be considered by Council. He also asked if he coul d have copi es of all Pl anni ng Reports pertaining to these applications. 4. Helen Lepek, representing three of the applicants, stated that the extens i on of Napanee Dri ve to enter Fi nch Avenue only implements the Highbush Community Plan. 'V (IV) ADJOURNMENT OF STATUTORY PUBLIC MEETING The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Dated April 2nd 1990 '-" ~. .~