HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/14/1990 TOWN OF PICKERING STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING '-' A Statutory Public Meeting was held by the Pickering Town Council on Monday, May 14, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. PRESENT: Mayor Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson R. Johnson B. Morgan ALSO PRESENT: N.C. Marshall B. Taylor N. Carroll T. Melymuk J. Cole C. Rose -Town Manager -Town Clerk -Manager - Current Operations Division -Manager - Policy and Information Division -Planner -Planner ~ ABSENT: Councillors Mitchell and Van Kempen (municipal business) (I) OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT, DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-89108 AND REZONING APPLICATION Al/90 SUBMITTED BY SANDBURY BLDG. CORP. AND DEKKEMA GERVAIS DEV. CORP. AT THE TERMINUS OF KLIMA STREET 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report No. 30/90, was given by Jeff Cole, Planner. 2. Gerrard Gervais, representing Sandbury Bldg. Corp. and Dekkema Gervais Dev. Corp. stated that the proposed development will provide for four 50 metre lots for single family dwell i ngs and three 21 metre lots for the construction of six semi-detached dwellings. His firm does not own all the land to completely extend Cowan Circle to Rosebank Road. He asked Council to reconsider the Rosebank Neighbourhood Plan to permit the development of the semi-detached dwellings. ~ 3. ~k. Steinbach, 707 Houston Court, asked what land will be set asi de for greenbelt or parkl and. He al so asked for assurance that all roads will be repaired after constructi on and that exi sti ng servi ces wi 11 not be overloaded by this development. He stated that there is currently too large a percentage of semi-detached dwellings in the neighbourhood. 4. Jeff Cole, Planner, responded that this application has been circulated to various government agencies for comment, that there is a nei ghbourhood park in the area and the contractors must repai r all roads after constructi on pursuant to the Subdivision Agreement. (II) OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONI NG APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY SUPERNOVA CONSTRUCTION LTD. ON THE WEST SIDE OF ALLIANCE ROAD '-' 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in loformati on Report No. 31/90, was gi ven by Catheri ne Rose, Planner. - - 2 - - 2. A representative of Supernova Construction Ltd. that he is applying to add three recreational type businesses to the list of permitted uses. These businesses are already in operation and were allowed to operate because he thought they were a permitted use. He has submitted a site plan that wi 11 provi de for more parki ng and the recreati on uses are used mostly at ni ght and therefore there shoul d be little conflict with the daytime uses. The recreational uses in his building will not compete with the Town's programs because these businesses require a large membership fee. "" (III) ADJOURNMENT OF STATUTORY PUBLIC MEETING The Meeting adjourned at the hour of 8:00 p.m. Dated May 28th 1990 ~~ ......., ....// /&:f:~ /,r // K'"" <--- '-' "'-'