HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/20/1990 STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTES A Statutory Publ i c Information Meeti ng was hel d by Pi ckeri ng Town Council on Wednesday, June 20, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. "" PRESENT: Mayor W. Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson R. Johnson R. Mitchell B. Morgan K. Van Kempen ALSO PRESENT: """. B. T ay lor N. Carroll 1. Melymuk L. Goodman B. Avery - Town Cl erk -Director of Planning -Manager, Policy & Information -Planner -Planner (I) OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 89/119/P AND REZONING APPLICATION A48/89 SUBMITTED BY MET-STAR HOLDINGS LTD. ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF KINGSTON ROAD, WEST OF LIVERPOOL ROAD 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report No. 37/90, was given by Brendon Avery, Planner. 2. Mary Rose, representing the applicant, stated that she supports the application. She has completed a market study whi ch supports retai 1 uses from the subject 1 ands. She wants the application approved because the building has been completed and some of the tenants have moved in. She noted that there were no negati ve comments respecti ng thi s application. A revised site plan is not required because twenty extra parking spaces have been provided and the Ministry of Transport is satisfied with the entrance. ... (II) DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 18T-90005 AND REZONING APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY GARTHWOOD HOMES L TO., SOUTH OF TOYNEVALE ROAD BETWEEN ROUGEMOUNT DRIVE AND OAKWOOD DRIVE 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report No. 36/90, was given by Lisa Goodman, Planner. 4. 2. Mr. Lazaridis, representing the applicant, stated that he supports the application. 3. Bill Redpath, 437 Toynevale Road, stated that he is concerned about safety in the proposed development because there is only one exit out of the development. He is also concerned about the extra traffic that will be generated by this plan of subdivision. Diana Humphrys, 531 Oakwood Drive, stated that she was concerned that the Rougemount bridge over Highway #401 will be closed when constructi on commences on Highway #401 and that there be only one exit from the Rosebank community. '-" ....Continued Page 2 5. -. 6. 7. (III) ....... '-' -- - - 2 - - Richard Fraser, 540 Rougemount Drive, asked when construction of the services and the houses in the development would be completed. Charles Sheriff, 548 Oakwood Drive, stated that the development of the subject lands will benefit the community because the vacant land is now used for dumping. Harold Kukasch, 546 Oakwood Drive, stated that his property abuts the subject 1 ands to the south and that resi dents north of the proposed developments are selling to make way for thi s subdi vi si on. He asked that the houses that abut hi s property face onto Oakwood Dri ve in order that there will not be six backyards flanking his side yard. ADJOURNMENT OF STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Dated June 25th 1990 ~~.~ Mayor '// ~;/ ~ ./ ./' /~~ /)//~.