HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/20/1990 STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTES A Statutory Public Meeting was held by the Pickering Town Council on Thursday, September 20, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. - PRESENT: Mayor Wayne Arthurs COUNCILLORS: M. Brenner D. Dickerson B. Mitchell B. Morgan K. Van Kempen ALSO PRESENT: - K. McKay N. Carroll T. Me1ymuk B. Avery - Deputy Clerk - Director of Planning - Manager - Policy and Information Division - Planner ABSENT: Counci 11 or Johnson - municipal business (I) OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT 90-32/P AND REZONING APPLICATION A10/90 SUBMITTED BY PEMIAN & STANKOVSKI ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF KINGSTON ROAD AND WALNUT LANE 1. An explanation of the application, as outlined in Informati on Report 40/90, was gi ven by Brendan Avery, Pl anner. "W' 2. Steven Pile, architect on behalf of the applicant, stated that Local Central Area shopping is one half mile away and that the application will provide a convenience plaza to serve area residents. 3. Martin Herzog, representing the Liverpool West Community Association, spoke in support of a quality development on the site however the application does not address communi ty concerns to be addressed by the following speaker. 4. Keith Saare, 1754 Walnut Lane, Vice-President of Community Relations of the Liverpool West Community Associ ati on, stated there have been several meeti ngs with the applicant and hoped that the community's concerns wi 11 be addressed. The Associ ati on is opposed to the C-2 Zoni ng and to some of the uses permitted in the zoning. They are also opposed to a two storey bui 1 di ng and access on Walnut Lane. He expressed concern wi th respect to hours of operati on, traffi c and pedestrian safety and added that Hi ghway No. 2 from Dixie Road to Liverpool Road should be included in a special study area. '-' (I) "-' "-' ....... (II) Da ted ~ 2 5. Edward Clifford, 1753 Storrington Street, stated that Pickering Town Centre is closer than one half mile away. He is opposed to another "s tri p ma 11" on Hi ghway No. 2 and is concerned about traffic. flow in the area. 6. Paul Newman, 1769 Storrington Street, spoke in opposition to another convenience plaza and stated his concern with respect to traffic. He added that the plaza on the south side of Highway No.2 has illegal uses and that legal action should be taken. 6. Mr. Clarke, 1762 Storrington Street, spoke in opposition to the application. He stated there is no need for another donut shop or service station in the area. 7. Syl vi a Spencer, 771 Sheppard Avenue, agreed wi th a study of the area similar to that of the White's Road/Highway No.2 Northeast Quadrant Study. 8. Kingsley Welton, 1751 Storrington Street, stated there is an opportunity for the applicant to work with the community to design a quality development and the residents concerns should be addressed. 9. Kei th Saare, 1754 vial nut Lane, added that they have received no commitment from the developer but the developer has been available for discussion. 10. Steven Pile, architect, stated the applicant has won awards for good urban design in other municipalities and the resi dents can be assured of a qual i ty facility. A traffic impact study will be provided, the site plan is preliminary and revisable and they agree to certain restrictions in permitted uses. He added that no servi ce stati on is proposed and that they will meet again with the Liverpool West Community Association. ADJOURNMENT OF STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING The Meeting adjourned at the hour of 8:03 p.m. October 1st 1990 ~-~ L~ Cl erk